

Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

& (ampersand character), 229

* (asterisk character), 205

(backslash symbol), 221

% (percentage symbol), 220

| (pipe symbol), 205

|| (double pipe symbol), 211

' ' (two single quotes), 211–212

_ (underscore character), 220


abort mode, 428, 429

ACCEPT commands, 27

access permissions, 144

account status, 512

ACID test, 145–146

active database duplication, 822–825

auxiliary instance configuration, 823–824

backupsets used for, 825

network connectivity for, 824

RMAN DUPLICATE command for, 824–825

Active Directory, 71

ACTIVE redo log group, 742

active session pool method, 632

active sessions, 632

ad hoc queries, 231

adaptive execution plan, 607

ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor), 390, 577–578, 586

ADD_MONTHS function, 252–253

administration roles, 513

administrative server, 838

Adobe Flash Player plug-in, 414

ADR. See automatic diagnostic repository

ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) tool, 759–761

ADVISE FAILURE command, 769, 770

advisors, 578–580, 586

Data Recovery, 579–580, 769–771

Mean Time to Recover, 579

memory, 578, 602–604

Segment, 493–494, 498, 580, 584

SQL, 579, 609–614

SQL Repair, 580

Undo, 158, 579

agents, Scheduler, 653

aggregate functions. See group functions

alert log, 399, 427, 431–432, 435, 761

Alert system, 580–584

condition monitoring by, 580–581

configuring alerts in, 583–584

notifications sent by, 581

setting thresholds in, 581–583

two-minute drill on, 586–587

types of alerts in, 581

aliases, 206

column, 210

table, 310

ALL keyword, 134

ALL operator, 351

ALL views, 886

ALL_OBJECTS view, 77


allocation units (AUs), 41, 46–47

ALTER INDEX command, 99


ALTER SEQUENCE command, 118

ALTER SYNONYM command, 114

ALTER SYSTEM command, 420, 919


ALTER USER command, 516

ALTER VIEW command, 112

alternative quote operator, 212

ambiguous column names, 310–311

AMM (Automatic Memory Management), 600–601, 602, 615

ampersand substitution, 229–234

column name, 231–232

DEFINE and UNDEFINE commands and, 232–233

double ampersand, 230–231, 232–234

exercise on using, 234

expression and text, 232

single ampersand, 229–230

two-minute drill on, 236

VERIFY command and, 233–234

AND operator, 96, 222–223, 225

ANSI compliance, 81

ANSI SQL join syntax, 309–310

ANY operator, 351

ANY privileges, 519, 520

Application Express (APEX), 856

application programming interfaces (APIs), 575


Data Pump, 554–555

dedicated server, 446–447

distributed systems, 377

Flashback Database, 801–803

Grid Infrastructure, 40–41

multitenant container, 884–890

Resource Manager, 623–626

Scheduler, 646–647

shared server, 447–450

single-instance database, 374–377

tablespace, 926–927

two-minute drill on, 403

archival backups, 706–708

archive log files, 399, 672–673

archivelog mode, 672–673

backup possibilities in, 690–691

block media recovery in, 767

configuration of, 676–677, 679

exercise on enabling, 677–678

Flashback Database and, 803

archiver processes, 672–673

ARCn (Archiver process), 391, 672

arithmetic operators, 209–210

ascending indexes, 98

ascending sort order, 225–226

ASM. See Automatic Storage Management

ASM Filter Driver, 45

ASM_DISKSTRING parameter, 44

ASMLib kernel library, 45

atomicity, principle of, 145

attributes, 190, 508–509

AUDIT command, 530

Audit Vault, 530

auditing, 508, 529–538

enabling, 534–536

Fine Grained, 531–532

mandatory, 534

multitenant environment, 937–938

reasons for, 530

standard, 530–531, 534–535

techniques for, 530–534

two-minute drill on, 539

unified, 533–534, 535–538, 875–876, 937

value-based, 532

AUDIT_TRAIL parameter, 530

authentication, 508, 512–515

external, 514–515

operating system, 513–514

password and password file, 513–514

authorization, 508

autocommit (implicit commit), 153

automated tasks. See autotasks

Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM), 390, 577–578, 586

automatic diagnostic repository (ADR), 756–762

alerts, problems, and incidents, 761–762

Command Interpreter tool, 759–761

directory structure, 756–759

two-minute drill on, 771–772

automatic locking, 166–167

Automatic Memory Management (AMM), 600–601, 602, 615

automatic shared memory management (ASMM), 599

Automatic Storage Management (ASM), 40–45

architecture, 41–43

converting to, 873

disks, 43–45

instances, 40, 41–43

self test on, 52–54

automatic undo management, 154

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), 574–577

exercise on monitoring, 576–577

managing the settings for, 575–576

snapshots created by, 574–576, 577

statistics gathering process, 574–575

tablespace monitoring, 492

two-minute drill on, 586

autotasks, 584–586

controlling, 585–586

overview of, 584

two-minute drill on, 587

auxiliary database, 822, 823–824

AVG function, 283

AWR snapshots

ADDM reports using, 577

managing settings for, 575–576

statistics gathering and, 574–575

See also Automatic Workload Repository


background processes, 374, 386–395

ARCn, 391

CKPT, 390

DBWn, 387–388

exercise on, 392–395

LGWR, 389

LREG, 391

MMAN, 390–391

MMNL, 390

MMON, 390

PMON, 386–387

RECO, 392

SMON, 386

two-minute drill on, 403

backup and recovery, 664–684

archivelog mode, 672–673, 676–678

checkpointing mechanism, 668–669

compression used in, 691, 710

configuring a database for, 673–675

failure categories and, 664–665

Fast Recovery Area for, 665, 675–676

instance recovery, 666–668

multitenant, 938–940

online redo log files, 670–671

Oracle Data Guard for, 666

Oracle Secure Backup for, 666

Recovery Manager for, 665, 686–722

self-test questions/answers on, 679–684

two-minute drill on, 678–679

user- vs. server-managed, 686

See also backups; recovery; RMAN

BACKUP command, 843, 846–847

BACKUP DURATION parameter, 844, 846


archival, 706–708

backupset, 705–706

CDB and PDB, 938–939

closed, 688, 711

disk, 687

duplication from, 825–826

encrypted, 834–837

full, 688, 712

image copy, 687, 730–731

incremental, 688, 701–704

multisection, 708–710

open, 687–688

Oracle Secure, 838–840

partial, 688, 690

password file, 743

read-only tablespace, 706

server-managed, 686

table recovery from, 798–799

tape, 687, 691

user-managed, 686

whole, 688, 690

backupsets, 687

active duplication using, 825

archivelog mode, 691

creating backups of, 705–706

duplexed, 705

parallelizing, 844–845

basic parameters, 419–420

basic table compression, 491, 492

BETWEEN operator, 217, 218, 219, 321

BFILE data type, 82

big-endian platforms, 817

bitmap indexes, 95–97

black box, 242

BLOB data type, 82

blocks, 379, 398, 471–472

corruption of, 765–769, 772–773

header and data areas in, 475

media recovery for, 766–769

Boolean operators, 214, 222–224, 225

AND operator, 222–223

NOT operator, 223–224

OR operator, 223

bootstrap, ASM, 42

B*Tree indexes, 93–95, 97

buffer cache, 146, 379–380, 598, 943


dirty, 380, 668–669

flashback, 801–802, 805

log, 380–381, 422, 598, 599

memory, 602–604


cardinality estimates, 606

Cartesian products, 304, 307–308, 331–333, 335

case conversion functions, 243–245

exercise on using, 244–245


LOWER, 243–244

UPPER, 244

CASE expression, 271–273

case sensitivity, 206–207

catalog, RMAN, 687, 696–699

CDBs. See container databases

CHANGE command, 708

CHANGE FAILURE command, 769, 770

change vectors, 376, 380


allocating, 691, 844–845

tuning, 846

CHAR data type, 81

character manipulation functions, 245–248


exercise on using, 255

INSTR, 247

LENGTH, 245–246




TRIM, 247

character-based conditions, 215–216

character-to-date conversions, 256–257, 264–265

character-to-number conversions, 256, 265

check constraints, 103

check sums, 766

checkpointing mechanism, 668–669, 678

CKPT (Checkpoint Process), 390

classes, job, 653, 654–655

client tools

SQL*Plus, 68–73

SQL Developer, 73–76

client-server paradigm, 442–443

client-side network configuration, 455–457

connectivity testing, 457

directory and external naming, 456–457

Easy Connect name resolution, 455

local naming name resolution, 455–456

CLOB data type, 82

cloning PDBs, 902–904

closed backups, 688, 711

Cloud Control. See Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

clusters, 473

COALESCE function, 268–269


aliases for, 210

altering in tables, 87

attributes as, 190

creating tables with, 84–85

data types for, 81–83, 120

grouping by multiple, 291–292

key, 101

mandatory, 102

not null and nullable, 213

pseudocolumns as, 785–786

qualifying ambiguous names for, 310–311

relational models and, 197–199

substituting names of, 231–232

command-line utilities

Data Pump, 556–557, 559, 560

Oracle Secure Backup, 838

SQL*Plus, 410

COMMIT statement

transaction control using, 149–150

two-phase commits, 392

committed transactions, 789

common privileges, 932–933

common queue, 448–449

common roles, 933

common users, 930–931, 934–935

COMPACT keyword, 495

comparison operators, 217–222

equality and inequality, 217–219

multiple-row subquery, 348, 349

NULL comparison with IS NULL, 222

pattern comparison with LIKE, 220–222

range comparison with BETWEEN, 219

set comparison with IN, 219–220

single-row subquery, 348, 349

comparison subqueries, 343–344

compatibility, database, 816–817

COMPATIBLE parameter, 816, 817

complete recovery, 724, 725–727, 744–745

of critical datafiles, 727

of noncritical datafiles, 725–726

complex views, 110–111

composite indexes, 98

composite inequality operators, 218

composite key unique constraints, 101

composite sorting, 227

compound queries

ORDER BY clause in, 355, 361

set operators and, 352, 353–361

compressed indexes, 97


backup process using, 691, 710

storing data using, 491–492

CONCAT function, 245

concatenation operator, 211

condition monitoring, 580–581

conditional clauses, 217

conditional functions, 266–273

CASE expression, 271–273

COALESCE, 268–269

DECODE, 270, 273

NULLIF, 268, 269

NVL, 267, 269

NVL2, 267, 269

two-minute drill on, 274


CONNECT command, 425

CONNECT role, 524, 525

connection pooling, 460–461

connectivity testing, Oracle Net, 457

consistency, principle of, 145

consistent backups, 688, 711

consistent shutdowns, 428–429

consolidated replay, 950–951

constraints, 100–107

check, 103

defining, 103–105

exercise on managing, 107

explanation of, 100

foreign key, 102–103

immediate vs. deferred, 106

not-null, 102, 103

primary key, 102

states of, 105–106

two-minute drill on, 121

types of, 101–103

unique, 101

violation of, 100, 144

consumer groups, 623–624, 653

