

Installing Oracle Database Software

Exam Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn to

•    Plan for an Oracle Database Software Installation

•    Install the Oracle Database Software

The Oracle Database software is installed with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). OUI is an Oracle product in its own right that is used to manage the installation and maintenance of many other products. The installation of Oracle software has, as far as possible, been standardized for all products on all platforms—but there are platform and product variations. Before installing anything, it is essential that you read the product’s release notes for the platform concerned. This chapter goes through the process of planning the installation and then installing the Oracle Database 12c software, with examples from Linux and Windows.

Plan for an Oracle Database Software Installation

The install process requires a number of prerequisites, and principal among them are the availability of the software and a suitable machine. Once these are in place, the actual installation is straightforward and, depending on hardware, should take about 15 minutes. Ideally, students will have their own installation on their own PC so that they can practice as much as desired. That is the environment described here.

Supported Platforms

Historically, the Oracle Database was supported on an extraordinarily wide range of platforms, which was one reason for the product’s pre-eminence in the relational database management software (RDBMS) market. In recent years, the number of platforms considered commercially viable has decreased, so Oracle Corporation has reduced support accordingly. Linux is always the first platform for release. The platforms most commonly available to students are Linux and Microsoft Windows, so these are the platforms most commonly referenced in the exams and in this guide.

Obtain the Oracle Database Software

Oracle Corporation has made the software available for public download without the need to buy a license. However, this public license is restricted. You can download and install the product on your own machine only for the purposes of application development and self-tuition. This is made clear in the license agreement. There are also legal restrictions on downloading in (or subsequently transferring to) certain countries. Furthermore, usually only the base release is publicly available. To obtain patches of any kind, it is necessary to have a support agreement. The base release is adequate for training purposes, though not necessarily for production use.

The two commonly used sources for software download are the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. To reach the OTN download site, go to, navigate through the Downloads tab to Oracle Database, and select the latest available release. To use the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, go to and select the Oracle Database product pack. In either site, it is necessary to log on to an Oracle account (or create a new Oracle account) and then accept the license agreement. The software is in the form of ZIP files, and four are needed: two files for the Oracle Database software and two for the Grid Infrastructure software. Unzip them (one directory for the Oracle Database software and a second directory for the Grid Infrastructure), and you are ready to go.

User Accounts

On any version of Unix or Linux, it is not possible to install the software as the root user. It is necessary to create accounts that will own the software. Best practice is to create one account that will own the database software and a second account that will own the Grid Infrastructure software. This permits separation of the duties between the database administration domain and the system administration domain. For the purposes of education, one account can be used for both functions. Traditionally, this account is named oracle and given the primary group of oinstall. A secondary group will be dba. These groups should be created before installing and should be assigned to the oracle account.

On Windows, it is not uncommon to install Oracle software under an account with Administrator privileges. Although this is certainly bad from a security perspective and should never be done on a production system, it will not cause a problem on a training system. The installer will create all necessary operating groups named ORA_DBA and assign it to the account from which the installer is run.

Disk Space and Directories

The installation requires about 5GB for the database Oracle Home. An Oracle Home is the location of an Oracle product installation—a set of files in a directory structure. Note that variations in size because of the platform, the type of file system, and the options selected may be substantial. The directory may be on a local file system or a clustered file system, but it must be a “cooked” file system—that is, not an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk group or a raw device.

The recommended directory structure is known as Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA). OFA is intended to ease the process of organizing multiple software installations. The general idea is that each product should be installed into its own Oracle Home, beneath an Oracle Base. The Oracle Base is a directory that will contain one or more Oracle Homes as well as various other directories for administration purposes and also the actual databases. The directory containing the OUI inventory exists outside the Oracle Base, which makes sense because it should be independent of any other product.

The recommended naming convention of Oracle Base is based on three variables:


And for each Oracle Home, add a literal and more variables:


The files that make up each database are in the Oracle Base, plus two variables:


Table 1-1 shows the variables and suggested values.


