Chapter 3

Energy and Sustainability

In selecting energy options, there are obvious factors such as the cost of the energy feedstock. There are also factors that are not as obvious such as the impact of tax infrastructures and the time it takes to realize the return on an investment. This chapter covers the underlying factors that impact investments and evaluates how artificial barriers may be overcome in the future.


costs; feedstocks; taxes; intangible; return on investment

Politics of Change in the Energy Industry

Energy conversion and utilization is a multitrillion dollar business and vital to today’s society. The magnitude of these industries presents both mega opportunities and extraordinary challenges. While these industries were once predominantly driven by technology, today, politics dominates essentially every aspect. One of today’s greatest challenges is to advance an industry in which technology has been displaced from the role of driving the industry to the passive role of yielding to the political policies that drive the industry.

The politics of energy includes contributions from corporations and environmental groups. Mega corporations seek to maintain the status quo, because these corporations control billions of dollars of revenue per year. Why ruin a good thing? Environmental groups including the US Environmental Protection Agency tend to be single issue and focus on their perception of environmental impacts. Typically, true balances of benefit and risk are much more complicated than the portrayals of environmental groups. There is a quadrangle of overlapping interests and conflicts formed by industry, environmentalists, politics, and public welfare.

Technology Emerging to What End?

Several fundamental issues related to defining and discussing emerging energy technologies include:

• When the goal of proposed improvements is defined, the technical challenges may be substantial.

• When the goal of proposed improvements is not defined, the challenge borders on futile.

• Which comes first: the fuel or the engine? Change in energy technology is uncertain and filled with obstacles, but they must match.

• While new technologies may be on the sidelines ready to meet the goals, the momentum of the industry is formidable and will dominate the discussion.

In view of these obstacles in the energy industry, the task of identifying the potential of an emerging technology is difficult. Proposed objectives to be met by new technology should have a reasonable chance of surviving over time and be substantially free of speculation. To this end, one development goal stands out: Emerging energy technology must be based on fuel price. That fuel price must be for the delivered product and, for planning purposes, need to include anticipated environmental costs.

For the electrical power industry, the energy fuel consumer is the large utility company that generates electrical power. For the vehicular fuel industry the millions of individual owners of cars and trucks are the final consumers.

Recent trends have included an emphasis on the sustainability of an industry. A reasonable interpretation of sustainable is sustainability in the 30-year time frame. There is too much uncertainty for longer time frames in view of potential breakthroughs in science and technology.

This 30-year time frame is greater than the 3–10 year time frame that large corporations plan to get full return on investments (ROIs). It is less than the total sustainability pursued by advocates of wind and solar energy.

In the following discussion the potentials of different energy feedstocks will be reviewed. The feedstock costs provide an indicator of the potential of a fuel for meeting goals on fuel price.

Cost of Feedstock Resources

Without detailed process knowledge, as is the case when evaluating the potential of emerging technology, the potential of a process can be estimated by calculating the gross profit [1]. In this approach, the cost of the feedstock fuel consumed by a process is subtracted from the value of the final product (a liquid fuel or electricity). The higher the “gross profit,” the greater the economic potential of that process. Technology is developed with the goal of realizing actual profits that approach the gross profits.

Table 3.1 summarizes and ranks feedstock costs by their representative prices at the end of the twentieth century. The “liquid fuel” column reports the feedstock costs for the energy equivalent to that in a gallon of gasoline. The last column estimates the feedstock cost for producing one kWh of electricity.

Table 3.1

Summary of feedstock costs for commonly used and considered fuels

Fuel Price ($/MMBTU)a AVG ($/kWh) Liquid fuelb ($/gasoline gallon equ.) El. conv. efficiencyc (%) Electricity cost ($/kWh)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) $(−2.00)– (−4.00) −0.0102 −0.36 20–35% −0.037
Spent nuclear fuel $(0.08) −0.0003 −0.01 25–45% −0.001
Full uranium $0.08 0.0003 0.01 25–45% 0.001
Remote natural gas $0.50–1.00 0.0026 0.09 N/A  
US uranium $0.62 0.0021 0.072 30–33% 0.0068
French reprocessed uranium     0.0090
Coal $1.20–1.40 0.0044 0.145 35–45% 0.0105
Oil sands ($10–15/barrel) $2.00–3.00 0.0086 0.30 28–53% 0.021
Natural gas $6.00 ($3.00) 0.0205 0.68 50–56% 0.039 (0.020)
Biomass $2.10–4.20–6.80 0.0149 0.52 20–45% 0.044
Petroleum ($45–75/barrel) $9.00–15.00 0.0411 1.44 28–53% 0.135


aPrice does not include $0.42/gal motor vehicle fuel tax.

bAssuming 0.119 MMBTU per gallon of gasoline.

cElectrical conversion efficiency is the thermal efficiency of the cycle. The price of the feedstock fuel is divided by the thermal efficiency to estimate the cost of fuel consumed to generate 1 kWh of electricity.

The lowest cost feedstocks provides the best potential for low-cost energy. Municipal solid waste, spent nuclear fuel, uranium, and coal have high gross profits and are sufficiently abundant to evaluate for commercialization. In each case, technology can bridge any gaps between actual and gross profits.

In 2015, the use of natural gas is growing rapidly due to the low cost of natural gas power plants, abundant source for shale fracking technology (creating stable prices), and the ability of natural gas to start up and shutdown quickly to complement wind power. While many fuels have greater potential for lower prices than natural gas, the technology for many of these is still rather expensive.

Wastes and By-Products as Feedstocks

The greatest potentials exist with municipal solid waste and spent nuclear fuel. Historically, both vehicular fuel and electrical power technologies were alive and well before there was either a municipal solid waste or nuclear waste problem of any magnitude. Both municipal solid waste and nuclear waste (spent nuclear fuel) provide an opportunity to generate useful energy from a “waste” that imposes a burden on society.

Today’s US nuclear power plants extract about 3.4% of the energy available in the fuel rods before they are set aside as spent fuel. The spent fuel elements are stored at each of the nuclear power plants, and transporting them to a common repository in Yucca Mountain is the subject of bitter debate that seems to have been resolved not being a good option.

Reprocessing the fuel reduces the mass of the waste requiring long-term storage and recovers about 96% of unspent fuel. This reprocessing is practiced in Europe and Japan, but not in the United States. Excess weapon grade uranium/plutonium can also be blended with natural uranium to make power plant fuel and eliminate this inventory as a weapon threat.

Similar to nuclear reprocessing, the conversion of municipal solid waste into fuel and electricity can eliminate a waste problem and provide the needed energy. Landfill corporations receive $15–60 per ton of waste to dump this waste in a properly prepared hole in the ground, and unfortunately, often see waste-to-energy projects as competition for their revenues. The municipal waste-to-energy process must overcome at least four opposing groups: (i) direct political pressure from electrical power providers and landfill corporations; (ii) air quality regulations that make it very difficult to build the new conversion facilities; (iii) the cost and availability of conversion technology; and (iv) Mafia-type control of the collection of solid waste. Full use of municipal solid waste for energy is as much a political issue as it is a technology opportunity.

In the absence of American leadership, answers are likely to come from Europe. In Japan and Europe, landfill land is becoming less available. In Germany and other countries waste-to-energy industries are prospering. Across Europe in 2010, there were about 400 waste-to-energy plants, with Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands leading the pack in expanding them and building new ones [2].

Energy facilities designed to run on waste products typically benefit from the economies of scale made possible by adding other feedstocks to their mix. Municipal solid waste plants will be able to take in biomass produced near the plant locations where hauling distances are short. Coal could also be used in the municipal solid waste plants. Co-firing these facilities with biomass and coal would provide improved economies of scale and feedstock reliability to keep the plant in operation. In the future, more advanced facilities would be true “solid fuel refineries” with the option to produce chemicals, liquid fuels, electrical power, and recycled metals.

Liquid Fuels Market

Both nuclear power and municipal solid waste facilities are better suited to produce electrical power rather than liquid fuels. For liquid fuels, the next least expensive feedstock options are remote natural gas, coal, and oil sands (and heavy oil). This liquid fuels market is not synonymous with automobiles—a case will be presented in Chapter 7 for conversion to electrical power as the primary distributed energy for automobiles. Electrification of trains is possible, and short-haul trucks may run off batteries. Interesting options like the Hyperloop and Terreplane System are emerging as an alternative for some of the aircraft market. There is no end in sight for the end of liquid fuel dominance for farm tractors.

As Table 3.1 indicates, biomass will have a difficult time competing with oil on a cost basis. While it is true that ethanol and biodiesel may actually have periodic cost advantages over gasoline and diesel as these industries expand (2001–2008), cost advantages disappear when the volumes of ethanol and biodiesel expand by using “excess” agricultural commodities competing with increasing population food demands. A side effect of this expansion might be higher farm commodity prices—this might bring an end to government-subsidized agriculture.

Oil corporations in North America are moving toward tight oil and oil sands. Heavy oils are an option after the most accessible tight oil reserves are consumed—oil prices greater than $100 per barrel increase the recovery options. These fuels will work with incremental modification of existing refining infrastructure. Today, the use of tar sands tends to be a better long-term plan than conventional petroleum. The driver for commercialization will be corporate profitability. This type of industrialization should have little problem providing liquid fuels well past the end of the twenty-first century—for a price. Lessons of history show that the environment, military conflict, major trade deficits, and huge fluctuations in prices can be the results of industrial expansion driven by corporate profitability.

