Alan V. Oppenheim, Series Editor

BRACEWELL   Two Dimensional Imaging

BRIGHAM   The Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications (AOD)

BUCK, DANIEL & SINGER     Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using MATLAB

CASTLEMAN   Digital Image Processing

COHEN   Time-Frequency Analysis

CROCHIERE & RABINER   Multirate Digital Signal Processing (AOD)

JOHNSON & DUDGEON   Array Signal Processing (AOD)

KAY   Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vols. I & II

KAY   Modern Spectral Estimation (AOD)

LIM   Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing

MCCLELLAN, BURRUS, OPPENHEIM, PARKS, SCHAFER & SCHUESSLER   Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB Ver. 5

MENDEL   Lessons in Estimation Theory for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control, 2/e

NIKIAS & PETROPULU   Higher Order Spectra Analysis

OPPENHEIM & SCHAFER   Digital Signal Processing

OPPENHEIM & SCHAFER   Discrete-Time Signal Processing

OPPENHEIM & WILLSKY, WITH NAWAB   Signals and Systems, 2/e

ORFANIDIS   Introduction to Signal Processing

PHILLIPS & NAGLE   Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design, 3/e

QUATIERI   Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice

RABINER & JUANG   Fundamentals of Speech Recognition

RABINER & SCHAFER   Digital Processing of Speech Signals

STEARNS & DAVID   Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB

TEKALP   Digital Video Processing

VAIDYANATHAN   Multirate Systems and Filter Banks

VETTERLI & KOVACEVIC   Wavelets and Subband Coding

WANG, OSTERMANN & ZHANG   Video Processing and Communications

WIDROW & STEARNS   Adaptive Signal Processing

Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing

Principles and Practice

Thomas F. Quatieri

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lincoln Laboratory


Prentice Hall PTR
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Quatieri, T. F. (Thomas F.)
    Discrete-time speech processing: principles and practice / Thomas F.
        p. cm. -- (Prentice-Hall signal processing series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
    ISBN 0-13-242942-X
    1. Speech processing systems.     2. Discrete-time systems    I. Title.
II. Series.
    TK7882.S65    Q38    2001



10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1

ISBN 0-13-242942-X

This book is dedicated to my wife Linda

and to our parents and family.




