Reproducible Research

Results from scientific research have to be reproducible to be trustworthy. We do not want a finding to be merely due to an isolated occurrence, e.g., only one specific laboratory researcher can produce the results on one specific day, and nobody else can produce the same results under the same conditions.

Reproducible research (RR) is one possible by-product of dynamic documents, but dynamic documents do not absolutely guarantee RR. Because there is usually no human intervention when we generate a report dynamically, it is likely to be reproducible since it is relatively easy to prepare the same software and hardware environment, which is everything we need to reproduce the results. However, the meaning of reproducibility can be beyond reproducing one specific result or one particular report. As a trivial example, one might have done a Monte Carlo simulation with a certain random seed and got a good estimate of a parameter, but the result was actually due to a “lucky” random seed. Although we can strictly reproduce the estimate, it is not actually reproducible in the general sense. Similar problems exist in optimization algorithms, e.g., different starting values can lead to different roots of the same equation.

Anyway, dynamic report generation is still an important step toward RR. In this chapter, we discuss a selection of the RR literature and practices of RR.

2.1    Literature

The term reproducible research was first proposed by Jon Claerbout at Stanford University (Fomel and Claerbout, 2009). The idea is that the final product of research is not only the paper itself, but also the full computational environment used to produce the results in the paper such as the code and data necessary for reproduction of the results and building upon the research.

Similarly, Buckheit and Donoho (1995) pointed out the essence of the scholarship of an article as follows:

An article about computational science in a scientific publication is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software development environment and the complete set of instructions which generated the figures.

D. Donoho

WaveLab and Reproducible Research

That was well said! Fortunately, journals have been moving in that direction as well. For example, Peng (2009) provided detailed instructions to authors on the criteria of reproducibility and how to submit materials for reproducing the paper in the Biostatistics journal.

At the technical level, RR is often related to literate programming (Knuth, 1984), a paradigm conceived by Donald Knuth to integrate computer code with software documentation in one document. However, early implementations like WEB (Knuth, 1983) and Noweb (Ramsey, 1994) were not directly suitable for data analysis and report generation. There are other tools on this path of documentation generation, such as roxygen2 (Wickham et al., 2015), which is an R implementation of Doxygen (van Heesch, 2008). Sweave (Leisch, 2002) was among the first implementations for dealing with dynamic documents in R (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996; R Core Team, 2015). There are still a number of challenges that were not solved by the existing tools; for example, Sweave is closely tied to Image and hard to extend. The knitr package (Xie, 2015b) was built upon the ideas of previous tools with a framework redesign, enabling easy and fine control of many aspects of a report. We will introduce other tools in Chapter 16.

An overview of literate programming applied to statistical analysis can be found in Rossini (2002). Gentleman and Temple Lang (2004) introduced general concepts of literate programming documents for statistical analysis, with a discussion of the software architecture. Gentleman (2005) is a practical example based on Gentleman and Temple Lang (2004), using an R package GolubRR to distribute reproducible analysis. Baggerly et al. (2004) revealed several problems that may arise with the standard practice of publishing data analysis results, which can lead to false discoveries due to lack of details for reproducibility (even with datasets supplied). Instead of separating results from computing, we can put everything in one document (called a compendium in Gentleman and Temple Lang (2004)), including the computer code and narratives. When we compile this document, the computer code will be executed, giving us the results directly.

2.2    Good and Bad Practices

The key to keep in mind for RR is that other people should be able to reproduce our results, therefore we should try our best to make our computation portable. We discuss some good practices for RR below and explain why it can be bad not to follow them.

•  Manage all source files under the same directory and use relative paths whenever possible: absolute paths can break reproducibility, e.g., a data file like C:/Users/john/foo.csv or /home/joe/foo.csv may only exist in one computer, and other people may not be able to read it since the absolute path is likely to be different in their hard disk. If we keep everything under the same directory, we can read a data file with read.csv(’foo.csv’) (if it is under the current working directory) or read.csv(’../data/foo.csv’) (go one level up and find the file under the data/directory); when we disseminate the results, we can make an archive of the whole directory (e.g., as a zip package).

