
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


A/B tests, 340, 352


avoiding overengineering, 40–41

promoting simplicity, 38–40

reducing coupling on higher levels of, 44–46

access patterns

data modeling focus on, 314, 316–317

denormalizing/optimizing for, 316

identifying/modeling data based on, 313

in NoSQL data stores, 317–318

wide column storage example, 321, 324–325

account ID (user ID)

in binary search, 307

in full table scans, 305

implementing sharding key, 172–174, 188–189

partitioning search data, 325

search optimization, 309–310

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transaction, 177, 178

active data set size, 167–168


advanced routing rules, 264

comparing messaging platforms, 286, 288, 292–294

load handling, 269

messaging protocols, 265–266

ordering messages, 280

overview of, 291–292

partial message ordering guarantee, 279

poison message handling, 284

ad hoc design sessions, 354

administration, Cassandra, 202–203

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), 265, 288–289

agent, monitoring, 342

agile teams, scaling

adding more people, 357–359

culture of alignment, 360–361

overview of, 357

procedures and innovation, 359–360


front-end applications with, 29

local device storage for SPAs, 229

simplifying asynchronous processing, 252–253


automating, 340–345

automating build and deployment, 340

custom routing rules for, 264

alignment, culture of, 361–362

alter table statements, MySQL replication, 169


CloudFront, 17, 117–119, 222–223

CloudSearch, 329

CloudWatch, 116, 118

CloudWatch Logs, 346

Dynamo. See Dynamo data store

Elastic Cache, 238–239

RDS (Relational Database Service), 170

Route 53 service, 101–103, 117–119

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

auto-scaling, 115–116

AWS web deployment, 117–119

deploying own caching servers, 238–239

load balancer. See Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

queue workers, 268

Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

automating build and deployment, 339

auto-scaling, 116–118

as hosted service, 106–107

stateless web service machines and, 140

Amazon Machine Image (AMI), 115, 339

Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

comparing messaging platforms, 293–294

disadvantages of, 288

message ordering problem, 280, 288

overview of, 285–288

poison message handling, 284

AMI (Amazon Machine Image), 115, 339

AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), 265, 288–289

anti-patterns, message queue, 282–284

Apache mod_proxy, 224

Apache server, 53–54

Apache Traffic Server, 224

API-first design, web services, 127–129, 130–131

APIs (application programming interfaces)

learning simplicity from, 42–43

promoting simplicity with TDD, 41

in web application development, 124

web service design not using, 124–127

Apollo, 292

application architecture

front end, 28–30

overview of, 27–28

supporting technologies, 34–35

web services, 30–34

application metrics, reducing MTTR, 342

application servers

caching objects directly on, 231, 232

deploying web services in parallel to, 25

distributed storage/delivery of public files, 94

object cache servers using front-end, 25

placing reverse proxy servers, 220

serving private files, 95

stateful web, 86

using locks, 98–99

in web application layer, 24


caching objects. See object caches

promoting loose coupling, 44–46


application. See application architecture

Cassandra, 199–204

event-driven. See EDA (event-driven architecture)

