Chapter 8. Pharmacogenomics

  • Pharmaceuticals and Side Effects

  • Pharmaceuticals and Genomes

  • Hope for Cures

An old question that has long puzzled medical researchers is the variety of responses to pharmaceuticals by different people. The human genome project has helped to launch the new science of pharmacogenomics, which studies the association between an individual's genetic constitution and his or her response to medicines. Pharmacogenomics appeared from the observation that some drugs work well in certain people, but not in others. The study of the genetic basis of the differential response to therapies in different patients is allowing for the development of more efficient and safer medicines. The new generation of pharmaceuticals coming to the market is proof of that (Figure 8-1).

Health care in the 21st century.

Figure 8-1. Health care in the 21st century.

Society received with enthusiasm the news of the arrival of Gleevec, recognizing it to be a hallmark in the race for a cure for cancer. Gleevec was developed for a rare type of leukemia caused by a genetic mutation. When scientists clinically tested Gleevec, the results were impressive. In almost all cases, patients' blood tests returned to normal levels; in half of the cases, the cancerous cells disappeared or were reduced. The results were so promising that the FDA granted Gleevec approval for public use in record time. Gleevec is an example of a drug developed by pharmacogenomics. Today, several other pharmaceuticals developed from pharmacogenomics are in the final phases of clinical trials (Table 8-1).

Table 8-1. Pharmaceuticals in Cancer Clinical Trials






ImClone Systems

Block growth factor receptor in cancerous cells

Clinical trials incolon, pancreas, brain,and lung cancers


Cell Genesys

Vaccine that triggers the patient's immune system to attack cancerous cells

Clinical trials for prosate, lung, pancreas, and melanoma cancers



Block receptor in cancerous cells

Clinical trials in prostate cancer



Block signal factor responsible for growth and diffusion of cancer cells

Clinical trials in colon and breast cancers

Pharmacogenomics and genetic engineering are designing drugs to combat the causes of diseases instead of their symptoms. This in itself is a revolution in medical therapy. To develop new medicines, the pharmaceutical industry is establishing partnerships with biotechnology companies. Until recently, the pharmaceutical industry spent, on average, from 12 to 15 years and about $500 million to develop a new medicine. During that period, scientists studied and tested hundreds of substances to identify a small number of drugs that were considered safe and promising for final evaluation in clinical trials. Still, some of the medicines do not work well in all patients, which is understandable because each person possesses a different genetic makeup (see Figure 8-2). Additionally, the side effects of a certain drug are known only after it is prescribed for a large number of patients. For instance, the FDA removed the medicine Rezulin from the market in 2000. Rezulin, a prescription drug for diabetics, was connected to 63 deaths that year.

Genetic tests: The analysis of DNA from a blood drop can reveal intolerance to a certain medicine.

Source: Courtesy of ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Figure 8-2. Genetic tests: The analysis of DNA from a blood drop can reveal intolerance to a certain medicine.

In the next 365 days, about 200,000 women (and 1,500 men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer, up from 100,000 two decades ago. At first it might seem that the incidence of cancer is up, but the high numbers are in part a result of better detection techniques.

Biotechnology is facilitating the development of new medicines, making them faster, cheaper, safer, and more efficient. Instead of just studying the new drugs in clinical trials, scientists are identifying the genetic cause of the diseases. By simulation, they are able to design and study the action of new pharmaceuticals.

The partnership between the established pharmaceutical industry with more than a half century of experience and the newer biotechnology companies, in general less than 10 years old, is very promising. Millennium, Orchid BioScience, and many other companies that are pioneering the revolution in pharmacogenomics were established in recent years (Table 8-2).

Table 8-2. Partnerships for Pharmaceutical Development Through Molecular Genetics


Partnership Date







Inflammatory diseases








Diabetes and obesity


Orchid BioScience


Cancer, heart diseases




Diabetes and obesity

Hoffman-La Roche

DeCode Genetics



Genomics is still in its infancy, and the human genome still holds many secrets that are just beginning to be revealed. For instance, it was only after the first draft of the human genome sequencing, in February 2001, that scientists realized that humans possess only about 30,000 genes, much smaller than previous estimates of 70,000 to 140,000 genes. It is therefore difficult to estimate the benefits from pharmacogenomics with so much still unknown. However, the clinical success of Gleevec seems to indicate a bright future for pharmacogenomics.