A problem with the liquid fuel industry is the lack of diversity in feedstocks—petroleum feedstocks and oil corporations dominate and control the industry. One of the paths forward in this industry is electrical power (including nuclear) and increased automobile efficiency to displace 33–50% of this 187 million gallon a year. If biodiesel and ethanol replace another 10–20% of this industry market, the dominance of petroleum will be undermined. This diversity will provide stable prices and nations can eliminate trade deficits to the extent desired. Diversification is key.

Fischer–Tropsch fuels are a fourth player in diversification of the liquid fuel industry. The growth of Fischer–Tropsch is slow, but persistent.

Fischer–Tropsch Technology

Fischer–Tropsch technology was developed in the mid-1920s in Germany to produce liquid fuels from coal. It is being used today to produce liquid fuels from both coal and natural gas. The Fischer–Tropsch technology can provide liquid fuels at prices competitive with petroleum today. Early estimates indicated that Fischer–Tropsch technology is borderline competitive with crude oil at $20 per barrel (eliminating nontechnical cost barriers); however, recent history has shown that sustained prices greater than $55 per barrel have led to a much more rapid increase in tight oil production (drilling) as an alternative to Fischer–Tropsch process.

There is reason to believe that Fischer–Tropsch technology and shale oil fracking technology are sustainable to compete on a large scale with conventional petroleum oil at prices of about $55 per barrel and higher. The primary difference between the technologies is that it only takes a few weeks to drill a well using fracking technology with an investment near $1 million and a production well that can pay for itself in less than 12 months; while a Fischer–Tropsch facility can cost hundreds of millions of dollars, take 2 or 3 years to bring into production, and then take several years to pay for itself. The difference is the risk involved and the time it takes to realize a return of the investment.

Because of the high costs for Fischer–Tropsch production facilities, growth will be slower, but once the investments are made they will impact the industry for decades in the form of steadily increasing market share. This slow but steady growth is depicted by US Energy Information Agency (EIA) projects for “natural gas plant liquids” of Figure 2.1.

The primary applications will be low-cost natural gas available at remote sites or at oil production sites where it is currently flared.

The key event that accelerated the maturing of tight oil recovery (fracking) technology was high oil prices. To some extent these prices were artificial.

Impact of Commodity Crude Bidding

Dan Dicker wrote a book titled Oil’s Endless Bid, Taming the unreliable price of oil to secure our economy [19]. Addressing our current problems with the price of crude oil, on page X of the Introduction the following:

“WE have caused this; there is no one else to blame. We have inspired this disaster with lax regulation, blind faith in free markets, and unfettered greed. The oil market has followed a similar pattern to other modern asset markets, becoming enmeshed in more and more complex derivative products that benefit mostly the people that sell them, we encourage and reward best the people who create and squeeze profit out of these new product markets, and we invite—no warn—every investor to participate as well, lest the miss the latest and greatest money making opportunity. The result of this avalanche of activity is clear, causing prices to boom, only to bust violently before beginning the cycle over again.”

“So why should I care about the swinging prices of oil? … The difference is that people choose to invest in stocks, therefore, they bear responsibility for their own risks and possible losses. But whether it is the heat in our homes or the fuel for our cars, even the food we eat and the clothes we wear—just about everything in our lives is tied to the costs of energy. We are all invested in oil, whether we like it or not. Business is hardly exempt. More than 50% of the companies on the New York Stock Exchange rely on energy as their single largest input cost, and that doesn’t even include the energy companies themselves (some of which were being put out of business by the high price of oil!).”

These are the facts of the international crude oil market. It is very difficult to predict how the crude oil market will move. It is clear that about 15% of the energy in a barrel of crude oil will be spent refining the crude into the array of products sold in the energy and chemicals market. It is worth considering what might be done to make us less dependent on this “sole source” of energy. Estimating the economic “break even” or the profit margin in alternative energy sources is worth considering.

To its merit, commodity crude bidding the high, albeit temporary (see Figure 3.1), prices it created has provided the incentive for the advancement of technology in tight oil recovery. Like a frog sitting is a pot of water over a flame, if the temperature increases gradually the frog dies a slow death; however, if the temperature increases rapidly the frog is aware and jumps from the pot. Commodity crude bidding has brought disruption and that disruption has brought evolution.

Figure 3.1 Historic crude oil prices.

Case Study on Investment Decisions and Policy Impacts

Corporate investment decisions can be understood by performing the same profitability analyses the corporations use. These profitability analyses can also be evaluated under assumptions of different government (or corporate) policies to show how policies impact investment decisions. A case study was performed on the investment for a Fischer–Tropsch process to convert Wyoming coal to make synthetic oil to replace imported petroleum. The impact of technology cost was compared to the following four nontechnical barriers:

• Petroleum reserves are the number of years of petroleum crude oil in proven reserves held by the corporation considering an investment into an alternative fuel facility. A base case of 0 year of reserves was assumed. The typical reserves for an oil corporation are from 7–14 years, so, conservative figures of 5 and 11 years were used in this sensitivity analyses.

• Intangible costs are the costs of the risks associated with investing in a new technology. These costs include the risk of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries) lowering the price of crude oil to drive the synthetic fuel facility out of business. Intangible costs were incorporated into the sensitivity analysis by either assuming that a higher ROI and shorter payback period (20%, 6 year) would be required to attract investment capital or by assuming that the price of the synthetic fuel would decrease to a very low value ($10 per barrel) shortly after startup (3 year or 5 years).

• US Tax structure is the taxes paid to the US and local governments including social security and unemployment taxes that must be paid by US employees. A base case of 34% corporate income tax was assumed. The sensitivity analysis included an assumption of 0% corporate income tax and that half of the “threshold” price was due to taxes (corporate income, personal income, property, FICA, etc.) and that the threshold price would be reduced by 50% if these taxes were not selectively placed on domestic production.

• Return on investment is the % ROI and the time in years (year one is defined as the first year of production) for payback of the investment capital. A base case of 12.5% ROI with a 15-year payback was assumed. For comparison, investment rate of return (IRR) calculations were performed for a 5% ROI and 30-year payback since this is reflective of today’s municipal bonds for civil infrastructure investment. Also considered was 10% ROI and 20-year payback.

IRR was chosen as the preferred profitability analysis for this case study because the IRR calculation provides the “threshold” price of the synthetic oil product—petroleum prices above this threshold price would justify investment [3]. The lower this threshold price the more likely the technology will be commercialized and compete with imported petroleum. In the IRR calculation, the “threshold” price for the synthetic oil is adjusted until the net present value of the process is $0 at the end of the process life (e.g., 15 years for the base case). After preparing a base case IRR, the sensitivity of the threshold synthetic fuel price to the four nontechnical barriers was determined by repeating the IRR calculation for the upper or lower limits of each of the nontechnical barriers.

Table 3.2 summarizes the parameters used in preparing the base case from which the sensitivity analysis was performed. Table 3.3 summarizes the sensitivity analysis results showing the impact of the nontechnical barriers.

Table 3.2

Conditions for base case Fischer–Tropsch facility used to perform sensitivity analysis

Property Value Justification
Capacity 20 billion gallons per year This is one-sixth the amount of gasoline consumed in the United States
Capital cost $3.90/gal/yearly capacity ($78 billion capital investment) This is the lower cost estimate published by the DOE (US Department of Energy) and some companies commercializing this technology
Operating cost $7.50 per barrel This is typically published for a coal facility. The cost of coal (essentially the only feedstock for this process) is about $3.75 per barrel
Construction time 30% in year one, 70% in year two, startup in year three Standard for facility of this type
ROI 12.5% Standard corporation ROI for low risk ventures
Investment payback 15 years Standard for facility of this type
Corporate Income tax 34% Year 2002 corporate tax rates line out at 35% for taxable income over $20 million per year
Startup/working capital 2 months operating expense Standard practice

Table 3.3

Summary of changes in the sensitivity factors used in sensitivity analysis. COS is Cost of Sales

 Reserves ROI, P Taxes Intangible COS Capital (/gal/yr) Prices (/barrel)
Base case 0 12.5% 15 yr 34% N/A $7.50 $3.90 $41.00
Petroleum reserves
Low res., P-$10 5 yr      $115.00
Typical res., P-$10 11 yr      Infinity
Return on investment
Municipal bond  5%, 30 yr     $20.21
Low ROI  10%, 20 yr     $32.72
US tax structure
No corporate tax   34– 0%    $33.31
All Taxes Gone   none    $20.50
Intangible costs
High ROI  20%, 6 yr     $73.17
$10 Crude at 3 years    $10 @ 3   $96.27
$10 Crude at 5 years    $10 @ 5   $67.50
Technology costs
50% Reduction     $7.50 $1.95 $24.24
25% Reduction     $5.62 $2.93 $32.61


The base case yields a threshold price of $41 per barrel of synthetic oil; however, this base case assumes no intangible costs and that the investing corporation held zero years of oil reserves.

By relying on oil corporations and including reasonable intangible costs, a price in excess of $150 per barrel would be needed before investment into the needed infrastructure would meet profitability expectations. This threshold price has been known to be elusive, and this calculation confirms that crude oil imports in excess of $600 billion per year are likely to be realized before corporate investments are justified based on current corporate investment criteria. Any plan of relying on oil corporations to take the lead developing alternatives to petroleum is flawed.