container databases (CDBs), 561, 884–887

backing up, 938–939

Database Replay and, 949–951

DBCA for creating, 896–898

establishing connections to, 908–911

exercise on creating, 899–900

migrating pre-12.1 non CDB-databases to, 907–908

multitenant architecture and, 884–890

parameter changes for, 918–919

performance tuning in, 941–944

plugging non-CDBs into, 904–906

plugging unplugged PDBs into, 906–907

privileges granted in, 932–933

resource management for, 944–949

roles managed in, 933

root container in, 884, 888–889

seed container in, 884, 901–902

self-test questions/answers on, 893–894, 921–924, 955–959

service names and, 908–910

services created for, 910

shutting down, 916

SQL*Plus for creating, 898

starting up, 912–913

switching connections within, 910–911

tablespace management in, 927–928

two-minute drill on, 892–893, 920–921, 951–954

users managed in, 930–931

views available in, 886

See also multitenant environments; pluggable databases

context switch, 447, 634

control queue, 554–555

control table, 555

control transactions. See transactions

controlfile, 16–17, 376, 396

configuration process, 673–674, 679

restoration of, 737–738

SQL*Loader and, 549–550

CONTROL_FILES parameter, 16, 427

conversion functions, 255–265

character-to-date, 256–257, 264–265

character-to-number, 256, 265

date-to-character, 256, 260–264

explicit data type, 257

implicit data type, 255–257

number-to-character, 256, 258–260

overview of using, 257–258

self test on, 275–278

TO_CHAR, 258–264

TO_DATE, 264–265


two-minute drill on, 274

CONVERT command, 818

correlated subqueries, 349–350

corruption, block, 765–769, 772–773

COUNT function, 281–282

CPU resources

method for allocating, 628–631

ratio CPU method for, 631

CREATE CATALOG command, 698



CREATE PROFILE command, 528

CREATE ROLE command, 522

CREATE SCHEMA command, 200

CREATE SCRIPT command, 699

CREATE SEQUENCE command, 115–116

CREATE SYNONYM command, 113

CREATE TABLE command, 552


CREATE USER command, 200, 515–516, 930

CREATE VIEW command, 111–112

CreateDBCatalog.sql script, 28

CreateDBFiles.sql script, 28

CREATE_JOB procedure, 647–648, 650

CREATE_SCHEDULE procedure, 649–650

CREATE_WINDOW procedure, 655

credentials, database, 20

critical datafile recovery, 727

cross joins, 304, 307–308, 331–333, 335

CROSSCHECK commands, 710–711

crow’s foot notation, 190, 191, 194

crsctl utility, 41, 50, 56–57

cumulative incremental backups, 703–704

current group, 397

CURRENT redo log group, 742

CURRVAL pseudocolumn, 117



grouping of, 287–292

migrating, 859, 860–862

moving of, 546, 548–554

normalization of, 189, 192–193

performance monitoring, 593–594

table metadata and, 187

views for comprehending, 109

data concurrency management

exercise on working with, 172–173

locking mechanism and, 164–173

data definition language. See DDL commands

data dictionary, 16, 17, 186–187, 376, 400–401

data dictionary cache, 383

Data Guard, 377

Data Manipulation Language. See DML commands

data modeling, 190

Data Pump, 133, 546, 554–565

architecture, 554–555

capabilities of, 556

command-line utilities, 556–557

exercise on using, 560–561

job suspension switch, 497

migrating data using, 860–862, 908

multitenant environments and, 561–565

tablespace transport, 557–560, 818

two-minute drill on, 566–567

Data Recovery Advisor (DRA), 579–580, 769–771

exercise on using, 771

identifying failures with, 769–770

implementing repairs with, 770

multitenant use of, 938, 953

views available in, 770

data save, 548

data types

column, 81–83, 120

exercise on, 83

large object, 82

Data Vault, 868

database administrators (DBAs), 18

database buffer cache, 146, 379–380, 598, 943

Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), 16–37

configuring database options with, 31–32

container database creation with, 896–898

creating a database with, 16–25

demonstration schema creation, 199, 203

exercises on using, 22–25, 29–30, 31, 32

generating database creation scripts with, 25–30

managing database design templates with, 30–31

overview of DBCA dialog steps, 19–22

self-test questions/answers on, 33–37

two-minute drill on using, 33

undo tablespace size and, 160

database connections

SQL*Plus, 71–73

SQL Developer, 75–76

Database Control Table Creation Wizard, 91

database creation scripts, 25–30

Database Express, 412–415

database listeners and, 410

lock contention identified in, 169–170

Performance Hub page, 594–595

prerequisites for using, 415

SHOW SQL button, 477

tablespace creation, 476–477

undo configuration in, 158

database links, 891

database listeners, 40, 62

creating, 445–446

Database Express, 410, 413–414

registration process, 391, 446

showing the status of, 413

starting, 424–425

upgrading, 870–871

database management tools, 410–416

Database Express, 412–415

exercise on using, 415–416

SQL*Plus, 410–411

SYSDBA privileges, 411–412

two-minute drill on, 434

database objects. See objects

Database Replay, 949–951, 954

Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP), 460–461, 463

database security. See security

database servers

components of, 377–378

dedicated, 446–447

shared, 446–452

steps in creating, 17

database software. See Oracle Database software

database templates

creating databases from, 19

managing using DBCA, 30–31

Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA), 858, 870, 871–874, 878


configuring for Oracle Restart, 60–62

creating with the DBCA, 16–25

date storage in, 251

duplicating, 821–827

flashing back, 778, 801–808

instances vs., 16

links between, 461–462

migrating data between, 859, 860–862

options configuration for, 31–32

registering, 59

startup and shutdown, 425–430

steps in creating, 17–18

tempfile recovery, 744

transporting, 565, 820–821

upgrading, 868–882

See also Oracle Database

datafiles, 375, 397–399

operating system blocks and, 472

renaming tablespaces and, 479–480

SWITCH command to recover, 732–734

DATE data type, 82, 83

date functions, 251–254

ADD_MONTHS, 252–253




ROUND, 253–254


TRUNC, 254

date-based conditions, 216–217


arithmetic for, 252

conversion functions for, 256–257, 260–265

database storage of, 251

date-to-character conversions, 256, 260–264

DBA role, 524

DBA views, 886

DBAs (database administrators), 18




DBA_OBJECTS view, 77


DBA_RECYCLEBIN view, 795, 797

DBA_REGISTRY view, 32, 856


DBA_ROLES view, 524


DBA_SEGMENTS view, 472


DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter, 766

DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM parameter, 766

DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter, 21, 22

DBCA. See Database Configuration Assistant

DB_DOMAIN parameter, 19, 20

DBMS_ADVISOR package, 613–614


DBMS_FLASHBACK package, 782, 789

DBMS_HM package, 764–765


DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package, 626, 628, 945

DBMS_SCHEDULER package, 647, 654

DBMS_SERVICE package, 910

DBMS_SQLTUNE package, 610–611

DBMS_STATS package, 607, 608

DBMS_XDB_CONFIG package, 653

DB_NAME parameter, 16, 19

DBUA (Database Upgrade Assistant), 858, 870, 871–874, 878

DBWn (Database Writer), 387–388, 668–669

DCL commands, 149

DDL commands

altering tables using, 87

data dictionary and, 401

locking mechanism and, 166–167

recording in log file, 432

transactions using, 149

TRUNCATE command, 141–142

DDL log, 432

deadlocks, 168, 171

decision support system (DSS), 552

DECODE function, 270, 273

dedicated server architecture, 446–447

DEFAULT clause, 85

DEFAULT profile, 528

default RMAN values, 692–693

default tablespaces, 510, 928

DEFERRED constraints, 106

deferred segment creation, 488, 489

DEFINE command, 233

DELETE command, 139–141

exercise on using, 140–141

transactions using, 148

TRUNCATE command vs., 141

demonstration schemas, 199–204

creation of, 199, 203–204

HR and OE, 199, 200–203

descending indexes, 98

descending sort order, 226

DESCRIBE table command, 186–188

diagnosing errors, 756–775

automatic diagnostic repository for, 756–762

Data Recovery Advisor for, 769–770

and handling block corruption, 765–769

Oracle Health Monitor for, 762–765

self-test questions/answers on, 773–775

two-minute drill on, 771–773

DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter, 427, 431, 756–757

differential incremental backups, 703

digital shredding, 780

direct path loads, 548, 550, 555

directives, 606–607, 625

directly attached storage (DAS) devices, 43, 44


creating, 546–547

structure of, 5–6

directory naming, 456–457

directory objects, 546–547, 566

dirty buffers, 380, 668–669

disk backups, 687

disk groups, ASM, 41, 43, 46

disk space requirement, 5

disks, ASM, 43–45

dispatchers, 448–449

DISPLAY variable, 18

DISTINCT clause, 205, 206, 214

distributed systems architectures, 377

distributed transactions, 392

DML commands, 132–144

DELETE, 139–141

failure of, 143–144

INSERT, 132–136

locks for, 165, 166

MERGE, 142–143

subqueries and, 346

two-minute drill on, 173

undo data and, 154–155

UPDATE, 136–139

dot notation

ambiguous column names and, 310–311

explanation of, 310, 334

double ampersand substitution, 230–231, 232–234

DEFINE and UNDEFINE commands, 232–233

VERIFY command, 233–234

DRA. See Data Recovery Advisor

DROP INDEX command, 99

DROP SYNONYM command, 113

DROP TABLE command, 87–88, 792–793

DROP TABLESPACE command, 483

DROP VIEW command, 112

dropped tables

flashback technology for, 791–798

viewing in recycle bin, 795, 797

dropping tablespaces, 483

DUAL table, 211, 266

dual-mode encryption, 837

dump files, 555

duplexed backupsets, 705

DUPLICATE command, 824–825

duplicate data, 192, 193

duplicating databases, 821–827

active database for, 822–825

backups used for, 825–826

exercise on process of, 826–827

PDBs using RMAN, 940–941

reasons and uses for, 822

self-test questions/answers on, 829–832

two-minute drill on, 828–829

durability, principle of, 146

dynamic parameter files, 416–417

dynamic parameters, 417–419

dynamic performance views, 432–433, 435, 841

dynamic sampling, 606

dynamic server registration, 446


Easy Connect name resolution, 455


auditing, 534–536

roles, 524–525

encrypted backups, 834–837

dual-mode encryption for, 837

password encryption for, 837

transparent encryption for, 834–836

two-minute drill on, 847

endian formats, 557, 817–818

enqueue mechanism, 166

Enterprise Manager (EM), 20

Database Express Performance Hub, 594–595

monitoring performance using, 592–595, 614

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, 20, 581, 756, 761, 763, 942