Pharmaceuticals and Side Effects

Many pharmaceuticals currently in use have drastic side effects on the body. An example was a 2-year-old patient diagnosed with lymphoblastic acute leukemia, a rare type of cancer that usually occurs in children. The prognosis is good for certain patients treated with a chemotherapy drug cocktail. From the beginning of the treatment, the patient experienced severe side effects: the number of white and red blood cells and platelets was considerably reduced. Most patients undergoing this therapy do not have such severe side effects. However, doctors were not initially aware that the treatment was causing the low counts in the blood. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic, a hospital and one of the leading centers of medical research, located in Rochester, Minnesota, discovered that carriers of a mutant gene called thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) do not produce an enzyme essential for the body to rid itself of the chemotherapy drug 6-mercaptopurine (see Table 8-3). Individuals lacking the necessary enzyme accumulate toxic levels of the drug in their bodies. The lymphoblastic leukemia patient was a carrier of the TPMT gene, and in the battle with cancer the chemotherapy cocktail was doing more harm than good. After a DNA analysis, the defective gene was identified. The doctors prescribed a more appropriate chemotherapy treatment for the patient. The dose of 6-mercaptopurine was reduced in the cocktail, allowing a more effective treatment of the disease, without the side effects of the accumulated toxins.

The next generation of pharmaceuticals being developed takes into consideration the patient's genetic makeup, so the prescription of drugs will be tailored for each individual. Therefore, the treatments will be more efficient and less aggressive for one's body.

Table 8-3. Genes and Side Effects from Pharmaceuticals


Mutant Gene Effect



Lack of capability to degrade drugs such as Prozac



Lack of capability to degrade 6-mercapto-purine



Asthmatic patients respond differently to albuterol



Heart patients respond differently to β-blockers

Heart disease

Pharmaceuticals and Genomes

Do you realize that your medical doctor prescribes medicines just on the basis of your disease? What if he or she could decide on your prescription considering not only the illness, but your genetic makeup as well?

Genes in each human cell affect their response to drugs in two ways. Some genes code for receptors in cell membranes, which allows specific drugs to carry out their function. Other genes code for enzymes that affect the manner in which the individual is able to absorb, metabolize, and eliminate the drugs. In the former case the gene has a structural function, whereas in the latter it has a functional or metabolic role. With pharmacogenomics, the days of general-use medicines could be limited. Instead of treating breast cancer as it is done today, oncologists will determine the patient's genetic profile and establish a specially tailored therapy to maximize the efficiency of the drug in combating the disease, minimizing side effects. In other words, the medicines will become more personalized. It is likely to be many years, however, before this is commonplace in your local doctor's office.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry develops and the doctors prescribe therapies that are effective for most people, but not all. Pharmacogenomics promises to use information about the genetic differences among patients in the development of new drugs. Today, there are many deaths and complications associated with adverse reactions from medicines. Pharmacogenomics will clearly provide improvements in that area as well.

The β-2AR gene determines how well an asthmatic patient responds to albuterol, a medicine that opens the airway of the respiratory tract by relaxing the lung muscles. The gene has four or five different alleles (versions of the gene). One of them produces a high response to albuterol, whereas another reduces or prevents any response by the body. This explains why in about 25 percent of asthmatic patients, albuterol does not work properly. Knowing the patient's genetic profile, a doctor will have the ability to prescribe the right medicine, based on the disease and also on the patient. Many analysts estimate that within five years computer software will be available to help doctors prescribe drugs on the basis of their patients' genetic information. If scientific progress continues at the current pace, a genomic analysis, at an estimated cost of $500, would be the best investment one could make at a child's birth. The genomic sequence of a patient will allow a medical doctor to check genomic databases for possible side effects to medicines. Both effectiveness of the treatment and also its side effects could be foreseen prior to the beginning of a treatment. In this scenario, genes would be seen as factors that contribute to health and not only contributors to disease, as commonly portrayed.