The case study revealed that existing petroleum reserves of a corporation would provide the greatest investment deterrent to that corporation. The past decade has revealed that it is not only the conventional petroleum reserves, but tight oil and recoverable heavy oil reserves that are a deterrent.

Remaining deterrents from greatest to least impact were: intangible costs/risks, demands for high returns on investment, unfavorable tax structures, and the cost of the technology.

Hindsight suggests that oil corporations will invest in a US alternative fuel industry only when their petroleum reserves (ΔIRR of >$100/barrel) are depleted to about the time it takes to build the alternative fuel infrastructure, or about 2 years of reserves. Reduction of reserves to this level would be needed for large-scale investment into Fischer–Tropsch facilities and is not likely to occur in the near future.

Intangible costs (ΔIRR of $38/barrel) are the second greatest barrier to investment into a domestic alternative fuel industry. Antitrust laws fail to cross international boundaries. Needed investments into a US domestic fuel industry are not made (in part) because OPEC can flood the world oil market with low-price petroleum and drive domestic synthetic production out of business. Possible solutions are international treaties or price-dependent tariffs that effectively extend antitrust laws across international boundaries. These treaties/policies need to be in place at the time investment decisions are made, which means they need to be established now.

Corporate demands for high ROI (ΔIRR of $14.5/barrel) had the third greatest impact on the threshold price. States and communities routinely make infrastructure investments at lower ROI’s such as 5% ROI and 30-year payback. The IRR spreadsheets on which corporations base investments include short-term corporate monetary gains in wealth. Long-term, noncorporate, and nonmonetary wealth generation should be included in these calculations.

Domestic taxes (Δ IRR of $14.1/barrel) have about the same impact as high corporate demands on ROI and have a greater impact on investment decisions than the cost of an otherwise good technology. Presently, about half the price of a barrel of synthetic petroleum produced from Wyoming coal would be taxes (corporate income, personal income, property, FICA, etc.) while essentially nothing (about 10 cents per barrel) is charged to imported petroleum; these import fees represent docking/harbor fees.

It is illogical to burden domestic industry with taxes while foreign producers are allowed to enter the US market without paying a similar tax. While it is true that imported petroleum “can” have similar taxes paid to a foreign country, the key qualifier is “can.” If imported oil is produced in a country where taxes are primarily “value added taxes” (VAT) paid on domestic sales (otherwise known as a consumption tax), a foreign producer could export to the United States with little or no tax burden.

The current US tax structure is a problem that should be addressed.

All four of these nontechnical barriers to commercialization can be readily and sustainably corrected.

True Barriers to Commercialization

Each of the four nontechnical barriers to commercialization of the synthetic oil case study has a greater impact than reasonable advances in technology for Fischer–Tropsch facilities. If solutions to the nontechnical barriers were implemented, threshold petroleum prices to attract investment into domestic synthetic oil production would be less than $20 per barrel and possibly as low as $13 per barrel. However, this production would be by a nonpetroleum corporation without refineries and a fuel distribution network—this producer would have to sell to existing oil corporations or face tens of billions of dollars of additional investment for separate refineries. In view of possible agreements with foreign producers (e.g., 11 years of reserves) it is not certain that the US major petroleum corporations would displace contracted petroleum with a synthetic oil alternative.

Intervention or a nonfuel alternative is needed. The plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is an example of a nonfuel alternative. The Canadian oil sand industry is an example of how government intervention can be effective. These represent two possible solutions—other good solutions may exist.

The Canadian oil sand (formerly referred to as tar sand) industry is a success story that demonstrates how commercialization barriers can be overcome. At $9–15 per barrel production costs, oil sand production costs are more than Fischer–Tropsch production costs. But even at these higher costs, large-scale mining of oil sands in Canada began in 1967 [4] when oil prices were less than $10 per barrel. It took about a decade to make a profit from the oil sands (when including regional opportunity costs of not allowing imported petroleum to compete with the oil sand fuels).

The Canadian National Oil Policy introduced in 1961 made possible the oil sand commercialization. It established a protected market for Canadian oil west of the Ottawa Valley and freed the industry from foreign competition. This policy protected companies from the greater intangible costs and provided an environment for smaller companies (other than the major petroleum companies) to develop the technology. In addition, in 1974 the Canadian and provincial governments invested in Syncrude’s oil sand project and provided assurances about financial terms [5]. New refineries were built (Shell Canada Limited Complex at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta). Today, with oil prices in excess of $50 per barrel, the Canadian oil sand industry is profitable beyond most investors’ expectations; it provides energy, security, and quality jobs.

The United States is at a disadvantage today because it did not heed the warnings of the oil crises in the 1970s and 1980s. However, it is possible to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. New and better options are available today. Tesla Motors was founded in 2003, but it was 2013 before profitability was realized; this is similar to the Canadian oil sand industry in that it took about a decade for profitability to be realized.

In addition to Tesla Motors becoming a sustainable company, its production and demand for electric vehicle batteries has a wide impact. Tesla Motors brings with it electric vehicles from other corporations who wish to “join the band wagon” and lower cost and better batteries for HEV and PHEV approaches. All assist with the ultimate of desired stabilities in vehicular fuel markets which is attained when grid electricity is established as a major competitor with gasoline both as a direct replacement (electric vehicles) and to increase the efficiency with which gasoline is used (HEVs).

PHEV vehicles are similar to HEVs on the market today. They use extended battery packs (e.g., 20 miles of range) that charge using grid electricity during the night providing the first 20 (or so) miles out of the garage each day without engine operation. Gasoline is fully replaced with grid electricity for most of each day’s transit. Per-mile operating costs for grid electricity are about one-third the cost of gasoline. Rather than going to petroleum producers, the majority of the fuel operating revenues would go to local communities.

If a consumption tax were applied to imported fuels representative of taxes on domestic synthetic fuel production, the higher vehicle cost of a PHEV would be recovered in about 3 years. Advancing technology would rapidly reduce this time to about 2 years. Less oil would be imported, domestic jobs would be created, and the new demand for off-peak electricity would allow restructuring of the electrical power grid to include base load generation with increased efficiency for electrical power production and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Up to 20% of gasoline might be replaced without expansion of the electrical power grid.

Petroleum Reserves and Protecting the Status Quo

The starting point for solving problems related to the deterioration of the US manufacturing base and the inability of the United States to displace its reliance on imported petroleum is to recognize that these are both artifacts of corporations attempting to maintain the “status quo.”

In the middle twentieth century, the US steel industry decided not to invest in new US steel mills because such mills would replace operational and profitable steel mills they already owned—such investments were not good short-term business decisions. On the other hand, Japanese investors had a greater incentive to invest in a steel manufacturing industry because their infrastructure had been destroyed during World War II—investments were made in more efficient mills that often produced a superior quality product. Eventually, most of the US steel industry lost out to foreign competition.

From a corporation’s perspective, the “upside” potential is clearly greater to invest profits in infrastructure that does not compete with existing infrastructure. Whether it be the steel industry, textile industry, or petroleum industry, the path of short-term corporate profitability was and is different than the path of long-term prosperity for countries, states, and communities.

From this observation it follows that countries should not allow energy corporate giants to decide the long-term national energy strategies.

A solution is to select energy options that do not rely on the refineries or distribution networks of major oil corporations. Increasing the fuel economy of vehicles is such an approach, but it has limited potential. A new technology referred to as “PHEV” has the potential to substantially replace oil with domestic electricity and may be a technology that displaces petroleum. Hydrogen gas would be used on fuel cell versions of PHEVs, but no hydrogen distribution infrastructure will be required. Hydrogen would be generated “onboard” the vehicle.

Intangible Risks (Costs) and International Antitrust Policies

Investment in new infrastructure brings with it the risk of losing the monetary investment. Intangible risks are those that are difficult to predict and often outside the control of the investors.

When pursuing alternatives to petroleum-based fuels, the intangible costs include: (i) the risk that oil-producing countries will flood the market with oil to maintain market share and drive competition out of business; and (ii) the risk that a better alternative will be available in a few years. The latter is an accepted risk for all investments because competition is recognized as good for the country. The former is recognized as going against the best interest of a country as documented by antitrust cases against corporations like Standard Oil and Microsoft.

Reform in the antitrust laws is needed, because John D. Rockefeller demonstrated that even when you are guilty your competition will be gone, your wealth will be great, and you will merely have to stop certain practices. Reform is needed to provide quicker response to unscrupulous business practices or to stop such practices from ever eliminating the competition.

To the credit of current antitrust laws, they are used to proactively evaluate mergers before they occur to make sure the mergers do not create a monopoly. However, these laws do not prevent corporations from lowering prices to stifle the competition.

In the case of petroleum imports, one solution is to add an “antitrust tax” to imported petroleum if the price is lowered more than, say, 25% from the recent 5-year average price (25% and 5 years are one of many possible combinations). For example, if the price of imported oil into the United States was $40 per barrel for five consecutive years and OPEC decided to reduce the price to $20 per barrel, this “antitrust tax” would place a $10 per barrel tax on imported oil. New alternative fuel industries in the United States would then have to compete with an effective price of $30 rather than $20 per barrel. A year later, the new 5-year averaged price would be $36 per barrel, and the new minimum effective price would be $27 per barrel. Sustained price decreases could occur, but the reductions would be gradual, and the intangible risk to domestic industry would be considerably less.

