Discovering JMP
Actual by Predicted plot 159
Adobe Flash
creating bubble plots 172
creating Profiler results 172
adding to journals 166
analyzing variable relationships 142
automatically updating 177180
Anscombe, F.J. 131
automatic recalc 177180
averages, comparing
multiple variables 153
single variable 148
bar charts 97
creating 98
example 9799
interacting with 99
interpreting 98
box plots 106
changing to line plots 117
creating 107
Distribution platform and 138
example 107109
interpreting 108
outlier box plots 58
bubble plots 120
creating 121
creating Adobe Flash version 172
example 121125
interacting with 124
interpreting 123
options 124
trail bubbles 124
categorical variables
comparing averages 148151
comparing proportions 151153
example 140142
relationships 143
cells, selecting or deselecting 75
character data type 77
bar charts 9799
creating separate charts 118
variability charts 112115
code, SAS
creating 184
submitting 184
Column Info window 7677
column names 77
changing 77
entering 77
unique 77
Column Properties menu 78
adding 70
locking 78
naming 77
selecting or deselecting 74
columns panel 55
contingency tables 152
continuous modeling type 77, 134
continuous variables 134
comparing averages 148151
example of analyzing 137
fitting lines 144147
modeling types 134
regression with one predictor 143147
relationships 143
copying and pasting data 65
correlation 100
modeling types 135
multiple values 72
single value 71
copying and pasting 65
creating patterned 72
cells 75
columns 74
rows 73
excluding data points 102
filtering 8081
finding means 86
graphing 131
importing 6566
including data points 102
moving into JMP 6566
searching for values 75
cells 75
columns 74
data points 104
rows 73
unexcluding 102
data filter 8081
data grid 55
data points
excluding 102
including 102
selecting 104
data tables 51
See also modeling types
columns 70
rows 70
to projects 167
changing name of 71
Column Properties menu 78
columns panel 55
creating 70
data grid 55
data types 77
example 63
formatting numeric values 78
joining 88
opening 65
opening sample 54
rows panel 56
sorting by columns 90
subsetting 8688
table panel 55
typing data into 6971
data types 77
character 77
numeric 77
row state 77
disclosure buttons 51, 58
Distribution platform 137
box plot and 138
example, categorical variables 140142
example, continuous variables 137
histograms and 138
Linear Fit report 146
Quantiles report 138
rotating the report window 138
Summary Statistics report 138
t-tests 139
Effect Tests report 156
excluding data 102
Fill options 72
filtering data 8081
Fit Model platform
Actual by Predicted plot 159
analyzing variable relationships 142
Effect Tests report 156
launching 158
Parameter Estimates report 160
Prediction Profiler 161
Fit Y by X platform
analyzing variable relationships 142
contingency table 152
launching 148
Means and Std Dev report 149
Mosaic Plot 153
Tests report 153
t-tests 150
fitting lines 144147
formula editor 7880
Graph Builder 115
changing box plots to line plots 117
creating graphs 116
creating separate charts 118
example 116120
interpreting graphs 119
launching 154
graphing data 131
automatically updating 177180
creating 116
multiple variable 99
See also Graph Builder
single variable 95
grid lines, adding to overlay plots 111
histograms 95
creating 96
Distribution platform and 138
example 9597
interacting with 97, 141
interpreting 96
Home window 52
HTML 5, save output as 169
icons, modeling type 70
importing data 65
interaction 155157
interactive HTML, save output as 169
JMP 47
copying and pasting data into 65
creating SAS code in 184
getting started 5160
importing data 65
integrating with SAS 183
starting JMP 52
submitting SAS code in 184
versus Microsoft Excel 60
JMP scripting language 169
JMP Starter 45
joining data tables 88
adding analyses 166
creating 165
saving platform results 165
JSL (JMP scripting language) 169
lasso tool 104
launch windows 51
line plots, changing box plots to 117
linear fit report 146
adding mean lines 149
fitting 144
locking columns 78
mean lines 149
mean, testing 139
Means and Std Dev report 149
menu tips 44
Microsoft Excel
importing data 66
versus JMP 60
modeling types
See also categorical variables
changing 135
continuous 77, 134
example 134
icons 70
nominal 77, 134
ordinal 77, 134
Mosaic Plot 153
multiple regression 157158
columns 77
data tables 71
nominal modeling type 77, 134
See also categorical variables
numeric data type 77
numeric values, formatting 78
ordinal modeling type 77, 134
See also categorical variables
outlier box plots 58
outliers 97, 108
example 144, 146
excluding 146
implications of 149, 154
removing 102
overlay plots 109110
adding grid lines 111
connecting points 111
example 109112
interacting with 111
interpreting 111
legends 112
multiple variables and 111
Parameter Estimates report 160
patterned data, creating 72
platforms 51, 56
examples 5660
launch windows 51
launching 56
report windows and 51, 5859
saving results 165
viewing results 56
Prediction Profiler 161
predictor variables 142
changing 181
preferences, changing 180183
Profiler platform
creating Adobe Flash results 172
data tables 167
results 167
creating 166
proportions, comparing 151153
Quantiles report 138
red triangle menus 51, 58
multiple 157158
one predictor 143147
two predictors 157
report windows 58
closing or opening 60
description 51
disclosure buttons 51, 58
interacting with 59
platform options 51
red triangle menus 51, 58
reports in 51
rotating 138
Effect Tests 156
Linear Fit 146
Means and Std Dev 149
Parameter Estimates 160
Quantiles 138
Summary Statistics 138
Tests 153
results, saving platform 165
rotating the report window 138
row state data type 77
adding 70
clear row states 151
excluding or unexcluding 102
returning to default state 151
selecting or deselecting 73
rows panel 56
sample data tables
opening 54
creating code 184
integrating with JMP 183
submitting code 184
platform results 165
scatterplot matrices 104
creating 104
example 104106
interacting with 106
interpreting 105
Scatterplot Matrix platform
example 158
launching 158
scatterplots 100101
example 101
interacting with 103
interpreting 102
creating 167
JSL and 169
running 167
for values 75
side-by-side box plots
See box plots
data tables by columns 90
standard deviations 149
starting JMP 52
statistics, summary 8284
data tables 8688
summary statistics 8284
Summary Statistics report 138
table panel 55
testing means 139
Tests report 153
Tip of the Day window 52
tooltips 44
trail bubbles 124
Distribution platform 139
Fit Y by X platform 150
two-sample 150
tutorials 43
changing multiple 72
changing single 71
formatting numeric 78
searching for 75
variability 107
variability charts 112
creating 113
example of 113115
grouping order 113
hiding 114
interpreting 114
analyzing relationships 142
categorical 140143, 148153
comparing averages for multiple 153
comparing averages for single 148
continuous 134, 137, 143151
graphs with multiple 99
graphs with single 95
modeling types 134137
overlay plots with multiple 111
predictor 142
types of relationships 143
JMP Starter window 52
Tip of the Day window 52
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