flexibility of good, 316

function-centric web services, 131–134

resource-centric web services, 134–138

Astyanax Chunked Object Store, Netflix, 96

asynchronous nature, of MySQL replication, 158–159

asynchronous processing

comparing messaging platforms, 284–294

currently in renaissance phase, 301–302

direct worker queue interactions as, 296–297

event-driven architecture as, 295–301

example of, 249–254

message queue anti-patterns, 282–284

message queue benefits, 270–276

message queue challenges, 276–282

message queues in, 256–270

overview of, 246

shopping analogy of, 254–256

summary, 301–302

synchronous example, 247–250

synchronous processing vs., 246

Atlassian Bamboo, 337

at-least-once delivery, message requeueing, 280

atomic counters, application-level sharding, 184

atomic transactions, ACID, 177

authentication, 138, 141

authorization, stateless web services for, 141–142


build and deployment, 49, 335–340

Cassandra, 202–203

log aggregation, 345–347

monitoring and alerting, 340–345

overview of, 332–333

scaling with load balancers, 105

self-healing repair process, 79–80

testing, 333–335


front-end scalability with, 114–116

with load balancers, 105–107

stateless web service machines with, 140


CAP theorem and, 191–192

message queues evening out traffic spikes for, 273–274

MySQL ring replication reducing, 164–165

reduced thoroughput vs., 274–275


auto-scaling with, 115

Blob Storage for files, 93–95

Diagnostics, 346

Load Balancer, 111, 140

load balancer as hosted service in, 106–107

scalability limits in Queues, 269

Search, 329

Service Bus Queues, 269

SQL Database Elastic Scale, 184


back-end server termination, ELB, 107

backpressure feature, RabbitMQ, 293

backup, MySQL replication, 159–160

bandwidth, CDN reducing, 15

benchmarks, gaining value of, 113

best practices, continuous deployment pipeline, 339–340

big data, 25

Big O notation, 305, 307–308, 328

Big-IP, F5, 109–111

BigTable, 190–191, 317

binary search algorithm, 306–307

bindings, RabbitMQ, 264

binlog file, MySQL replication, 157–158, 161

Blob Storage, Azure, 93–95

blocking, 248–249

blocking I/O, 248

book index structure, 306, 328

book references, for this book, 364–366

browser cache

HTTP-based, 208, 218–219

scalability of, 223

scaling front end with, 113–114

buffers, active data set size, 168

build process, automating, 49, 335–340

burnout, preventing, 348–349

business continuity plans, 79

business logic

front-end servers freed of, 22–24, 29

hexagonal architecture and, 32

pushing to web services, 24–25, 30–34

web application layer freed of, 24

business metrics, reducing MTTR, 342


cache hit ratio

bundling CSS/JS files to maximize, 216

overview of, 208–209

scaling reverse proxies, 224, 227

cache invalidation, 233, 243–244

cache key space, 208, 224

cache-aside caches. See object caches

Cache-Control HTTP header, 213–217

cached objects. See HTTP-based caches

caches co-located with code, 230–232


application objects. See object caches

AWS web deployment example, 117–119

cache hit ratio. See cache hit ratio

data partitioning using, 76–77

definition of, 12

front-end components using back end, 29

HTTP-based. See HTTP-based caches

local server, 97–98

Nginx benefits, 108

overview of, 208

preventing MySQL replication timing issues, 169

rules of thumb for, 239–244

scaling front end using, 113–114

summary, 244

caching proxy, 219–220

caching servers

caches co-located with code, 230–232

distributed, 232–233

scaling object caches, 238

call stack

asynchronous processing as programming without, 281

caching high up, 239–240

latency dictated by weakest link in, 296


asynchronous call with, 251–254

definition of, 249

shopping analogy with, 255–256

Camel, integration with ActiveMQ, 264, 291–292

CAP (consistency, availability, and partition tolerance) theorem, 191–192

capacity, increasing

adding more servers, 73, 77

front line components, 22–24

load balancer limits, 109

load balancers increasing, 105

scalabilty and, 3

scaling horizontally, 16–17

scaling vertically, 8–10

cardinality, estimating for index, 308–310


failure handling, 80

scaling own file storage/delivery, 96

self-healing strategies, 196

topology, 199–204

as wide columnar data store, 317, 319–325

CDNs (content delivery networks)

caching front end, 113

definition of, 14

delivering public files to end users, 94

as front-end layer component, 101

horizontal scaling with, 17

hosting own hardware with, 121

as HTTP-based cache, 221–222

offloading traffic to third party with, 13

reducing bandwidth with, 15

scalability of, 223

scaling for global audience, 20–21

central processing unit. See CPU (central processing unit)

centralized log service, streaming logs to, 345

Chaos Monkey, 78

Chrome, 53–54

circular dependencies, 47

class diagrams, 59–60


avoiding unnecessary coupling, 47

dependencies of, 60

dependency injection principle, 65–68

designing, 53

promoting loose coupling, 44–46

single responsibility principle of, 61–63


decoupling providers and, 51–54

interacting with HTTP read-through caches, 211–212

in request/response interactions, 298–299

stateless web service machines and, 139

client-side caches

caching high up call stack, 240

overview of, 228–229

scaling, 233–234

client-side conflict resolution, 195–196


implementing distributed locking, 99–100

load balancing by adding, 104–105, 108, 110

multiple slave machines and, 158

in publish/subscribe method, 263

replication challenges, 166

reverse proxy as independent, 226

scaling by adding, 71, 72–74

scaling REST web services by adding, 138, 140

scaling web cluster by adding, 232

using local/independent locks, 98–99

Cloud Load Balancers, Rackspace, 111

cloud-based hosting

auto-scaling with load balancers, 105

AWS web deployment, 117–119

Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale, 184

file storage, 93–95

in, 268

load balancer, 106–107

log aggregation, 346

MySQL, 170

stateless web service machines, 140

CloudFront, Amazon

AWS web deployment, 117–119

cost effectiveness of, 17

delivering static/dynamic content, 222–223

CloudSearch, Amazon, 329

CloudWatch, 116, 118

CloudWatch Logs, 346


Cassandra topology, 200, 203

reverse proxy in front of web service, 220–221

scaling by adding clones to web, 232

scaling distributed object caches, 233, 235–239

coarse locks, 143


80/20 rule for, 352–353

problems from hacking own, 50

reducing coupling when writing, 45

reviews, 355

writing vs. reusing, 49

coding to contract, 51–54, 60

collocated servers, 13

column families, Cassandra, 321–322

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 132

communication paths, 357–358


application-level sharding and, 184

dependency injection reducing, 68

key-value stores offering least, 317

message queue challenges, 281

promoting simplicity by hiding, 38–40

reducing coupling by hiding, 44

reducing with single responsibility, 61–63

shared lock management service increasing, 99

of SOAP, 134

composition, and repetitive code, 50

compound (composite) indexes

Cassandra tables similar to, 319–320

definition of, 311

ordering of columns in, 311–312

structuring data as, 325

wide columnar data stores using, 317

concurrency, measuring for higher, 3–4

conflict resolution

client-side, 195–196

of data store with CAP theorem, 191–192

eventual consistency and, 194–195

self-healing strategies for, 196

connection: close response header, 212

connection draining, Elastic Load Balancer, 107


ACID transactions, 177

CAP theorem and, 191–192

local application cache issues, 232

quorum, 196–197

rise of eventual, 192–197

trading high availability for, 197–199

consistent hashing, 236–237

constraints, scalability, 4

content delivery networks. See CDNs (content delivery networks)

continuous delivery, 336

continuous deployment pipeline, 336–340

continuous integration, 336

contract, decoding to, 51–54

contract surface area, 298, 299


establishing HTTP session, 88–89

handling session state with load balancers, 92–93

session data stored in, 89–90

copy and paste programming, 49, 50–51

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 132

core concepts

application architecture. See application architecture

data center infrastructure, 22–26

defining scalability, 2–4

evolution stages. See evolution to global audience

organizational scalability, 4

scalability in startup environment, 2


benefits of ELB, 106

challenges of sharding, 176–184

of cookie-based session storage, 89–90

of hardware load balancers, 110

of hosting on own servers, 119

influencing, 354–355

manual vs. automated testing, 333–334

monolithic web service design and, 126–127

per user/transaction decreasing over time, 332–333

as project management lever, 349–350

saving with Amazon SQS, 285–286

of scaling by adding clones, 74

vertical scalability issues, 9–10

vertical vs. horizontal scaling, 16–17

Couchbase, 318

CouchDB, 79, 318

country code, sharding by, 174–175


avoiding producer/consumer, 283

class diagrams visualizing, 59

definition of, 43

dependency injection reducing, 65–68

direct worker queue interactions and, 296–297

in event-driven architecture, 299

loose. See loose coupling

measuring with contract surface area, 298

in request/response interaction, 296, 297–299

single responsibility reducing, 61

CPU (central processing unit)

