Point-to-Point API

This section covers the queue-based API.


The Queue is an administered object that acts as a handle or identifier for an actual queue, called a physical queue , on the messaging server. A physical queue is a channel through which many clients can receive and send messages. The Queue is a subtype of the Destination interface.

Multiple receivers may connect to a queue, but each message in the queue may only be consumed by one of the queue's receivers. Messages in the queue are ordered so that consumers receive messages in the order the message server placed them in the queue:

public interface Queue extends Destination {
    public String getQueueName(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public String toString(  );


A QueueBrowser is a specialized object that allows you to peek ahead at pending messages on a Queue without actually consuming them. This feature is unique to point-to-point messaging. Queue browsing can be useful for monitoring the contents of a queue from an administration tool, or for browsing through multiple messages to locate a message that is more important than the one that is at the head of the queue:

public interface QueueBrowser {
    public Queue getQueue(  ) throws JMSException;
    public String getMessageSelector(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public Enumeration getEnumeration(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public void close(  ) throws JMSException;


The QueueConnection is created by the QueueConnectionFactory. Each QueueConnection represents a unique connection to the server.[1] The QueueConnection is a subtype of the Connection interface:

public interface QueueConnection extends Connection {
    public QueueSession createQueueSession(boolean transacted,
                                          int acknowledgeMode)
        throws JMSException; 
    public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer
                             (Queue queue,
                              String messageSelector,
                              ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                              int maxMessages)
        throws JMSException;


The QueueConnectionFactory is an administered object that is used to manufacture QueueConnectionFactory objects. The QueueConnection is a subtype of the ConnectionFactory interface:

public interface QueueConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
    public QueueConnection createQueueConnection(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public QueueConnection createQueueConnection(String username, String password) 
        throws JMSException; 


The QueueReceiver is created by a QueueSession for a specific queue. The JMS client uses the QueueReceiver to receive messages delivered to its assigned queue. The QueueReceiver is a subtype of the MessageConsumer interface.

Each message in a queue is delivered to only one QueueReceiver. Multiple receivers may connect to a queue, but each message in the queue may only be consumed by one of the queue's receivers:

public interface QueueReceiver extends MessageConsumer {
    public Queue getQueue(  ) throws JMSException;


A QueueSender is created by a QueueSession, usually for a specific queue. Messages sent by the QueueSender to a queue are delivered to a client connected to that queue. The QueueSender is a subtype of the MessageProducer interface:

public interface QueueSender extends MessageProducer {
    public Queue getQueue(  ) throws JMSException; 
    public void send(Message message) throws JMSException; 
    public void send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority,
                     long timeToLive) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public void send(Queue queue, Message message) throws JMSException; 
    public void send(Queue queue, Message message,int deliveryMode,
                     int priority,long timeToLive) 
        throws JMSException;


The QueueSession is created by the QueueConnection. A QueueSession object is a factory for creating Message, QueueSender, and QueueReceiver objects. A client can create multiple QueueSession objects to provide more granular control over senders, receivers, and their associated transactions. The QueueSession is a subtype of the Session interface:

public interface QueueSession extends Session { 
    public Queue createQueue(java.lang.String queueName) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue) 
        throws JMSException; 
    public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue, String messageSelector)
        throws JMSException;
    public QueueSender createSender(Queue queue) throws JMSException; 
    public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue) throws JMSException; 
    public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue, String messageSelector)
        throws JMSException; 
    public TemporaryQueue createTemporaryQueue(  ) throws JMSException;


A TemporaryQueue is created by a QueueSession. A temporary queue is associated with the connection that belongs to the QueueSession that created it. It is only active for the duration of the session's connection, and is guaranteed to be unique across all connections. It lasts only as long as its associated client connection is active. In all other respects, a temporary queue is just like a "regular" queue. The TemporaryQueue is a subtype of the Queue interface.

Since a temporary queue is created by a JMS client, it is unavailable to other JMS clients unless the queue identity is transferred using the JMSReplyTo header. While any client may send messages on another client's temporary queue, only the sessions that are associated with the JMS client connection that created the temporary queue may receive messages from it. JMS clients can also, of course, send messages to their own temporary queues:

public interface TemporaryQueue extends Queue {
    public void delete(  ) throws JMSException;

[1] The actual physical network connection may or may not be unique, depending on the vendor. However, the connection is considered to be logically unique so authentication and connection control can be managed separately from other connections.

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