Pharmacogenomics will eventually catalog all variations in the genome sequences across different populations. Most of those variations are single nucleotide changes from A to G or from C to T. This variation in a single base, or nucleotide, is called single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The current database of SNPs includes about 2 million of these variations, analyzed from individuals of several populations. Such variation is distributed in different parts of the human genome. In the studies underway, the function or association of those SNPs with an individual's susceptibility, resistance, or intolerance to medicines is being investigated. Therefore, the patient's genetic profile, composed of SNPs, might predict the response to different pharmaceuticals. With so many applications, the potential contribution of genomics for human health is still not completely fathomed by scientists in pharmacogenomics.

Although some skeptics do not agree with the potential of pharmacogenomics and the progress of medical genetics, many scientists believe that the impact of genetics in medicine will revolutionize the concept of human health. Some of the forecasts in medical genetics for the coming decades are summarized in Table 8-4.

The forecast by some scientists suggests that around 2040 the medicine practiced in many clinics will be based on the patients' own genomes. Others believe that this is much too optimistic. However, it is agreed that the scientific evolution in medical genetics is happening at a very fast pace. New discoveries occur every month. For example, recent studies at the NIH revealed the importance of some genes in the longevity of mice. Transgenic mice without one of these genes had a life span about 40 percent shorter than those carrying the gene. This specific gene is responsible for production of the enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase (MrsA), which seems to be involved in mechanisms associated with protein repair. The NIH is carrying out other studies with the objective of understanding the effect of MrsA in the longevity of mice. If these results are promising, humans could be the next model for investigation.

Table 8-4. Possible Advances in Medical Genetics in Coming Decades


Medical Progress


Genetic tests will be available in most of hospitals for 25 genetic diseases, such as colon cancer, diabetes, and many others.

Gene therapy will be used for several medical conditions.

Genetic medicine will be available at many health clinics.


Drugs based on pharmacogenomics will be a routine part of the treatment of common diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Genomics will be part of the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, including several complex disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases will be based on genomics.

Use of germ-line gene therapy.


Genes for aging will be catalogued and their function understood.

Clinical trials for extending human life.


Integrated programs of human health based on genomics.

Detection of susceptibility and resistance to diseases, drugs, and medicines carried out before the onset of a disease by means of genetic tests.

Gene therapy will be available for most diseases.

Life expectancy will be more than 90 years; many people will live more than 120 years.

Many people wonder why so much human health research is done in mice and pigs. No matter how incredible it seems, these animals are better models for these studies than monkeys. Their metabolic similarities to man are remarkable. Many growth hormones clinically used in humans were first developed and tested in mice. For obvious reasons, humans are not used in pharmacogenomics research until scientists have a certain degree of confidence of the safety and effectiveness of the new therapy.

Agrobiotechnology will also be contributing to the pharmaceutical industry. Beyond developing varieties that are high yielding, highly nutritious, and resistant to pests, agrobiotechnology will also be involved in pharmaceutical production. Companies such as Epicyte are focusing their efforts in agropharmacogenomics. Epicyte announced in 2001 the development of plants with antibodies for the treatment of herpes, respiratory diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases. The development of vaccines in plants, another contribution of agropharmacogenomics, is described in Chapter 13, “Bioterrorism.”

Hope for Cures

About 1.2 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in the next year. This is a fearful thing for many people. There is hope that the new drugs developed by pharmacogenomics and the new genetic tests will allow early diagnosis of this and many other diseases before they show any symptoms. Today, most children with cancer can be cured. If detected early, breast cancer can be treated without a mastectomy. Patients in chemotherapy or radiotherapy today possess an improved quality of life than those who underwent these treatments a decade ago. The hope for a cure today is substantially larger due to early detection and the existence of more efficient therapies. Clinical trials are currently in effect for various new drugs. For eligible patients these might be the best treatment available. A list of the clinical trials and other valuable information can be obtained on the Internet at

For other information on the latest progress in human health and medical therapies, visit these Web sites:

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