function-centric web services and, 132

memory caches, 208

vertical scalability issues, 9–10

virtual private server upgrades, 7

Crash-Only, 78–79

critical path, message queues, 271

cron-like consumer approach, 261

culture of alignment, engineers, 361–362

custom routing rules, consumers, 264–265

customers, single server set-up, 6


daemon-like consumer approach, 261


consistency in MySQL replication, 169

redundancy, from denormalization, 316

scalability issues of more, 3

searching for. See searching for data

data center infrastructure

additional components, 25

data persistence layer, 25–26

front line, 22–24

overview of, 22

understanding, 26

web application layer, 24

web services layer, 24–25

data centers

in content delivery network, 14–15

deployment of private, 119–121

in horizontal scalability, 18

in isolation of services, 14

load balancers as entry point to, 103

Route 53 latency-based routing and, 101–102

scaling for global audience with multiple, 19–21

data layer

MySQL. See MySQL, scaling

NoSQL. See NoSQL data stores, scaling

overview of, 156

partitioning. See data partitioning (sharding)

summary, 204

data model, Cassandra, 201

data normalization, 189–190

data partitioning (sharding)

advantages of, 175–176

building own file storage/delivery, 96

Cassandra automatic, 200–201

challenges of, 176–184

choosing sharding key, 171–175

implementing, 188–189

overview of, 170–171

putting it all together, 184–189

scaling by adding, 71, 75–77

scaling cache cluster using, 239

scaling distributed object caches, 235–237

storing session data in dedicated session store, 91

wide columnar data stores using, 317

data persistence layer, data center, 25–26

data set size

affecting cache hit ratio, 208–209

master-master replication and, 164

reducing in indexes for faster search, 306

replication challenges, 166–170

splitting in data partitioning. See data partitioning (sharding)

data storage, 113–114

data stores

advantages of sharding, 176

in application architecture, 34–35

horizontal scalability/high availability for, 190

logging to, 345

mapping data with, 180–182

NoSQL era and, 191

replication of. See replication, MySQL

rise of eventual consistency for, 192–197

scaling object caches vs. scaling, 239

scaling own file storage/delivery, 96

storing session data in dedicated, 90–91


avoid treating message queues as, 282–283

front end unaware of, 29

scaling by adding clones, 73

Datadog monitoring service, 344

DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), 132

deadlocks, 142, 143

decision-making, 351


API-first design for web services, 128

clients/providers, 51–54

definition of, 44

in event-driven interactions, 297

message consumers, 259

message queues promoting, 275–276

in MySQL replication, 158

producer/consumer, 260, 261

publisher/consumer in RabbitMQ, 288–289

dedicated search engine, using, 328–330

DELETE method, HTTP, 135–136, 211


avoiding message queue, 283

distributed object cache and, 232

as limitation in Cassandra, 203–204

local application cache issues, 232

delivery, continuous, 336

denormalization, 316, 317, 325


class diagrams visualizing, 59–60

promoting loose coupling and, 44

reducing between teams, 359

web service, 31, 33–34

dependency injection, 65–71


automating process of, 49, 335–340

front-end layer examples, 117–121

design. See software design principles

design patterns

in copy-paste programming, 50–51

drawing diagrams with, 60

for publish/subscribe model, 264

using Amazon SQS with, 286

Diagnostics, Azure, 346


circular dependencies exposed via, 47

class, 59–60

drawing, 54–57

module, 60–61

reducing coupling on higher levels of abstraction via, 45

use case, 57–58

direct worker queue interaction, and EDA, 296–297

direct worker queue model, routing, 262

disaster recovery plans, 79

Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), 132

distributed locking

implementing, 98–101

Terracotta allowing for, 91

web service challenges, 142–143

distributed object caches

cache high up call stack, 240

overview of, 232–234

scaling, 235–236

distributed transactions, 178

DNS (Domain Name System) server

in CDNs, 15

in client caches, 208

as front-end component, 102–103

in front line of data center infrastructure, 22–23

geoDNS server, 19–23

in isolation of services, 12, 14

in round-robin DNS service, 18–19

in round-robin–based load balancing, 103–104

in single server set-up, 5–6

in vertical scalability, 11

document IDs, inverted index structure, 327–328


80/20 rule for, 352–353

reducing complexity with message route, 281

via diagrams. See diagrams

document-oriented data stores, NoSQL, 317–318

downloading files, 93–96

drafts, diagram, 55–57

draw diagrams, as software design principle, 54–61, drawing diagrams with, 60

DRY (don’t repeat yourself), software design principle, 48–51


API-first design for web services with, 127–129

avoiding in software design, 48–51

local application cache issues, 232

durability, ACID transactions, 177

dynamic content, CDN, 222–223

dynamic languages, front end, 111

Dynamo data store

as key-value data store, 317

pushing conflict resolution onto clients, 195

scaling with NoSQL, 190–193


eBay bidding application

local locks preventing scaling out in, 98–99

scaling by adding clones, 72–74

scaling with data partitioning, 75–77

scaling with functional partitioning, 74–75

EC2. See Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

EDA (event-driven architecture)

currently in renaissance phase, 301–302

definition of, 32, 295

direct worker queue interaction, 296–297

event-based interaction, 297–301

request/response interaction, 296

traditional interactions vs., 32–33

edge-cache servers, 20–21

80/20 rule, 352–353, 356–357

Elastic Cache, Amazon, 238–239

Elastic Compute Cloud. See Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Elasticsearch, 329–330, 347

ELB. See Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)


asynchronous processing of, 250–254

class diagram, 59–60

single responsibility for validation of, 62–63

synchronous processing of, 247–250

EmailService interface, 60

end-to-end tests, 335, 339

engineering department, scaling, 332, 349, 357–361

equal distribution, index performance, 310–311

ESB (enterprise service bus), 260

event sourcing, EDA, 300–301

event-based interaction, EDA, 297–301

event-driven architecture. See EDA (event-driven architecture)

events, definition of, 295

eventual consistency, 193–197, 203

evolution to global audience

content delivery network, 13–16

horizontal scalability, 16–19

isolation of services, 11–13

overview of, 5

scalability for global audience, 19–21

single-server configuration, 5–7

vertical scalability, 7–11

exactly-once delivery, message requeueing, 280

exchange concept, RabbitMQ, 289

Expires HTTP header, 215, 216

Extensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC), 132



Azure automatic, 239

MySQL maintenance timeline for, 162–163

MySQL master-master, 161–162

MySQL not supporting automatic, 160

NoSQL with automatic, 198

removing for high availability, 79

using load balancers with automatic, 106

failure handling

with load balancers, 105

for messaging platform, 284

with MySQL replication, 159–162

with stateless web service machines, 139

fearless engineers, 334

feature toggles, build and deployment, 339–340


80/20 rule for new, 352

Amazon SQS, 288

RabbitMQ, 291


balancing schedule with, 356–357

continuous deployment pipeline, 339

Lean Startup methodology, 285

making use of, 49

ongoing code reviews, 355

releasing smaller chunks for customer, 356

FIFO (First In First Out)