Enterprise Manager Database Express, 20, 410

entities, 190–194

equality operator, 215, 217, 218

equality predicate, 138, 140

equijoins, 304, 305, 319, 334


block corruption, 765–769, 772–773

diagnosing, 756–765, 769–770

DML statement, 143–144

flashback technologies and, 780

preventing with views, 109

spelling or punctuation, 210

undo data, 156

See also failures

ESCAPE character, 221

EXCLUSIVE lock mode, 167

exclusive locks, 165–166, 167

execution plans, 604, 607

execution time controls, 633–634

EXISTS condition, 352

expdp command, 564

explicit data type conversion, 257

explicit index creation, 98


from existing to new PDBs, 563–564

full transportable importing and, 564–565

from non-CDBs to PDBs, 561–563

from PDBs to non-CDBs, 564

tablespaces using Data Pump, 557–561

expressions, 209

CASE, 271–273

column aliasing and, 210

exercise on constructing, 214

literal, 211

substituting, 232

extent maps, 41

extents, 142, 474–475

definition of, 400, 472

management of, 483–484

external authentication, 514–515

external naming, 457

external tables, 552–554, 555, 566

extract-transform-load (ETL) cycle, 552



block corruption, 765–769, 772–773

categories of, 664–665

diagnosing, 756–765, 769–770

login, 527

See also errors

fast intra-CDB links, 891

Fast Recovery Area (FRA), 665, 804

configuration of, 675–676, 678–679

flashback logs using, 803

fast switch, 732

feeder system, 552

FETCH clause, 228

FILESPERSET parameter, 845, 846

Fine Grained Auditing (FGA), 531–532

first normal form (1NF), 192

flash recovery area, 707

flashback buffer, 801–802

Flashback Data Archive (FBDA), 780, 799–801

Flashback Database, 778, 801–808

architecture, 801–803

configuring, 803–804

exercise on using, 807–808

method for using, 805–806

monitoring, 804–805

RMAN and, 807

SQL*Plus and, 806–807

when to use, 780, 781

Flashback Drop, 779, 791–798

description of using, 793–795

exercise on working with, 795–796

implementation of, 792–793

recycle bin and, 795, 797–798

when to use, 780, 781

Flashback Query, 778–779, 781–791

basic use of, 781–783

table query, 783–785

transaction query, 163–164, 787–790

undo data and, 163, 790–791

versions query, 785–787

flashback retention target, 803–804

Flashback Table, 779, 780, 783–785

flashback technologies, 778–814

data archive, 799–801

database flashback, 801–808

descriptive overview of, 778–780

dropped tables and, 791–798

querying data using, 781–791

self-test questions/answers on, 809–814

table queries, 783–785

transaction queries, 779, 787–790

two-minute drill on, 808–809

versions queries, 785–787

when to use, 780–781

Flashback Transaction, 779, 780, 781, 787–790

Flashback Versions Query, 785–787

FLOAT data type, 82

FOR UPDATE clause, 153

foreground processes, 374

foreign key constraints, 102–103

foreign keys, 190

nullable columns and, 213

referential integrity and, 194–197

format masks

date, 261–262

numeric, 259

format specifiers, 694–695

forward recovery process, 376

FRA. See Fast Recovery Area

FROM clause

SELECT statement and, 205

subqueries used in, 342, 345

WHERE clause and, 215

full backups, 688, 712

full checkpoints, 669

FULL OUTER JOIN clause, 329

full table scan, 92–93

full transportable export/import, 564–565

fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), 20

function-based indexes, 98


case conversion, 243–245

character manipulation, 245–248

conditional, 266–273

conversion, 255–265

date, 251–254

defining, 242

group, 280–287

multiple-row, 243

nested, 242, 265–266, 292

numeric, 248–251

single-row, 243

types of, 242–243


GoldenGate, Oracle, 377


privileges, 517, 518–519, 521–522

roles, 522–523

Grid Infrastructure (GI), 40–64

architecture, 40–41

ASM capability, 40, 41–45

installation process, 45–51

launch process, 51

Linux installation, 48–50

Oracle Restart provided by, 56

self-test questions/answers on, 52–54

two-minute drill on ASM and, 51

Windows installation, 47–48

GROUP BY clause, 289–292

HAVING clause and, 294, 296

multiple attributes used by, 291

two-minute drill on, 297

group functions, 280–287

AVG, 283

COUNT, 281–282

definition of, 280–281

exercise on using, 287

LISTAGG, 286–287

MAX and MIN, 285

nested, 292

rules for, 287

self test on, 297–302

STDDEV, 284–285

SUM, 282–283

two-minute drill on, 296

VARIANCE, 284–285

grouping attribute, 289, 290

grouping data, 287–296

based on multiple columns, 291–292

creating groups of data, 287–289

GROUP BY clause for, 289–292, 294, 296

HAVING clause for, 294–296

nested group functions and, 292

reporting purposes served by, 289

restricting group results, 293–294

self-test questions/answers on, 297–302

two-minute drill on, 297

group-level results, 293


hash clusters, 84

hash join technique, 93

HAVING clause, 294–296

exercise on using, 296

GROUP BY clause and, 294, 296

two-minute drill on, 297

WHERE clause and, 293–294

Health Monitor, 762–765

heap tables, 84

help facility, 59

hierarchical paradigm, 198–199

High Availability Services (HAS), 40, 50

high water mark, 142, 548

HR demonstration schema, 199, 200–203

HTTP connections, 412, 653

Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC), 491, 492

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 412, 653


idle time, 634

if-then-else logic, 266, 270, 271

image copies, 730–736

fast recovery using, 731–736

recovery process for, 730

RMAN backups to, 687

strategy using, 730–731

IMMEDIATE constraints, 106

IMMEDIATE keyword, 916

immediate shutdown mode, 428

impdp utility, 559, 560

implicit commit, 153

implicit data type conversion, 255–257

implicit index creation, 98


from existing into new PDBs, 563–564

full transportable exporting and, 564–565

into non-CDBs from PDBs, 564

into PDBs from non-CDBs, 561–563

tablespaces using Data Pump, 557–561

IN operator, 217, 219–220, 351

INACTIVE redo log group, 740–742

Incident Manager, 761

incidents, database, 761–762

incomplete recovery, 724, 727–730, 744–745

database flashback vs., 803

restore point creation, 727–728

server-managed, 728–729

inconsistent shutdowns, 429

incremental backups, 688, 701–704

cumulative, 703–704

differential, 703

exercise on using, 704

Level 0, 702

recovering using, 730–731

two-minute drill on, 711, 712–713

incremental checkpoints, 668–669

indentation of SQL statements, 208

index clusters, 84

index organized tables, 84

indexes, 92–100

bitmap, 95–97

B*Tree, 93–95

constraints requiring, 102

creating and using, 98–99

exercise on creating, 99–100

functions performed by, 92

modifying and dropping, 99

necessity of, 92–93

options applied to, 97–98

segments as, 473

shrink operation and, 494–496

two-minute drill on, 121

types of, 93–98

inequality operators, 217, 218–219

INITCAP function, 244

initialization parameter files, 28–29, 416–424

basic parameters and, 419–420

static and dynamic parameters and, 417–419

two-minute drill on, 434

initialization parameters, 21, 28–29, 422–424

inline views, 345

inner joins, 304, 305–307, 319, 325

inner queries. See subqueries

input datafiles, 549

INSERT command, 132–136

exercise on using, 135–136

SELECT statement and, 133, 134

SQL*Loader and, 548

transactions using, 148

installation process

Grid Infrastructure, 45–51

Oracle Database software, 7–12

Oracle Secure Backup, 838

SQL Developer, 73–74

installing Oracle Database software, 7–12

Linux platform for, 8–9, 10, 11–12

OUI inventory creation, 7–8

planning process for, 4–7, 12

platform variations for, 10–12

prerequisite checks for, 6–7

response files for, 9

self test on, 12–14

silent install process, 9

two-minute drill on, 12

Windows platform for, 10–11

instances, 16

Automatic Storage Management, 40, 41–43

auxiliary database, 823–824

background processes for, 386–395

connecting to local, 443–444

container database, 911–912

failures related to, 664

memory structures of, 378–386

multitenant environment and, 941–943

recovery process for, 428, 666–668

shutdown process for, 428–429

startup process for, 426–428

INSTR function, 247

INTEGER data type, 82

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 81, 352, 785

interprocess communication (IPC), 889

INTERSECT operator, 353, 358–359



IS NULL operator, 217, 222

