Chapter 7

Nanotechnology for Energy


Nanotechnology contributes in important ways to energy security: helping to supply small quantities of energy to nanoscale devices (harvesting energy from the environment); and supporting macroscale energy generation. Nanomaterials are being deployed to increase the performance of photovoltaic cells and storage batteries for electricity and storage tanks for hydrogen used as automotive fuel. Many applications are indirect: for example, reducing friction in moving machinery, including wind turbines; and lightweighting vehicles by replacing metal with nanocomposites — their effect is to save energy consumption.


Batteries; Fuel cells; Hydrogen storage; Electrical cabling; Energy efficiency; Localized manufacture

A field as diverse as energy is potentially affected in many ways by nanotechnology, which has the opportunity to contribute in several ways to the diverse range of problems in the field. There are three important aspects: (1) how to supply small quantities of energy to nanoscale devices (e.g., implanted therapeutic devices, see Chapter 6)—we call this energy harvesting; (2) how to address the current global undersupply of usable energy (and the trend is for the gap between demand and supply to increase)—we call this production and storage; a further aspect (3) is more indirect, namely the multifarious contributions of nanotechnology to improving the energy efficiency of human activities.

Two potentially important—but still far from realization—examples of aspect (3) have already been touched upon. One is the potential contribution of nanotechnology to metal extraction (Section 9.7). The other is a substitution of traditional building materials like concrete by ultrastrong (probably diamondoid) nanoplates (Section 9.3). Considering the very energy-intensive nature of concrete production (about 4.7×108Image J/t; about 5.6×108Image J/t with reinforcement; world annual production >2×109Image t), its elimination would greatly promote a favorable energy balance. A worthy goal of nanotechnology is, indeed, to enable all human requirements to be sourced renewably.

7.1 Energy Harvesting

Solving this problem will make a negligible difference to the energy gap, but it will be enormously important in terms of convenience, on which the acceptance and take-up of large parts of nanotechnology ultimately depend. The devices currently being envisaged are typically energy transducers rather than heat engines in the conventional sense (e.g., a steam turbine—although note that micrometer-scale combustion engines have been constructed [1]). Most of the devices to be supplied are supposed to be worn by human beings. Therefore the energy sources are considered to be heat, mechanical movement, and chemical fuels. Heat harvesters would be based on pyroelectric materials positioned where significant heat gradients occur (e.g., the skin). Mechanical movement is of course ubiquitous but the efficiency of any kind of inertial device scales unfavorably with nanification [2], hence exploitation is likely to be placed on zones where significant compression occurs (e.g., the soles of the feet). Energy-rich molecules such as glucose are sufficiently abundant in the blood for use as fuel, and fat reservoirs provide another potential source of chemical energy. Naturally, one will have to eat slightly more if energy is being tapped off for an artificial implant, but the difference is negligible. The problem with the alternative of ambient radiant energy harvesting is that supply is typically irregular and hard to predict. The most exciting possibility for nanoscale chemical energy harvesting is to exploit concentration gradients. This is of course how our cells provide high-quality energy, especially using the remarkable—and very common—enzyme ATPase, which generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from transmembrane proton gradients [3].

Most energy harvesting research is at present taking place at the microscale, and is an important part of the field of microsystems technologies (MST) or micro electromechanical systems (MEMS). The most actively pursued objectives are ways to power devices carried externally by human beings, such as cellphones and active clothing, for which the imperative to miniaturize down to the nanoscale is absent. Nevertheless, even a microscale energy harvester might contain nanoscale components, hence nanotechnology will likely contribute to the field's development.

7.2 Production and Storage

The Holy Graal of this field, which has inspired so much effort, is mimicry of natural photosynthesis.

Areas where nanotechnology might make significant impact are photovoltaic cells and fuel cells. Natural photosynthesis (which is a combination of photovoltaic action combined with chemical storage) achieves the necessary photoinduced charge separation by extraordinarily sophisticated structure at the nanoscale. Regarding fuel cells, a major difficulty is the complex set of conflicting attributes that the materials constituting the cell, especially the important solid oxide type, must fulfill. Since nanocomposite materials are able to combine diverse attributes more effectively than conventional materials, there is some hope that more robust designs may emerge through a more systematic application of rational design (Chapter 10).