An “antitrust tax” on imports would only be applied if significant decreases in prices occurred. It would be proactive. It would not limit how low prices could eventually go. And it would reduce/eliminate the intangible risks that create one of the barriers to the commercialization of alternatives to imported petroleum.

US taxes take their toll on the profitability of domestic industries. Figure 3.2 summarizes US taxes on “hypothetical” domestic synthetic oil (like the case study) for comparison to the taxes on imported petroleum. For these calculations, every dollar of sales going to a domestic synthetic oil producer is interpreted as either going to the government or becoming “true” purchasing power in the hands of either a worker or investor.

Figure 3.2 Summary of tax breakdown on $28 barrel of synthetic crude.

As indicated in Figure 3.2, for a domestic production facility selling a $28 barrel of oil, about $14 in taxes is paid for every $14 in purchasing power that goes to either investors or workers. These numbers will vary depending upon specific examples. The inclusion of state portions of employer taxes (unemployment, etc.) as well as property taxes further increases theses taxes. Sales taxes should debatably be excluded from this analysis since it is placed on all products independent of where they are produced. This shows that taxes are about 50% of the domestic sales price of most products produced and sold in the United States—an effective domestic tax rate of 100%!

If $50 is spent on a barrel of crude oil purchased from a foreign government, essentially no US taxes, tariffs, or social costs are paid on that oil. In some cases, little or no taxes would be paid to any government. Foreign taxes may also be excluded from those items exported from foreign countries to improve international competitiveness.

Even though the domestic and imported oils are superficially equivalent purchases to a refinery in the United States (based on current US law), the fundamental question remains whether these options produce the same US societal benefit. This can be stated in a different way. From the perspective of a US citizen is $1 in US tax money going toward the purchase of a jet aircraft for the US Navy the same as $1 in Iranian tax going toward the purchase of a fighter jet for the Iranian air force? Certainly not!

Why then, does the US government continue policies that give foreign production competitive advantages and direct cash flow away from the US government and to foreign governments?

Who pays the US taxes to make up for the lack of taxes on imported crude oil?

US citizens will ultimately pay costs to keep the US government going. Mega energy corporations and several foreign governments benefit greatly by having this portion of the tax bill not show up on their balance sheet. It is clear these are shortcomings of current US tax laws.

Where, exactly, have our classical analyses of this trade gone wrong?

The philosophical father of free trade, Adam Smith, identified two legitimate exceptions to tariff-free trade—when industry was necessary to the defense of the country and when tax was imposed on domestic production [6]. Corporate income taxes are an obvious example of a tax imposed on domestic production. Personal income taxes may be a less obvious example, but, from the perspective of foreign competition, the personal income tax has the same impact as the corporate income tax—so do property taxes, unemployment taxes, dividend taxes, and FICA. Sales/consumption taxes are fundamentally different since they are applied without bias to the origin of the item sold.

Clearly, any strategy on sustainable energy technology and policies should include a critical analysis of tax policies to make sure that domestic industries are not hurt by imposing higher taxes on domestic energy supplies as compared to imported energy.

Corporate Profitability and High Investment Thresholds

Corporations tend to pursue only the most lucrative investments available when reinvesting their profits. The spreadsheet analyses of these investments often indicate the potential to recover all capital investment plus a yearly 20% ROI in the first 6 years (6-year payback) of production. For new endeavors, anticipations of this high return and quick payback are standard. The following represent typical ROI and payback periods for corporate investments:

• 20% ROI, 6-year payback, for first time processes with high intangible costs/risks—including risk from foreign competition not covered by US antitrust laws.

• 12.5% ROI, 15-year payback, for proven technology with moderate to low risk.

• 10% ROI, 20-year payback, for a proven technology with very low risk that fits in well with a corporation’s current assets.

• 5% ROI, 30-year payback is not acceptable for corporate investment but is used for municipal infrastructure funded through bonds.

The case study results of Table 3.3 demonstrate that if an oil corporation owns years of petroleum reserves in excess of the time it takes to build an alternative fuel facility, the ROI simply cannot be high enough to compensate for the reduction in value of those assets. Only under the assumption of less than 2-year reserves can a corporation meet reasonable ROI investment goals.

To place things into perspective, recent petroleum oil prices (3/05) exceeded $55 per barrel. If imported petroleum is taxed at the same rate as the case study’s domestic production of synthetic fuel from coal, the refineries would be paying about $110 per barrel. As summarized in Table 3.3, if a corporation that was not vested in petroleum reserves were to commercialize this technology using municipal bonds, the cost of domestic production would be $20.21 per barrel (including taxes). In this hypothetical environment of “equitable taxes on both foreign and domestic products” and “investment using municipal bonds”—the facilities would be built and actual ROIs would be much higher than the minimum expectations of the investors.

The Canadian oil sand industry is an example of a community and government making what was perceived as a low ROI investment in the 1970s. This has resulted in exports of fuel (rather than imports), regional prosperity, and increased national security. With crude oil prices at $55 per barrel and production costs from the oil sand fields at about $12 per barrel, the returns on investments are huge and the industry has self-sustained growth/expansion.

The irony of the Canadian oil sand industry example is that a providence made an investment based on anticipation of minimal monetary gains and received great monetary and nonmonetary returns. At the same time, corporation after corporation holding out for high ROI investments have gone out of existence.

Today, states in the United States are attempting to reduce this nontechnical barrier by providing tax credits or land for plant sites. For example, Alabama provided Hyundai $253 million in “economic incentives” to build an automotive plant there—these incentives included sewer lines, highway paving, and tax breaks [7,8].

Land and tax credits are effective and low-risk approaches for states and municipalities to attract corporate investment. A more direct approach would be for local and state governments to provide capital with bond-based funding. If this direct investment approach was used, communities would be able to match their capabilities and needs with the industry the community is trying to attract. The underlying message here is that communities realize value from local industry beyond the ROI realized by the corporation and that it is often good policy to provide incentives to attract industry. In this approach, there must be assistance to communities to help them make smart incentive decisions.

A particularly intriguing opportunity exists for state and local communities to provide bond funding for local investment with a “balloon” interest rate that pays off well after the 10 or 20 years. Low-bond rates for the first decade allow the corporation to receive the quick payback while high interest rates in the long term make the communities/states winners.

It is important to recognize that profitability (10%, 20%, or higher) can continue for decades after the payback period used to determine the threshold prices that warrant investment. A community can position itself for this long-term upside of a good manufacturing infrastructure investment.

Taxes and Social Cost

The Cost of Driving a Vehicle

Essentially no tax is applied to imported crude oil; however, substantial taxes are applied to gasoline at the pump. The taxes at the pump for maintaining the nation’s highway system should not be confused with the taxes that increase the cost of producing domestic synthetic oil presented in the case study.

With crude oil selling at about $55 per barrel, about 20% of the price of automotive gasoline is taxes averaging about $0.42 per gallon. The crude oil feedstock is $1.30 ($55 per 42-gallon barrel, March of 2005) of a $2.01 gallon of regular unleaded gasoline. Premium gasolines would have higher refining and sales component costs amounting up to an additional $0.20 per gallon. Table 3.4 summarizes federal taxes corresponding to the $0.184 federal tax on automotive gasoline for commonly used fuels.

Table 3.4

Highway taxes on fuels [9,10]

Types of fuels Cent/gallon Types of fuels Cent/gallon
Gasoline 18.4 Special motor fuel (general) 18.4
Gasohol  Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) 13.6
 10% gasohol 13.1 Liquid natural gas (LNG) 11.9
 7.7% gasohol 14.3 Aviation fuel (other than gasoline) noncommercial 21.9
 5.7% gasohol 15.4 Aviation fuel (other than gasoline) commercial 4.4
Gasoline removed or entered for production of:  Gasoline used in noncommercial aviation 19.4
 10% gasohol 14.6 Inland waterways fuel use tax 24.4
 7.7% gasohol 15.5 Diesel fuel 24.4
 5.7% gasohol 16.3 Diesel fuel for use in trains 4.4
Kerosene–highway 24.4 Diesel fuel for use in buses 7.4
Kerosene–aviation fuel 21.9 Including 0.1 LUST tax  
100% Methanol (natural gas) 4.3 Compressed natural gas (egg) 5.4
100% Methanol (biomass) 12.3 Liquefied natural gas 18.3
100% Ethanol (biomass) 12.9 Propane 18.3


For the gasoline price summarized in Figure 3.3, typical price contributions are: federal tax ($0.184), average state tax ($0.236), crude oil ($1.30), refining ($0.133) and distribution/sales ($0.150).

Figure 3.3 Summary of price contributions on a gallon of gasoline on a 201 cents per gallon of unleaded regular gasoline.

Federal and state taxes on gasoline go toward the building and maintenance of our nation’s highways totaling about $72 billion per year, and most agree that these moneys are well spent. An average of $0.42 per gallon is applied at the pump to gasoline sold for use on highways. For diesel, a red dye is placed in the off-highway diesel (no taxes) to distinguish it from diesel for which highway taxes have been paid—law enforcement can sample the fuel tank to verify that diesel intended for farm tractors is not used to haul freight on highways.

A Fischer–Tropsch fuel (fuel of case study) would be completely compatible with petroleum-based diesel and could be distributed in the same pipelines. The $0.42 per gallon highway tax is applied to all fuels (imported and domestic, alike) at the pump.