iSCSI devices, 44

ISO compliance, 81

isolation, principle of, 145–146


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), 75

Java pool, 384, 598

Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 73

job chains, 652, 657

job classes, 653, 654–655

JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter, 646


controlling by execution time, 633–634

creating in the Scheduler, 647–648

prioritizing in the Scheduler, 653–656

remote systems using, 653

self-contained, 650

JOIN ON clause, 307, 315–317, 319

exercise on using, 316–317

self-joins and, 321–322

JOIN USING clause, 307, 314–315, 319

joining, concept of, 188–189, 304

joins, 304–339

ambiguous column names and, 310–311

ANSI SQL syntax for, 309–310

cross, 304, 307–308, 331–333

equijoins as, 304, 305, 319

inner, 304, 305–307, 319, 325

JOIN ON clause, 307, 315–317, 319, 321–322

JOIN USING clause, 307, 314–315, 319

NATURAL JOIN clause, 306, 311–314, 319

nonequijoins as, 304, 305, 319–321

n-way or multiple, 318–319

Oracle syntax for, 308–309

outer, 304, 307, 324–330

self test on using, 335–339

self-joins as, 304, 321–324

two-minute drill on, 334–335

types of, 305–308


key columns, 101


large object data types, 82

large pool, 384, 449, 598

LAST_DAY function, 253

LDAP connections, 75

LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, 69

LEFT OUTER JOIN clause, 325–326

LENGTH function, 245–246

Level 0 incremental backups, 702

LGWR (Log Writer), 389, 668

library cache, 382–383

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 75, 873

LIKE operator, 217, 218, 220–222

limiting query results, 214–225

Boolean operators for, 222–224

comparison operators for, 217–222

precedence rules for, 224–225

two-minute drill on, 235

WHERE clause for, 214–225

links, database, 461–462

Linux OS

demonstration schema creation on, 203–204

installing Grid Infrastructure on, 48–50

installing Oracle Database on, 8–9, 10, 11–12

launching the DBCA on, 18

managing Oracle Restart on, 57

SQL*Plus on, 68–70

support for Oracle Database on, 4

LIST FAILURE command, 769, 770

LISTAGG function, 286–287

Listener Control utility, 452–454

listener.ora configuration file, 452

listeners. See database listeners

literal expressions, 211

little-endian platforms, 817

LOBs (large objects), 473

local area networks (LANs), 274

local database connections, 443–444

local naming name resolution, 455–456

local privileges, 932–933

local roles, 933

local users, 930–931

lock contention, 168–171

causes of, 168–169

deadlocks and, 171

detecting, 169–171

solving, 171

lockAccount.sql script, 28

locking mechanism, 164–173

automatic and manual locking, 166–167

conflict monitoring and resolution, 168–171

enqueue mechanism related to, 166

exercise on working with, 172–173

shared and exclusive locks, 165–166

two-minute drill on, 175

log buffer, 380–381, 422, 598, 599

log files, 549, 555

log switch, 397

logical models, 190

logical operators. See Boolean operators

logical standby database, 666

logical storage structures, 400, 403–404, 470

logical unit numbers (LUNs), 44

logical volume manager (LVM), 41

logon triggers, 422


alert, 399, 427, 431–432, 435

flashback, 802–803, 804

redo, 376, 380–381, 396–397

Scheduler job, 654–655

LONG data type, 82

LONG RAW data type, 82

long-running queries, 162–163

LOWER function, 243–244

lowercase SQL statements, 206–207

LPAD function, 246

LREG (Listener Registration Process), 391, 446

lsnrctl utility, 413, 414, 452–454


machine names, 807

Manageability Monitor. See MMON


AWR settings, 575–576

constraints, 107

database design templates, 30–31

extents, 483–484

memory, 596–602

optimizer statistics, 604–609

Oracle Restart, 56–57

passwords, 527–529

resources, 622–643

segments, 493–494, 498

storage, 492–494

undo data, 156–157

mandatory auditing, 534

mandatory columns, 102

manual database upgrades, 874–875

manual locking, 167

manual software upgrades, 858

manual statistics gathering, 607–609

many-to-many relationships, 191, 194, 470

many-to-one relationships, 191, 194

master-detail relationship, 194, 325

MAX function, 285, 351

MAXOPENFILES parameter, 845, 846

MAXPIECESIZE parameter, 846

MAX_STRING_SIZE parameter, 81

Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) Advisor, 579

media failure, 664

Media Management Layer (MML), 691

media server, 838

memory advisors, 578, 602–604, 615, 943–944

memory broker, 601

memory buffers, 602–604

memory management, 596–602

Automatic, 600–601

exercise on setting, 601–602

memory advisors for, 578, 602–604

multitenant, 941–942

PGA, 596–598

SGA, 598–600

Memory Manager (MMAN), 390–391, 601

memory structures, 378–386

database buffer cache, 379–380

exercise on investigating, 385–386

Java pool, 384

large pool, 384

log buffer, 380–381

shared pool, 382–384

streams pool, 384–385

two-minute drill on, 403

memory target advisor, 603

MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter, 600

MEMORY_TARGET parameter, 600

MERGE command, 142–143

metadata, 187, 207

metadata links, 934

metrics vs. statistics, 593

Microsoft SQL Server, 199

Microsoft Windows. See Windows OS


data, 859, 860–862

row, 491

MIN function, 285

MINUS operator, 353, 359

mirroring, RAID, 44

MMAN (Memory Manager), 390–391, 601

MMNL (Manageability Monitor Light), 390

MMON (Manageability Monitor), 390

alerts raised by, 581

AWR statistics and, 492, 574–575

memory broker and, 601

MOD function, 250–251


condition, 580–581

conflict, 168–171

Flashback Database, 804–805

multitenant environment, 941–944

performance, 593–595, 614

Resource Manager, 637–638

RMAN sessions/jobs, 841–843

tablespace, 492

undo data, 156–161

MONTHS_BETWEEN function, 252

MOUNT mode, 17, 427, 688–690

moving data, 546, 552–554, 556–565

Data Pump for, 556–565

external tables for, 552–554

self-test questions/answers on, 567–571

SQL*Loader for, 548–551, 565

two-minute drill on, 565–567

multiple-column grouping, 291–292

multiple-row functions, 243

See also group functions

multiple-row subqueries, 348–349

comparison operators for, 348, 349

examples of writing, 351–352

multiplexing, RMAN, 845

multisection backups, 708–710

multitenant environments, 884–890, 896–924, 926–959

ALTER SYSTEM command used in, 919

architecture overview for, 884–890

auditing in, 937–938

automating PDB startup in, 916–917

backup and recovery in, 938–940

changing PDB status in, 918

communications between containers in, 891–892

concepts pertaining to, 884–887

creating CDBs and PDBs in, 896–907

Data Pump used in, 561–565

Data Recovery Advisor used in, 938, 953

Database Replay used in, 949–951

establishing connections in, 908–911

migrating pre-12.1 databases in, 907–908

opening/closing PDBs in, 914–916

parameter value changes in, 918–919

performance monitoring/tuning in, 941–944

reasons for setting up, 887–888

resource management in, 944–949

self-test questions/answers on, 893–894, 920–921, 955–959

shutting down CDBs in, 916

space management in, 926–930

SQL*Loader used in, 565

starting up CDBs in, 912–913

two-minute drill on, 892–893, 920–921, 951–954

users, roles, and privileges in, 930–936

See also container databases; pluggable databases

multithreaded model, 386


name resolution, 444

Easy Connect, 455

local naming, 455–456

utility for testing, 457

namespaces, object, 79–80


schema objects, 78–79

tables with SQL*Plus, 792

tablespaces, 479–480

national language support (NLS) parameters, 258

NATURAL JOIN clause, 306, 311–314, 319

natural joins, 306, 307, 315, 319, 334

NCLOB data type, 82

nested functions, 242

group functions, 292

single-row functions, 265–266

nested loop join technique, 93

nested subqueries, 342

nested tables, 473

Net Configuration Assistant, 452–455

Listener Control utility, 452–454

TNS_ADMIN environment variable, 454–455

Net Manager tool, 452, 453

network configuration, 873

network failure, 664

network mode export/import, 860, 861

network-attached storage (NAS) devices, 43, 44

networking. See Oracle Net

NEXT_DAY function, 253

NEXTVAL pseudocolumn, 117


no mount mode, 16, 27

noarchivelog mode, 672, 688–690

NOAUDIT command, 530

NOLOG switch, 410

NOMOUNT mode, 427, 763

non-container databases (non-CDBs)

