Using the Relation Service Support Classes

In the previous section, we worked through a complete example of how to create an internal relation using an internal relation type. In this section, we will look at the same example, only we will see how to create the relation as an external relation using an external relation type. As we mentioned, the relation service provides a number of support classes that can be used for this purpose. At the risk of being a bit redundant, we will repeat the flow of the previous section as closely as possible so you can compare the internal and external relations and relation types.

Before we can create a relation, we have to create the MBean server and an instance of the relation service MBean, and then register the relation MBean with the MBean server:

try {
  MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );
  boolean purgeImmediate = true;
  RelationService rs = new RelationService(purgeImmediate);
  ObjectName rsObjName = new ObjectName("AgentServices:name=Relation");
  server.registerMBean(rs, rsObjName);
  // . . .
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .

As we saw with an internal relation type, we next describe the roles in the relation using one or more RoleInfo objects. However, to create an external relation type, we subclass the RelationTypeSupport class and add code to the subclass constructor to create the RoleInfo objects:

            public class ConsumerSupplierRelationType extends RelationTypeSupport {
  public ConsumerSupplierRelationType (  ) {
    try {
      addRoleInfo(new RoleInfo("Consumer",
                               "Consumer Role Information"));
      addRoleInfo(new RoleInfo("Supplier",
                               "Supplier Role Information"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw  new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(  ));

The emphasized lines point out some of the things we have to do in preparation for creating an external relation type. First, we subclass RelationTypeSupport with a class called ConsumerSupplierRelationType. In the subclass constructor, we delegate to one of the constructors of RelationTypeSupport, passing the name of the relation type. Then we call the addRoleInfo( ) method, passing in a new RoleInfo instance for each of the roles in the relation type.

This time, instead of using the relation service to create the relation type, we will do it explicitly by instantiating the ConsumerSupplierRelationType class. Once we instantiate the class representing the external relation type, we add the relation type to the relation service via the addRelationType( ) method:

try {
  MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );
  boolean purgeImmediate = true;
  RelationService rs = new RelationService(purgeImmediate);
  ObjectName rsObjName = new ObjectName("AgentServices:name=Relation");
  server.registerMBean(rs, rsObjName);
  ConsumerSupplierRelationType rt = new ConsumerSupplierRelationType(  );
  // . . .
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .

Before we continue, I should point out that you can use RelationTypeSupport on its own (i.e., without subclassing it). You may have noticed in the example above that we don’t do much with the relation type subclass, other than delegate to the parent. Subclassing RelationTypeSupport is a way to encapsulate role information inside a class, and it offers us a way to separate concerns in the design of our agents. However, if this separation of concerns is not strictly necessary, we can still create an external relation type without using a subclass:

try {
  MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );
  boolean purgeImmediate = true;
  RelationService rs = new RelationService(purgeImmediate);
  ObjectName rsObjName = new ObjectName("AgentServices:name=Relation");
  server.registerMBean(rs, rsObjName);
  RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[2];
              roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo(
    Consumer.ROLE,              // role name
    "sample.standard.Consumer", // class name
    true,                       // role can be read
    true,                       // role can be modified
    1,                          // must be at least one
    2,                          // no more than two
    "Consumer Role Information" // description
  roleInfo[1] = new RoleInfo(
    Supplier.ROLE,              // role name
    "sample.standard.Supplier", // class name
    true,                       // role can be read
    true,                       // role can be modified
    1,                          // must be at least one
    1,                          // no more than two
    "Supplier Role Information" // description
  RelationTypeSupport rt = new RelationTypeSupport(
  // . . .
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .

Once we create an array of the necessary RoleInfo objects, we pass the array to the second constructor of RelationTypeSupport. Then we simply call the addRelationType( ) method of the relation service to add the standalone external relation type.