For a hypothetical gallon of Fischer–Tropsch fuel and based on the estimate of Figure 3.2, half of the $1.30 per gallon ($0.65 per gallon) would actually be a compilation of additional taxes collected prior to the fuel reaching the refinery. As the American Petroleum Institute [11] points out, imported crude oil is taxed multiple times prior to the refinery as summarized by the following per barrel taxes:

• Import duty: $0.05–0.11

• Merchandise processing fee: up to $0.06

• Harbor maintenance fee: up to $0.025

• TOTAL: up to $0.19, but typically about $0.10 per barrel.

These taxes on the imported petroleum total to about 0.25 cents per gallon as compared to the projected 65.00 cents per gallon for the case study fuel.

In addition to these taxes, approximately half of the refining, sales, and distribution costs (assuming refining occurred in the United States) are also a compilation of taxes. Here, about 14 cents is applied to fuels based on both imported and domestic (e.g., Fischer–Tropsch fuel from Wyoming Coal) oils.

If a $0.79 ($0.14 + $0.65) per gallon consumption tax were applied to all gasoline as an alternative to Figure 3.2 compilation of taxes, the Fischer–Tropsch gasoline would remain at a price of $2.01 per gallon while the import-based gasoline would cost $2.66 per gallon. It is possible that under this tax structure the production of Wyoming-based Fischer–Tropsch fuel would increase to totally displace imported oil. It is possible that the price of imported oil would precipitously fall to about $28 per barrel to compete with domestic fuels. It is possible that something between these two extremes might also occur.

How Does the Cost of Fuel Stack Up

Few people actually sit down and calculate the cost of owning and operating a car. These costs include fuel cost, parking (in some instances including the cost of buying and maintaining a garage parking space), car depreciation, insurance, and maintenance (oil changes, new tires, new brake pads, etc.). Two scenarios are summarized below with different miles traveled each year and different miles per gallon for the vehicle. A gasoline price of $1.79 per gallon is assumed.

Fuel: 12,000 miles/30 miles/gal×$0.42/gallon highway tax= $168
Fuel: 12,000 miles/30 miles/gal×($1.179–0.42)/gallon= $304
Fuel: 12,000 miles/30 miles/gal×$0.20/gallon for premium= $80
Parking at work and parking in home garage $500
Car cost: $30,000×12/120= $3000
State/local property insurance ($10,000 vehicle/3*6.13%) $204
Insurance: $700 per year $700
Maintenance $150
Total $5106
Fuel: 24,000 miles/13.1 miles/gal×$0.42/gallon highway tax= $384
Fuel: 24,000 miles/13.1 miles/gal×($1.179–0.42)/gallon= $694
Fuel: 24,000 miles/13.1 miles/gal×$0.20/gallon for premium= $183
Parking at work and parking in home garage $500
Car cost: $30,000×24/150= $4800
State/local property insurance ($12,000 vehicle/3*6.13%) $245
Insurance: $700 per year $700
Maintenance $250
Total $7756

This analysis shows that the fuel component of the fuel cost is typically less than 10% of the total cost of owning and operating an automobile. If the entire country were using ethanol fuel costing $1.50 per equivalent gasoline gallon to produce and distribute, the additional burden would be equivalent to a 5–10% increase in the per-year operating expense of an automobile.

Alternative fuels like Fischer–Tropsch fuels would not increase the cost of owning and operating an automobile because Fischer–Tropsch fuels can be produced for the same price as petroleum at $20 per barrel. Domestic Fischer–Tropsch fuels would actually save consumers about $375 if the increased taxed revenues from domestic production were returned to consumers in the form of reduced income taxes.

Corporate Lobbying Retrospect

The cumulative impact of past corporate lobbying on energy policy is far greater than the impact of Washington’s oil lobbyists on today’s pending legislation. Years of legislation that has been created under their influence is a problem.

Legislation providing essentially tax-free crude oil production, especially in foreign countries, gives foreign governments and oil companies competitive advantages of more than $25 per barrel of crude oil (about 50% of the price of imported petroleum) over alternative fuels. Legislation inhibiting the development of reprocessing technology has created nuclear waste disposal problems and increased the price of electricity.

As a first step to developing longer term and sustainable energy strategies, it is import to acknowledge that government policies on both taxes and inhibiting reprocessing need to be changed.

Certainly, it is better to have the $28 per barrel stay in the United States as taxes and buying power rather than to go to foreign countries with unknown agendas. At the very least, if $28 of a domestic barrel including $14 in US federal/state/local taxes, then of the $28 spent on imported petroleum, $14 should also go to the US taxes. The most likely scenario of a policy promoting commercialization of competitive alternative fuels in the United States is lower pre-tax gasoline prices. This translates to lower costs to consumers under the assumption that total taxes collected by the government remain constant.

The gross profit analysis of Table 3.1 indicates several options with feedstock prices less than $0.40 per equivalent gasoline gallon. For coal and oil sands, proven technology is ready to implement. For hydrogen from nuclear power, smart approaches could be implemented cost-effectively (see section on Energy Wildcards later in this chapter).

The mega corporations, by definition, are on top of their industry. For them, change is interpreted as reduction status. They do and will resist alternatives to petroleum and also resist nuclear power that will decrease the value of natural gas and coal reserves and facilities.

In response to corporations that serve their shareholders, government leaders must recognize that these corporations will not be objective in their advice. Government leaders must understand energy options and represent the people in their actions. Commercialization of alternatives to petroleum would be much easier with one or more of the corporative giants on board. The one thing that should bring them on board is recognition that a substantial part of more than $160 billion (2005) per year of oil moneys going to foreign producers could become corporate revenue.

The electrical power industry takes a more modular approach to systems than the liquid fuel industry, so greater versatility exists leading to healthy competition. For example, the paper industry produces a by-product called black liquor. Factories are able to custom-design boilers to burn the black liquor. The steam produced by these boilers can be used to drive steam turbines and produce electrical power. Similar sustainable and economical liquid vehicular fuel applications are rare.

Because of the versatility, viability of localized operations, and domestic nature of the electrical power industry, problems similar to the inequitable tax structure of crude oil are less common. Foreign competition is not a big issue. Federal regulations that inhibit development and commercialization of nuclear waste reprocessing are another exception.

Reprocessing technologies that tap into 20%, potentially 100%, of the energy contained in uranium are potentially the low-cost option for sustainable electrical power production. Uranium reprocessing technology could take markets away from the coal and natural gas industries. The role of reprocessing in the US electrical power infrastructure needs to be reconsidered in the absence of the influence of special interest groups.

Nuclear power appears to be gaining favor with increasing global warming concerns. The major objection to nuclear power is on what to do with spent fuel. Reprocessing technology holds the potential to solve problems related to waste disposal by recovering fuel values from the spent fuel while reducing the total mass of radioactive waste. Valuable uses are already known for some of the fission products (ruthenium, e.g., rare in nature) found in nuclear wastes. Valuable uses may be found for sources of the fission products that are at present only recognized as waste. Alternatively, these wastes can be converted to benign materials through nuclear processes (currently considered too costly). When considering the hundreds of years of energy available in the stored spent fuel, uses for available fission product metals may be found long before current stockpiles of spent fuel are reprocessed.

One hundred years ago, nuclear energy and most of the chemical products we use every day were unknown. Advances of science and technology will continue to bring valuable by-products. Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is now practiced in Europe. Reprocessing produces about 750 kg of nuclear waste from a 1000 MW power plant as compared to 37,500 kg of waste produced by a current US nuclear power plant without reprocessing. Current US policy is to bury the 37,500 kg per GW year of spent fuel even though 36,200 kg of this is unused nuclear fuel.

Pressure is mounting (by those who do not understand and those vested in other energy sources) to bury the spent nuclear fuel and excess weapon grade material. This would be an expensive disposal process and make this energy resource impossible to retrieve. If this plan is successful, it will be a strategic victory for those wishing to eliminate nuclear energy as an option for electrical power production. It would make access to one of our nation’s greatest sources of energy even more inaccessible.

Diversity as a Means to Produce Market Stability

There is no substitute for competition to create and maintain low prices and increase the consumer buying power. Even in the era of strict government regulation, US consumers have benefited from healthy competition in the electrical power industry. The most important and impacting competition has been among energy sources. Figure 3.4 summarizes the distribution of electrical power by energy source [12] in the United States. For example, in the 1970s, when petroleum became more expensive, coal replaced petroleum (with a slight delay to build new power plants capable of using coal) and electrical power prices were relatively stable. In more recent years, wind power and natural gas have replaced coal in response to concerns on emissions from coal combustion—the result has been an even more balanced diversity in electrical power utilization.

Figure 3.4 Comparison of electrical power generating capacity by fuel sources for electrical power generation in the United States between 1999 and 2012.

It’s evident from the source graph of Figure 3.4 that two factors have contributed to relatively constant electricity prices in the United States for the past two decades. The primary factor is diversity—if coal prices go up natural gas gains a larger market share and vice versa. No single source dominates even half the market. The second factor is the strong foundation provided by an abundant supply of coal.

Significant price fluctuations have not occurred in consumer prices for electricity in recent history. Furthermore, prices have been cheap by most standards. An exception is the failed attempt to convert California to a “free-market” region (see insert The 2001 California Electrical Power Debacle).