Table 1-1    The OMF Naming Convention

Here are some examples:

•  An Oracle Base of D:apporacle is an indication that all Oracle-related files exist on drive D: in a directory called app and that the installs were done by Windows user oracle.

•  An Oracle Home of /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 suggests that the Oracle Base is /u01/app/oracle and that this directory contains the first installation of the 12c release 1 database software on this machine.

•  The path D:apporacleoradataorcl is the directory beneath Oracle Base containing the files of a database named orcl.

•  The path /u01/app/oraInventory is the location of the OUI inventory files, next to the Oracle Base.

It is not essential to conform to the OFA directory structure, but OFA does make a database administrator’s life easier. Many database administrators (DBAs), and some products, assume that OFA is in place, which means deviating from OFA may cause confusion.

The Prerequisite Checks

The installation release notes for each platform list the prerequisites. These will usually be hardware requirements (disk space and random access memory), operating system versions, availability of certain utilities, security settings, kernel resource limits, and patch levels. Generally speaking, at this level Windows installations are simpler than Linux. This is because Windows is a tightly controlled environment, and OUI can make many assumptions. Similarly, if the Linux distribution is Oracle Enterprise Linux, it is likely that a standard installation will fulfill all the prerequisites. A Red Hat, SUSE, or CentOS distribution may not conform by default and may therefore need some work before Oracle can be installed.

There are prerequisites for running OUI and more prerequisites for particular products. The OUI prerequisites are coded in the file oraparam.ini and are basic. Search for this file in the unzipped software. The following is from release for 64-bit Linux:


OUI will refuse to run if these conditions are not met. Then there are prerequisites for the product actually being installed. These are coded into the cvu_prereq.xml file and are checked by OUI as part of the installation. It is possible to ignore failures to meet the prerequisites and proceed with installation, but if you do so, there is no guarantee the installation will actually function correctly.

Install the Oracle Database Software

OUI gives several options for installation. The suggested installation, discussed next, will be suitable for any studies up to the Oracle Certified Professional level. The Oracle Certified Master curriculum includes RAC, the installation of which is not covered here. One option is whether to chain the installation of the software with the creation of a database. This option is not going to be taken here, however, because creating a database is dealt with as a separate topic.

The OUI Inventory

OUI creates an inventory, which is a set of Extensible Markup Language (XML) files that record exactly what Oracle products have been installed on the machine, with details of where the Oracle Homes are. To prevent this inventory from being corrupted, a locking mechanism prevents running OUI (or the Opatch patching routine) concurrently in two or more sessions. Whenever OUI or Opatch is run, the first thing it does is locate the inventory and check whether it is already locked. The location of the inventory and the operating system group that owns it are stored in a pointer file. The pointer file has a platform-specific name and location. On Linux, it is /etc/oracle/oraInst.loc, as in this example, which shows that the inventory is located in the /u01/app/oraInventory directory:


On Solaris or AIX, the pointer file resides in the /var/opt/oracle directory. On Windows, the inventory location is defined in a registry key.


OUI is written in Java, using JDK 1.5, which is included in the product. This means that OUI is the same on all platforms, with the exception of certain trivial variations in the Java user interface, such as whether windows have square or rounded corners. OUI can be installed as a self-contained product in its own Oracle Home, but this is not usually necessary because it is shipped with every other Oracle product and can be launched from the product installation CD (or DVD); it will install itself into the Oracle Home along with the product. There are different versions of OUI, and if a product comes with a version earlier than the one already installed on the machine, it’s usually a good idea (and may indeed be necessary) to install the product using the already-installed version from the existing Oracle Home. When OUI prompts for the location of the products.xml file, specify the DVD or directory with the product you want to install.

The OUI Dialog: Interactive Install

To launch OUI, run the shell script (Linux) or the setup.exe program (Windows) from the root of the directory in which the software was unzipped. For an interactive install, a graphical terminal must be available. For Windows, this is no problem. For Linux, it means an X terminal of some kind. If you are logged on to the console through one of the standard Linux X Window managers (such as Gnome), OUI will run straightaway. If you are connecting remotely, you will have to use a connection method that allows display of graphics, such as a VNC desktop or an X Window server. There is nothing special about this; any Linux tutorial or experienced Linux user can explain it. However, this topic is beyond the scope of an Oracle tutorial.