7.2.1 Energy Production

Solar energy. There is expected to be direct impact on photovoltaic cells converting radiant energy from the sun into electricity. The main primary obstacle to their widespread deployment is the high cost of conventional photovoltaic cells. Devices incorporating particles (e.g., dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) or Grätzel cells [4]) offer potentially much lower fabrication costs, especially if inkjet printing technology can be adopted. The potential of incorporating further complexity through mimicry of natural photosynthesis, the original inspiration for the Grätzel cell, is not yet exhausted. The main challenge is to design and fabricate highly efficient and robust catalysts. This requires atomic resolution, however, and therefore must await the development of productive nanosystems (assembler-based fabrication). Robustness is a particularly difficult goal. Unlike natural systems, the components of which are constantly being renewed, the artificial system should remain functional without intervention for many years.

The main secondary obstacle to widespread deployment of photovoltaic cells is that except for a few specialized applications (such as powering air-conditioners in Arabia) the electricity thus generated needs to be stored, hence the interest in simultaneous conversion and storage in chemical form, mimicking much more closely natural energy harvesting. This can also be encompassed within the concept of the Grätzel cell. Undoubtedly natural photosynthesis is only possible through an extremely exact arrangement of atoms within the photosystems working within plant cells, and the more precisely artificial light harvesters can be assembled, the more successful they are likely to be. The problem of robustness is omnipresent.

In view of the intensive research into solar cells, the specific impacts of nanotechnology on progress are not always easy to discern; novel silicon phases also show promise [5]. Reducing the thickness of some of the laminar elements in a photovoltaic cell will save on materials and may enhance efficiency. All applications using catalysts will benefit from rationally designed catalysts constructed atom by atom, but there is no practical fabrication technology for that at present.

Presently photovoltaic electricity generation is rather expensive, and has only managed to achieve a niche in the market because of generous government subsidies. Two key parameters are cost and efficiency. The latter has been relentlessly increasing—albeit linearly rather than exponentially (see Figure 7.1)—but reducing the former has made giant strides more akin to exponential progress through the development of roll-to-roll printing of organic polymer solar cells. Presently these low-cost cells are less efficient and less robust but it seems inevitable that they will become competitive with conventional means of generating electricity.

Figure 7.1 Evolution of research photovoltaic cell efficiencies for the different technologies currently under development. Data compiled by L. Kazmerski, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO. Reproduced from A.J. Parnell, Nanotechnology and the potential for a renewable solar future. Nanotechnol. Perceptions 7 (2011) 180–187, with permission from Collegium Basilea.

Fuel cells. Although the scientific basis of this technology, whereby fuel is converted to electricity directly, was established over 150 years ago by Christian Schönbein, it has been very slow to become commercially established. As with photovoltaic cells, the main primary obstacle is the high cost of fabrication. Nanotechnology is expected to contribute through miniaturization of all components (especially reducing the thickness of the various laminar elements), simultaneously reducing inefficiencies and costs, and through realizing better catalysts for oxygen reduction and fuel oxidation. A particular priority is developing fuel cells able to use feedstocks other than ultrapure hydrogen. The catalytic problem is particularly acute here, since there seems to be an inverse relationship between the efficiency of a catalyst and its sensitivity towards inactivation by impurities in the fuel. Until we have routine atom-by-atom assembly, however, it seems that the impact of nanotechnology on catalyst fabrication will be minor since we shall not be able to much improve on existing technology. There is, however, hope that novel catalytic alloys may enable fuel cells to become more commercially viable by diminishing the amount of platinum required. For example, Pt3Y has recently been found to be more efficient than pure Pt [6].

Nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry. Although according to conventional wisdom the use of oil and gas as an energy source will diminish, its huge significance will remain for many more years, long enough for it to benefit from nanotechnology. Applications are extremely diverse. The extraordinary rheological properties of clay-based drilling muds have, in fact, been exploited for decades. There is much scope for even more advanced sensorial and responsive drilling fluids [7], for example basing them on polymers incorporating nano-objects. Many applications are generic, such as the use of nanocomposites as lightweight, rugged structural materials for drilling rigs, offshore platforms, pipelines, and so forth. Ultrahard nanocomposites can enhance the performance of drilling parts. Further downstream, nanocatalysts should enhance yields of petroleum refining operations, and precisely engineered nanomembranes may achieve a convenient separation of desirable hydrocarbons from impurities. More indirectly, nano-engineered antifouling coatings for oil tankers have the potential to enable significant savings in the energy needed to propel those vessels. Furthermore, the enormous expense of the current generation of giant tankers puts a premium on keeping them almost continuously in service, and their huge size makes servicing their hulls difficult, hence the contribution of nanotechnology to creating maintenance-free hulls will be of great significance.

7.2.2 Energy Storage

The primary means of storing energy is as fuel, but unless photoelectrochemical cells generating fuel from sunlight receive renewed impetus, renewable sources will mainly produce electricity and except for some special cases (such as photovoltaic-driven air-conditioning installations in Arabia as already mentioned) at least some of the electricity will have to be stored in a buffer to enable supply to match demand. High energy and power densities have become particularly relevant as a consequence of the search for electric replacements for the fossil fuel-powered internal combustion engines for vehicles. The main contenders are supercapacitors and accumulators. The proliferation of portable electronic devices has also greatly increased demand for small and lightweight power sources for goods such as laptop computers and cellphones, especially in the absence of any viable energy harvesting technology.

Supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes have attracted especial interest for rapidly responsive energy storage, but the impact of nanotechnology is likely to be small since using ordinary carbon black has already enabled over 90% of the theoretical maximum charge storage capacity to be achieved, at much lower cost. In any case, the classic photoelectrochemical process generates hydrogen (from water), the storage of which is problematical. The same problem besets hydrogen-fed fuel cells—unless the storage problem solved effectively and economically, the “hydrogen economy” will not be able to get established. Through the design and fabrication of rational storage matrix materials, nanotechnology should be able to contribute to effective storage, although whether this will tip the balance in favor of the hydrogen economy is still questionable. Conventional routes to materials synthesis had become highly developed without making use of nanotechnology, except in a secondary fashion by exploiting nanometrology tools during the discovery process.

Typically, energy storage devices such as batteries can be nanified by making internal layers thinner and more accurately, which not only reduces costs of materials (provided they can be manufactured) but also improves their performance. The actual achievement, on an industrial scale, of nanoscale internal structure might well require a revolutionary change in manufacturing technology. Clearly achieving it through assemblers would be revolutionary. Otherwise, the most revolutionary contribution seems to be through the use of nanoparticles rather than thin films. This enables well-established printing technologies to be used for fabricating devices.

Mechanical storage devices, such as large flywheels, are obviously the antithesis of nanotechnology, although it can help indirectly with low-friction sliding or rotating surfaces and so forth. The largest flywheel installations can now store about 100 MJ and deliver about 1 MW pf peak power.

Electrical Storage Devices

Electrical capacity depends on the distance separating the oppositely charged plates in a condenser, and interfacial area contributes to the performance of chemically-fuelled storage batteries. It is obvious that such systems can be structurally enhanced with respect to performance by nanification. A great deal of work is currently being undertaken in many laboratories worldwide (but especially in the USA, Japan, and some European countries) on these topics, and on the related one of hydrogen storage. The feasibility of implementing any technically appropriate solution will depend on issues such as compatibility and total life cycle. Previously, it has been accepted that the relatively small achievable improvements in, say, supercapacitor performance through replacing carbon black, which is a very imperfect nanomaterial, by precisely fabricated carbon nanotube arrays were not worth the great increase in expense. However, significant improvements in carbon nanotube synthesis are constantly taking place and the feasibility of any proposed application will need to be assessed in terms of the very latest technology developments.