exporting to PDBs from, 561–563

importing from PDBs into, 564

noncritical datafiles, 725–726

nonequality predicate, 140

nonequijoins, 304, 305, 319–321, 334

nonunique indexes, 97

normal shutdown mode, 428

normal user logon, 411

normal users, 410

normalizing data, 189, 192–193

NOT EXISTS condition, 352

NOT IN operator, 344, 352

NOT NULL columns, 213

NOT operator, 223–224, 225

notifications, 581

not-null constraints, 102, 103

NULL values

bitmap indexes and, 97

B*Tree indexes and, 95

conditional functions for, 267–268

IS NULL operator for, 222

SQL statements and, 212–213

subquery results as, 352

unique constraints and, 101

nullable columns, 213

NULLIF function, 268, 269

NUMBER data type, 81, 83

number-to-character conversions, 256, 258–260

numeric format masks, 259

numeric functions, 248–251

MOD, 250–251

ROUND, 249–250

TRUNC, 250

numeric-based conditions, 215

NVARCHAR2 data type, 81

NVL function, 267, 269

NVL2 function, 267, 269


object links, 934

object privileges, 520–521

object statistics, 604–605, 606, 608


categorizing, 76–81, 120

directory, 546–547

exercise on using, 80–81

namespaces for groups of, 79–80

naming of schema, 78–79

privileges related to, 520–521

Scheduler, 647

segments and, 488, 489

synonyms for, 112–115

types of, 76–77

obtool commands, 839–840

OE demonstration schema, 199, 203

offline tablespaces, 480–481

OFFSET clause, 227

OHASD process, 40

OMF naming convention, 6

one-legged rows, 304

one-to-many relationships, 191, 194

one-to-one relationships, 191, 194, 470

online redo log files, 396–397

archiver processes and, 672–673

configuration of, 673

protecting, 670–671

two-minute drill on, 678

online tablespaces, 480–481

online transaction processing (OLTP), 610

open backups, 687–688

OPEN mode, 427

operating system authentication, 513–514

operating system groups, 10

operators, 209

alternative quote, 212

arithmetic, 209–210

boolean, 222–224

comparison, 217–222, 348–349

concatenation, 211

Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), 5

optimizer, 604–609, 615

autotask for gathering statistics, 584

how statistics are used by, 605–607

manual statistics gathering with, 607–609

object statistics and, 604–605, 606

optimizer hints, 99

OR operator, 223, 225

Oracle Base directory, 5

Oracle Call Interface (OCI), 442

Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), 40

Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), 10

Oracle Data Guard, 666

Oracle Data Pump. See Data Pump

Oracle data storage model, 470–472

Oracle Data Vault, 868

Oracle Database

architectural components, 374–378

data dictionary, 400–401

flashing back, 778, 801–808

logical structures, 400

migration of data, 859, 860–862

physical structures, 395–399

startup and shutdown, 425–430

upgrading, 868–882

See also databases

Oracle Database software

directory structure, 5–6

disk space requirement, 5

Linux installation, 8–9, 10, 11–12

options for downloading, 4

planning an installation of, 4–7, 12

platforms supporting, 4

upgrading, 856–860

user accounts, 5

Windows installation, 10–11

Oracle Enterprise Manager. See Enterprise Manager

Oracle Health Monitor, 762–765

Oracle Home directory, 5, 203, 856, 857, 870–871

Oracle Internet Directory (OID), 71

Oracle join syntax, 308–309

Oracle Label Security (OLS), 868

Oracle Local Registry (OLR), 41, 56

Oracle Managed Files (OMF), 21, 485–486

Oracle Multitenant option. See multitenant environments

Oracle Net, 442–467

client-server paradigm and, 442–443

client-side configuration, 455–457

connectivity testing, 457

database listener creation, 445–446

Database Resident Connection Pool, 460–461

dynamic server registration, 446

exercise on configuring, 458–460

links between databases, 461–462

Net Configuration Assistant, 452–455

Net Manager tool, 452, 453

self-test questions/answers on, 463–467

session establishment, 443–445

shared server, 446–452

two-minute drill, 462–463

Oracle Restart, 56–64

database configuration, 60–62

Grid Infrastructure and, 56

listener registration, 62

process administration, 56–57

resource administration, 58–59

restart capability, 59–60

self-test questions/answers on, 63–64

two-minute drill, 62

Oracle Scheduler. See Scheduler

Oracle Secure Backup (OSB), 666, 834, 838–840

installing and configuring, 838

miscellaneous obtool commands, 839–840

self-test questions/answers on, 848, 850

two-minute drill on, 847

using RMAN with, 838–839

Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, 4

Oracle Technology Network (OTN), 4

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), 4, 7–12

GI installation, 45

interactive install, 8–9

inventory creation, 7–8

Linux installation, 8–9, 10, 11–12

platform variations, 10

response files, 9

upgrades using, 857–858

version issues, 8

Windows installation, 10–11

Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB), 869

ORACLE_HOME variable, 69

ORACLE_SID parameter, 20, 888, 889

ORDER BY clause, 225–227

ascending sort with, 225–226

composite sorting with, 227

compound queries and, 355, 361

descending sort with, 226

exercise on using, 227

positional sorting with, 226

orphan rows, 103, 304

OSB. See Oracle Secure Backup

OUI. See Oracle Universal Installer

outer joins, 304, 307, 324–330

exercise on performing, 330

FULL OUTER JOIN clause, 329

inner joins distinguished from, 325

LEFT OUTER JOIN clause, 325–326

RIGHT OUTER JOIN clause, 326–328

two-minute drill on, 334

outer queries, 342


parallel upgrade script, 875


backupset, 844–845

limiting the degree of, 633

selecting for upgrades, 873

PARALLEL_SERVER_LIMIT directive, 945–946

parameter files, 16, 399

initialization, 28–29, 416–424

static and dynamic, 416–417


basic, 419–420

CDB and PDB, 918–919

changing instance, 420–422

initialization, 21, 28–29, 422–424

PGA memory management, 597–598

SGA memory management, 599

standard auditing, 534

static and dynamic, 417–419

parent-child relationship, 102–103, 325

parentheses, 354

partial backups, 688, 690

partial checkpoints, 669


index, 473

table, 84, 473

password encryption, 837

password files

authentication using, 513–514

external, 399


authentication using, 514

characters used for, 20

profiles for managing, 527–529

SYS and SYSTEM schema, 20

patchsets, 856, 857

PATH variable, 69

pattern comparison, 220–222

PCTFREE setting, 490

PDB$SEED container, 901

PDBs. See pluggable databases

pending area, 628


indexes for improving, 92–93

lock contention related to, 168

monitoring and tuning, 592–620, 941–944

views for optimizing, 110

performance monitoring, 593–595, 614, 941

performance tuning, 592–620

Automatic Memory Management and, 600–601

managing optimizer statistics, 604–609

memory advisors for, 602–604

methodology for, 592–593

monitoring activity for, 593–595

multitenant environment, 941–944

PGA memory management and, 596–598

RMAN operations and, 843–847

self-test questions/answers on, 615–620

SGA memory management and, 598–600

SQL Access Advisor for, 612–614

SQL Tuning Advisor for, 609–612

two-minute drill on, 614–615

persistent RMAN settings, 692–695

default values, 692–693

format specifiers, 694–695

retention policy, 693–694

PGA. See Program Global Area

PGA Advisor, 578, 603

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter, 597–598, 600

physical storage structures, 395–399

controlfile, 396

datafiles, 397–399

logical storage structures vs., 470

online redo log files, 396–397

two-minute drill on, 403


code creation, 68, 148, 401

execution call example, 582

function result cache, 383

statistics and, 604

See also specific procedures


CDB resource, 945, 946–947

database installation, 4–7, 12

execution, 604, 607

resource, 625–626, 628–636, 653

pluggable databases (PDBs), 561, 884–885, 889–892

automating the startup of, 916–917

backing up, 938–939

changing the status of, 918

characteristics of, 889–890

cloning existing PDBs to create, 902–904

communications between, 891–892

creation techniques for, 900–907

Database Replay and, 949–951

duplicating using RMAN, 940–941

establishing connections to, 908–911

exporting to non-CDBs from, 564

exporting/importing between, 563–564

importing from non-CDBs into, 561–563

multitenant architecture and, 884–890

opening and closing, 914–916

parameter changes for, 918–919

performance tuning in, 941–944

plugging into CDBs, 906–907

privileges granted in, 932–933

provisioning, 891, 893

resource management for, 944–949

roles managed in, 933

seed container for creating, 901–902

selectively opening/closing, 915–916

self-test questions/answers on, 893–894, 921–924, 955–959

service names and, 908–910

services created for, 910

shares assigned to, 944–945

tablespace management in, 926–930

two-minute drill on, 892–893, 920–921, 951–954

unplugging and dropping, 907

users managed in, 930–931, 934–935

See also container databases; multitenant environments

PMON (Process Monitor), 386–387


Fine Grained Auditing, 531–532

RMAN retention, 693–694

unified auditing, 533, 535–536, 537

positional notation, 133

positional sorting, 226

postDBCreation.sql script, 28

Post-Upgrade Status Tool, 875

postupgrade tasks, 876

precedence, operator, 224–225

predefined roles, 524

predicate, 214

prerequisite checks

for DBCA database creation, 22

for DBUA database upgrades, 872

for installing Oracle Database software, 6–7

Pre-Upgrade Information Tool, 869–870, 877

primary key constraints, 102

primary keys, 190, 194

DELETE command using, 140

sequences for generating, 115

PRINT command, 701

private synonyms, 113

Privilege Analysis mechanism, 525–526