The use of the OUI dialog is detailed in the exercise at the end of this chapter. In summary, here is the information requested by the 12 steps of the installer on Linux (Windows is slightly different):

1.  Configure Security Updates   Give login credentials for My Oracle Support (optional).

2.  Download Software Updates   Enable automatic downloads of CPUs or PSUs (optional).

3.  Select Installation Option   Choose whether to chain the install to creating or upgrading a database.

4.  Grid Installation Options   Create an installation for single instance, RAC, or RAC One Node.

5.  Select Product Languages   By default, only English is selected.

6.  Select Database Edition   Choose Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or Standard Edition 1.

7.  Specify Installation Location   Specify the Oracle Base and Oracle Home directories.

8.  Privileged Operating System Groups   Nominate the groups that will manage the Oracle Home.

9.  Perform Prerequisite Checks   Validate the environment.

10.  Summary   Read the summary of the dialog.

11.  Install Product   View the progress.

12.  Finish   You have successfully completed the OUI dialog.

Step 9 may fail on some tests. This is unlikely on Windows, but on Linux (if you’re not using an Oracle-validated version of Linux, such as OEL 5.8), you may face a number of issues. Typically, these involve kernel parameter settings and the availability of certain RPM package managers (RPMs). Every issue will be flagged as “warning” or “critical.” Clicking the Fix And Check Again button will generate a script and prompt you to run it as root, which will fix many “fixable” issues (such as kernel limits). However, it cannot fix all of them. Therefore, any unfixable issues (such as missing critical RPMs) should be addressed before proceeding. If it is not possible to fix the issues, clicking the Ignore All check box will allow you to proceed, but with no guarantee that the installation will succeed.

Step 11, on Linux, includes a prompt to run the script as the root user. This script accomplishes certain tasks that require root privileges, such as creating files in /etc and changing ownership and access modes on certain files in the Oracle Home.

Silent Install and Response Files

Running OUI interactively is fine for a one-off install. However, if you are installing on multiple machines or perhaps designing a repeatable and automated procedure, it is necessary to use another technique: driving OUI with a response file. A response file is read by OUI and contains answers to all the questions posed by the interactive dialog. When using a response file, you’ll usually want to disable all graphical output. This allows you to carry out installations on systems where no graphical terminal device is available, such as blade servers with no console attached.

Creating a response file from scratch is beyond the capability of most junior DBAs. However, a template response file is provided: the file db_install.rsp in the /response/ directory beneath the root of the installation software. It is well documented, with descriptions of every value required. But even veteran DBAs will try to avoid writing a response file by hand. And there is no need to because you can generate one with an interactive run of OUI. Launch OUI and go through the dialog. On the final screen you’ll see a check box next to the question “Generate response file?” At this point you nominate a location for an automatically generated response file based on the preceding dialog and then cancel the install.

To run a silent install later (perhaps on a different machine), edit the generated file to match the environment and then launch OUI with the following syntax (for Windows):


You can pass many other command-line switches to the installer. This is how to display them all in Linux:


A particularly useful switch is –ignoreSysPrereqs, which allow a silent or interactive install to proceed even if the prerequisite checks fail.

Windows and Linux Variations

Discussing the details of platform variations is beyond the scope of the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) syllabus. However, because it is possible that students may find the differences confusing, here is a summary of the principal differences:

•  User ID on Linux    An operating system user who will own the software must be precreated and must be a member of operating system groups to be used to own the Oracle Home and for database administration. It is customary to name the user oracle and the groups oinstall and dba. Run OUI as this user; you cannot run the OUI as root.

•  User ID on Windows    OUI must be run as a user with administration privileges, and it prompts for the user who owns the Oracle Home. If the user does not exist, it will be created.