ActiveMQ for messaging, 292

message queue as, 283

solving message ordering with, 278

file storage

choosing deployment, 121

managing, 93–96

as possible single point of failure, 79

using Amazon S3 for, 119

file system, scaling local cache, 235

file-based caches, 235

fine-grained locks, 143

fire-and-forget requests

asynchronous example, 249–251

easier scalability and, 272

message queue as, 256, 282

Firefox, 53–54

First In First Out. See FIFO (First In First Out)


Amazon SQS disadvantages, 288

of good architecture, 316

of RabbitMQ, 288–291

framework, front end, 111

front cache servers, 22–24

front-end layer

application architecture for, 28–30

building, 84–85

deployment examples, 117–121

overview of, 84

summary, 121

front-end layer, scalability components

auto-scaling, 114–116

caching, 113–114

DNS, 102–103

load balancers, 103–111

overview of, 101–102

web servers, 111–113

front-end layer, state

for files, 93–96

for HTTP sessions, 88–93

other types of, 97–101

stateless vs. stateful services, 85–88

frontline layer, data center infrastructure, 22–24

full page caching, 220–221

full table scans, 305

full text search, with inverted indexes, 326–328

functional partitioning

with distributed locking, 98–100

isolation of services using, 13–14

scaling with, 71, 74–75, 185–187

function-centric web services, 131–135


MySQL replication, 169

sharding, 182


generic server metrics, reducing MTTR, 341

geoDNS server, 19, 21–23

GET method

caching service responses, 146–148

challenges of sharding, 176–177

HTTP and resource-centric services, 135–138

HTTP session management, 88, 90–91

GFS (Google File System), 96, 190–191

github web hook, 338

global audience, scalability for, 19–21

globally unique IDs, application-level sharding, 184

Google Maps API, 42–43

Google Trends, 292–293

Grails framework, 42, 68

Grails in Action, 42

GridFS, in MongoDB, 96

group, auto-scaling, 115–116

group ID, ActiveMQ, 279, 294


HA Proxy, 119–120

Hadoop, 42

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 96

Hadoop in Action, 42

HAProxy, 107–109

hard drive caches, 208

hard drive speed, 9–10


isolation of services using rented, 13

load balancers, 109–111

private data center hosting own, 119–121

reverse proxy, 226–227

upgrading for vertical scalability, 8–9

HBase, 317

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), 96

headers, HTTP, 211–217

hexagonal architecture, 32

high availability

building own file storage/delivery, 95

comparing in messaging platforms, 293

data stores for, 190–191

definition of, 78

Elastic Load Balancer with, 106

eventual consistency increasing, 194

HAProxy with, 109

MySQL replication with, 159–160

software design for, 77–80

trading for consistency, 197–199

high cardinality fields, indexes, 309–310

high coupling, 43, 46

high value processing, message queues, 271

Hollywood principle, IOC as, 69

horizontal scalability

Cassandra for, 203

comparing in messaging platforms, 294

data partitioning and. See data partitioning (sharding)

data stores for, 190–191

deferring building of, 353

evolution to, 16–19

RabbitMQ for, 291

scaling data layer for. See data layer

stateless front-end web servers for, 111–112

wide columnar data stores using, 317

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 124, 217

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

coding to contract and, 53–54

edge-cache servers and, 20

managing sessions, 88–93

REST services using, 135–137

in single server set-up, 5–6

testing with Jmeter, 335

web applications initially built with, 124

HTTP-based caches

browser cache, 208, 218–219

caching headers, 211–217

caching proxies, 219–220

caching rules of thumb, 239–244

CDNs, 221–222

between clients and web service, 213

object caches vs., 227

overview of, 210–211

reverse proxies, 220–221

scaling, 223–227

SOAP scalability and, 134

types of, 217–218

HTTPS (HTTP over TLS Transport Layer Security), REST services, 138

hybrid applications, front-end layer, 85

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 124, 217


idempotent consumer, 280

IIS (Internet Information Services), 53–54

incremental change, for inefficient processes, 49


adding overhead, 308–309

binary search algorithm in, 306–307

book, 305–306

compound (composite), 311

estimating field cardinality for, 308–310

full table scans vs., 305

full text search using inverted, 326–327

item distribution in, 310–311

key-value stores not supporting, 317

as lookup data structure, 305

properties of, 305–306

searching for data and, 304–305

using job queue for search engine data, 329

infrastructure, messaging, 266–270

inheritance, for repetitive code, 50

innovation, scaling engineering department, 359–361

integration, continuous, 336

integration tests, 335

interaction rates, scaling for higher, 3–4


dependencies of, 60

in open-closed principle, 63–64

Internet Information Services (IIS), 53–54

interoperability, JMS/STOMP, 266

inverted indexes, 326–330

I/O (input/output)

blocking, 248

as indexing overhead, 308

in MySQL replication, 158–159

nonblocking, 253

vertical scalability improving, 8–9

IOC (inversion of control), software design principle, 68–71

IP (Internet Protocol) address, 5–6, 101–102


in ACID transactions, 177

decoupling of producers/consumers, 275–276

evolution of services to, 11–13

message queues for failure, 274–275

of queue workers, 268



ActiveMQ written in, 291–292

distributed locking in, 99–100

overengineering in, 40

using inversion of control, 68

Java JVM, 91

JavaScript, 228–229

Jenkins, 337–338

Jmeter, 335, 339

JMS (Java Message Service), 266, 292

JMX (Java Management Extensions) protocol, ActiveMQ, 292

job queue, search engines, 329

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)-based REST services, 133, 136