Table 7.1 compares the specific energies and energy densities of some current and emerging technologies. A third parameter is specific power (“gravimetric power density”). Here, capacitors are as good as combustion fuels (around 1 MW/kg), which are much better than batteries and fuel cells (around 100 W/kg).

Table 7.1

Specific energies EImage and energy densities DImage of existing storage systems,a ranked by EImage
Type EImage/MJ kg−1 DImage/GJ m−3
Gasolineb 46 34
Aluminiumb 31 84
Al–air battery 4.6 ?
Thermite 4 18
Fuel cellc 1 wide range
Li-ion batteryc 0.7 2
Na–NiCl batteryc 0.43 ?
Lead–acid batteryc 0.14 0.36
Supercapacitorc 0.1 0.2

a Specific energy is energy per unit mass—sometimes, confusingly, called energy density, which is energy per unit volume. The latter parameter is less well defined than the former and also liable to increase as new (nano)materials are developed.

b Not self-contained—requires external oxidizer and a combustion apparatus, the output from which might only be 10% of the given figure.

c Approximate, from laboratory experiments (there is a wide range depending on design and other considerations).

It will be noted that the Al–air battery (a rechargeable device developed by Europositron) comes close to the practical output from the gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine. The best fuel cells are still operating far below their theoretical limits, but given that the field has already been researched for about 170 years it must be conceded that the barriers to further progress are considerable. Nanotechnology can in principle contribute in many ways. Lightweight refractory nanocomposites could increase the effective specific energy of gasoline, and nano-engineered catalysts would benefit fuel cells. Nano-engineering will have the most direct impact on supercapacitors, whose stored energy depends directly on their internal surface area.

A bald list of specific energies might not be adequate to convey the potential of the technologies. Very often, it is through judicious combinations that really important benefits can be achieved. As an example, consider remote equipment such as miniature sensors needing small amounts of electrical power round-the-clock. The combination of a small photovoltaic solar cell together with a supercapacitor capable of storing surplus energy during the day and releasing it at night allows the equipment to be completely autonomous regarding its energy requirements. This is the current state-of-the-art.

Furthermore, fuel cells, while not electrical storage devices in the usual sense of the term, are still being actively developed after almost 170 years of effort and now offer attractively high specific energies of several MJ/kg (including the mass of stored fuel). The drawback is, however, the extremely low power density (a few tens of watts per kilogram).

Supercapacitors are undergoing intense development. Rather than relying on random nanostructures (e.g., carbon black) regular arrays of nanofeatures may offer an increase of one to two orders of magnitude. This would put the supercapacitors ahead of the experimental Al–air battery and the practical output from gasoline. An intermediate, semistructured, development is to incorporate carbon nanotubes into cellulose-based paper [8]. Hitherto the main exploitation of nanotechnology for capacitors has been to increase the plate area. Nanoscale plate separation limits the voltage that can be stored on the plates because of arcing. There are now attempts to examine the theory more deeply, taking quantum effects explicitly into account, in order to understand how capacitor plates with separation distances in the nanoscale could be designed to avoid arcing at high voltages.

Obviously, specific energies can only be compared if all other things are equal. These “other things” include all the infrastructure required to sustain the chosen system, including its cost, as well as charge/discharge characteristics, lifetime, etc. At least there seems to be no shortage of lithium as a raw material. Apart from efforts to increase power and energy densities, increasing the rapidity of charging and discharging would also be useful. Here too, regular nanostructures might be the key. Some of the technologies, notably fuel cells, have been hampered by large minimum practicable sizes. Here again, micro- and nanotechnologies may be helpful.

The novel nanomaterial graphene is currently being explored for a variety of energy storage applications. Clearly it is a candidate for capacitor plates, provided it can be stably configured. Carbon nanotubes are also finding novel applications, notably as high-capacity anodes in lithium ion batteries. A more exotic application is as a scaffold for fuel coatings which, when ignited, create a thermal (combustion) wave or thermowave that entrains electrons as it moves along the carbon nanotube, generating electrical current.