•  Operating system groups on Linux    At least one group must be precreated, the OSDBA group. You can call it anything you want, but dba is the customary group name, and the user running the installer must be a member of this group. A second group, customarily called oinstall, should be the primary group of the user running OUI.

•  Operating system groups on Windows    The names are hard-coded and will be created by OUI. The nominated user will be made a member of these groups automatically.

•  Root scripts on Linux    At the end of the installation, a shell script must be run as the root user. This script makes certain changes that require root privileges. Execute it when prompted. Windows does not require this step because the OUI must itself have been run as a user with administration rights.

Exercise 1-1: Install the Oracle Database Software    In this exercise, you will install an Oracle Home, but you won’t create a database at this point.

Prepare your training system by creating appropriate directories and a user; then launch OUI and follow the wizard. The steps and prompts are slightly different between the Windows and Linux dialogs, but overall the process is similar and self-explanatory, with context-sensitive assistance available via the Help button. The following is an example of the OUI dialog for Windows, followed by a dialog from a Linux install. Of course, you must adjust the process to your own circumstances. You can use these two examples to assist you in your installation.

The Windows installation dialog was captured by running the OUI setup.exe file on a 64-bit Windows 8.0 machine. You may need to adjust the suggested responses to your environment.

1.  Configure Security Updates   Deselect the I Wish To Receive Security Updates check box. Leave the other fields blank, click Next, and then click Yes when warned about not providing an e-mail address.

2.  Download Software Update   Select the Skip Software Updates radio button and then click Next.

3.  Select Installation Option   Select the Install Database Software Only radio button and then click Next.

4.  System Class   Select the Server Class radio button. This has no technical significance but does ensure that you will subsequently see all possible options. Click Next.

5.  Grid Installation Options   Select the Single Instance Database Installation radio button and then click Next.

6.  Select Install Type   Select the Advanced Install radio button and then click Next.

7.  Select Product Languages   Add any languages you need and then click Next.

8.  Select Database Edition   Select the Enterprise Edition radio button and then click Next.

9.  Specify Oracle Home User   Enter the name and password of either an existing user who will own the installation or a new user to be created by OUI. A commonly used username is oracle (in all lowercase). Click Next.

10.  Specify Installation Location   Enter an Oracle Base directory, such as C:apporacle, and a software location, such as C:apporacleproduct12.1.0dbhome_1. Click Next.

11.  Perform Prerequisite Checks   OUI will perform its checks. Fix any issues.

12.  Summary   A summary of the installation will be displayed. It is possible to make changes here or to navigate back through the dialog with the Back button. Click Install to proceed.

The Linux installation dialog was captured by running the OUI file on a 64-bit Linux 5.8 machine. You may need to adjust the suggested responses to your environment.

1.  Configure Security Updates   Deselect the I Wish To Receive Security Updates check box. Leave the other fields blank, click Next, and then click Yes when warned about not providing an e-mail address.

2.  Download Software Update   Select the Skip Software Updates radio button and then click Next.

3.  Select Installation Option   Select the Install Database Software Only radio button and then click Next.

4.  Grid Installation Options   Select the Single Instance Database Installation radio button and then click Next.

5.  Select Product Languages   Add any languages you need and then click Next.

6.  Select Database Edition   Select the Enterprise Edition radio button and then click Next.

7.  Specify Installation Location   Enter an Oracle Base directory on which your Linux user has full permissions, such as /u01/apporacle, and a software location within it, such as /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1. Click Next.

8.  Privileged Operating System Groups   Select an operating system group from each drop-down box. The list will be dependent on the group membership of the user under which you are running the OUI. Selecting dba, if available, is usually a good choice. Click Next.

9.  Perform Prerequisite Checks   OUI will perform its checks. Fix any issues.

10.  Summary   A summary of the installation will be displayed. It is possible to make changes here or to navigate back through the dialog with the Back button. Click Install to proceed.

11.  Install Product   OUI copies the software into the Oracle Home, links it, and runs various configuration scripts.

12.  Execute Configuration Scripts   A pop-up window (make sure it is not hiding behind another window!) will prompt you to run a shell script as root. Run this, accepting defaults for all the prompted values. Then click OK in the pop-up window. The installation is now complete; click Close to exit from the installer.