1 Introduction

1.1 Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing

1.2 The Speech Communication Pathway

1.3 Analysis/Synthesis Based on Speech Production and Perception

1.4 Applications

1.5 Outline of Book

1.6 Summary


2 A Discrete-Time Signal Processing Framework

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Discrete-Time Signals

2.3 Discrete-Time Systems

2.4 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

2.5 Uncertainty Principle

2.6 z-Transform

2.7 LTI Systems in the Frequency Domain

2.8 Properties of LTI Systems

2.8.1 Difference Equation Realization

2.8.2 Magnitude-Phase Relationships

2.8.3 FIR Filters

2.8.4 IIR Filters

2.9 Time-Varying Systems

2.10 Discrete Fourier Transform

2.11 Conversion of Continuous Signals and Systems to Discrete Time

2.11.1 Sampling Theorem

2.11.2 Sampling a System Response

2.11.3 Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations

2.12 Summary



3 Production and Classification of Speech Sounds

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Production

3.2.1 Lungs

3.2.2 Larynx

3.2.3 Vocal Tract

3.2.4 Categorization of Sound by Source

3.3 Spectrographic Analysis of Speech

3.4 Categorization of Speech Sounds

3.4.1 Elements of a Language

3.4.2 Vowels

3.4.3 Nasals

3.4.4 Fricatives

3.4.5 Plosives

3.4.6 Transitional Speech Sounds

3.5 Prosody: The Melody of Speech

3.6 Speech Perception

3.6.1 Acoustic Cues

3.6.2 Models of Speech Perception

3.7 Summary



4 Acoustics of Speech Production

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Physics of Sound

4.2.1 Basics

4.2.2 The Wave Equation

4.3 Uniform Tube Model

4.3.1 Lossless Case

4.3.2 Effect of Energy Loss

4.3.3 Boundary Effects

4.3.4 A Complete Model

4.4 A Discrete-Time Model Based on Tube Concatenation

4.4.1 Sound Propagation in the Concatenated Tube Model

4.4.2 A Discrete-Time Realization

4.4.3 Complete Discrete-Time Model

4.5 Vocal Fold/Vocal Tract Interaction

4.5.1 A Model for Source/Tract Interaction

4.5.2 Formant Frequency and Bandwidth Modulation

4.6 Summary



5 Analysis and Synthesis of Pole-Zero Speech Models

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Time-Dependent Processing

5.3 All-Pole Modeling of Deterministic Signals

5.3.1 Formulation

5.3.2 Error Minimization

5.3.3 Autocorrelation Method

5.3.4 The Levinson Recursion and Its Associated Properties

5.3.5 Lattice Filter Formulation of the Inverse Filter

5.3.6 Frequency-Domain Interpretation

5.4 Linear Prediction Analysis of Stochastic Speech Sounds

5.4.1 Formulation

5.4.2 Error Minimization

5.4.3 Autocorrelation Method

5.5 Criterion of “Goodness”

5.5.1 Time Domain

5.5.2 Frequency Domain

5.6 Synthesis Based on All-Pole Modeling

5.7 Pole-Zero Estimation

5.7.1 Linearization

5.7.2 Application to Speech

5.7.3 High-Pitched Speakers: Using Two Analysis Windows

5.8 Decomposition of the Glottal Flow Derivative

5.8.1 Model

5.8.2 Estimation

5.9 Summary

Appendix 5.A: Properties of Stochastic Processes

Random Processes

Ensemble Averages

Stationary Random Process

Time Averages

Power Density Spectrum

Appendix 5.B: Derivation of the Lattice Filter in Linear Prediction Analysis



6 Homomorphic Signal Processing

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Concept

6.3 Homomorphic Systems for Convolution

6.4 Complex Cepstrum of Speech-Like Sequences

6.4.1 Sequences with Rational z-Transforms

6.4.2 Impulse Trains Convolved with Rational z-Transform Sequences

6.4.3 Homomorphic Filtering

6.4.4 Discrete Complex Cepstrum

6.5 Spectral Root Homomorphic Filtering

6.6 Short-Time Homomorphic Analysis of Periodic Sequences

6.6.1 Quefrency-Domain Perspective

6.6.2 Frequency-Domain Perspective

6.7 Short-Time Speech Analysis

6.7.1 Complex Cepstrum of Voiced Speech

6.7.2 Complex Cepstrum of Unvoiced Speech

6.8 Analysis/Synthesis Structures

6.8.1 Zero- and Minimum-Phase Synthesis