The 2001 problems in California were caused by strict government regulation on prices and emissions. The problems became shortages in electrical power. California purchased electrical power because some environmental groups promoted policies that eliminated building of new nuclear or fossil fuel power plants. The mistake was the free-market bidding for power by distributors required to sell electrical power at a fixed price. The distributors were forced to sell electricity at a loss. Even though this situation was only temporary, the financial situation has burdened the distributors with long-term debt and increased the cost of electricity to the customers.

The 2001 California Electrical Power Debacle

In the past, the Federal Trade Commission controlled the price of electricity to customers. Private power producers got approval to use a “free-market” model in California with a promise that the price to consumers would be reasonable. In this model, a power distribution utility would request bids for power from the producer. This would assure low-cost power to the customers.

Historically, the large population centers of Southern California placed strict environmental restrictions on fossil fuel power plants. A few fossil fuel power plants were built. They also refused to allow nuclear power plants to operate near the geological faults in the interest of safety. The region soon became dependent on imported power, electricity was produced in surrounding states and sold to California.

The new California free-market model contained the seeds of disaster. The distribution utilities were required to set low, fixed rates that they could charge the thousands of customers. They purchased power from public and privately owned electric utilities on a “low-bid” basis. The bid price was adjusted daily (later, hourly). When a power production shortage developed, the distribution utility had to bid more to meet customer demand, but could not recover the cost because the sale price was fixed low. The bid price for electricity suddenly spiked to nearly $1 per kWh, a factor of 10 above the selling price to the customer. In a matter of days, a multibillion dollar distribution utility went bankrupt and a second was salvaged by the California legislature. The huge energy conglomerate, ENRON Corporation, reportedly made huge profits in this electricity bidding war.

The Governor of California recommended to the legislature that they underwrite long-term contracts to purchase electricity. These contract prices were well above the cost of electricity before the failed free-market experiment. It will take several years to complete the analysis of this free-market failure. Reliable, affordable sources of electricity are as important to a local economy as water is to life. Construction permits for natural gas–fired power plants have been approved in Southern California and with this plan, public confidence should return with local ownership.

To the extent that diversity is a strength of the electrical power industry in the United States, the lack of diversity in the vehicular fuel industry is a weakness. Horizontal drilling, fracking technology, and accessible tight oil reserves are changing this situation for vehicular fuels. The problem is that a few corporations control much of the vehicular fuel supply.

The development of at least one large volume and sustainable vehicular fuel alternative is needed to counter this threat to security. Such an alternative could stabilize fuel prices and the national economy, and provide an incentive for otherwise hostile states to be good neighbors. Neither ethanol nor biodiesel have the low cost or capacity to fit this task. Oil fracking technology and Fischer–Tropsch conversion of coal-to-liquid fuels have the capacities to stabilize liquid fuel prices for decades. Maintaining good relations with Canada substantially increases this stability both because of oil sand reserves and shale oil and shale gas reserves.

Fischer–Tropsch fuels have the additional built-in none-sole-source capability since they can be produced from coal, natural gas, biomass, and municipal solid waste. This can provide further stability. A still better solution is to power a significant fraction of vehicles from the electrical grid through batteries and direct electricity options.

Environmental Retrospect


It is certain that science and technology will continue to produce yield discoveries as in the past. The inability to predict future breakthroughs is the reason a 30-year sustainability goal is a better planning criterion than perpetual sustainability. While the wind will blow and sun will shine for thousands of years, any particular wind turbine or solar receiver may only be functional for 20 years. Which is more sustainable, a wind turbine that must be replaced in 20 years or a nuclear power plant that must be replaced in 40 years? Which is more sustainable, a solar receiver that will take 5 years of operation just to produce as much energy as was consumed to manufacture it or a nuclear power plant that produces as much energy in 4 months as it took to manufacture the facility?

No technology should be developed simply because it appears to offer perpetual sustainability. Few scientists are presumptuous enough to say they know what energy options will be used in 100 years, so why should we assign a premium value to an energy source having perpetual sustainability over an energy source with a 100 plus year reserve? On the other hand, an energy source having 100 years of reserve should be considered premium relative to an energy source having a 20-year reserve.

Basing energy decisions on single-issue agendas like sustainability is not productive. Rather, hidden costs associated with nonsustainable technologies should be evaluated and included in the economic analysis of a technology. An economic analysis that includes hidden costs and analysis based on cost alone has broader implications. For example, what medical breakthrough did not happen because the resources were spent on very costly solar receivers? If there is a hidden cost associated with potential greenhouse warming due to carbon dioxide emissions, should an appropriate “CO2 tax” be placed on a worldwide basis? At the same time, no reasonable technology (e.g., nuclear reprocessing) should be barred by federal law. Such restrictions are subject to abuse by special interests such as corporations vested in alternative energy technologies.

At any point in US history, total sustainability could have been put in place. For example, if in 1900 environmentalists were successful in persuading the US government only to use sustainable energy sources, today’s world would be substantially different. There is no reason to believe that single issue environmentalism is any more appropriate today than it would have been in 1900. The total energy program moves forward on many fronts. The environment must be protected, but other factors must be part of the future which is consistent with the slogan, “be aware of alarmists.”

It is possible to solve the problems identified by alarmists using approaches that are different than those proposed by the alarmists. Ultimately, it is not who proposes a solution but (i) does the solution address a core problem such as greenhouse gas emissions; and (ii) is the technology cost competitive (or can it be cost competitive either by fostering the technology with temporary incentives or by stopping incentives going to competitive technologies).

Environmentalism History

Environmentalism has a rich tradition of keeping industry under control. History bears witness to the devastation caused by deforestation. As early as 6000 BC, the collapse of communities in southern Israel was attributed to deforestation. In southern Iraq, deforestation, soil erosion, and salt buildup devastated agriculture in 2700 BC. The same people repeated their deforestation and unforgiving habits in 2100 BC, a factor in the fall of Babylonia. Some of the first laws protecting timbering were written in 2700 BC.

Advances in citywide sanitation go back to at least 2500 BC and can be attributed to people uniting in an effort to improve their environment against the by-products of civilization. In 200 BC, the Greek physician Galen observed the deleterious acid mists caused by copper smelting. Lead and mercury poisoning was observed among the miners of the AD 100 Roman Empire. High levels of lead may have been a factor in the fall of the Roman Empire. The bones of aristocratic Romans reveal high levels of lead likely from their lead plates, utensils, and in some food [13].

Poor sanitation, including raw sewage and animal slaughter wastes dispersed throughout cities, during the dark ages contributed to both the bubonic plague and cholera—the insects and stench must have been horrific. In these ancient examples, the factors that allowed civilization to attain its magnificence, also presented new or reoccurring hazards. In this early history, the lives saved by the benefits of agriculture and metal tools far outweighed those lives lost or inconvenienced due to adverse environmental impacts.

The dark smoke of coal burning became evident as a significant problem in the thirteenth century. In 1306, King Edward I forbade coal burning in London. Throughout history the tally of deaths attributed to air pollution from heating and other energy-related technology accumulated. The better documented of these cases are reported prior to government regulations that finally brought the problems under control.

On October 26 and 31, 1948, the deaths of 20 people along with 600 hospitalizations were attributed to the Donora Smog incident, Pennsylvania. A few of the other smog incidents in the next few years include 600 deaths in London from “killer fog” (1948), 22 dead and hundreds hospitalized in Poza Rica (Mexico) due to killer smog caused by gas fumes from an oil refinery (1950), 4000 dead in London’s worst killer fogs (December 4–8, 1952), 1000 dead in a related incident in London in 1956, 170–260 dead in New York’s smog (November 1953), and in October 1954 most of the industry and schools in Los Angeles were shut down due to heavy smog conditions (a smart, proactive measure made possible by the formation of the Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District in the 1940s, the first such bureau in the United States). In the 1952 London incident, the smoke was so thick that buses required a guide to walk ahead of the bus with all London’s transportation except subway traffic coming to a halt on December 8, 1952.

In 1955, the US congress passed the Air Pollution Research Act. California was the first state to impose automotive emission standards in 1959 including the use of piston blow-by recycle from the engine crankcase. The automakers united to fight the mandatory use of this modification that cost $7 per automobile. Subsequent federal legislation has been the dominant force on changes in US energy infrastructure during the last 25 years.

The late 1960s has been characterized as an environmental awakening in the United States. Prior to 1968, newspapers rarely published stories related to environmental problems while in 1970 these stories appeared almost daily [14]. Sweeping federal legislation was passed in 1970 with the Clean Air Act (CAA) establishing pollution prevention regulations, the Environmental Policy Act (EPACT) initiating requirements for federal agencies to report the environmental ramifications of their planned projects, and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. The CAA was amended in 1990 specifically strengthening rules on SOx and NOx (sulfur and nitrogen oxides) emissions from electrical power plants to reduce acid rain—this legislation ultimately led to closing some high-sulfur coal mines.

Starting with 1968-model automobiles, the CAA required the EPA to set exhaust emission limits. Ever since, the EPA has faced the task of coordinating federal regulation with the capabilities of technology and industry to produce cleaner running vehicles. Since the pre-control era, before 1968, automotive emissions (gasoline engines) of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons have been reduced to 96% while nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions have reduced to 76% (through 1995, the result of 1970 CAA) [15]. The phasing out of lead additives from gasoline was a key requirement that made these reductions possible.