Apart from the above technologies, there is also design work being done on improving the nanoscale integration of the disparate components of electrical storage media. One area ready for nano-enabled improvement is lessening the large proportion of battery volume (currently around 50%) taken up by separators.

The Li-ion battery market is growing rapidly. In 2005, global production amounted to the equivalent of about 5 TJ storage capacity. In 2005 it was about 20 TJ, and in 2015 exceeded 125 TJ. The growth is largely driven by the demand for electric vehicles, although large batteries are also being used as backup power supplies for critical installations, such as data processing and storage centers.

New battery systems are constantly emerging and being subjected to scrutiny. Silicon is being investigated as an alternative to carbon for the anode, but cycling lifetime is poor [9]. The lithium–air batteries being developed at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan have an electrical storage capacity at least an order of magnitude greater than the best lithium-ion batteries, which are now being realized close to the theoretical limit [10,11]. In contrast, a potential successor to Li-ion, lithium–sulfur, has only been realized at a fraction of the theoretical limit [12]. Progress is, however, been made by observing the charge and discharge processes in situ using X-ray diffraction [13].

Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen is attracting increasing attention as a fuel for automotive vehicles. Conventional hydrogen storage is either as a gas in a high pressure cylinder or as a liquid at low temperature.1 For example, at 200 bar the density is approximately 1022 H-atoms per cm3. In its liquid state (at 20 K) the density is four times that figure, and five times as a solid at 4 K. These figures exclude the sizes of the pressure vessel and the cryogenic equipment, the masses of which makes it difficult to compute the gravimetric densities. Similar ambiguity attends the comparison of specific energies. Remarkably high densities can be achieved by storing the hydrogen in a metal as its hydride. For example, MgH2 contains 6.5×1022Image H-atoms cm−3, although the fraction of the total mass that is hydrogen is only 0.076 (compared with about 0.04 for a high-pressure container). The main challenge in hydrogen storage is considered to be how to increase this mass fraction. High storage capacity is not, of course, the sole criterion; other operational parameters such as charging and discharging rates, how much energy is required for charging (usually by high pressure) and discharging (usually by elevated temperature), and how many times it can be done before the structure deteriorates (the US Department of Energy specifies 1000 cycles), are also important. Many metals and alloys (typically of the general formulae AB2 and AB5) have been investigated. These have the advantages of operational pressures and temperatures within the practical ranges of 1–10 bar and 0–100 °C, unlike the more primitive substances such as MgH2. LaNi5 and its derivatives look very promising; hydrogen density at 2 bar, while not as good as that of MgH2, equals that of gaseous molecular hydrogen at 1800 bar (this density is reduced by the packing fraction if the alloy is in powder form); adsorption is fast and reversible; cycling life is good. However, the achievable densities, even of MgH2, are not as good as that of gasoline, which contains about 7×1022Image H-atoms cm−3. A variety of more exotic compounds, capable of releasing hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst (e.g., formic acid) are being studied, but none are being seriously developed at present. An interesting new development was the “chemical hydrides”, such as the Li–B–H and Li–N–H systems. Compared with the heavy metal alloys, these light elements yield much better hydrogen mass fractions (0.18 for LiBH4). Most of this technology is chemistry. More relevant to nanotechnology is the possibility of using graphene or carbon nanotubes to store hydrogen, or even relatively ill-characterized activated carbons. The achievable hydrogen storage densities are, however, rather on the low side (∼0.04). Physisorption seems to be the mechanism of adsorption, a corollary of which is that rather low temperatures are required to get a reasonable amount of sorption.

More complex chemical structures, notably metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have been investigated for hydrogen storage [14], but the early effort has not been sustained and has not evoked commercial interest; the materials are relatively expensive and this has discouraged investigations of their long-term cyclability.

