Passively Managed Chassis

Figure 34-4 on page 997 pictures a passively managed chassis. A passively managed chassis provides access to each IBA module's ModuleInfo attribute (see Table 34-2 on page 998) through a BM access to the BMA on each module, and access to the each module's ChassisInfo attribute through a BM access over the module's point-to-point IB-ML bus. Over its dedicated IB-ML link, each module permits access to its unique ChassisInfo attribute that provides the ChassisGUID as well as the slot number the module is installed in.

Figure 34-4. Passively Managed Chassis

Table 34-2. ModuleInfo Content
Field Size (bytes)Description

ModuleGUID. EUI-64 ID assigned for this module.

  • Bits [7:5]. IBA Moduletype:

    - 000b = Module is not an IBA module.

    - 001b = Module is an IBA module.

    - All others = Reserved

  • Bits [4:0]. ModuleClass:

    - 00h - TCA.

    - 01h - HCA.

    - 02h - Switch.

    - 03h - Router.

    - 04h - 1x repeater (the port connection information record indicates whether the repeater is copper or optical.) Please note that the author is not sure what record the specification is referring to here.

    - 05h - 4x repeater.

    - 06h- 12x repeater.

    - All others - Reserved.


NodeCount. Number of IBA nodes on this module with unique NodeGUIDs. FFh indicates > FEh (254) nodes.


LinkCount. Number of IBA links on this module with unique PortGUIDs (i.e., NodeGUID plus Port Number). FFh = > FEh (254) links.


BackplaneLinkCount. Number of IBA links exiting this module through its backplane connectors. For non-IBA modules, = number of IBA links that exit the module.


IBMLCount. Number of IB-ML interfaces on this module.


BackplaneIBMLCount. Number of IB-MLs exiting this module through its backplane connectors. For non-IBA modules, = number of IB-MLs that exit the module.


ModuleSize. Volumetric info for standard form factors (in millimeters). For IBA modules, origin is defined as 0,0,0 datum used in mechanical specifications for the module. For non-standard modules, = dimension of the overall module envelope. Field size is:

  • 1-byte if 'null'.

  • 8-bytes if DimensionType = 1b (the DimensionType bit is bit 1).

  • 6-bytes if DimensionType = 0b (the DimensionType bit is bit 1).

For DimensionType = 1b (standard from origin), 7-bytes (six 8-bit fields to describe 6 offsets from the origin; please note that this is verbatim from the specification, but it doesn't make sense to say “7 bytes” and then explain that it consists of six fields):
  • Bits [63:57]. Reserved.

  • Bit 56. Extension (reserved; write as 0b).

  • Bits [55:48]. Right. Positive X direction from origin in right-hand coordinate system.

  • Bits [47:40]. Left. Negative X direction from origin in right-hand coordinate system.

  • Bits [39:32]. Up. Positive Y direction from origin in right hand.

  • Bits [31:24]. Down. Negative Y direction from origin in right hand coordinate system.

  • Bits [23:16]. Front. Distance from origin to front (faceplate) of module. Positive Z direction from origin in right-hand coordinate system.

  • Bits [15:08]. Rear. Distance from origin to rear or backplane connection of module. Negative Z direction from origin.

For DimensionType = 0b (envelope):

  • Bits [47:44]. Reserved.

  • Bits [43:32]. Module Width in mms.

  • Bits [31:20]. Module Height in mms.

  • Bits [19:08]. Module Depth in mms.

For both DimensionTypes, byte 0 is defined as follows:
  • Bits [7:2]. Reserved.

  • Bit 1 = DimensionType:

    - 1 = Offsets specified relative to standardized module origin.

    - 0 = Size of envelope specified.

  • Bit 0 = FieldPopulated:

    - 1 = bits [63:0] are populated.

    - 0 = Field unspecified. Only bits [7:0] present. Bits [7:1] should be zeros.

  • 00h = unspecified.

  • 01h = non-removable (integrated, embedded, or non user serviceable).

  • 02h = Standard IBA module.

  • 03h = Standard Wide IBA module.

  • 04h = Tall IBA module.

  • 05h = Tall Wide IBA module.

  • 13h = PCI.

  • 14h = Low-profile PCI.

  • 15h = Compact PCI.

  • 16h = VME.

  • 17h = Internal Mezzanine Board.

  • 18h = Card Edge Board.

  • 19h = Device Bay.

  • 1Ah = Other Removable.


OEM fields. A group of one or more OEM fields. Must be preceded with an OEM Prefix field. Please note that the specification doesn't define what an OEM Prefix field consists of.

1C0h (Encoding/Length byte encoded to indicate no more info fields). Only required when space exists between the end of the last field and the Checksum. Please note that the specification doesn't define the encoding of this field.
variablePAD [0 to N bytes]. An implementation is allowed to pad records with FFh values.

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