privileged users, 410, 412

privileges, 517–522

analysis of, 525–526

common and local, 932–933

flashback transaction, 787

granting, 517, 518–519, 521–522

object, 520–521

revoking, 517, 519, 521

startup or shutdown, 425–426

system, 518–520

two-minute drill on, 538

problem key, 761

problems, database, 761

Process Monitor (PMON), 386–387

profiles, 527–529

creating and assigning, 528–529

password limits using, 527–528

two-minute drill on, 539

Program Global Area (PGA), 21, 375, 596

memory management, 596–598

PGA Advisor, 578

programs, Scheduler, 649


concept of, 188–189

subqueries used for, 345–346

provisioning PDBs, 891

pseudocolumns, 785–786

PUBLIC role, 524

public synonyms, 113

PURGE option, 88, 793

push/pull duplication methods, 822



ad hoc, 231

compound, 352, 353–361

flashback, 163, 781–791

limiting rows retrieved by, 214–225

recycle bin, 797

repeated, 231

sorting rows retrieved by, 225–229

undo retention for, 162–163

See also subqueries


alert, 581

common, 448–449

control, 554–555

status, 555

quiesce, 632, 633

quotas, user account, 510–511


RAID striping/mirroring, 44

range comparison, 219

RATE parameter, 846

ratio CPU method, 631

RAW data type, 81

readability of SQL statements, 208

read-consistent image, 155

read-only tablespaces

backing up, 706

marking tablespaces as, 481–482

Real Application Clusters (RAC), 40, 160, 377, 583, 911

RECO (Recoverer Process), 392

RECOVER command, 725

recovery, 724–753

CDB and PDB, 940

complete, 724, 725–727

controlfile, 737–738

image copy, 730–736

incomplete, 724, 727–730

incremental backup, 730–731

password file, 743

redo log group, 738–742

restoration vs., 724

RMAN command for, 725

self test on, 747–753

spfile, 736–737

table, 798–799

tempfile, 743–744

two-minute drill on, 744–747

See also backup and recovery; RMAN

recovery catalog, 696–699

configuration, 697

creating, 698

owner creation, 697

reasons for using, 696

synchronizing, 698–699

Recovery Manager. See RMAN

recovery time objective (RTO), 665

recovery window, 693–694

Recovery Writer (RVWR), 802, 804


recycle bin, 797–798

dropped tables in, 88, 795, 797

reclaiming space from, 798

viewing objects in, 795, 797

RECYCLEBIN parameter, 797

redo generation, 147, 148, 150, 159, 161

See also undo data

redo log, 376

archive log files, 399, 672–673

exercise on configuring, 674–675

log buffer, 380–381

online log files, 396–397, 670–671, 672

two-minute drill on, 678

redo log group recovery, 738–742

from lost ACTIVE log group, 742

from lost CURRENT log group, 742

from lost INACTIVE log group, 740–742

from member failures, 739–740

redundancy retention policy, 694

referential integrity, 194–197

registering resources, 58–59, 62

relational algebra, 188

relational database management (RDBMS) standard, 375, 376

relational paradigm, 189–204

data modeling and, 190

demonstration schemas, 199–204

entities and relations in, 190–194

foreign keys used in, 194–197

hierarchical paradigm vs., 198–199

normalization of data in, 192–193

primary keys used in, 194

real-world scenarios for, 189–190

referential integrity in, 194–197

tables, rows, and columns in, 197–199

users and schemas in, 200

Relational Schema notation, 190

relational theory, 188

relationships, 190–194

remote systems, 653, 657

RENAME command, 792–793

renaming. See naming/renaming

REPAIR FAILURE command, 769, 770

repeated queries, 231

REPLACE function, 248


ADR, 756–765

AWR, 574–577

RMAN, 710–711

reserved words, 205

resizing. See sizing/resizing

Resource Manager, 622–643

active session pool method, 632

architecture overview, 623–626

autotask restrictions, 585

configuration process, 626–628, 638–639

consumer groups, 623–624

CPU allocation method, 628–631

execution time controls, 633–634

exercises on using, 636, 637–638

idle session termination, 634

monitoring, 637–638, 639

multitenant use of, 944–949

need for, 622–623

parallel processing limits, 633

plans for CDBs, 945, 946–948

ratio CPU allocation method, 631

resource plans, 625–626, 628–636, 639, 653

Scheduler associated with, 647, 651, 653–655

self-test questions/answers on, 639–643

two-minute drill on, 638–639

undo data restrictions, 635–636

resource plans

CDB, 945, 946–948

migrating non-CDB, 949

PDB, 948–949

viewing, 948

RESOURCE role, 524

RESOURCE_LIMITS parameter, 626


multitenant allocation of, 944–949

Oracle Restart, 56, 58–59, 62

tool for managing, 622–643

response files, 9

Restart. See Oracle Restart


CDB and PDB, 940

controlfile, 737–738

password file, 743

recovery distinguished from, 724

RMAN command for, 725

spfile, 736–737

See also recovery

RESTORE command, 725

restore points, 727–728

RESTRICTED mode, 918

result cache, 383

resumable space allocation, 496–497, 499


flashback, 803–804

RMAN, 693–694

undo, 162–163

reverse key indexes, 97

revoking privileges, 517, 519, 521

RIGHT OUTER JOIN clause, 326–328

RMAN (Recovery Manager), 665, 686–722, 840–847

active database duplication, 824–825

advanced capabilities, 696–711

architecture, 686–687

archival backups, 706–708

BACKUP command, 843, 846–847

backup concepts for using, 686–688

backupset backups, 705–706

block media recovery, 766–769

CDB and PDB backups, 938–939

channels, 691, 844–845, 846

complete recovery, 724, 725–727

compression options, 710

controlfile restoration, 737

default settings, 692–693

duplexed backupsets, 705

duplication from backups, 826

encrypted backups, 834–837

exercise on using, 695–696

Fast Recovery Area, 665, 675–676

Flashback Database and, 807

format specifiers, 694–695

image copy recovery, 730–736

incomplete recovery, 724, 727–730

incremental backups, 701–704, 730–731

monitoring performance of, 841–843

multiplexing operations in, 845

multisection backups, 708–710

Oracle Secure Backup and, 838–839

parallelizing backupsets in, 844–845

PDB duplication using, 940–941

persistent settings, 692–695

phases in backup process, 844

read-only tablespace backups, 706

recovery catalog, 696–699

redo log group recovery, 738–742

repository verification, 710–711

RESTORE and RECOVER commands, 725

retention policy, 693–694

self-test questions/answers on, 714–722, 848–851

spfile restoration, 736–737

stored scripts, 699–701

syntax for using, 688–691

table recovery, 798–799

tempfile recovery, 743–744

tuning performance of, 843–847

two-minute drills, 711–713, 847–848

See also backup and recovery

RMAN RECOVER…BLOCK command, 767, 768–769

roles, 522–527

administration, 513

common and local, 933, 935–936

creating and granting, 522–523, 526–527

enabling, 524–525

predefined, 524

two-minute drill on, 538

roll forward, 666

rollback data, 154

rollback segments, 473

ROLLBACK statement, 151, 154–155

root container, 884, 888–889

root scripts, 10

ROUND function

date, 253–254

numeric, 249–250

row cache, 383

row chaining, 491

ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, 167

row ID, 785

row migration, 491

ROW SHARE lock mode, 167

ROWID data type, 83

rowids, 94, 96

row-level results, 293

row-limiting clause, 227–229


blocks affected by, 475

chaining of, 491

compression of, 491, 492

limiting based on queries, 214–225

locks used on, 165, 167

migration of, 491

relational models and, 190, 197–199

sorting based on queries, 225–229

RPAD function, 246

run-time binding, 229


SAVEPOINT statement, 151

savepoints, transaction, 151, 152

scalar subqueries, 342, 348

scalar values, 138–139

Scheduler, 646–660

architecture, 646–647

exercises on using, 651, 656

job chains in, 652, 657

job creation in, 647–648

logging options in, 654–655

objects associated with, 647

prioritizing jobs in, 653–656, 657

programs used in, 649

remote systems and, 653, 657

Resource Manager and, 647, 651, 653–655

schedules created in, 649–650

self-contained jobs in, 650

self-test questions/answers on, 658–660

simplifying tasks using, 646–651, 657

two-minute drill on, 657

Scheduler Agent, 653


schedules, 649–650

schema, 77–78, 200, 508

schema objects, 78–79

SCOPE keyword, 421


database creation, 25–30

database transport, 821

database upgrade, 875

demonstration schema, 203–204

parallel upgrade, 875

RMAN stored, 699–701

searched CASE expression, 271–273

second normal form (2NF), 192

security, 508–544

auditing for, 508, 529–538

authentication for, 508, 512–515

authorization for, 508

encrypting backups for, 834–837

Oracle Secure Backup, 838–840

privileges for, 517–522

profiles for, 527–529

roles for, 522–527

self-test questions/answers on, 539–544

two-minute drill on, 538–539

user accounts for, 508–517

views for enforcing, 108

seed container, 884, 901–902

Segment Advisor, 493–494, 498, 580, 584

segments, 395, 398, 400, 471, 472–474

automatic management of, 490–491

deferred creation of, 488–489

exercise on managing, 489–490

Segment Advisor for managing, 493–494, 498

shrink functionality for, 494–496, 498

space management for, 484–485, 488–491

SELECT clause, 205–206


transaction control using, 151–153

WAIT and NOWAIT clauses of, 166

SELECT statements, 132, 186–189

ampersand substitution for, 229–234

capabilities of, 188–189

conditional expressions in, 265–273, 274

executing, 204–214

exercise on using, 208–209

expressions and operators, 209–212

FROM clause of, 205

GROUP BY clause and, 289–290, 294

HAVING clause and, 294–296

importance of, 186

indexes assisting, 93

INSERT command and, 133, 134

joining multiple tables using, 304–321

ORDER BY clause and, 225–227

readability good practices, 208

row-limiting clause of, 227–229

rules governing syntax of, 206–209

set operators and, 342

subqueries and, 342