Kafka topic partitioning, 279

keep-alive header, 212


accessing value in web storage, 229

client-side caches and, 228

key-value stores

client-side caches as, 228–229

distributed object caches as, 232

NoSQL, 317

Kibana web interface, Logstash, 347



function-centric web services and, 132

selecting for front end, 111


Amazon Route 53 routing and, 102

dictated by weakest link in call stack, 296

eventually consistent stores and, 197

hosting own hardware and, 119

shared lock management increasing, 99

LbaaS load balancer, Open Stack, 111

Lean Startup methodology, 285, 356

Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm, 224, 233

links, references, 374–377

Linux OS file caches, 208

Load Balancer, Azure, 111, 140

load balancers

benefits of, 104–106

benefits of stateless web service machines, 139–140

deploying private data center with, 119–120

DNS round-robin–based, 103–104

as front line of data center infrastructure, 22–24

as front-end layer component, 101

handling session state with, 92–93

hardware-based, 109–111

as hosted service, 106–107

in MySQL replication with multiple slaves, 158

self-managed software-based, 107–109

load testing, Jmeter, 335

local cache

caching in different layers of stack, 240

implementing, 230–232

scaling web server, 235

local device storage, client-side cache, 228–229

local simplicity, in software design, 39–40

lock contention, 9–10


managing server state, 98–99

preventing deadlocks, 142

resource. See resource locks


automating log aggregation, 345–347

custom routing rules for, 264

log-forwarding agents, 346

Loggy, hosted log-processing service, 346

Logstash, 346–347

longevity, affecting cache hit ratio, 209

loose coupling

avoiding unnecessary coupling, 47

models of, 47–48

overview of, 43–44

promoting, 44–46

low coupling, 44, 46

low value processing, message queue, 271

LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm, 224, 233



cloud service provider costs for, 17

data stores for file storage reducing cost of, 96

higher costs for more code, 50

load balancers for hidden server, 104

master-master deployment for long-lasting, 161–163

message queues and performing, 274

stateless web services for easy, 139

manual deployment, vs. automated, 335–336

manual testing, vs. automated, 333–334


keeping data in separate database, 179–182

modulo-based issues, 178

multidatabase sharded solution, 182

scaling with data partitioning using, 76–77

sharding key to server number, 172–173

MapReduce, 42, 190–191

master server

MySQL master-master replication, 161–164

MySQL replication, 169–170

MySQL ring replication, 164–165

replicating sharding key mappings, 180–182

master-master replication, MySQL

adding difficulty by using, 166

challenges of, 166–170

deploying, 160–163

not viable for scalability, 163–164

master-slave topology, MySQL

object caches allowing for replication, 237

recovering from failure, 160–161

replication, 157–159

replication, scaling cache cluster, 237–238

replication challenges, 166–170

as single source of truth semantics, 166

max-age response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214


distributed locking, 100–101

distributed object caches, 232–234

scaling distributed object caches, 235–236


cache servers using LRU for limits of, 233

implementing local application caches, 230

as indexing overhead, 308

needs of search engines, 328

message brokers

in ActiveMQ, 291–292

creating custom routing rules, 264–265

isolating failures, 274–275

in message queue-based processing, 259–260, 273–274

metrics, 267–270

in RabbitMQ, 290

scaling horizontally, 268

in system infrastructure, 267

message consumers

benefits of message queues, 272–273

custom routing rules for, 264–265

decoupling producers from, 260, 274–275, 283

delivering messages to, 256–257

direct worker queue interaction, 262, 297

event-driven interaction, 297, 299

idempotent, 280–281

message ordering problem, 276–279

messaging infrastructure for, 268–269

overview of, 260–262

publish/subscribe method, 263–264

message groups, ActiveMQ, 279, 292

message of death, handling, 284

message ordering problem

causing race conditions, 281

overview of, 276–278

partial message ordering, 279

solving, 278–279

message producers

decoupling consumers from, 260, 275–276, 283

in direct worker queue interactions, 297

in event-driven interactions, 297, 299

isolating failures and, 274–275

overview of, 258–259

message publishing, 258, 274–276

message queues

anti-patterns, 282–284

benefits of, 270–276

caching high up call stack, 240

challenges of, 276–282

as data center infrastructure, 25

example of, 250–254

front-end sending events to, 29

message broker, 259–260

message consumers, 260–265

message producers, 258–259

messaging infrastructure, 266–270

messaging protocols, 265–266

overview of, 256–257

removing resource locking in web services, 142

message requeueing problem, 280

message-oriented middleware (MOM), 259–260

messaging infrastructure, 266–270

messaging platforms

ActiveMQ, 291–292

Amazon SQS, 285–288

final comparison notes on, 292–294

overview of, 284–285

RabbitMQ, 288–291

messaging protocols, 265–266, 288

metatags, avoiding cache-related HTML, 217

metrics, reducing MTTR, 341–343

Microsoft Azure. See Azure

minimal viable product (MVP) development, Lean Startup, 285

mobile clients

developing mobile APIs, 124

scaling front end with browser cache, 113–114

single-page application for devices, 229

mocks, startup development, 357

modeling data

NoSQL, 313–318

overview of, 313

wide column storage example, 318–325


avoiding unnecessary coupling in, 47

class diagrams of, 59–60

drawing diagrams, 60–61

loose coupling for, 44–46

single responsibility for, 62

modulo-based mapping, and sharding, 178

MOM (message-oriented middleware), 259–260


as document-oriented data store, 318

fast recovery for availability, 197–199

scaling file storage/delivery with, 96


automating, 340–345

installing agent on each server, 342

tools, 340

monolithic application with web service, 124–127, 130–131

MTTR (mean time to recovery), reducing

in monitoring and alerting, 340–345

in self-healing, 80

multidatabase sharded solution, 181–182, 183

multilayer architecture, 31

multiple load balancers, 109–110

multiple reverse proxy servers, 225–226

must-revalidate response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

MVC frameworks, 65, 126

MVP (minimal viable product) development, Lean Startup, 285

MySQL, as most popular database, 156

MySQL, scaling

overview of, 156

replication, 156–166

replication challenges, 166–170

vertical scalability issues, 9–10


NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 50

Netscaler, Citrix, 109–111


HTTP proxy server in local, 219–220

improving throughput for vertical scalability, 9


private data center deployment using, 119–120

reverse proxy, 224

as software-based load-balancer, 107–109

superior performance of, 226

no-cache response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

Node.js, 112, 271


in Cassandra topology, 80, 199–201

in MongoDB failure handling, 198–199

share-nothing principle for, 76

nonblocking I/O, 253

noncacheable content, HTTP headers of, 216–217


NoSQL denormalization, 316

in relational data model, 314–315

NoSQL data stores

data as index in, 312–313

in data layer of data center, 25

data modeling, 313–317

dedicated search engine for, 328–330

defined, 190–191

as most commonly used, 317–318

NoSQL data stores, scaling

Cassandra topology, 199–204

faster recovery for availability, 197–199

overview of, 189–191

rise of eventual consistency, 192–197

no-store response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

no-transform response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214


OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), AMQP, 265

object cache servers, 25, 114

object caches

caching application objects, 227–228

caching rules of thumb, 239–244

client-side, 228–230

co-located with code, 230–232

distributed object, 232–234

scaling, 234–239

size affecting cache hit ratio, 209

object-clustering, Java JVM session storage, 91

object-oriented languages, coupling in, 44–45, 47

open-closed principle, 63–68

operating system

metrics reducing MTTR, 341

as multilayered architecture, 31

operations, scalability of, 332

optimistic concurrency control, 142

OR conditions, full text search, 328

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), AMQP, 265

organizational scalability, constraints, 4


API-first for web services risking, 128–129

avoiding for simplicity, 40–41

designing for scale without, 71

overhead, added by indexes, 308–309

overtime, and productivity, 347–348


pair programming, 354

parallel back-end processing, 272–273

partial message ordering guarantee, 279

partition tolerance, CAP theorem, 191–192

partitioning. See data partitioning (sharding)