6.8.2 Mixed-Phase Synthesis

6.8.3 Spectral Root Deconvolution

6.9 Contrasting Linear Prediction and Homomorphic Filtering

6.9.1 Properties

6.9.2 Homomorphic Prediction

6.10 Summary



7 Short-Time Fourier Transform Analysis and Synthesis

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Short-Time Analysis

7.2.1 Fourier Transform View

7.2.2 Filtering View

7.2.3 Time-Frequency Resolution Tradeoffs

7.3 Short-Time Synthesis

7.3.1 Formulation

7.3.2 Filter Bank Summation (FBS) Method

7.3.3 Overlap-Add (OLA) Method

7.3.4 Time-Frequency Sampling

7.4 Short-Time Fourier Transform Magnitude

7.4.1 Signal Representation

7.4.2 Reconstruction from Time-Frequency Samples

7.5 Signal Estimation from the Modified STFT or STFTM

7.5.1 Heuristic Application of STFT Synthesis Methods

7.5.2 Least-Squared-Error Signal Estimation from the Modified STFT

7.5.3 LSE Signal Estimation from Modified STFTM

7.6 Time-Scale Modification and Enhancement of Speech

7.6.1 Time-Scale Modification

7.6.2 Noise Reduction

7.7 Summary

Appendix 7.A: FBS Method with Multiplicative Modification



8 Filter-Bank Analysis/Synthesis

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Revisiting the FBS Method

8.3 Phase Vocoder

8.3.1 Analysis/Synthesis of Quasi-Periodic Signals

8.3.2 Applications

8.3.3 Motivation for a Sinewave Analysis/Synthesis

8.4 Phase Coherence in the Phase Vocoder

8.4.1 Preservation of Temporal Envelope

8.4.2 Phase Coherence of Quasi-Periodic Signals

8.5 Constant-Q Analysis/Synthesis

8.5.1 Motivation

8.5.2 Wavelet Transform

8.5.3 Discrete Wavelet Transform

8.5.4 Applications

8.6 Auditory Modeling

8.6.1 AM-FM Model of Auditory Processing

8.6.2 Auditory Spectral Model

8.6.3 Phasic/Tonic View of Auditory Neural Processing

8.7 Summary



9 Sinusoidal Analysis/Synthesis

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Sinusoidal Speech Model

9.3 Estimation of Sinewave Parameters

9.3.1 Voiced Speech

9.3.2 Unvoiced Speech

9.3.3 Analysis System

9.3.4 Frame-to-Frame Peak Matching

9.4 Synthesis

9.4.1 Cubic Phase Interpolation

9.4.2 Overlap-Add Interpolation

9.4.3 Examples

9.4.4 Applications

9.4.5 Time-Frequency Resolution

9.5 Source/Filter Phase Model

9.5.1 Signal Model

9.5.2 Applications

9.6 Additive Deterministic-Stochastic Model

9.6.1 Signal Model

9.6.2 Analysis/Synthesis

9.6.3 Application to Signal Modification

9.7 Summary

Appendix 9.A: Derivation of the Sinewave Model

Appendix 9.B: Derivation of Optimal Cubic Phase Parameters



10 Frequency-Domain Pitch Estimation

10.1 Introduction

10.2 A Correlation-Based Pitch Estimator

10.3 Pitch Estimation Based on a “Comb Filter”

10.4 Pitch Estimation Based on a Harmonic Sinewave Model

10.4.1 Parameter Estimation for the Harmonic Sinewave Model

10.4.2 Parameter Estimation for the Harmonic Sinewave Model with a priori Amplitude

10.4.3 Voicing Detection

10.4.4 Time-Frequency Resolution Perspective

10.4.5 Evaluation by Harmonic Sinewave Reconstruction

10.5 Glottal Pulse Onset Estimation

10.5.1 A Phase Model Based on Onset Time

10.5.2 Onset Estimation

10.5.3 Sinewave Amplitude Envelope Estimation

10.5.4 Minimum-Phase Sinewave Reconstruction

10.6 Multi-Band Pitch and Voicing Estimation

10.6.1 Harmonic Sinewave Model

10.6.2 Multi-Band Voicing

10.7 Summary



11 Nonlinear Measurement and Modeling Techniques

11.1 Introduction

11.2 The STFT and Wavelet Transform Revisited

11.2.1 Basis Representations

11.2.2 Minimum Uncertainty

11.2.3 Tracking Instantaneous Frequency

11.3 Bilinear Time-Frequency Distributions

11.3.1 Properties of a Proper Time-Frequency Distribution

11.3.2 Spectrogram as a Time-Frequency Distribution

11.3.3 Wigner Distribution

11.3.4 Variations on the Wigner Distribution

11.3.5 Application to Speech Analysis

11.4 Aeroacoustic Flow in the Vocal Tract

11.4.1 Preliminaries

