Types of Consumer Buying Situations

As noted previously, consumer buying behavior refers to purchases of products for personal or household use. The amount of time consumers devote to a purchase decision can vary greatly depending on the cost of the product, familiarity with the product, and the importance of the item to the consumer. Few buyers invest much effort in selecting a tube of toothpaste, but the purchase of a new automobile or a home will involve extensive decision making. Consumer buying situations can fall into one of three categories depending on the degree of buyer involvement.

Habitual Buying Decisions

Habitual buying decisions usually require very little consumer involvement and brand differences are usually insignificant.14 For frequently purchased, low-cost items such as shampoo, copy paper, or laundry detergent, consumer involvement in the decision-making process is very low. Supermarket shoppers often display habitual buying behavior as they select items.

Variety-Seeking Buying Decisions

Variety-seeking buying decisions are characterized by low customer involvement, but important perceived brand differences.15 Brand switching is not uncommon among these buyers because they can be influenced by advertising appeals, coupons, or lower prices to try a new brand. Brand switching is usually motivated by the desire for variety rather than dissatisfaction.16

Complex Buying Decisions

Complex buying decisions are characterized by a high degree of involvement by the consumer. Consumers are likely to be highly involved when the product is expensive, purchased infrequently, and highly self-expressive.17 The purchase of a vacation home, a long-term care insurance policy, an expensive boat, or a costly piece of art would require a complex buying decision. The learning process for some purchases can be very lengthy.

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