Publish-and-Subscribe API

This section covers the topic-based API.


A TemporaryTopic is created by a TopicSession. A temporary topic is associated with the connection that belongs to the TopicSession that created it. It is only active for the duration of the session's connection, and it is guaranteed to be unique across all connections. Since it is temporary it can't be durable—it lasts only as long as its associated client connection is active. In all other respects it is just like a "regular" topic. The TemporaryTopic is a subtype of the Topic interface.

Since a temporary topic is created by a JMS client, it is unavailable to other JMS clients unless the topic identity is transferred using the JMSReplyTo header. While any client may publish messages on another client's temporary topic, only the sessions that are associated with the JMS client connection that created the temporary topic may subscribe to it. JMS clients can also, of course, publish messages to their own temporary topics:

public interface TemporaryTopic extends Topic {
    public void delete(  ) throws JMSException;


The Topic is an administered object that acts as a handle or identifier for an actual topic, called a physical topic, on the messaging server. A physical topic is a channel to which many clients can subscribe and publish. When a JMS client delivers a Message object to a topic, all the clients subscribed to that topic receive the Message. The Topic is a subtype of the Destination interface:

public interface Topic extends Destination {
    public String getTopicName(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public String toString(  );


The TopicConnection is created by the TopicConnectionFactory. The TopicConnection represents a connection to the message server. Each TopicConnection created from a TopicConnectionFactory is a unique connection to the server.[2] The TopicConnection is a subtype of the Connection interface:

public interface TopicConnection extends Connection {
    public TopicSession createTopicSession(boolean transacted,
                                       int acknowledgeMode) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer
                              (Topic topic, String messageSelector,
                               ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                               int maxMessages)
        throws JMSException; 
    public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer
                              (Topic topic, String subscriptionName,
                               String messageSelector,
                               ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                               int maxMessages)
        throws JMSException;


The TopicConnectionFactory is an administered object that is used to manufacture TopicConnection objects. The TopicConnectionFactory is a subtype of the ConnectionFactory interface:

public interface TopicConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    public TopicConnection createTopicConnection(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public TopicConnection createTopicConnection(String username,
                                                 String password)
        throws JMSException;


A TopicPublisher is created by a TopicSession, usually for a specific Topic. Messages that are sent by the TopicPublisher are copied and delivered to each client subscribed to that topic. The TopicPublisher is a subtype of the MessageProducer interface:

public interface TopicPublisher extends MessageProducer {
    public Topic getTopic(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public void publish(Message message) throws JMSException; 
    public void publish(Message message, int deliveryMode,int priority,            
                        long timeToLive) 
        throws JMSException;
    public void publish(Topic topic,Message message) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public void publish(Topic topic, Message message, int deliveryMode,
                        int priority,long timeToLive)
        throws JMSException;


The TopicSession is created by the TopicConnection. A TopicSession object is a factory for creating Message, TopicPublisher, and TopicSubscriber objects. A client can create multiple TopicSession objects to provide more granular control over publishers, subscribers, and their associated transactions. The TopicSession is a subtype of the Session interface:

public interface TopicSession extends Session {
    public Topic createTopic(java.lang.String topicName) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                            String messageSelector,
                                            boolean noLocal) 
        throws JMSException;     
    public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
                                                   String name) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber
                                              (Topic topic,
                                               String name,
                                               String messageSelector,
                                               boolean noLocal) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public TopicPublisher createPublisher(Topic topic) 
        throws JMSException;
    public TemporaryTopic createTemporaryTopic(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public void unsubscribe(java.lang.String name) throws JMSException;


The TopicSubscriber is created by a TopicSession for a specific topic. The messages are delivered to the TopicSubscriber as they become available, avoiding the need to poll the topic for new messages. The TopicSubscriber is a subtype of the MessageConsumer interface:

public interface TopicSubscriber extends MessageConsumer
    public Topic getTopic(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public boolean getNoLocal(  ) throws JMSException;

[2] The actual physical network connection may or may not be unique, depending on the vendor. However, the connection is considered to be logically unique so authentication and connection control can be managed separately from other connections.

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