partitioning, topic, 279

pattern matching, customizing routing rules for, 264


asynchronous processing and, 253–254

caching to improve, 242–243

increasing. See caching

synchronous processing and, 249–250

persistent data, and stateless web services, 140–141

pipes, Unix command-line program, 47–48

plugins, inversion of control principles for, 70

poison message handling, 284

policies, scaling, 115

POST method, HTTP, 135–136, 211

pragmatic approach, web service design, 130–131

presentation layer, and web services, 124–127, 130–131

primary node failure, MongoDB, 198–199


tasks to manage scope, 351–354

where to start caching, 242–243

private files, 93, 95

private response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 213

procedures, scaling engineering department, 359–361

processes, wasting time on inefficient, 49

productivity, scaling. See automation; yourself, scaling

products, building teams around, 358

protocols, messaging, 265–266


auto-scaling using hosting, 115

coding to contract to decouple clients from, 51–54

configuring/scalability of CDN, 221–223

proxy (intermediate), HTTP-based caches, 210

proxy servers, 223

pt-table-checksum, MySQL replication issues, 170

pt-table-sync, MySQL replication issues, 170

public files, 93–94

public response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

publishing, message, 258, 274–276

publish/subscribe queue model, routing, 263–264

PUT method, HTTP, 135–136, 211



in Cassandra, 202

designing NoSQL data model, 314–316

executing across shards, 176–177

optimizing for kinds of, 325

wide column storage example of, 318–321

queue workers

allowing self-healing of system, 274–275

isolating, 268

scalability by adding parallel, 272–273

in system infrastructure, 267–268

queue-based interaction, and EDA, 296–297

queues, in Cassandra, 204

quorum consistency, 196–197, 203



comparing messaging platforms, 286

flexible routing rules in, 264

message ordering problem, 280

messaging infrastructure, 269

messaging protocols for, 265–266

overview of, 288–291

poison message handling in, 284

race conditions, 98–99, 281


auto-scaling with, 115

hosting MySQL with Cloud Database, 170

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 8, 95–96

Rails, 68

RAM (random access memory), 7–10

random access, in message queue, 283

random access I/O, 8

random access memory (RAM), 7–10

random order, solving message ordering, 278

rapid learning, Lean Startup, 356

RDS (Relational Database Service), Amazon, 170

read-only statements, MySQL replication, 158


adding replica servers, 185–186

eventual consistency conflicts, 194–196

MySQL replication, 166, 186–188

MySQL replication timing issues, 169

trading high availability for consistency, 197–199

read-through caches

cache-aside caches vs., 227

caching proxies as, 219–220

HTTP-based caches as, 210–212

Redis, distributed object caches, 232–234

redundancy, for high availability, 79–80

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), 8, 95–96


80/20 rule for, 353

copy-paste programming and, 50

single responsibility principle for, 61–63

references, for this book

books, 364–366

links, 374–377

talks, 373–374

white papers, 366–373

regression testing, 333

reinventing the wheel, avoiding wasted time, 49

relational data model, 313–315

Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon, 170

relay log, MySQL replication, 158, 161

release cycle

reducing size of each, 356–357

wasting time on inefficient processes in, 49

remote servers, message queue interaction with, 271

replica servers, adding, 185–186

replica sets, MongoDB, 198–199


Cassandra, 201–202

local caches not using, 231–232

scaling object caches with, 237–238

replication, MySQL

applicable to other data stores, 170

challenges of, 166–170

defined, 156–157

handling slave failures, 160

master-master, 160–164

master-slave, 157–158

overview of, 156

ring, 164–165

scaling with, 186–187

summary of, 166

using multiple slaves, 158–159

replication lag, 165–166, 169

request headers, HTTP-based caches, 212–213

request/response interaction, and EDA, 296

requirements, scalability, 3–4

resource intensive work, with message queues, 271

resource locality, CDNs, 15

resource locks, 98–99, 141–143

resource management, 105–106

resource-centric web services, 134–138

response headers, HTTP-based caches, 212–214

REST (Representational State Transfer) web services

between front-end and web services, 25

JSON-based, 133

as resource-centric, 135–138

REST API, RabbitMQ, 289–290

REST web services, scaling

caching service responses, 146–149

cluster of, 220–221

functional partitioning, 150–153

keeping service machines stateless, 139–146

overview of, 138

return channels, avoiding message queue, 282–283

reuse of cached objects, 240–242

reuse of code

avoid reinventing the wheel, 49

open-closed principle for, 64–65

single responsibility principle for, 61–63

reuse of tools, 355

revalidation, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

reverse proxies

caching high up call stack, 240

as front-end layer component, 101

as HTTP-based cache, 220–221

managing scalability of, 223–227

scaling front end with caching, 113

as software-based load-balancers, 107–109

Riak, 317

ring replication, MySQL, 164–170

round-robin DNS service, 18, 19, 103–104

