Obtaining a Reference to the MBean Server

The under-the-hood implementation of the MBean server in the RI is com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl, but this class should never be instantiated directly. Instead, the RI provides a factory class called MBeanServerFactory that contains various static methods that allow you to obtain a reference to the MBean server. In this section, we will describe each of those static methods and give examples of how to use them. Example 6-1 is an abbreviated version of the MBeanServerFactory class.

Example 6-1. The static methods of MBeanServerFactory

package javax.management;
// . . .
public class MBeanServerFactory { 
// . . .
  public static MBeanServer createMBeanServer (  ) {
    // . . .
  public static MBeanServer createMBeanServer (String domain)  {
    // . . .
  public static MBeanServer newMBeanServer (  ) {
    // . . .
  public static MBeanServer newMBeanServer (String domain)  {
    // . . .
  public synchronized static ArrayList findMBeanServer (String AgentId) {
    // . . .
  public static void releaseMBeanServer (MBeanServer mbeanServer) {
    // . . .
// . . .

There are six static methods on MBeanServerFactory, as shown in Example 6-1. These methods allow you to create an instance, find one or more instances, and release a reference to an instance of an MBean server.

Creating the MBean Server

If no MBean server instance exists (we’ll discuss how to find that out later), there are four static methods that allow you to create one. The first two, overloads of createMBeanServer( ), allow you to create an instance of the MBean server with the default domain name and a specific domain name, respectively. When you create an instance of the MBean server, MBeanServerFactory maintains a reference to the MBean server that was just created, ensuring that it will not be garbage-collected. The second two methods, overloads of newMBeanServer( ), do the same thing, but MBeanServerFactory does not maintain a reference to the newly created MBean server—it is up to the caller to maintain the reference.

If you want to create an instance of the MBean server and have MBeanServerFactory maintain an internal reference to it, you have two choices. The first option is to call the version of createMBeanServer( ) with no parameters, which will create an MBean server instance, store its reference inside the factory, and return an MBeanServer reference to you:

MBeanServer mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );

Recall from Chapter 2 that every MBean has a unique ObjectName instance associated with it. Even though the MBean server itself is not technically a managed resource, it must still have a domain name associated with it. In the code above, the resulting MBean server would be created with the default domain name, which in the JMX 1.0 RI is "DefaultDomain". Figure 6-1 shows the management view of the MBean server when we use the no-argument version of createMBeanServer( ).

The management view of the MBean server when the no-argument version of createMBeanServer( ) is used

Figure 6-1. The management view of the MBean server when the no-argument version of createMBeanServer( ) is used

If, however, we want to provide the MBean server with a domain name other than "DefaultDomain", we can pass a String argument containing that name:

String differentDomain = "TheTwilightZone";
MBeanServer mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(differentDomain);

The domain name of the resulting MBean server is now "TheTwilightZone". Figure 6-2 shows the management view of this MBean server. As you can see, the domain name of the MBean server is indeed what we passed to createMBeanServer( ). But notice something interesting about Figure 6-2. When the Queue instance is created in the Controller, the default domain is used. However, the domain name of the Queue MBean is now "TheTwilightZone"! Passing a domain name to createMBeanServer( ) not only sets the domain name of the resulting MBean server; it also sets the default domain name for all MBeans registered within it.

The management view of the MBean server when a domain name is supplied to createMBeanServer( )

Figure 6-2. The management view of the MBean server when a domain name is supplied to createMBeanServer( )

The internal references to MBean servers created using the createMBeanServer( ) methods are stored within MBeanServerFactory. When a call to this static method is made, the MBean server is instantiated and a reference to it is added to this internal store.

However, if this is not the behavior you desire (e.g., if you don’t want third-party components running within the same JVM as your MBeans to be able to find your MBean server), you can invoke one of the two static methods called newMBeanServer( ) to avoid MBeanServerFactory’s default behavior of keeping an internal reference to the newly created MBean server. The syntax is identical to that of createMBeanServer( ) in both cases, and the resulting domain name follows the same rules as those for createMBeanServer( ). To create an MBean server with the domain name "DefaultDomain", simply use the no-argument version of newMBeanServer( ):

MBeanServer mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(  );

The resulting management view looks the same as the one shown in Figure 6-1. To create an MBean server with the domain name "TheTwilightZone", simply use the other version of newMBeanServer( ):

String differentDomain = "TheTwilightZone";
MBeanServer mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(differentDomain);

The management view will look the same as the one shown in Figure 6-2.