11.4.2 Early Measurements and Hypotheses of Aeroacoustic Flow in the Vocal Tract

11.4.3 Aeroacoustic Mechanical Model

11.4.4 Aeroacoustic Computational Model

11.5 Instantaneous Teager Energy Operator

11.5.1 Motivation

11.5.2 Energy Measurement

11.5.3 Energy Separation

11.6 Summary



12 Speech Coding

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Statistical Models

12.3 Scalar Quantization

12.3.1 Fundamentals

12.3.2 Quantization Noise

12.3.3 Derivation of the Max Quantizer

12.3.4 Companding

12.3.5 Adaptive Quantization

12.3.6 Differential and Residual Quantization

12.4 Vector Quantization (VQ)

12.4.1 Approach

12.4.2 VQ Distortion Measure

12.4.3 Use of VQ in Speech Transmission

12.5 Frequency-Domain Coding

12.5.1 Subband Coding

12.5.2 Sinusoidal Coding

12.6 Model-Based Coding

12.6.1 Basic Linear Prediction Coder (LPC)

12.6.2 A VQ LPC Coder

12.6.3 Mixed Excitation LPC (MELP)

12.7 LPC Residual Coding

12.7.1 Multi-Pulse Linear Prediction

12.7.2 Multi-Pulse Modeling with Long-Term Prediction

12.7.3 Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CELP)

12.8 Summary



13 Speech Enhancement

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Preliminaries

13.2.1 Problem Formulation

13.2.2 Spectral Subtraction

13.2.3 Cepstral Mean Subtraction

13.3 Wiener Filtering

13.3.1 Basic Approaches to Estimating the Object Spectrum

13.3.2 Adaptive Smoothing Based on Spectral Change

13.3.3 Application to Speech

13.3.4 Optimal Spectral Magnitude Estimation

13.3.5 Binaural Representations

13.4 Model-Based Processing

13.5 Enhancement Based on Auditory Masking

13.5.1 Frequency-Domain Masking Principles

13.5.2 Calculation of the Masking Threshold

13.5.3 Exploiting Frequency Masking in Noise Reduction

13.6 Temporal Processing in a Time-Frequency Space

13.6.1 Formulation

13.6.2 Temporal Filtering

13.6.3 Nonlinear Transformations of Time-Trajectories

13.7 Summary

Appendix 13.A: Stochastic-Theoretic Parameter Estimation



14 Speaker Recognition

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Spectral Features for Speaker Recognition

14.2.1 Formulation

14.2.2 Mel-Cepstrum

14.2.3 Sub-Cepstrum

14.3 Speaker Recognition Algorithms

14.3.1 Minimum-Distance Classifier

14.3.2 Vector Quantization

14.3.3 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

14.4 Non-Spectral Features in Speaker Recognition

14.4.1 Glottal Flow Derivative

14.4.2 Source Onset Timing

14.4.3 Relative Influence of Source, Spectrum, and Prosody

14.5 Signal Enhancement for the Mismatched Condition

14.5.1 Linear Channel Distortion

14.5.2 Nonlinear Channel Distortion

14.5.3 Other Approaches

14.6 Speaker Recognition from Coded Speech

14.6.1 Synthesized Coded Speech

14.6.2 Experiments with Coder Parameters

14.7 Summary

Appendix 14.A: Expectation-Maximization (EM) Estimation




Speech Signal Processing




About the Author


Speech and hearing, man’s most used means of communication, have been the objects of intense study for more than 150 years—from the time of von Kempelen’s speaking machine to the present day. With the advent of the telephone and the explosive growth of its dissemination and use, the engineering and design of evermore bandwidth-efficient and higher-quality transmission systems has been the objective and providence of both engineers and scientists for more than seventy years. This work and investigations have been largely driven by these real-world applications which now have broadened to include not only speech synthesizers but also automatic speech recognition systems, speaker verification systems, speech enhancement systems, efficient speech coding systems, and speech and voice modification systems. The objectives of the engineers have been to design and build real workable and economically affordable systems that can be used over the broad range of existing and newly installed communication channels.

