Chapter 7. JMX Notifications

The JMX specification provides a very rich, generic notification mechanism. In this chapter, we will look at the JMX notification model, which serves as the foundation for notifications. Then we will look at what a notification is and examples of different notification types. We will then take a detailed look at the different classes and interfaces that JMX provides to underpin the JMX notification model, including:


This class represents the contents of a single notification and is sent by the broadcaster to the listener (or receiver) of the notification.


This interface, when implemented, gives the notification listener a way to tell the JMX notification infrastructure that it is interested in only a subset of the potential notifications sent by the broadcaster. The JMX RI provides a class called NotificationFilterSupport that can be used as an off-the-shelf notification filter.


This interface must be implemented by all notification broadcasters. In addition, the RI provides an implementation of this interface called NotificationBroadcasterSupport that can be used as an off-the-shelf notification broadcaster.


This interface must be implemented by all receivers of JMX notifications.

The JMX Notification Model

A notification in the context of JMX is a unit of information sent by a broadcaster through the JMX infrastructure to a listener, which interprets and processes the notification. A notification contains, at a minimum, the notification type (a unique string that identifies the notification), an Object reference to the notification broadcaster, and a sequence number (an integer value that uniquely identifies a particular occurrence of a specific notification type). Other optional information that can be sent in a notification includes a time stamp, a human-readable text message, and a reference to an object that permits additional processing of the notification to occur. Of course, the type (and meaning) of this object must be agreed upon by the listener and the implementation of the broadcaster.

A notification broadcaster implements a special JMX interface called NotificationBroadcaster that allows any number of notification listeners to register an interest in receiving any or all of the notifications emitted by the broadcaster. Messages are sent to the listener through the JMX infrastructure using a callback mechanism. A notification listener implements a JMX interface called NotificationListener that allows the JMX infrastructure to deliver a notification on a callback method of the NotificationListener interface. The listener may, at its discretion, choose to receive only a subset of the possible notifications emitted by the broadcaster by providing a notification filter. A notification filter must implement a JMX interface called NotificationFilter.

JMX notification filtering is performed before of notifications are broadcast, so it is the broadcaster’s responsibility to determine (by using the filter) whether a notification is to be sent to a listener. When the broadcaster is about to emit a particular type of notification to a listener, it checks the filter to see whether the notification is one the listener wants to receive. If the filter tells the broadcaster that the listener is interested in that notification, the broadcaster sends the notification to the listener. Otherwise, the broadcaster does not send the notification, saving the listener the trouble of receiving and ignoring notifications in which it is not interested. If no filter is present, the broadcaster sends all notifications to the listener.

In addition to a notification filter, a listener may optionally pass a reference to an object called a handback , an object that will be handed back to the listener when notifications are sent to that listener. This object is opaque (i.e., its contents are unknown) to the broadcaster, which simply stores the object away until a notification is broadcast to the listener, at which time the object is passed unchanged to the listener. The JMX specification does not constrain what this object must be, only implying that it is used to provide contextual information that the listener creates upon registering its interest in receiving a notification, then exploits upon receiving the notification. Notification listener developers can thus implement the handback object as their needs dictate. We will look at some examples of handback objects later in this chapter.

The relationships between the various components of the JMX notification model are shown in Figure 7-1.

UML diagram showing the relationships between the various components of the JMX notification model

Figure 7-1. UML diagram showing the relationships between the various components of the JMX notification model

When a listener wants to receive notifications, it invokes a method called addNotificationListener( ) on the broadcaster, passing it a reference to itself, a reference to the filter it wants to use, and a handback object reference (both the filter and handback references may be null). The same listener can register its interest in receiving MBean notifications from a particular broadcaster more than once, passing a different handback object to addNotificationListener( ) each time. The notification broadcaster keeps a table of listener/filter/handback object triplets to ensure that it passes the correct handback object upon broadcasting each notification to the listener. The listener may also pass a different filter for each handback object, allowing even more flexibility in providing contextual information when processing notifications. As Figure 7-1 also shows, each Notification object may only be associated with one broadcaster (the source) and one user-defined object (userData).

The key to processing notifications lies in the notification type. As we discussed in Chapter 3, a notification type is a string that may be of the form:


where vendor is the name of your company, application is the name of the application (optional), component is the name of the component (usually the name of the MBean, also optional), eventGroup is the name of the group to which the event belongs (optional), and event is the name of the event notification. For example, the notification "acme.OrderEntry.billing.responseTime.slow" is defined by the company acme for the Order Entry system’s billing component for a group of events related to response time to indicate that response time is slow. How this notification is handled is up to the listener. Notice, however, that only vendor and event are required, so we could have simply defined the event as "acme.responseTimeSlow".


While the above pattern is recommended by the JMX specification, this convention for defining notifications is not enforced in the RI. However, it is a good idea to follow this convention to ensure as much consistency as possible between applications from various vendors.

Why is the notification type so important? The notification type serves as the “handle” for the notification and is used in processing it. In addition, the listener is capable of processing several different notification types, and it uses the notification type as a first step in cracking into a notification to process it further.

Now that we’ve been introduced to the players and their respective roles in the JMX notification model, let’s take a closer look at the classes provided by the JMX RI that make it all happen.

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