SM Traps

For a description of traps, refer to “Traps” on page 790. This section defines the traps that may be returned to the SM by a device's SMA.

When a SubnTrap(Notice) is sent to the SM by a device's SMA, the Notice attribute delivered in the packet has the format defined in Table 28-9 on page 798. The following information is delivered in the Notice's various elements:

  • The IsGeneric flag = 1, indicating that this is not a vendor-specific event.

  • The Type element indicates that this is Subnet Management trap.

  • The NodeType element identifies the device type.

  • The TrapNumber element identifies the type of event that occurred.

  • The IssuerLID element identifies the port address of the port that sent the trap.

  • The DataDetails element contains the event details.

Table 29-7 on this page lists the various event types that may be sent to the Master SM by a device's SMA. Table 29-8 on page 846 through Table 29-12 on page 848 provide a description of the fields that are returned in the Notice.DataDetails attribute element.

Table 29-7. SM Traps
Trap NumberDevice TypeDescription
64subnet<LIDADDR><PORTNO> is now in service.
65subnet<LIDADDR><PORTNO> is out of service.
128switchLink state of at least one port of switch at <LIDADDR> has changed.
129anyLocal Link Integrity threshold reached at <LIDADDR><PORTNO>.
130anyExcessive Buffer Overrun threshold reached at <LIDADDR><PORTNO>.
131switchFlow Control Update watchdog timer expired at <LIDADDR><PORTNO>.
256anyBad M_Key, <MKEY> from <LIDADDR> attempted <METHOD> with <ATTRIBUTEID> and <ATTRIBUTEMODIFIER>.
257anyBad P_Key, <KEY> from <LIDADDR1> /<GIDADDR1>/<QP1> <LIDADDR2>/<GIDADDR2>/<QP2> on <SL>.
258anyBad Q_Key, <KEY> from <LIDADDR1>/<GIDADDR1>/<QP1> to <LIDADDR2>/<GIDADDR2>/<QP2> on <SL>.

Table 29-8. Notice DataDetails for Traps 64 and 65
FieldLength (bits)Description
LIDADDR16Local Identifier
PORTNO8Port number
Padding408Shall be ignored on read. Content is unspecified.

Table 29-9. Notice DataDetails for Trap 128
FieldLength (bits)Description
LIDADDR16Local Identifier
Padding416Shall be ignored on read. Content is unspecified.

Table 29-10. Notice DataDetails for Traps 129, 130 and 131
FieldLength (bits)Description
Reserved016Shall be filled with zeroes
LIDADDR16Local Identifier
PORTNO8Port number
Padding392Shall be ignored on read. Content is unspecified.

Table 29-11. Notice DataDetails for Trap 256
FieldLength (bits)Description
Reserved016Shall be filled with zeroes
LIDADDR16Local Identifier
Reserved116Shall be filled with zeroes
Reserved28Shall be filled with zeroes
Padding256Ignored on read. Content is unspecified.

Table 29-12. Notice DataDetails For traps 257 and 258
FieldLength (bits)Description
Reserved016Shall be filled with zeroes
LIDADDR116Local Identifier
LIDADDR216Local Identifier
KEY32Q_Key or P_Key. If P_Key, the 16 most-significant bits of the field shall be set to 0 and the 16 least-significant bits of the field shall be set to the P_Key.
SL4Service Level
Reserved24Must be filled with zeroes
QP124Queue Pair
Reserved38Must be filled with zeroes
QP224Queue Pair
GIDADDR1128Global Identifier. If no GRH is present in the offending packet, this field shall be filled with zeroes.
GIDADDR2128Global Identifier. If no GRH is present in the offending packet, this field shall be filled with zeroes.
Padding32Shall be ignored on read. Content is unspecified.

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