Route 53 service, Amazon, 101–103, 117–119


ActiveMQ and, 291, 292

Amazon SQS and, 288

methods, 262–265

RabbitMQ advanced message, 288–290

rows, Cassandra table, 319


creating indexes, 310

custom routing, 264–265

rules, caching

cache invalidation is difficult, 243–244

caching high up call stack, 239–240

reusing cache among users, 240–242

where to start caching, 242–243

run-time environments, function-centric web services, 132


S3 (Simple Storage Service), 93–95, 117–119


ActiveMQ, 291–292

agile teams, 357–361

Amazon SQS, 286–288

automation. See automation

concept of, 2–4

definition of, 3

engineering department, 349

local application vs. distributed object caches, 232–234

message queues for easier, 272–273

of object caches, 234–237

operations, 332

RabbitMQ, 291

as software design principle, 71–77

startup environment and, 2

your own impact, 349

for yourself. See yourself, scaling

schedule, influencing, 355–357

schema, NoSQL data model, 314


influencing by prioritizing tasks, 350–354

as project management lever, 349–350

Search, Azure, 329

search engines

introduction to, 326–328

memory needs of, 328

overview of, 326

using dedicated, 328–330

searching for data

introduction to indexing. See indexes

modeling data, 313–325

overview of, 304

search engines, 326–330

summary, 330

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

overview of, 220

termination. See SSL termination


REST services vs. SOAP, 138

stateless web services for, 140–142

Selenium, end-to-end tests, 335, 339


auto-scaling similar to, 116

in Cassandra, 202–203

designing software for, 77–80

message queues promoting, 274–275

self-managed software-based load-balancers, 107–109

separation of concerns, API-first design for web services, 128

sequential I/O, 8

server number

mapping data in separate database, 179–182

mapping sharding key to, 179


adding to sharded deployments, 178

automating configuration of, 338

horizontal scalability with multiple, 16–19

hosting on hardware vs. virtual, 119

isolating roles in functional partitioning, 74–75

isolating services to separate, 11–14

managing state, 97–101

reducing with CDNs, 15

stateless vs. stateful, 85–88

uploading user-generated content to, 93–96

Service Bus Queues, scalability limits of, 269

service calls, in Amazon SQS, 288

service level agreement (SLA), 343

service-oriented architecture. See SOA (service-oriented architecture)


adding abstraction for, 40

building teams around, 358

isolating to separate servers, 11–14

in request/response interactions, 299

scaling with functional partitioning, 74–75

in web services layer, 30–34

sessions, managing HTTP, 88–93

setters, unnecessary coupling and, 47

sharding. See data partitioning (sharding)

sharding key

choosing, 171–174

definition of, 171

implementing, 188–189

mapping to server number, 178

shared hosting, 6, 7

shared libraries, 50

shared memory, 230

shared object cache, 141–142

share-nothing principle

advantages of sharding, 175–176

scaling distributed object caches, 236

scaling with data partitioning using, 76–77

Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), loose coupling in, 48

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 59–60

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

Simple Queue Service. See Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

Simple Storage Service (S3), 93–95, 117–119


hiding complexity/building abstractions, 38–40

learning from software design, 42–43

overengineering reducing, 40–41

single responsibility increasing, 61–63

as software design principle, 38

with test-driven development, 41–42

single points of failure, 79, 106

single responsibility, 61–63, 68

single-page applications. See SPAs (single-page applications)

single-server configuration

adding vertical scalability to, 7–11

evolution from, 5–7

isolation of services for, 11–14

scalability limitations of, 7

scaling by adding copies of same thing, 184–185


of cache affecting cache hit ratio, 209

data set. See data set size

scalability of reverse proxy, 224

SLA (service level agreement), 343

slave servers, MySQL replication. See also master-slave topology, MySQL

breaking data consistency, 169–170

multiple, 158–159

overview of, 157–158

rebuilding of failed, 160

returning stale data, 169

scaling reads, 166

SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java), loose coupling in, 48

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 59–60

SOA (service-oriented architecture)

definition of, 30

RabbitMQ message routing as, 290

scaling with functional partitioning in, 74–75

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

as function-centric, 132

integration flow for, 132–133

interoperability/usability of, 133–134

over HTTP, 25

REST vs., 137–138

scalability issues of, 134

SOA vs., 30

software design principles

coding to contract, 51–54

dependency injection, 65–68

design for scale, 71–77

design for self-healing, 77–80

don’t repeat yourself, 48–51

draw diagrams, 54–61

inversion of control, 68–71

loose coupling, 43–48

open-closed principle, 63–65

overview of, 38

simplicity, 38–43

single responsibility, 61–63

summary, 81

software-based load-balancers, self-managed, 107–109

solid-state drives. See SSDs (solid-state drives)