Two-Minute Drill

Plan for an Oracle Database Software Installation

•  Create operating system groups and users.

•  Create a directory beneath which the Oracle Base will exist.

•  Download the appropriate version of the installation DVDs.

Install the Oracle Database Software

•  Launch OUI: setup.exe (Windows) or (Linux).

•  Follow the OUI dialog.

Self Test

1.  Which statement best describes the relationship between the Oracle Base and the Oracle Home? (Choose the best answer.)

A.  The Oracle Base exists inside the Oracle Home.

B.  The Oracle Base can contain Oracle Homes for different products.

C.  One Oracle Base is required for each product, but versions of the product can exist in their own Oracle Homes within their Oracle Base.

D.  The Oracle Base is created when you run the script, and it contains a pointer to the Oracle Home.

2.  What does Optimal Flexible Architecture describe? (Choose the best answer.)

A.  A directory structure

B.  Distributed database systems

C.  A multitier processing architecture

D.  All of the above

3.  What environment variable must be set on Linux before running the Oracle Universal Installer for an interactive installation? (Choose the best answer.)





4.  If the OUI detects that a prerequisite has not been met, what can you do? (Choose the best answer.)

A.  You must cancel the installation, fix the problem, and launch OUI again.

B.  A silent install will fail; an interactive install will continue.

C.  Instruct OUI to continue (at your own risk).

D.  The options will depend on how far into the installation OUI is when the problem is detected.

5.  What type of devices can OUI install an Oracle Home onto? (Choose all that apply.)

A.  Regular file systems

B.  Clustered file systems

C.  Raw devices

D.  ASM disk groups

6.  Which command-line switch can be used to prevent the OUI from stopping when prerequisite tests fail? (Choose the best answer.)

A.  –silent

B.  –record

C.  –responsefile

D.  –ignoresysprereqs

7.  When does an OUI inventory get created? (Choose the best answer.)

A.  Every time a new Oracle Home is created

B.  Every time a new Oracle Base is created

C.  Before the first run of the OUI

D.  During the first run of the OUI

Self Test Answers

1.  Images    B. The Oracle Base directory contains all the Oracle Homes, which can be any versions of any products.
Images    A, C, and D are incorrect. A is incorrect because it inverts the relationship. C is incorrect because there is no requirement for a separate base for each product. D is incorrect because it misunderstands the purpose of the script, which is to create the oraInst.loc file, not to create the Oracle Base directory.

2.  Images    A. The rather grandly named Optimal Flexible Architecture is nothing more than a naming convention for directory structures.
Images    B, C, and D are incorrect. These answer choices are incorrect because they go way beyond OFA.

3.  Images    D. Without a DISPLAY set, the OUI will not be able to open any windows.
Images    A, B, and C are incorrect. These answer choices are incorrect because although they can be set before the OUI is launched, the OUI will prompt for values for them.

4.  Images    C. Perhaps not advisable, but you can certainly do this.
Images    A, B, and D are incorrect. A is incorrect because while it might be a good idea, it is not something you have to do. B is incorrect because the interactive installation will halt. D is incorrect because all prerequisites are checked at the same time.

5.  Images    A and B. The Oracle Home must exist on a file system, but it can be local or clustered.
Images    C and D are incorrect. Raw devices and ASM devices can be used for databases, but not for an Oracle Home.

6.  Images    D. The –ignoresysprereqs switch stops OUI from running the tests.
Images    A, B, and C are incorrect. A is incorrect because this switch will suppress generation of windows, not running tests. B is incorrect because this is the switch to generate a response file. C is incorrect because this is the switch to read a response file.

7.  Images    D. If the OUI cannot find an inventory, it will create one.
Images    A, B, and C are incorrect. A and B are incorrect because one inventory can manage any number of Homes in any Base. C is incorrect because the inventory is created at the end of the process, not the beginning.

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