On February 22, 1972, the EPA announced all gasoline stations were required to carry unleaded gasoline with standards following in 1973. Subsequent lawsuits—especially by Ethyl Corp., the manufacturer of lead additives for gasoline—ended with the federal court confirming that the EPA had authority to regulate leaded gasoline. Leaded automotive gasoline was banned in the United States in 1996. In 2000, the European Union banned leaded gasoline as a public health hazard.

The removal of lead from gasoline was initially motivated by the desire to equip automobiles with effective catalytic converters to reduce the carbon monoxide and unburned fuel in the exhaust. The lead in gasoline caused these converters to cease to function (one tank of leaded gas would wreck these converters). The influence of energy corporations was obvious when the US Chamber of Commerce director warned of the potential collapse of entire industries from pollution regulation on May 18, 1971. This has been viewed as a classic example of industrial exaggeration.

Corporate influence was again seen in 1981 when Vice President George Bush’s Task Force on Regulatory Relief proposed to relax or eliminate US leaded gas phase out, despite mounting evidence of serious health problems [16].

Since the banning of lead in gasoline, scientific communities are essentially in unanimous agreement that the phasing out of lead in gasoline was the right decision. In addition to paving the way for cleaner automobiles, these regulations have ended a potentially greater environmental disaster. All the lead that went into automobiles did not simply disappear—it settled in the soils next to our highways. Toxic levels of lead in the ground along highways continue to poison children and result in mental retardation even today (see insert Lead (Pb) and its Impact, as Summarized by the EPA).

In perspective, the air quality in our cities is good and generally improving. While the federal government monitors emissions and works to reform emission standards, the public and media tend to follow other issues more closely. Issues such as oil spills and global warming make the news.

Lead (Pb) and Its Impact, as Summarized by the EPA

Health and environmental effects: Exposure to Pb occurs mainly through inhalation of air and ingestion of Pb in food, water, soil, or dust. It accumulates in the blood, bones, and soft tissues. Lead can adversely affect the kidneys, liver, nervous system, and other organs. Excessive exposure to Pb may cause neurological impairments, such as seizures, mental retardation, and behavioral disorders. Even at low doses, Pb exposure is associated with damage to the nervous systems of fetuses and young children, resulting in learning deficits and lowered IQ. Recent studies also show that Pb may be a factor in high blood pressure and subsequent heart disease. Lead can also be deposited on the leaves of plants, presenting a hazard to grazing animals.

Trends in Pb levels: Between 1988 and 1997, ambient Pb concentrations decreased 67%, and total Pb emissions decreased 44%. Since 1988, Pb emissions from highway vehicles have decreased 99% due to the phaseout of leaded gasoline. The large reduction in Pb emissions from transportation sources has changed the nature of the pollution problem in the United States. While there are still violations of the Pb air quality standard, they tend to occur near large industrial sources such as lead smelters. Between 1996 and 1997, Pb concentrations and emissions remained unchanged.

The Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill (March, 1989) is one of the infamous oil spill incidents. This oil tanker ran aground in Price William Sound, Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of petroleum. It is the more infamous because of the costly remediation/penalties (over $1 billion in fine with Exxon claiming $3.5 billion in total expenditures) that Exxon was required to perform as a result of this incident. Five billion in punitive damages was also awarded against Exxon, but this remained to be collected after almost a decade. In 1992, the supertanker Braer spilled 26 million gallons of crude oil in the Hebrides islands. Both of these incidents are dwarfed by the Amoco Cadiz wreck off the coast of France in 1978 with a spill of 68 million gallons.

In view of the Amoco Cadiz incident and the cumulative tens of thousands who died in London’s killer fogs, it is easy to understand the increased environmental consciousness in Europe compared to the United States. For example, the European governments are aggressively addressing potential global warming issues while the US government tends to withdraw from international cooperation on the issue. Neither the US nor the European governments dispute the fact that carbon dioxide levels are increasing in the atmosphere. They do have varying opinions on the implications of these increasing carbon dioxide emissions.

On June 23, 1988, NASA scientists warned Congress about possible consequences from global warming with potential effects of drought, expansion of deserts, rising sea levels, and increasing storm severity. On December 11, 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted by the US President Clinton (a democrat) and 121 leaders of other nations. The republican-dominated US Congress refused to ratify the protocol. More recent comments by President Bush concerning the Kyoto Protocol sound like the comments and actions of the US Chamber of Commerce director and former Vice President George H. W. Bush on the phaseout of lead from motor gasoline.

Climate Change

The scientific community is in agreement that carbon dioxide concentrations have increased in the atmosphere as a result of combustion of fossil fuels. Increases have been measured and the reasons for the increases are generally understood. There is less agreement about the consequences of these increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, with cries ranging from “catastrophe,” to “forget it.”

Since the impact of higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is unknown, the benefits of slowing or reversing trends in carbon dioxide are also unknown. The corresponding risk-benefit analysis of using technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has even greater uncertainty since the cost/risk associated with reducing emissions on individual national economies is also unknown.

The consistent arguments put forward by American politicians opposed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions are the high costs and adverse national economic consequences of any new technologies to address the problem. The facts suggest that these arguments have no basis; since there is a range of options that include electrical energy storage, hybrid cars, nuclear energy, wind power, and use of rechargeable car fuel cells. Unfortunately, good solutions to greenhouse gas emissions could compromise competitive advantages of mega corporations that have major influence in national politics.

Figure 3.5 summarizes carbon dioxide emissions by sector sources [17]. At 34%, the electricity generation produces the most carbon dioxide. Upon recognition that the predominant source of greenhouse gas emissions from the residential and commercial sectors are Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and hot water heating, this 34% increases to about 45% of the greenhouse gases due to electricity and heating. Another 27% comes from transportation.

Figure 3.5 Carbon dioxide emissions by sector.

It is important to note that Figure 3.5 indicates both the industrial and agricultural sectors have had essentially constant or even decreasing carbon dioxide emissions since 1990. Concerns about the impact of reducing greenhouse gas emission on industry are put to rest by simply recognizing that neither industry nor agriculture are the source of increasing carbon dioxide emissions. If the goal is to maintain 1990 carbon dioxide emission levels, industry and agriculture have achieved the goal and should not be burdened with further reducing emissions.

Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel could cost-effectively increase the share of wind and nuclear power generation from about 17–42%. This would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 10% (34% reduced to 24% from electrical power generation). Increases in efficiency of coal-fired facilities could provide another 5% reduction. Replacing fuel-fired heating of residences and commercial buildings with heat pumps could provide another 5% reduction. Diesel engines could provide another 5% reduction in the transportation sector. Use of rechargeable fuel cells in hybrid cars could provide another 3% reduction through use of electrical grid recharging and another 5% from increased miles per gallon. All of these technologies promise to be low-cost alternatives. They represent a 33% reduction in total carbon dioxide emissions with minor improvement in the technology supporting these alternatives.

The “propaganda” states how costly it would be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. These greenhouse gas reductions could be made while saving consumers’ money, reducing oil imports, and putting the country on an energy track that is sustainable for the next few centuries.

New Coal Regulations

The European Environment Agency (EEA) documented fuel-dependent emission factors based on actual emissions from power plants in the European Union. [8] summarized in Table 3.5. For every gigajoule (GJ) of electrical power produced, coal may produce up to twice as much carbon dioxide. Coal produces more carbon dioxide because more energy is stored in carbon–carbon chemical bonds in coal rather than carbon–hydrogen chemical bonds in fuel oil and natural gas. Natural gas combustion energy can be converted to electrical power at efficiencies above 50%. Natural gas is a “clean fuel”—very little sulfur dioxide or particulates are produced.

Table 3.5

Estimates of emissions per electrical power produced

Pollutant Hard coal Brown coal Petroleum fuel oil Natural gas
CO2 (g/GJ) 94,600 101,000 77,400 56,100
SO2 (g/GJ) 765 1361 1350 0.68
NOx (g/GJ) 292 183 195 93.3
Particulate matter (g/GJ) 1203 3254 16 0.1


The conclusion that is broadly accepted is that if the goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions associated with global warming, the use of coal for electrical power generation is a bad choice. Pollution from coal combustion tends to be high, and China in particular is paying a high price related to health and environment for using coal as a primary energy source.

These trends are well known, and in the United States there is no need for alarmist overreaction. New coal-fired power plants are more efficient than older plants and they must have toxic gas and particulate emission control units that are not required on older power plants should be allowed to yield the return on the investment made into those facilities.

The regulatory approach that has been used for targeted emissions such as nitrous oxides is known as emissions trading. In this approach, the government imposes penalties for exceeding certain levels of emissions; however, “good-performing” facilities can trade or sell credit to “bad-performing” facilities. A merit of this approach is that it can encourage the building of new production facilities that have emissions below regulated limits, and these new facilities can be used to balance older facilities in a company’s (multiple new and old plant) portfolio.

Similar regulatory strategies have failed for carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, where:

The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454), a greenhouse gas cap-and-trade bill, was passed on June 26, 2009, in the House of Representatives by a vote of 219–212. The bill originated in the House Energy and Commerce Committee and was introduced by Representatives Henry A. Waxman and Edward J. Markey. Although cap and trade also gained a significant foothold in the Senate via the efforts of Republican Lindsey Graham, Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman, and Democrat John Kerry, the Legislation died in the Senate. (Wikipedia, emissions trading)

While specific legislation on carbon dioxide emissions have failed, the threat of such possible emissions has caused many corporations to include a “carbon dioxide penalty” in their profitability estimates when considering investment options in new facilities. Hence the perceived “threat” and recent availability of relatively abundant and inexpensive natural gas has provided a significant slowdown in new coal facilities in the United States without actual regulatory mandates.