syntax of primitive, 205–206

transactions using, 146–147

two-minute drill on, 234–235

views as, 77, 107, 110

WHERE clause of, 214–225


selection, concept of, 188–189

self-contained jobs, 650

self-joins, 304, 321–324

exercise on performing, 322–324

JOIN ON clause used for, 321–322

two-minute drill on, 334

self-referencing foreign key, 200

self-referencing foreign key constraints, 103

self-test questions/answers

on ASM and Grid Infrastructure, 52–54

on AWR and the Alert system, 587–590

on backing up with RMAN, 714–722

on backup and recovery processes, 679–684

on CDB and PDB creation/management, 921–924, 955–959

on Database Configuration Assistant, 33–37

on database security, 539–544

on DDL and schema objects, 122–130

on diagnosing errors, 773–775

on DML and concurrency, 175–184

on duplicating databases, 829–832

on flashback technologies, 809–814

on group functions, 297–302

on installing Oracle Database software, 12–14

on instance management, 435–439

on joining tables, 335–339

on migrating data, 863–865

on moving data, 567–571

on multitenant environments, 893–894, 920–924, 955–959

on Oracle Database architecture, 404–407

on Oracle Net configuration, 463–467

on Oracle Restart for managing components, 63–64

on performance tuning, 615–620

on pluggable databases, 893–894

on recovery and restoration, 747–753

on the Resource Manager, 639–643

on retrieving, restricting, and sorting data, 236–240

on RMAN operations, 714–722, 747–753, 848–851

on the Scheduler, 658–660

on single-row and conversion functions, 275–278

on storage space management, 499–505

on subqueries and set operators, 363–370

on transportable tablespaces, 829, 831

on upgrading database software, 863–865

on upgrading Oracle databases, 878–882

See also two-minute drills

sequences, 115–120

creating, 115–116

description of using, 117–119

exercise on working with, 119–120

explanation of, 115

modifying, 118–119

options for, 116–117

primary keys and, 115

two-minute drill on, 122

server process, 445

server-managed backups, 686

server-managed incomplete recovery, 728–729


administrative, 838

database, 17, 377–378

dedicated, 446–447

shared, 446–452

stand-alone, 45–51

service level agreements (SLAs), 665, 840

service requests (SRs), 7


creating for CDBs or PDBs, 910

dynamic registration of, 446

High Availability, 40, 50


active, 632

Oracle Net, 443–445

terminating idle, 634

SET AUTOCOMMIT ON command, 153

SET command, 233

set comparison, 219–220

SET DECRYPTION command, 837

SET ENCRYPTION command, 837

set operators, 352–361

complex examples of, 360–361

compound queries and, 352, 353–361

exercise on describing, 355–356

general principles of, 353–355

INTERSECT operator, 353, 358–359

MINUS operator, 353, 359

self test on, 363–370

two-minute drill on, 362–363

UNION ALL operator, 352, 355, 356–357, 358, 361

UNION operator, 352, 357–358

SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure, 654

SET_THRESHOLD procedure, 582

sets and Venn diagrams, 353, 354

SGA. See System Global Area

SGA Advisor, 578, 603

SGA_TARGET parameter, 599, 600

shadow processes, 375

SHARE lock mode, 167

SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, 167

shared locks, 165–166, 167

shared pool, 382–384

data dictionary cache, 383

library cache, 382–383

memory allocation to, 598

result cache mechanism, 383

sizing, 384

shared server, 446–452

architecture, 447–450

configuration process, 450

default configuration, 451–452

when to use, 450–451

shares, 942, 944–945

shell script, 26

SHOW ALL command, 692, 693

SHOW RECYCLEBIN command, 795, 797

SHOW SQL button, 477

SHRINK command, 494

SHRINK SPACE command, 495

SHUTDOWN command, 428–429, 430


silent install, 9

simple CASE expression, 271, 272

simple views, 110–111

single ampersand substitution, 229–230

single-instance databases

architecture of, 374–377

Grid Infrastructure in, 40

single-row functions, 243

single-row subqueries, 348–349

comparison operators for, 348, 349

examples of writing, 351–352


shared pools, 384

tablespaces, 482–483

undo tablespace, 157–158

SKIP LOCKED keyword, 166

SMON (System Monitor), 386, 667

snapshots, 390

sort merge join, 93

sorting query results, 225–229

ascending sort, 225–226

composite sort, 227

descending sort, 226

ORDER BY clause for, 225–227

positional sort, 226

row-limiting clause for, 227–229

two-minute drill on, 235

source tables, 305

space management, 470

Alert system and, 581

command failure and, 144

multitenant environment, 926–927

resumable space allocation and, 496–497

segment-related, 484–485, 488–491

See also storage

spfile restoration, 736–737

SQL (Structured Query Language), 17

SQL Access Advisor, 579, 612–614

capabilities of, 612–613

DBMS_ADVISOR package and, 613–614

two-minute drill on, 615

SQL advisors, 579

SQL Developer, 73–76

cloning PDBs using, 902–904

database connections, 75–76

installing and launching, 73–74

user interface for, 74–75

SQL files, 555

SQL*Loader, 133, 546, 548–551

express mode, 550–551

multitenant environments and, 565

overview on using, 548–550

two-minute drill on, 566, 567

SQL*Plus, 68–73

container database creation, 898

database connections, 71–73

directory creation, 547

Flashback Database and, 806–807

Flashback Drop and, 795–796

Linux use of, 68–70

login syntax for, 412

renaming tables with, 792

SET AUTOCOMMIT ON command, 153

tablespace creation, 478

Windows use of, 70–71

working with, 410–411

SQL query result cache, 383

SQL Repair Advisor, 580

SQL statements

executing for transactions, 146–148

expressions and operators, 209–212

NULL values and, 212–213

readability good practices, 208

running the SQL Tuning Advisor for, 611–612

statement terminators for, 207

syntax rules governing, 206–209

uppercase vs. lowercase, 206–207

views for simplifying, 108–109

See also specific statements

SQL Tuning Advisor, 579, 609–612

autotask running, 584, 586

capabilities of, 610

DBMS_SQLTUNE package and, 610–611

exercise on running, 611–612

two-minute drill on, 615

sqlnet.ora file, 452

srvctl utility, 41, 58–59

stale statistics, 605

stand-alone servers, 45–51

standard auditing, 530–531, 534–535

standard deviation, 284–285

standby database, 666

star transformation, 344–345

STARTUP command, 667

STARTUP FORCE command, 428

STARTUP NOMOUNT command, 912–913

startup process

automating PDB, 916–917

CDB instance, 912–913

database instance, 426–428, 429–430

STARTUP UPGRADE command, 875

stateful alerts, 581, 583

stateless alerts, 581, 583

statement failure, 664

statement terminators, 207

states, constraint, 105–106

static parameter files, 416–417

static parameters, 417–419


AWR, 492, 574–575

manually gathering, 607–609

metrics vs., 593

object, 604–605, 606, 608

optimizer, 584, 604–609

PL/SQL and, 604

STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter, 585

status queue, 555

STDDEV function, 284–285

storage, 470–505

blocks used in, 471–472, 475

compression options for, 491–492

data dictionary and, 400–401

exercises about, 401–402, 475–476

extents used in, 472, 474–475, 483–484

location of database file, 21

logical structures for, 400, 470

Oracle model for, 470–472

physical structures for, 395–399, 470

resumable space allocation for, 496–497

Segment Advisor for managing, 493–494

segments used in, 471, 472–474, 484–485, 488–491

self-test questions/answers about, 499–505

shrink functionality for, 494–496

tablespaces used in, 470–471, 476–487, 492–493

two-minute drill on managing, 497–499

storage area network (SAN) devices, 43, 44

stored scripts, 699–701

Streams, Oracle, 377

streams pool, 384–385, 598

striping, RAID, 44

structure-and-data templates, 30

structure-only templates, 30

subqueries, 342–352

comparison, 343–344

correlated, 349–350

creating tables from, 85–86

DELETE command using, 140

DML statements and, 346

exercises on exploring, 343, 347, 350

EXISTS condition used in, 352

null results in, 352

overview on using, 342–343

problems solved with, 343–347

projections using, 345–346

scalar, 342, 348

self test on, 363–370

single- and multiple-row, 348–349, 351–352

star transformation using, 344–345

tables generated from, 345

two-minute drill on, 362

See also queries

substitution variables, 229–232

See also ampersand substitution

SUBSTR function, 248

SUM function, 282–283

suspended processes, 496

SWITCH command

exercises on working with, 732–736

fast switch to image copies using, 732

synchronizing recovery catalog, 698–699

synonyms, 112–115

creating and dropping, 113–114

exercise on working with, 114–115

private vs. public, 113

two-minute drill on, 122


ANSI SQL join, 309–310

errors in DML statements, 144

Oracle join, 308–309

RMAN, 688–691

rules for SQL statements, 206–209

view-related, 111–112

SYS schema, 20, 27, 78, 188, 785

SYSAUX tablespace, 28, 400, 476, 575

SYSDATE function, 251

sysdba connections, 75

SYSDBA privileges, 411–412, 426

SYSOPER privileges, 426

system change number (SCN), 781

System Global Area (SGA), 21, 374, 596

ASM instance, 42

data structures, 378–379

memory management, 598–600

memory structures, 449, 598

pending area, 628

SGA Advisor, 578

system identifier (SID), 20

System Monitor (SMON), 386, 667

system privileges, 518–520

system requirements, 6

SYSTEM schema, 20, 27, 78

SYSTEM tablespace, 17, 21, 28, 476, 510, 889


table aliases, 310

table flashback, 783–785

table partitions, 473

tables, 84–92

altering definitions for, 86–87

basic compression of, 491, 492

column specifications for, 84–85

constraints for, 100–107

creating simple, 84–90, 120

dropping, 87–88, 791, 792–793