In summary, hydrogen storage is a very active academic research field and the accumulated literature is already enormous. Little attention seems to be paid to the practicality of large-scale deployment of some of the more exotic materials. Reports summarizing new materials typically do not compare all relevant parameters, which include charging and discharging rates and energies apart from the overall storage capacity. The field is heavily driven by the automotive industry, the major players in which are carrying out intensive research.

As mentioned, the field is dominated by chemistry. The results obtained from exotic, highly structured materials (such as organosilicas) hint that rational nanomaterials design and assembly could yield storage materials with very attractive properties, although they could not at present be manufactured in the necessary large quantities. From that viewpoint, low-cost ways of making hierarchical porous materials based on well-established industrial processes (e.g., weaving electrospun polymers into sheets) seem to be rather attractive, with performances comparable to that of carbon nanotubes.

In general, nanification of the material, e.g. by having it in the form of nanoparticles, or by loading it into an aerogel of some inert material, will benefit the kinetics of charge and discharge, but typically will also result in less extreme environmental conditions (temperature and pressure) being required. The most exciting trends are those in which hydrogen responsivity is built into a material, such as the “pore-with-gate” metal–organic frameworks being developed at the University of Nottingham (UK), but this type of approach is still very much in its infancy.

7.3 Energy Efficiency

This topic comprises a heterogeneous collection of technical impacts. Most of them are incremental. Traditionally there are two opposing influences, the “utilities”, which are mainly commercial operations trying to sell as much of their product (gas, electricity, etc.) as they sustainably can, and the consumer, who is trying to minimize costly energy consumption. Changes in generally held attitudes have resulted in most utilities helping consumers to minimize energy use. Since utilities are mostly local monopolies, they can offset reduced consumption by higher unit prices.

Nanostructured coatings with very low coefficients of friction and extremely good wear resistance find application in all moving machinery, hence improving its efficiency and reducing the energy required to achieve a given result. Examples include electricity-generating wind turbines and electric motors. A similar example is the use of nanostructured surface coatings that can be painted on aircraft to reduce drag. The morphology of these coatings is typically biomimetic (cf. Section 10.7). Fuel savings of a few percent have been achieved in trials. The main difficulty is inadequate durability of the coatings. The materials themselves might not be particularly expensive, but the labor of applying them, especially if the aircraft has to be specially withdrawn from service for the treatment, is costly.

Wind turbines should also benefit by having blades made from lightweight nanocomposites. The larger the blade, the greater the benefit.

There seems to be considerable potential in deploying increasingly “smart” systems for regulating demand and supply. With the rapidly dwindling cost of data storage and processing power, micromanagement of individual household consumption (and, increasingly as households install their own photovoltaic panels or windmills) generation, based on real-time monitoring, is now technically feasible.

7.3.1 Lighting

Lighting appears here because it is an indispensable part of civilization, and is so widely used that improvements (e.g., more light output for the same input of electrical energy) have the potential to make a significant impact on energy consumption. For all applications where collateral heat production is not required, nanotechnology-enabled light-emitting diodes can replace incandescent filaments. Lighting based on light-emitting semiconductor diodes can achieve a similar luminous output for much less power than incandescent filament lamps. The heat produced by the latter may be of value in a domestic context (e.g., contributing to space heating in winter) but is simply wasted in the case of outdoor street lighting (although the esthetic effect is agreeable [15]). In fact, the actual operational efficiency of a device in a given functional context typically represents only a fraction of the overall effectiveness in achieving the intended function. For example, if the intended function of street lighting is to reduce road accidents, there is probably an ergonomic limit of the number of lamps per unit length of street above which the reduction becomes insignificant. Data is hard to come by and it seems that few amenities have been properly analyzed in this manner. It may well be that the number of lamps could be halved without diminution of the functional effect. Such a reduction would correspond to a really significant technological advance in the device technology.