One could speculate that as long as the corporations do not get too ambitious building new coal-fired facilities, that trends will continue to reduced-CO2 options even in the absence of specific regulations.

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Carbon dioxide sequestration refers to an approach of removing carbon dioxide from the air or flue gas from power plants as a means to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Figure 3.6 shows the US IRS (US Internal Revenue Service) form used to receive credit by a qualified facility for disposal of carbon dioxide in a “secure geological storage.” An example of a secure geological storage is an underground geological formation that previously contained natural gas. The natural gas has been removed making space for carbon dioxide to be pumped into that formation.

Figure 3.6 US IRS carbon dioxide sequestration credit form.

Ironically, one of the best ways to securely store carbon dioxide is to separate the oxygen from it, create a carbon-rich solid, and to bury that carbon-rich solid. The final resting place for that carbon dioxide is essentially coal. The approach of removing carbon (coal) from the ground, burning the carbon for energy, removing the carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas, compressing the carbon (carbon dioxide) so that it can be injected into a secure formation, and then forcing it into the ground is as stupid as it appears in this description.

The removal, purification, and compression of carbon dioxide take energy. Estimates indicate that to remove the carbon dioxide emissions from a 1 GW power plant, half of the electricity would be for sale or a second GW power plant must be built for the removal and disposal process. At least the technology would tend to double the cost of coal-based power production.

While technically possible, the superficial analysis indicates that it does not make sense to take carbon out of the ground to burn it and then to put it back into the ground.

There are other solutions to the carbon dioxide emissions problem. It is the opinion of the authors that carbon dioxide sequestration is an opinion that only “muddies the waters” for good approaches (like nuclear power and electrification of transportation) that can make meaningful reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. Federal support for carbon dioxide sequestration technology is a result of corporate lobbying at its worst!

As far as IRS credit for sequestration, it is only a good approach if such credits are fully paid for by those emitting the carbon dioxide emissions. This translates to an IRS carbon dioxide tax being used to pay for IR carbon dioxide sequestration credits.

Efficiency and Breakthrough Technology

An important goal of a strategic energy technology is to have competitive commercial technologies that allow electricity to directly compete with liquid fuels. This includes but is not limited to battery technologies and vehicles that run directly from grid electricity like electric trains. These technologies are examples of win–win approaches when they enhance the stability of price and demand for both liquid fuels and electricity.

A problem, and weakness, of grid electricity is that consumption tends to be dominated by on-again/off-again machines. These include devices such as air conditioners, electric stoves, and clothes dryers that tend to run between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM. The “peak demands” caused by these uses is a problem and opportunity.

Meeting peak demand for electricity by the most economical means is the responsibility of electricity providers. The typical approach involves the use of special power plants as “peak demand facilities.” The peak demand facilities are powered by natural gas or petroleum and are less efficient, operating at 25–30% efficiency rather than the 35–53% of baseline power systems. They are cheap to build but are expensive to operate for a few days per year. They also produce more greenhouse gases per kWh of electrical energy.

Nuclear and solid fuel facilities have problems meeting peak power demand because it can take hours for them to go from 0% load to full load service. Solar and wind power options supply electricity only when the sun shines and the wind blows and do not operate at our convenience. Production facilities for meeting peak demand are necessary, and these facilities tend to be expensive because they may only be used the equivalent of a few weeks during the year.

An alternative to converting fuel to electricity upon demand is to store electrical energy during low demand and return it to the grid during high demand. Battery storage is currently too costly and lower cost batteries to make it affordable are a national research priority. Other options are used to a limited extent. Pumped water storage is an alternative that has shown commercial acceptance. Not included in Figure 3.4 on fuel sources is pumped water storage.

Hydroelectric power contributes about 6.8% of the electrical power generated in the United States. An additional 2–3% of hydroelectric power is provided by water that is pumped to higher elevations by excess baseline power during off-peak demand periods. One of the disadvantages of water storage is that energy is used during the pump for storage and recovered by a turbine during energy recovery. For example, energy that is initially generated at 50% thermal efficiency will contribute at a thermal efficiency of about 30% if it is used to drive a pump to store water and later converted back to electricity by a turbine. The overall efficiency is better than a peak power demand facility, but the pump storage system is capital intensive because it requires real estate with a favorable elevation change.

Thermal Energy Storage

During summer, a refrigeration system can be used to freeze ice at night using off-peak power rates. During the day, ventilation air passed over the ice (high cost, peak power) provides cooling as an alternative to running the air conditioner during the day. It has been decades since such a primitive system has been used; however, modern versions are in use. At Curtin University in Western Australia, air conditioners are run at night to chill water with the cool water stored in a large tank. This chilled water is circulated to buildings throughout campus to provide cooling during the day. Such systems use less-expensive nighttime electricity (typically available to commercial customers but not to residential customers) and require smaller air conditioners since the air conditioners can be run at a constant load during the 24-hour cycle rather than just during the day.

Thermal energy storage can be used to make both heating and air conditioning systems operate in better harmony with electrical power supply. For solar heating, energy storage is particularly important. The need for supplemental heating is at a minimum during the day when solar devices are operating at their greatest efficiency. Heating is needed when the sun is down and the solar device is providing no heat. Thermal energy storage allows the heat to be stored during the day for use during the cool nights.

A successful and common method for reducing peak demand is to provide lower electrical rates to industrial customers for off-peak hours. Especially in industrial settings, some energy-intensive operations can be scheduled for off-peak operation. In these cases, the equipment is turned off during peak demand hours to avoid the higher penalty rates of peak-demand periods. In one form or another, price incentives promote a number of solutions to peak demand energy needs. Price incentives are successful but, alone, cannot bring electrical demand to constant levels throughout the day.

Better options are needed for electrical energy storage. A disadvantage of converting electrical energy into either chemical or potential energy and then back to electrical energy is the lost efficiency at each conversion. Usually, each conversion is less than 90% (often less than 85%) efficient, and the conversions to storage and from storage has a combined efficiency of less than 75% (often less than 70%). This reduction in efficiency means 25% more fuel consumption, 25% more air pollution, and 25% more greenhouse gas emissions for that peak power that would be avoided if the electricity demand was level.

A promising technology for shaving peak demand is thermal energy storage. Thermal energy (stored heat or stored refrigeration) is a lower form of energy than electricity or stored hydraulic (potential) energy. In principle, conversion to thermal energy is irreversible; however, for heating and air conditioning applications, thermal energy is the desired form of energy.

Thermal energy storage systems can approach 100% efficiencies and can be used by all customers using electricity for heating or air conditioning. Since heating and air conditioning represent a major component of peak demand loads, this technology can have a major impact.

Modern thermal energy storage options include ice storage, chilled water storage, and use of phase-change materials. Phase-change materials are chemicals that freeze near room temperature. For example, a material that releases energy at 74°F as it freezes and takes in energy at 76°F as it thaws might be used to keep a house at 78°F in the summer and at 72°F in the winter. A material with a large heat of fusion is ideal for this application.

The utility of thermal energy storage goes beyond converting inefficient peak demand electricity to more efficient baseline load. Solar energy storage is an example of the need for auxiliary heating can be partially eliminated. During parts of the air conditioning season, nighttime temperatures are often sufficiently cool to cool a medium (water, solid grid, etc.) to offset air conditioning demand during the heat of the day. This is especially true for commercial buildings that often require air conditioning even during spring and fall days.

Another promising technology is the PHEV [18] that charges batteries and produces fuel cell hydrogen during the night for use during the day (the engine on the vehicle provides backup power). Night hours are the best time to recharge the vehicle batteries since it is typically not in use. Also, electrical power is used to replace imported petroleum. The diversity of the electrical power infrastructure can be used to stabilize and decrease the prices of petroleum. Major investments are not necessary in this approach since hybrid vehicles are on the market and advances can be made incrementally.

It is projected that up to 20% of gasoline could be replaced without building additional power plants; however, when base load electrical power demand increases, history shows there will be investors willing to make investments. These investments will be for new generation, more efficient electrical power plants. If coal were used as a fuel source (see Table 3.1, $0.011 per kWh), the coal costs would be less than $0.02 per mile compared to $0.05–0.10 per mile for gasoline ($2.00 per gallon).

Anticipated Breakthrough Technologies

Breakthroughs in grid-based electrical power production are not likely to occur in the next couple of decades. Areas of breakthroughs do exist for community electric power networks, solar devices, and electric-powered vehicles. Considering that (i) about 10% of electricity is lost during distribution; (ii) much of the cost of electricity is associated with grid maintenance and accounting; and (iii) the many “remote” locations are in need of electricity; there are opportunities for off-grid power.

• Can a photoelectric roofing material be made that costs slightly more than normal roofing material?

• Can cost-effective thermal storage units be manufactured for home use?

• Could cogeneration (using the waste heat of electric power generation) be more widely used?

• Are there cost-effective ways to use electric power for vehicles?

• Can PHEVs enhance the viability of remote and community electricity networks?

• Are there approaches to small nuclear reactors that overcome the high risk associated with larger nuclear reactor facilities?

The answers to all of these questions are yes. Will these transformations occur in the next decade? Some are likely to happen in the next decade; others may take longer. The next chapters cover these options in greater detail.

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