Following the development of the integrated circuit in the 1960s, the communication channels and the end speech signal processing systems changed from analog to purely digital systems. The early laboratories involved in this major shift in implementation technology included Bell Telephone Laboratories, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, IBM Thomas Watson Research Laboratories, the BB&N Speech Group, and the Texas Instruments Company, along with numerous excellent university research groups. The introduction by Texas Instruments in the 1970s of its Speak-and-Spell product, which employed extensive digital integrated circuit technology, caused the entire technical, business, and marketing communities to awaken to the endless system and product possibilities becoming viable through application of the rapidly developing integrated circuit technologies.

As more powerful integrated circuits became available, the engineers would take their existing working systems and try to improve them. This meant going back and studying their existing models of speech production and analysis in order to gain a more complete understanding of the physical processes involved. It also meant devising and bringing to bear more powerful mathematical tools and algorithms to handle the added complexity of the more detailed analysis. Certain methodologies became widely used partly because of their initial success, their viability, and their ease of analysis and implementation. It then became increasingly difficult to change an individual part of the system without affecting the other parts of the system. This logical design procedure was complicated and compromised by the ever-present reducing cost and increasing power of the digital integrated circuits used.

In the midst of all this activity lay Lincoln Laboratory with its many and broad projects in the speech area. The author of this timely book has been very actively involved in both the engineering and the scientific aspects of many of those projects and has been a major contributor to their success. In addition, he has developed over the course of many years the graduate course in speech analysis and processing at MIT, the outgrowth of which is this text on the subject.

In this book you will gain a thorough understanding of the basic scientific principles of speech production and hearing and the basic mathematical tools needed for speech signal representation, analysis, and manipulation. Then, through a plethora of applications, the author illustrates the design considerations, the system performance, and the careful analysis and critique of the results. You will view these many systems through the eyes of one who has been there, and one with vision and keen insight into figuring out why the systems behave the way they do and where the limitations still exist.

Read carefully, think continually, question always, try out the ideas, listen to the results, and check out the extensive references. Enjoy the magic and fascination of this broad area of the application of digital technology to voice communication through the experiences of an active researcher in the field. You will be richly rewarded.

James F. Kaiser
Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Duke University
Durham, NC


This text is in part an outgrowth of my MIT graduate course Digital Speech Signal Processing, which I have taught since the Fall of 1990, and in part a result of my research at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. As such, principles are never too distant from practice; theory is often followed by applications, both past and present. This text is also an outgrowth of my childhood wonder in the blending of signal and symbol processing, sound, and technology. I first felt this fascination in communicating with two cans coupled by twine, in playing with a toy Morse code, and in adventuring through old ham radio equipment in my family’s basement. My goals in this book are to provide an intensive tutorial on the principles of discrete-time speech signal processing, to describe the state-of-the-art in speech signal processing research and its applications, and to pass on to the reader my continued wonder for this rapidly evolving field.

The text consists of fourteen chapters that are outlined in detail in Chapter 1. The “theory” component of the book falls within Chapters 2–11, while Chapters 12–14 consist primarily of the application areas of speech coding and enhancement, and speaker recognition. Other applications are introduced throughout Chapters 2–11, such as speech modification, noise reduction, signal restoration, and dynamic range compression. A broader range of topics that include speech and language recognition is not covered; to do so would result in a survey book that does not fill the current need in this field. The style of the text is to show not only when speech modeling and processing methods succeed, but also to describe limitations of the methods. This style makes the reader question established ideas and reveals where advancement is needed. An important tenet in this book is that anomaly in observation is crucial for advancement; as reflected by the late philospher Thomas Kuhn: “Discovery commences with the awareness of anomaly, i.e., with the recognition that nature has somehow violated the paradigm-induced expectations that govern normal science.”1

1 T. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution, University of Chicago Press, 1970.

The text body is strongly supplemented with examples and exercises. Each exercise set contains a number of MATLAB problems that provide hands-on experience with speech signals and processing methods. Scripts, workspaces, and signals, required for the MATLAB exercises, are located on the Prentice Hall companion website ( Also on this website are audio demonstrations that illustrate a variety of principles and applications from each chapter, including time-scale modification of the phrase “as time goes by” shown on the front cover of this book. The book is structured so that application areas that are not covered as separate topics are either presented as examples or exercises, e.g., speaker separation by sinusoidal modeling and restoration of old acoustic recordings by homomorphic processing. In my MIT speech processing course, I found this approach to be very effective, especially since such examples and exercises are fascinating demonstrations of the theory and can provide a glimpse of state-of-the-art applications.

