Combination Approaches

A hallmark of adaptive selling is flexibility. Therefore, a combination of approaches sometimes provides the best avenue to need identification. Sales personnel who have adopted the consultative style, of course, use the question and survey approaches most frequently. Some selling situations, however, require that one of the other approaches be used, either alone or in combination with the question and survey approaches (Figure 10.4). An example of how a salesperson might use a referral and question approach combination follows:

An illustration shows two interconnected circles, labeled referral and question, together leading to a box labeled “need discovery.”

Figure 10.4

Combination approaches provide a smooth transition to the need discovery part of the consultative presentation.

Salesperson: Carl Hamilton at Simmons Modern Furniture suggested that I visit with you about our new line of compact furniture designed for smaller homes. He believes this line might complement the furniture you currently feature.

Customer: Yes, Carl called me yesterday and mentioned your name and company.

Salesperson: Before showing you our product lines, I would like to ask you some questions about your current product mix. First, what do you currently carry in the area of bedroom furniture?

Suggesting the use of a combination approach, noted sales authority Linda Richardson of Richardson Learning Systems advised to “go in armed to the gills with a full portfolio of knowledge, insights, data, and ideas. Use that portfolio to engage customers by sharing insights and asking business challenge questions that show that you know what you are talking about and that lead into your value. Intelligent questions provide as much insight as answers. They give you insights into the customer’s thinking and jumpstart the collaborative process. They also help you validate that your insight is relevant.”31

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