Temporary Topics

In the chat example we explored in Chapter 2, we assumed that JMS clients would communicate with each other using established topics on which messages are asynchronously produced and consumed. In the next sections, we'll explore ways to augment this basic mechanism. We'll start by looking at temporary topics, which is a mechanism for JMS clients to create topics dynamically.

The constructor of the Wholesaler class creates a temporary topic. This topic is used as a JMSReplyTo destination for messages published to the "Hot Deals" topic in the publishPriceQuotes( ) method:

public Wholesaler(String broker, String username, String password){
    try {
        session = 
        buyOrdersTopic = session.createTemporaryTopic( );
private void publishPriceQuotes(String dealDesc, String username, 
                                   String itemDesc,  float oldPrice, 
                                   float newPrice){
      try {
        javax.jms.StreamMessage message = session.createStreamMessage( );

When the Retailer client decides to respond to a "Hot Deals" message with a buy order, it uses the JMSReplyTo destination, which is the temporary topic created by Wholesaler application:

private void autoBuy (javax.jms.Message message){
    int count = 1000;
    try {
        StreamMessage strmMsg = (StreamMessage)message;
        // If price reduction is greater than 10 percent, buy
        if (newPrice == 0 || oldPrice / newPrice > 1.1){
            javax.jms.Topic buytopic = 
                (javax.jms.Topic)message.getJMSReplyTo( );
            publisher = session.createPublisher(buytopic);

A temporary topic is a topic that is dynamically created by the JMS provider, using the createTemporaryTopic( ) method of the TopicSession object. A temporary topic is associated with the connection that belongs to the TopicSession that created it. It is only active for the duration of the connection, and it is guaranteed to be unique across all connections. Since it is temporary, it can't be durable: it lasts only as long as its associated client connection is active. In all other respects it is just like a "regular" topic.

Since a temporary topic is unique across all client connections—-it is obtained dynamically through a method call on a client's session object—it is unavailable to other JMS clients unless the topic identity is transferred using the JMSReplyTo header. While any client may publish messages on another client's temporary topic, only the sessions that are associated with the JMS client connection that created the temporary topic may subscribe to it. JMS clients can also, of course, publish messages to their own temporary topics.

In the interest of exploring concepts like temporary topics we have designed our B2B example so that the consumer responds directly to the producer. In larger real-world applications, however, there may be many publishers and subscribers exchanging messages across many topics. A message may represent a workflow, which may take multiple hops through various stages of a business process. In that type of scenario the consumer of a message may never respond directly to the producer that originated the message. It is more likely that the response to the message will be forwarded to some other process. Thus, the JMSReplyTo header can be used as a place to specify a forwarding address, rather than the destination address of the original sender.

JMS provides a set of design patterns and helper classes for performing a direct request-reply conversation, which we will get into later in Section 4.6 of this chapter.

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