The book is also structured so that topics can be covered on different levels of depth and breadth. For example, a one-semester course on discrete-time speech signal processing could be taught with an emphasis on fundamentals using Chapters 2–9. To focus on the speech coding application, one can include Chapter 12, but also other applications as examples and exercises. In a two-semester course, greater depth could be given to fundamentals in the first semester, using Chapters 2–9. In the second semester, a focus could then be given to advanced theories and applications of Chapters 10–14, with supplementary material on speech recognition.

I wish to express my thanks to the many colleagues, friends, and students who provided review of different chapters of this manuscript, as well as discussions on various chapter topics and style. These include Walt Andrews, Carlos Avendano, Joe Campbell, Mark Clements, Jody and Michael Crocetta, Ron Danisewicz, Bob Dunn, Carol Epsy-Wilson, Allen Gersho, Terry Gleason, Ben Gold, Mike Goodwin, Siddhartan Govindasamy, Charles Jankowski, Mark Kahrs, Jim Kemerling, Gernot Kubin, Petros Maragos, Rich McGowen, Michael Padilla, Jim Pitton, Mike Plumpe, Larry Rabiner, Doug Reynolds, Dan Sinder, Elliot Singer, Doug Sturim, Charlie Therrien, and Lisa Yanguas. In addition, I thank my MIT course students for the many constructive comments on my speech processing notes, and my teaching assistants: Babak Azifar, Ibrahim Hajjahmad, Tim Hazen, Hanfeng Yuan, and Xiaochun Yang for help in developing class exercise solutions and for feedback on my course notes. Also, in memory of Gary Kopec and Tom Hanna, who were both colleagues and friends, I acknowledge their inspiration and influence that live on in the pages of this book.

A particular thanks goes to Jim Kaiser, who reviewed nearly the entire book in his characteristic meticulous and uncompromising detail and has provided continued motivation throughout the writing of this text, as well as throughout my career, by his model of excellence and creativity. I also acknowledge Bob McAulay for the many fruitful and highly motivational years we have worked together; our collaborative effort provides the basis for Chapters 9, 10, and parts of Chapter 12 on sinusoidal analysis/synthesis and its applications. Likewise, I thank Hamid Nawab for our productive work together in the early 1980s that helped shape Chapter 7, and Rob Baxter for our stimulating discussions that helped to develop the time-frequency distribution tutorials for Chapter 11. In addition, I thank the following MIT Lincoln Laboratory management for flexibility given me to both lecture at MIT and perform research at Lincoln Laboratory, and for providing a stimulating and open research environment: Cliff Weinstein, Marc Zissman, Jerry O’Leary, Al McLaughlin, and Peter Blankenship. I have also been very fortunate to have the support of Al Oppenheim, who opened the door for me to teach in the MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, planted the seed for writing this book, and provided the initial and continued inspiration for my career in digital signal processing. Thanks also goes to Faye Gemmellaro, production editor; Bernard Goodwin, publisher; and others at Prentice Hall for their great care and dedication that helped determine the quality of the finished book product.

Finally, I express my deepest gratitude to my wife Linda, who provided the love, support, and encouragement that was essential in a project of this magnitude and who has made it all meaningful. Linda’s voice example on the front cover of this book symbolizes my gratitude now and “as time goes by.”

Thomas F. Quatieri
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

2 This work was sponsored by the Department of Defense under Air Force contract F19628–00–C–0002. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by the United States Air Force.

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