Once the relation type has been created, we instantiate the role by creating a Role object for each group of MBeans to participate in the relation:

try {
  // . . .
  // Create and register a Consumer MBean
  ObjectName consumerObjName = createWorker("Consumer", 100);
  ArrayList consumerList = new ArrayList(  );
  Role consumerRole = new Role("Consumer", consumerList);
  // Create and register a Supplier MBean
  ObjectName supplierObjName = createWorker("Supplier", 100);
  ArrayList supplierList = new ArrayList(  );
  Role supplierRole = new Role("Supplier", supplierList);
              RoleList roles = new RoleList(  );
  // . . .
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .

Regardless of whether the relation type is internal or external, we must still create Role objects. The final steps in creating the external relation are to instantiate and use the class representing the external relation:

public class ConsumerSupplierRelation extends RelationSupport
  implements ConsumerSupplierRelationMBean {
  public static final String NAME = "ConsumerSupplierRelation_External";
  public static final String OBJECT_NAME = "UserDomain:name=" + NAME;
  private String _relationTypeName;
  private String _relationServiceObjName;
  private List _roleList;
  // MBean interface
  public String getRelationTypeName (  ) {
    return  _relationTypeName;
  public String getRelationServiceObjName (  ) {
    return  _relationServiceObjName;
  public List retrieveRoleList (  ) {
    return  _roleList;
  public String getRelationId (  ) {
    return  NAME;
  public ConsumerSupplierRelation (ObjectName relationServiceObjName, 
                                   String relationTypeName, 
                                   RoleList roleList) 
  throws Exception {
    super(NAME, relationServiceObjName, relationTypeName, roleList);
    _relationTypeName = relationTypeName;
    _relationServiceObjName = relationServiceObjName.toString(  );
    _roleList = new ArrayList(roleList.size(  ));

The external relation we are going to create is ConsumerSupplierRelation , which is a subclass of RelationSupport. One immediately noticeable difference between an external relation type and an external relation is that an external relation is an MBean. Notice the MBean interface implemented by ConsumerSupplerRelation:

public interface ConsumerSupplierRelationMBean
  extends RelationSupportMBean {
    String getRelationTypeName (  );
    String getRelationServiceObjName (  );
    List retrieveRoleList (  );

Once our external relation class has been instantiated, it must be registered with the MBean server and added to the relation service:

try {
  // . . .
  Role supplierRole = new Role("Supplier", supplierList);
  RoleList roles = new RoleList(  );
  ConsumerSupplierRelation relation = new ConsumerSupplierRelation(
    rt.getRelationTypeName(  ), 
  ObjectName relationObjName = new 
  server.registerMBean(relation, relationObjName);
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .

When we create an external relation by subclassing RelationSupport, it is very important to remember that the MBean interface of the subclass must extend RelationSupportMBean. Otherwise, when we attempt to add the relation, the relation service will throw an exception.

Example 11-2 shows a complete source listing of how to create the external Consumer/Supplier relation we’ve been studying.

Example 11-2. Creating an external relation

try {
  MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(  );
  boolean purgeImmediate = true;
  RelationService rs = new RelationService(purgeImmediate);
  ObjectName rsObjName = new ObjectName("AgentServices:name=Relation");
  server.registerMBean(rs, rsObjName);
  ConsumerSupplierRelationType rt = new ConsumerSupplierRelationType(  );
  // Create and register a Consumer MBean
  ObjectName consumerObjName = createWorker("Consumer", 100);
  ArrayList consumerList = new ArrayList(  );
  Role consumerRole = new Role("Consumer", consumerList);
  // Create and register a Supplier MBean
  ObjectName supplierObjName = createWorker("Supplier", 100);
  ArrayList supplierList = new ArrayList(  );
  Role supplierRole = new Role("Supplier", supplierList);
  RoleList roles = new RoleList(  );
  ConsumerSupplierRelation relation = new ConsumerSupplierRelation(
    rt.getRelationTypeName(  ), 
  ObjectName relationObjName = new 
  server.registerMBean(relation, relationObjName);
} catch (Exception e) {
  // . . .
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