7.3.2 Computation

Miniaturizing computer chips diminishes the heat dissipated per floating point operation (but, at present, not by as much as the increased number of floating point operations per unit area enabled by the miniaturization). Devices in which bits are represented as electron spins rather than as electron charges will dissipate practically no heat. If all digital information processors used single spin logic, which is most likely to be realized using nanotechnology [16], given the growing ubiquity of such processors, the contribution to energy economy is likely to be very significant.

7.3.3 Electrical Cabling

As long as electricity is produced at locations remote from its use, it must be transmitted along cables, in which process a considerable amount of energy is dissipated as heat. There is, therefore, much interest in lowering the resistance of electrical conductors.

Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have, in certain forms, remarkable electrical attributes (Table 7.2). In the so-called “armchair” structure (in which the chiral vectors are equal) the band structure is metallic and the current capacity of the nanotubes is several orders of magnitude greater than that of copper (Table 7.2), in contrast to nanotubes having the so-called “zigzag” structure, which is semiconducting. The difficulty in creating a macroscopic electrical current-carrying cable, whose mass per unit length would be far smaller than that of an equivalent copper cable, is essentially one of assembling and connecting up the nanotubes to make a macroscopic conductor. A single nanotube has a diameter of the order of 1 nm. Until relatively recently they could only be manipulated individually using the laborious procedures associated with scanning probe ultramicroscopies. An early approach was to randomly disperse them in a polymer matrix. Because of their extreme elongation, the percolation threshold is rather low (typically much less than 1 vol-%) but these composite materials had disappointingly low conductivities (Table 7.2), presumably because each nanotube may only contact other nanotubes at two points and the contact resistance is high. Some improvement was noted when the nanotubes were clustered [17]. A significant breakthrough occurred with the demonstration of the ability to spin nanotubes into a yarn [18]. In such a material each nanotube may make hundreds or thousands of contacts with other nanotubes and the overall conductivity is correspondingly higher (Table 7.2). A single strand of yarn may have a diameter of some micrometers, and such strands may be braided or woven to create even larger structures.

Table 7.2

Some electrical properties of graphite and metallic carbon nanotubes,a compared with metalsa

Property Unit Graphiteb CNT Composite Yarn Cu Al
Resistivity Ω cm 0.1 5 × 10−6c >100f 10−5g 1.7 × 10−6 2.7 × 10−6
Curr. cap. A cm−2 20 2 × 107d ? 3 × 104g 600h 350h
Density g cm−3 2.1 2.5 e 1 0.8 8.9 2.7


a The given values are only approximate. Actual measured values still depend on many experimental details.

b Typically in the form of a carbon electrode.

c T.W. Ebbesen et al., Electrical conductivity of individual carbon nanotubes. Nature 382 (1996) 54–55.

d T. Shimizu et al., Electrical conductivity measurements of a multiwalled carbon nanotube. Surf. Interface Anal. 37 (2005) 204–207.

e Multiwalled.

f The range of values is large. The polymer matrix without the nanotubes would typically have resistivity of the order of 1017.

g Ref. [20].

h This is not very precisely defined, typically by when some destruction of the cable or its insulation takes place.

Various improvements in the spinning process have been reported. For example, spinning from a dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) to which surfactant had been added resulted in a resistivity of 2.8×103Ω cmImage [19]. Even more dramatic improvements were achieved by doping (double-walled) carbon nanotubes with iodine, enabling resistivities of as low as 105Ω cmImage to be reached [20]. Another difficulty in realizing CNT-based cabling is the fact that known synthetic procedures for making the nanotubes produce a mixture of semiconducting and metallic ones, and of single-walled and multiwalled. One way of overcoming the problem is to refine the synthesis parameters. Methods of purifying the mixture are also being devised, including centrifugation and affinity separation using DNA.

7.4 Localized Manufacture

Possibly the greatest ultimate contribution of nanotechnology, once the stage of the personal nanofactory has been reached, to energy conservation will be through the great diminution of the need to transport raw materials and finished products around the world. The amount of energy currently consumed by transport in one form or another is something between 30 and 70% of total energy consumption. A reduction by an order of magnitude is perhaps achievable.


