Chapter 12. Conclusion

We’ve had a pretty good tour through what Docker is and isn’t, and how it can benefit you and your organization. We also mapped some of the common pitfalls. We have tried to impart to you many of the small pieces of wisdom that we picked up from running Docker in production. Our personal experience has shown that the promise of Docker is realistically achievable, and we’ve seen significant benefits in our organization as a result. Like other powerful technologies, Docker is not without its downsides, but the net result has been a big positive for us, our teams, and our organization. If you implement the Docker workflow and integrate it into the processes you already have in your organization, there is every reason to believe that you can benefit from it as well. So let’s quickly review the problems that Docker is designed to help you solve and some of the power it brings to the table.

The Challenges

In traditional deployment workflows, there are all manner of required steps that significantly contribute to the overall pain felt by teams. Every step you add to the deployment process for an application increases the overall risk inherent in shipping it to production. Docker combines a workflow with a simple tool set that is targeted squarely at addressing these concerns. Along the way, it aims your development process toward some industry best practices, and its opinionated approach leads to better communication and more robustly crafted applications. Some of the specific problems that Docker can help mitigate include:

  • Outdated build and release processes that require multiple levels of handoff between development and operations teams.

  • The giant build-deploy step required by many frontend sites that require asset compilation, or dynamic languages that need dependencies to be assembled together.

  • Divergent dependency versions required by applications that need to share the same hardware.

  • Managing multiple Linux distributions in the same organization.

  • Building one-off deployment processes for each application you put into production.

  • The constant need to patch dependencies for security vulnerabilities while running your application in production.

By using the registry as a handoff point, Docker eases and simplifies communication between operations and development teams, or between multiple development teams on the same project. By bundling all of the dependencies for an application into one shipping artifact, Docker eliminates concerns about which Linux distribution developers want to work on, which versions of libraries they need to use, and how they compile their assets or bundle their software. It isolates operations teams from the build process and puts developers in charge of their dependencies.

The Docker Workflow

Docker’s workflow helps organizations tackle really hard problems—some of the same problems that DevOps processes are aimed at solving. A major problem in incorporating DevOps successfully into a company’s processes is that many people have no idea where to start. Tools are often incorrectly presented as the solution to what are fundamentally process problems. Adding virtualization, automated testing, deployment tools, or configuration management suites to the environment often just changes the nature of the problem without delivering a resolution.

It would be easy to dismiss Docker as just another tool making unfulfillable promises about fixing your business processes, but that would be selling it short. Where Docker’s power meets the road is in the way that its natural workflow allows applications to travel through their whole life cycle, from conception to retirement, within one ecosystem. That workflow is often opinionated, but it follows a path that simplifies the adoption of some of the core principles of DevOps. It encourages development teams to understand the whole life cycle of their application, and allows operations teams to support a much wider variety of applications on the same runtime environment. And that delivers value across the board.

Minimizing Deployment Artifacts

Docker alleviates the pain induced by sprawling deployment artifacts. It does this by defining the result of a build as a single artifact, the Docker image, which contains everything your Linux application requires to run, and it executes it within a protected runtime environment. Containers can then be easily deployed on modern Linux distributions. But because of the clean split between Docker client and server, developers can build their applications on non-Linux systems and still participate in the Linux container environment remotely.

Leveraging Docker allows software developers to create Docker images that, starting with the very first proof of concept release, can be run locally, tested with automated tools, and deployed into integration or production environments without ever rebuilding them. This ensures that the application will run in production in the exact same environment in which it was built and tested. Nothing needs to be recompiled or repackaged during the deployment workflow, which significantly lowers the normal risks inherent in most deployment processes. It also means that a single build step replaces a typically error-prone process that involves compiling and packaging multiple complex components for distribution.

Docker images also simplify the installation and configuration of an application by ensuring that every single piece of software that an application requires to run on a modern Linux kernel is contained in the image, with nothing else that might cause dependency conflicts in many environments. This makes it trivial to run multiple applications that rely on different versions of core system software on the exact same server.

Optimizing Storage and Retrieval

Docker leverages filesystem layers to allow containers to be built from a composite of multiple images. This shaves a vast amount of time and effort off of many deployment processes by shipping only significant changes across the wire. It also saves considerable disk space by allowing multiple containers to be based on the same lower-level OS image, and then utilizing a copy-on-write process to write new or modified files into a top layer. This also helps in scaling an application by simply starting more copies on the same servers without the need to push it across the wire for each new instance.

To support image retrieval, Docker leverages the image registry for hosting images. While not revolutionary on the face of it, the registry actually helps split team responsibilities clearly along the lines embraced by DevOps principles. Developers can build their application, test it, ship the final image to the registry, and deploy the image to the production environment, while the operations team can focus on building excellent deployment and cluster management tooling that pulls from the registry, runs reliably, and ensures environmental health. Operations teams can provide feedback to developers and see it tested at build time rather than waiting to find problems when the application is shipped to production. This enables both teams to focus on what they do best without a multiphased handoff process.

The Payoff

As teams become more confident with Docker and its workflow, the realization often dawns that containers create an incredibly powerful abstraction layer between all of their software components and the underlying operating system. Done correctly, organizations can begin to move away from the legacy need to create custom physical servers or virtual machines for most applications, and instead deploy fleets of identical Docker hosts that can then be used as a large pool of resources to dynamically deploy their applications to, with an ease that was never before so smooth.

When these process changes are successful, the cultural impact within a software engineering organization can be dramatic. Developers gain more ownership of their complete application stack, including many of the smallest details, which would typically be handled by a completely different group. Operations teams are simultaneously freed from trying to package and deploy complicated dependency trees with little or no detailed knowledge of the application.

In a well-designed Docker workflow, developers compile and package the application, which makes it much easier to become more operationally focused and ensure that their application is running properly in all environments, without being concerned about significant changes introduced to the application environment by the operations teams. At the same time, operations teams are freed from spending most of their time supporting the application and can focus on creating a robust and stable platform for the application to run on. This dynamic creates a very healthy environment where teams have clearer ownership and responsibilities in the application delivery process, and friction between the teams is significantly decreased.

Getting the process right has a huge benefit to both the company and the customers. With organizational friction removed, software quality is improved, processes are streamlined, and code ships to production faster. This all helps free the organization to spend more time providing a satisfying customer experience and delivering directly to the broader business objectives. A well-implemented Docker-based workflow can greatly help organizations achieve those goals.

The Final Word

You are now armed with knowledge that we hope can help you with the process of getting Docker into production. We encourage you to experiment with Docker on a small scale on your laptop or in a VM to develop a strong understanding of how all of the pieces fit together, and then consider how you might begin to implement it yourself. Every organization or individual developer will follow a different path determined by their own needs and competencies. If you’re looking for guidance on how to start, we’ve found success in tackling the deployment problem first with simpler tools, and then moving on to things like service discovery and distributed scheduling. Docker can be made as complicated as you like, but as with anything, starting simple usually pays off.

We hope you can now go forth with the knowledge we’ve imparted and make good on some of the promise for yourself.

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