•  Do not change the working directory after the computing has started: setwd() is the function in R to set the working directory, and it is not uncommon to see setwd(’C:/path/to/some/dir’) in user’s code, which is bad because it is not only an absolute path, but also has a global effect on the rest of the source document. In that case, we have to keep in mind that all relative paths may need adjustments since the root directory has changed, and the software may write the output in an unexpected place (e.g., the figures are expected to be generated in the ./figures/ directory, but are actually written to ./data/figures/ instead if we setwd(’./data/’)). If we have to set the working directory at all, do it in the very beginning of an R session; most of the editors to be introduced in Chapter 4 follow this rule, and the working directory is set to the directory of the source document before knitr is called to compile documents. If it is unavoidable or makes it much more convenient for you to write code after setting a different working directory, you should restore the directory later; e.g.,


•  Compile the documents in a clean R session: existing R objects in the current R session may “contaminate” the results in the output. It is fine if we write a report by accumulating code chunks one by one and running them interactively to check the results, but in the end we should compile a report in the batch mode with a new R session so all the results are freshly generated from the code.

•  Avoid the commands that require human interaction: human input can be highly unpredictable; e.g., we do not know for sure which file the user will choose if we pop up a dialog box asking the user to choose a data file. Instead of using functions like file.choose() to input a file to read.table(), we should write the filename explicitly; e.g., read.table(’a-specific-file.txt’).

•  Avoid environment variables for data analysis: while environment variables are often heavily used in programming for configuration purposes, it is ill-advised to use them in data analysis because they require additional instructions for users to set up, and humans can simply forget to do this. If there are any options to set up, do it inside the source document.

•  Attach sessionInfo() (or devtools::session_info()) and instructions on how to compile this document: the session information makes a reader aware of the software environment, such as the version of R, the operating system, and add-on packages used. Sometimes it is not as simple as calling one single function to compile a document, and we have to make it clear how to compile it if additional steps are required; but it is better to provide the instructions in the form of a computer script; e.g., a shell script, a Makefile, or a batch file.

These practices are not necessarily restricted to the R language, although we used R for examples. The same rules also apply to other computing environments.

Note that literate programming tools often require users to compile the documents in batch mode, and it is good for reproducible research, but the batch mode can be cumbersome for exploratory data analysis. When we have not decided what to put in the final document, we may need to interact with the data and code frequently, and it is not worth compiling the whole document each time we update the code. This problem can be solved by a capable editor such as RStudio and Emacs/ESS, which are introduced in Chapter 4. In these editors, we can interact with the code and explore the data freely (e.g., send or write R code in an associated R session), and once we finish the coding work, we can compile the whole document in the batch mode to make sure all the code works in a clean R session.

2.3    Barriers

Despite all the advantages of RR, there are some practical barriers, and here is a non-exhaustive list:

•  the data can be huge: for example, it is common that high energy physics and next-generation sequencing data in biology can produce tens of terabytes of data, and it is not trivial to archive the data with the reports and distribute them

•  confidentiality of data: it may be prohibited to release the raw data with the report, especially when it is involved with human subjects due to the confidentiality issues

•  software version and configuration: a report may be generated with an old version of a software package that is no longer available, or with a software package that compiles differently on different operating systems

•  competition: one may choose not to release the code or data with the report due to the fact that potential competitors can easily get everything for free, whereas the original authors have invested a large amount of money and effort

We certainly should not expect all reports in the world to be publicly available and strictly reproducible, but it is better to share even mediocre or flawed code or problematic datasets than not to share anything at all. Instead of persuading people into RR by policies, we may try to create tools that make RR easier than cut-and-paste, and knitr is such an attempt. The success of RPubs (http://rpubs.com) is evidence that an easy tool can quickly promote RR, because users enjoy using it. Readers can find hundreds of reports contributed by users in the RPubs website. It is fairly common to see student homework and exercises there, and once the students are trained in this manner, we may expect more reproducible scientific research in the future.

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