exercise on creating, 88–90

external, 552–554

flashback for, 779, 780, 783–785, 791–798

generating with subqueries, 345

indexes for, 92–100

joining, 304–335

locks used on, 165–166

nested, 473

recovering from backups, 798–799

reinstating dropped, 791–798

relational models and, 190, 197–199

segments as heap-structured, 473

shrink operation for, 494–496

structural description of, 186–188

subquery-created, 85–86

temporary, 90–92, 121, 929

truncating, 87

two-minute drill on, 120–121

views for, 107–115

tablespaces, 400, 476–487

altering, 479–483

architecture, 926–927

backing up, 706

CDB root container, 888

creating, 476–478

default, 510, 928

dropping, 483

exercises about, 478–479, 486–487

exporting/importing, 557–561

extent management, 483–484

Flashback Data Archive, 799–800

marking as read-only, 481–482

monitoring/managing space usage for, 492–493

multitenant environments and, 926–930

online and offline, 480–481

Oracle Managed Files for, 485–486

Oracle storage model, 470–471

pluggable database, 889

read-only, 481–482, 706

renaming, 479–480

resizing, 482–483

restoring and recovering, 726

segment space management, 484–485

temporary, 511

transporting, 557–560, 816–819

two-minute drill on, 497–498

undo, 635

tape backups, 687, 691


backup/recovery, 686

database duplication, 822

table join, 305


automated, 584–586

postupgrade, 876

Scheduler for simplifying, 646–651

TCP protocol, 455

TEMP tablespace, 28, 743–744

tempfile recovery, 743–744, 747


database creation, 19

database design, 30–31

two types of, 30

temporary tables, 90–92, 121

temporary tablespaces, 511, 929

temporary undo segments, 159

TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED parameter, 156

terminators, statement, 207

test questions/answers. See self-test questions/answers

testing connectivity, 457

text substitution, 232

third normal form (3NF), 188, 192, 593

thresholds, alert, 581–583


execution, 633–634

idle, 634

time component format models, 262

TIMEOUT option, 496

time-sharing algorithm, 447

TIMESTAMP data type, 82



timezone data upgrades, 873

TNS connections, 75

TNS_ADMIN environment variable, 454–455

tnsnames.ora file, 452

tnsping utility, 457

TO_CHAR function, 258–264

date-to-character conversions, 260–264

number-to-character conversions, 258–260

TO_DATE function, 264–265

TO_NUMBER function, 265

trace files, 399

transactional shutdown mode, 428

transactions, 141, 144–154

ACID test for, 145–146

autocommit for, 153

COMMIT statement for, 149–150

control statements for, 149–153

DELETE statement for, 148

distributed, 392

executing SQL statements for, 146–148

exercise on working with, 153–154

flashback for, 163–164, 779, 787–790

INSERT statement for, 148

ROLLBACK statement for, 151, 154–155

savepoints used in, 151, 152

SELECT FOR UPDATE statement for, 151–153

SELECT statement for, 146–147

start and end of, 148–149

two-minute drill on, 174

undo retention and, 162

UPDATE statement for, 147–148

transparent encryption, 834–836

Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) layer, 72

transportable tablespaces, 816–819

compatibility requirements, 816–817

configuration process, 816–818

endian requirements, 817–818

process of transporting, 818–819

self-test questions/answers on, 829, 831

two-minute drill on, 827–828


databases, 565, 820–821

tablespaces, 557–560, 818–819

TRIM function, 247

TRUNC function

date, 83, 254

numeric, 250

TRUNCATE command, 141–142

TRUNCATE TABLE command, 87

tuning performance. See performance tuning

two-minute drills

on ASM and Grid Infrastructure, 51

on backup and recovery, 678–679

on CDB and PDB creation/management, 920–921

on conversion and conditional functions, 274

on Database Configuration Assistant, 33

on database security, 538–539

on DDL and schema objects, 120–122

on DML and concurrency, 173–175

on flashback technologies, 808–809

on installing Oracle Database software, 12

on instance management, 434–435

on joining tables, 334–335

on moving data, 565–567

on multitenant environments, 892–893, 920–921, 951–954

on Oracle Database architecture, 403–404

on Oracle Net configuration, 462–463

on Oracle Restart for managing components, 62

on performance tuning, 614–615

on recovery and restoration, 744–747

on the Resource Manager, 638–639

on retrieving, restricting, and sorting data, 234–236

on RMAN backups, 711–713

on the Scheduler, 657

on storage space management, 497–499

on subqueries and set operators, 362–363

on transporting tablespaces and databases, 827–828

See also self-test questions/answers

two-phase commits, 392


udev facility, 45

UNDEFINE command, 232–233

Undo Advisor, 158, 579

undo data, 154–164

configuring retention of, 162–163

DML and generation of, 154–155

error conditions related to, 156

explanation on generating, 154–155

Flashback Query and, 163, 790–791

monitoring and administering, 155, 156–161

parameters for managing, 156–157

redo data distinguished from, 161

restricting generation of, 635–636

temporary undo segments and, 159

two-minute drill on, 174

undo tablespaces and, 157–158, 159–161

undo pool, 635–636

undo retention

configuration of, 162–163

Flashback Query and, 163

undo segments, 145, 146, 147, 155, 159, 473

undo tablespaces

creating and managing, 159–160

error conditions related to, 156

exercise on working with, 160–161

resource management for, 635

sizing and monitoring, 157–158

UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter, 155, 156, 157

UNDO_RETENTION parameter, 156, 157, 162, 163

UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter, 156, 157, 160

UNDOTBS1 tablespace, 28

unified auditing, 533–534

enabling, 535–536

exercise on using, 536–538

migrating to, 875–876

multitenant environment, 937–938

policies for, 533, 535–536, 537

uniform size extents, 483–484

UNION ALL operator, 352, 355, 356–357, 358, 361

UNION operator, 352, 357–358

unique constraints, 101

unique indexes, 97

unique keys, 190

Universal Markup Language (UML), 190

UPDATE command, 136–139

exercise on using, 139

row migration and, 491

transactions using, 147–148

WHERE clause and, 136–137, 138, 139

upgrading database software, 856–862

data migration and, 859

DBUA vs. manual methods for, 858

determining release number for, 856–857

Oracle Universal Installer for, 857–858

self-test questions/answers on, 863–865

steps in process of, 859–860

two-minute drill on, 862

upgrading Oracle databases, 868–882

Database Upgrade Assistant for, 871–874

manually using scripts and tools, 874–875

migration to unified auditing, 875–876

Oracle Data Vault and, 868

Oracle Label Security and, 868

Oracle Warehouse Builder and, 869

postupgrade tasks for, 876

preparing Oracle Home for, 870–871

Pre-Upgrade Information Tool for, 869–870

self-test questions/answers on, 878–882

simulation exercise on, 876–877

two-minute drill on, 877–878

UPPER function, 244

uppercase SQL statements, 206–207

user accounts, 5, 508–517

account status for, 512

attributes of, 508–509

authentication methods for, 512–515

creation of, 515–516

default tablespaces for, 510

exercise on creating, 516–517

quotas for, 510–511

temporary tablespaces for, 511

two-minute drill on, 538

usernames for, 509

user errors, 664

User Global Areas (UGAs), 449, 634

user IDs, 10

user interface

Database Express, 415–416

SQL Developer, 74–75

user process failure, 664

user process tools, 377

USER views, 886

user-managed backups, 686

usernames, 509, 514




common, 930–931, 934–935

definition of, 77, 508

local, 930–931

normal, 410

privileged, 410, 412

schemas and, 77–78, 200

USERS tablespace

exercise on restoring and recovering, 726

incomplete recovery to restore, 729–730

SWITCH command for recovering, 734–736

UTILIZATION_LIMIT directive, 945–946


V$CONTAINERS view, 887, 889, 890


V$DIAG_INFO view, 758

V$INSTANCE view, 432

V$LOG view, 739

V$PDBS view, 889, 890

V$PROCESS view, 646, 841

V$SESSION view, 169, 841


V$SYSSTAT view, 432

V$TABLESPACE view, 433

V$UNDOSTAT view, 158

V$VERSION view, 856

value-based auditing, 532

VALUES keyword, 134

VARCHAR2 data type, 81, 83


environment, 454–455

substitution, 229–232

variance calculation, 284–285

VARIANCE function, 284–285

vee dollar (V$) views, 432–433

Venn diagrams, 353, 354

VERIFY command, 233–234

versions flashback, 785–787

views, 107–115

alert, 581

Data Recovery Advisor, 770

dynamic performance, 432–433, 841

exercise on creating, 112

Flashback Data Archive, 800

memory allocation, 601

performance monitoring, 594

reasons for using, 108–110

resource plan directive, 948

SELECT statements and, 77, 107, 110

simple and complex, 110–111

SQL Tuning Advisor, 611

syntax for working with, 111–112

virtual memory, 596


wait events, 594

WHERE clause, 214–225

boolean operators and, 222–224

character-based conditions and, 215–216

comparison operators and, 217–222

date-based conditions and, 216–217

DELETE command and, 139

HAVING clause and, 293–294

indexes and, 92–93, 95

numeric-based conditions and, 215

precedence rules for, 224–225

restricting group results with, 293

SELECT statement and, 214–217

subqueries in, 342

UPDATE command and, 136–137, 138, 139

whole backups, 688, 690

wildcard characters, 220

window groups, 653

windows, Scheduler, 653, 655–656

Windows OS

demonstration schema creation on, 204

installing Grid Infrastructure on, 47–48

installing Oracle Database on, 10–11

launching the DBCA on, 18

managing Oracle Restart on, 56–57

SQL*Plus on, 70–71

support for Oracle Database on, 4

workload replays, 949–951

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