[1] V.B. Svetovoy, et al., New type of microengine using internal combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, Sci. Rep. 2014;4:4296.

[2] C. Hierold, From micro- to nanosystems: mechanical sensors go nano, J. Micromech. Microeng. 2004;14:S1–S11.

[3] M. Yoshida, E. Muneyuki, T. Hisabori, ATP synthase—a marvellous rotary engine of the cell, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 2001;2:669–677.

[4] F. Bella, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cells, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015;44:3431–3473.

[5] S. Wippermann, et al., Novel silicon phases and nanostructures for solar energy conversion, Appl. Phys. Rev. 2016;3, 040807.

[6] N. Lindahl, et al., High specific and mass activity for the oxygen reduction reaction for thin film catalysts of sputtered Pt3Y, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 1700311.

[7] Sensorial materials are materials in which the functions of sensing and structure are inseparably combined in a single material M. Lawo, et al., Simulation techniques for the description of smart structures and sensorial materials, J. Biol. Phys. Chem. 2009;9:143–148.

[8] V.L. Pushparaj, et al., Flexible energy storage devices based on nanocomposite paper, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2007;104:13574–13577.

[9] S.D. Beattie, et al., Understanding capacity fade in silicon based electrodes for lithium ion batteries using three electrode cells and upper cut-off voltage studies, J. Power Sources 2016;302:426–430.

[10] K.G. Gallagher, et al., Optimizing areal capacities through understanding the limitations of lithium-ion electrodes, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2016;163:A138–A149.

[11] A. Nomura, K. Ito, Y. Kubo, CNT sheet air electrode for the development of ultra-high cell capacity in lithium-air batteries, Sci. Rep. 2017;7, 45596.

[12] A. Krause, et al., High area capacity lithium–sulfur full-cell battery with prelithiated silicon nanowire-carbon anodes for long cycling stability, Sci. Rep. 2016;6, 27982.

[13] J. Conder, et al., Direct observation of lithium polysulfides in lithium–sulfur batteries using operando X-ray diffraction, Nat. Energy 2017;2, 17069.

[14] J.L.C. Rowsell, O.M. Yaghi, Strategies for hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2005;44:4670–4679.

[15] There has been much discussion about the psychological effects of different artificial light sources. The incandescent filament, which approximates to a black body and is therefore very natural, appears to correspond far better to a harmonious working environment than discharge lamps coated with fluorophores (i.e., what are commonly known as fluorescent tubes), the spectral emission profile of which is very different from that of a black body. Light-emitting diodes, which work according to the same principle (they are simply electroluminescent rather than photoluminescent) have a similar defect. Miniature nanoscale diodes could in theory be combined to create the same spectral output as the visible part of the black body radiation of an incandescent tungsten filament, but this does not seem, to be a direction in which the technology is currently moving.

[16] E.g. S. Bandyopadhyay, Single spin devices—perpetuating Moore's law, Nanotechnol. Percept. 2007;3:159–163.

[17] J.O. Aguilar, et al., Influence of carbon nanotube clustering on the electrical conductivity of polymer composite films, eXPRESS Polym. Lett. 2010;4:292–299.

[18] M. Zhang, et al., Multifunctional carbon nanotube yarns by downsizing an ancient technology, Science 2004;306:1358–1361.

[19] J. Ma, et al., Effects of surfactants on spinning carbon nanotube fibers by an electrophoretic method, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 2010;11, 065005.

[20] Y. Zhao, et al., Iodine doped carbon nanotube cables exceeding specific electrical conductivity of metals, Scientific Reports 2011;1:83.

Further Reading

[21] M. Grätzel, Photoelectrochemical cells, Nature 2001;414:338–344.

[22] M. Grätzel, Dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C 2003;4:145–153.

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1  “The large hydrogen production by electrolysis plant being built at Falkenhagen in Germany, in which hydrogen is simply a means of storing excess energy produced by renewable sources, especially wind turbines on very windy days, will slightly compress the gas and feed it into the natural gas distribution network.”

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