Solr, as dedicated search engine, 329

sorting algorithm, open-closed principle, 63–64

SPAs (single-page applications)

building front-end layer as, 84

building front-end layer as hybrid application, 85

local device storage for, 229

scaling front end with browser cache, 113–114

Sphinx, as dedicated search engine, 329


ActiveMQ message, 292

message queues evening out traffic, 273–274

Spring framework, 68

Spring Recipes, 42

SpringSource, 292

SQL Database Elastic Scale, Azure, 184

SQS. See Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

Squid, as open-source reverse proxy, 224

SSDs (solid-state drives)

building own file storage/delivery, 96

improving access I/O for vertical scalability, 8

scaling reverse proxies vertically, 227

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 220

SSL termination

benefits of Elastic Load Balancer, 106

defined, 106

HAProxy load balancer supporting, 109

stale, cached objects as, 214

startups, high failure rate of, 71

state, managing

files, 93–96

HTTP sessions, 88–93

keeping web service machines stateless, 139–146

other types of state, 97–101

stateless vs. stateful services and, 85–88

stateful services, stateless vs., 85–88

stateless services

defined, 73

queue workers as, 268

scaling by adding clones to, 73

stateful vs., 85–88

web servers as, 268

web service machines as, 139–146, 268

static files, 215–216, 222–223

sticky sessions, 92–93, 109

STOMP (Streaming Text-Oriented Messaging Protocol), 265–266, 288

streaming logs, to centralized log service, 345

Streaming Text-Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP), 265–266, 288

subscription methods, message consumers, 262

subsets, in sharding, 171, 175

Symfony, and inversion of control, 68


consistent data stores supporting, 196

local application caches not using, 231–232

replication in MySQL as, 157

synchronous invocation, as temporal coupling, 296

synchronous processing

affecting perceived performance, 249–250

asynchronous processing vs., 246

example of, 247–249

shopping analogy for, 254–255


tables, Cassandra, 201, 319–323

talks, references for, 373–374


80/20 rule for, 353

delegating responsibilities and, 354

prioritizing to manage scope, 351–354

TCP socket, avoid treating message queue as, 282–283

TCP/IP programming stack, 31

TDD (test-driven development), 40–41

technologies, application architecture supporting, 34–35

templates, 29

temporal coupling, 296–297

Teracotta, JVM session storage, 91

test-driven development (TDD), 40–41

testing, automated, 333–335

third-party services

application architecture, 35

content delivery network, 13–16

data centers, 24

Datadog monitoring service, 344

deploying private data center, 119–120

distributed file storage, 96

front end unaware of, 29

horizontal scaling, 17–19

hosting DNS, 101

integration between web applications, 25

reducing workload/increasing costs, 355

scaling HTTP caches, 223–227

service level agreement monitoring, 343

sharing application logs with, 346–347


avoiding overtime, 347–349

influencing schedule, 355–357

MySQL replication issues, 169

as project management lever, 349–350

time to discover, MTTR, 340

time to investigate, MTTR, 341

Time to Live. See TTL (Time to Live) expiration

time to respond, MTTR, 340–341

tokens, inverted index structure, 327–328

Tomcat, 53–54

traditional multipage web applications, 84, 85


benefits of stateless web service machines, 139

in CDNs, 15

distribution in single server, 5–6

message queues evening out spikes in, 273–274

scaling for global audience, 19–21

single-server scalability limits, 7

TTL (Time to Live) expiration

defined, 209

keeping web service machines stateless, 140

max-age response, Cache-Control HTTP header, 214

overcoming cache invalidation by setting short, 243–244

scalability of reverse proxy, 224


Ultima Online, 171

UML (Unified Modeling Language), 60

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 60

uniform resource locators. See URLs (uniform resource locators)

unit tests, 334, 338–339

Unix command-line program, loose coupling, 47–48


avoiding message queue, 283

breaking data consistency in MySQL replication, 169

denormalized data model issues, 316

stateless web service machines and, 139

validating data model use cases, 324–325

upgrades, 7, 8

uploading, user-generated content to your server, 93–96

URLs (uniform resource locators)

bundling CSS and JS files under unique, 216

distributed file storage using S3, 94

downloading files using, 93

REST services using, 135–137

use cases

API-first design for web services, 127–129

drawing diagrams, 57–58

file storage, 93

message queues, 271

preventing repetition with most common, 51

stateless web services, 141–146

validating data model against known, 324–325

web server, 111–112

wide column storage example, 318–322

user ID. See account ID (user ID)

user interface, front end application as, 29

user-generated content, uploading to servers, 93


reuse of cached object, 240–242

sharding based on, 172–174

validating data model use cases, 324



accessing in web storage, 229

client-side caches and, 228

Varnish, 53–54, 224

Vary HTTP header, 215

vertical scalability

cost issues of, 9–10

definition of, 8

methods, 8–9

reverse proxies, 227

system architecture unaffected by, 10–11

virtual servers, 8, 119

vision, validating for success, 351

VPS (virtual private server), 6, 7, 13


web application layer

data center infrastructure, 24

managing HTTP sessions, 91–92

master-master replication and, 163

sharding in, 174, 176–178, 188

web application servers, 240

web applications, building front-end layer, 84–85

web browsers, decoupling from providers, 53–54

web flows, separate from business logic, 29

web servers

benefits of load balancers, 104–106

decoupling from clients, 53–54

for front-end scalability, 111–113

as front-end layer component, 101

for HTTP session with cookies, 88–89

keeping stateless, 101, 139

local cache on, 230–232

reverse proxy reducing load on, 220–221

scaling by adding clones, 72–74

scaling local caches, 235

web services

application architecture for, 30–34

in data center infrastructure, 24–25

designing, overview, 124

designing API-first, 127–129

designing as alternative presentation layer, 124–127

designing with pragmatic approach, 130–131

function-centric, 131–134

overview of, 124

resource-centric, 134–138

REST. See REST (Representational State Transfer) web services

scaling REST. See REST web services, scaling

scaling with functional partitioning, 74–75

summary, 153

web session scope, HTTP sessions, 89

web storage

with JavaScript code, 228–229

scaling client-side caches for, 233–234

speeding up application time, 229–230

using as cache vs. reliable data store, 229

white paper references, 366–373

wide columnar data stores, 317, 318–325


Cassandra optimization for, 202, 322–323

cost of deletes in Cassandra, 203–204

eventual consistency conflicts, 194–196

master-master replication and, 163–164

not scaling using replication, 166

scaling with, 186–187

trading high availability for consistency, 197–199

ws-* specifications, SOAP, 133–134


XML-RPC (Extensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call), 132


yourself, scaling

influencing cost, 354–355

influencing schedule, 355–357

influencing scope, 350–354

overtime and, 347–349

overview of, 347

self-management, 349–350

your own impact, 349



backups, 159

updates, 139

Zookeeper, 99–100, 142

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