Any reference to the MBean server obtained via newMBeanServer( ) will be garbage-collected when the reference goes out of scope. You should hold the reference in an instance variable of a class that has a lifetime at least as long as that of the resulting MBean server.

Finding the MBean Server

To locate an existing MBean server, use MBeanServerFactory’s static findMBeanServer( ) method. Example 6-1 shows this method to be defined as:

public synchronized static ArrayList findMBeanServer (String AgentId) {
  // . . .

This method takes a String argument that is the “agent ID” for the MBean server you’re trying to find. This terminology is rather vague, and I suspect that the designers of the specification intended there to be some latitude in how this parameter is used from implementation to implementation. According to the JMX 1.0 RI source code, the agent ID is the name of the local host machine where the JVM is running that contains the MBean server, followed by an underscore character, followed by the system time in milliseconds when the MBean server was instantiated.

For example, suppose the name of the local host is "STEVE" and the system time when the MBean server was instantiated was 1002565476994 milliseconds. The agent ID in this case would be "STEVE_ 1002565476994". Clearly, it would be very difficult (at best) to ask for a specific agent ID using the RI. However, if you pass null as the argument to findMBeanServer( ), a list of all the MBean servers in the JVM is returned. You can then iterate through the list to find the MBean server that matches the domain in which you are interested. For example, suppose we want to find the MBean server for the "TheTwilightZone" domain from earlier in this chapter. We would call the findMBeanServer( ) static method of MBeanServerFactory and then iterate through the list (we could also index through the list, because the return value is a cloned version of the ArrayList that MBeanServerFactory keeps internally) until we find the MBean server for the "TheTwilightZone" domain:

String agentId = null;
ArrayList mbeanServers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(agentId);
Iterator iter = mbeanServers.iterator(  );
MBeanServer mbeanServer = null;
while (iter.hasNext(  )) {
  mbeanServer = (MBeanServer)iter.next(  );
  if (mbeanServer.getDefaultDomain(  ).equals("TheTwilightZone")) {
    // found it!
    mbeanServer = null;
if (mbeanServer == null) {
  mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer("TheTwilightZone");

If we had already created an instance of the MBean server with the domain name "TheTwilightZone" but used the static method newMBeanServer( ) to do it, this code would not find it. Recall that when we use newMBeanServer( ) to create an instance of the MBean server, MBeanServerFactory does not keep an internal reference to it. Because findMBeanServer( ) returns the ArrayList that serves as the internal reference backing store, we will never find references to MBean servers created with newMBeanServer( ). However, the JMX RI doesn’t seem to care how many instances of an MBean server are created with the same domain name, so the code above will still find the instance we created with createMBeanServer( ). A word to the wise: if you anticipate ever needing to programmatically locate an MBean server by its domain name, make sure you create it using createMBeanServer( ), so that MBeanServerFactory will hold a reference to it.

Releasing a Reference to the MBeanServer

Say that you need to remove the internal reference stored in MBeanServerFactory to an MBean server instance you created by calling createMBeanServer( ). You can do so by calling releaseMBeanServer( ) , which from Example 6-1 is defined as:

public static void releaseMBeanServer(MBeanServer mbeanServer) {
  // . . .

Note that calling this static method does not remove the MBean server from the JVM; it simply removes it from the internal store of MBean servers maintained by MBeanServerFactory. You may call this method only with an MBeanServer reference obtained by a call to createMBeanServer( ). The syntax is very straightforward:

MBeanServer mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );
// Do something with the reference
// Later on. . .

Once the call to releaseMBeanServer( ) is made, subsequent calls to findMBeanServer( ) will fail to locate a reference to the MBeanServer just released.

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