

2.7K 4:3 resolution, 270

2.7K resolution, 270

2.7K Superview resolution, 270

3-Way Mount, 19, 93

4K resolution, 270

HD televisions, 9

video resolution, memory cards for, 126

4K Superview resolution, 271

10app video editing app, 393

360-degree content, 58

480p resolution, 269

720p resolution, 269

720p Superview resolution, 269

960p resolution, 269

1080p resolution, 270

1080p Superview resolution, 270

1440p resolution, 270



camera through housing, 33


with QUIK Desktop software, 364-365

with QUIK mobile app, 361-363

from social media accounts, 363-364

with web browser, 365-369

ports, 39

accessories. See also housings; mounts

3-Way, 19, 93

Action Battery Grip, 146

Anti-Fog Inserts, 376

Auto Charger, 139

Capture P.O.V. clip, 122

continuous lighting, 259-261

Dual Battery Charger, 140

external lighting, 258

filters for underwater photos, 211

Floaty, 19, 122-123

GoPro 3.5mm Mic Adapter, 248, 251

GoPro Omni, 58

GoSpot, 122

iStyle, 122

Karma Grip, 19

Karma Grip Extension Cable, 102

Karma Mounting Ring, 102

lights, 122

Micro HDMI cable, 41, 74, 194

microphones, 253

Octomask dive masks, 19

Portable Power Pack, 140, 146

Pro 3.5mm Mic Adapter, 74

QUIK Key, 13, 119-120, 194, 340

REMO, 51, 79, 118-119, 152

Seeker, 121

shot stability, 91-92

Smart Remote. See Smart Remote

stabilizers, 264, 277

Supercharger, 63, 139

tether, 71

The Handler, 19

thumb screws, 87

underwater lenses, 123

from Wasabi Power, 142

where to buy, 24, 106-107

windscreens, 250

accidental deletions, 384-385

accounts (GoPro Plus), creating, 355-357

Action Battery Grip, 146

Adhesive Mounts, 94

adhesives for mounts, 91

Adobe Audition CC, 248

advanced settings

icons, 163

in Protune, 187

Audio, 240

Color, 188, 239

EV Comp, 191, 240

ISO Limit, 239-240

ISO Minimum/Maximum, 188-189

Sharpness, 190, 240

Shutter Speed, 240

White Balance, 187, 238-239

advanced shooting features, 169-170

aspect ratio, 170

auto low light, 170

color, 171

EV comp, 172

exposure control with auto exposure, 171

exposure control with locked exposure, 172

GPS, 172

ISO, 172

manual audio control, 173

Protune, 173-174

RAW audio, 174

RAW format, 175

sharpness, 175

video stabilization, 175

WDR (wide dynamic range), 176

white balance, 176, lighting accessories, 261

analyzing shooting situation, 149-150

Android devices

mobile app versions, 316

installing mobile apps, 319-320

angle, adjusting, 86

animal photos, 208

Anti-Fog Inserts, 376

Antix video-editing app, 393

Apple Watch

Capture mobile app compatibility, 339

mobile apps on, 316

App Settings icon (Capture mobile app), 329

aspect ratio, 170

attaching mounts, 90-91

Audacity, 248


focus on, 310

maintaining attention, 311-312


editing, 248, 308-309

Manual Audio Control feature, 234

manual settings, 173

poor quality, 385-387

RAW Audio feature, 174, 234

recording, 248

adding sound effects and music, 254-255

audio-editing software, 248

with built-in microphone, 249-250

with external microphone, 251-253

settings for, 249

unwanted noise, 250

Audio setting, 240

Auto Charger, 139

Auto Low Light feature, 170, 234, 256

when to use, 277

Auto Off settings, 48

Auto Rotation feature, 48, 276

Auto Upload feature, 357-360


backing up video-editing work, 289

back of camera

HERO5 Black, 35

HERO5 Session, 69

HERO Session, 69

backpacks, 121

Ball Joint Buckle, 94

baseball cap mounts, 90


accessing through housing, 33

carrying extra, 29

charging, 139-141

charging time, 63

compatible HERO5 Black batteries, 142-143

conserving in Screensaver mode, 46

dead, 372

draining quickly, 45

estimating life of, 141-142

HERO5 Session camera, 13

HERO Session camera, 13

increasing life of, 146-147

inserting in HERO5 Black, 143-144

low battery warning, 146

Protune and, 183

removing from HERO5 Black, 144

troubleshooting, 140

viewing status, 47

when to replace, 372

battery door (HERO5 Black), opening/closing, 42

Beep Volume settings, 47

Blue Water Snorkel Filter, 123

Bobber mount, 96

Bodyboard Mount, 95

bottom of camera

HERO5 Black, 42

HERO5 Session, 71

HERO Session, 71

Brightness settings, 48

buildings, as subject, 209-210

built-in microphone, recording audio, 249-250

Burst shooting mode, 167, 211, 197


accessories,24, 106-107

memory cards, 130-131

mounts, 106-107

replacement side door

HERO5 Black, 39

HERO5 Session, 76

HERO Session, 76


Caddie Buddy mounts, 102

camera angle, adjusting, 86

Camera icon (Capture mobile app), 329

Camera Info (Settings menu), 337

camera mode, changing, 155

with HERO5 Black touchscreen, 156-159

with HERO5 Session status screen, 159-162

with HERO Session status screen, 159

camera models. See also names of specific camera models

comparison, 9-11

connecting to HD TV, 41, 74

overheating, 50

pairing with Capture mobile app, 320-326

Photo mode comparison, 181-182

remote control

with Capture mobile app, 153-154

with Smart Remote, 152-153

with voice commands, 152

resetting, 35, 49

serial number, finding, 58

tracking information, 391


choppy video playback, 378

computer doesn’t recognize camera, 379

dead battery, 372

fogged lens, 376

lack of connection with Capture app or Smart Remote, 375

memory card error messages, 376-377

menus differ from book, 379

physical damage to camera, 379-380

Temperature icon, 378

unresponsive camera, 373-375

unresponsive touchscreen, 375

water spots on lens, 378

upgrades, 14

video features comparison, 225-228

where to buy, 24

camera modes, 163

adjusting settings with Capture mobile app, 335-338

icons, 163

Photo, shooting modes for, 166-167

Time Lapse, shooting modes for, 167-169

toggling with Capture mobile app, 334-335

Video, shooting modes for, 164-166

Camera screen (Capture mobile app), 328-329

Camera Settings options, importing content, 292-293

Camera Software

compatibility with batteries, 142

updating, 53, 80, 298

with Capture mobile app, 53-56

manually, 58

with QUIK Desktop software, 56-57

Camera Status (Settings menu), 338

candid photos, 206

captions in video, 312

Capture mobile app, 4, 20-21, 65, 118, 153-154

adding HiLights, 236-237

Apple Watch compatibility, 339

Camera screen, 328-329

capabilities of, 316

compatibility with mobile devices, 317

deleting memory card content, 332

lack of connection, troubleshooting, 375

main screen, 326

Media screen, 329-332

pairing with camera, 320-326

remotely controlling camera, 333-334

Smart Remote versus, 327-328

transferring content from memory card, 330-332

updating Camera Software with, 53-56

uploading content to GoPro Plus, 360

video settings, 241-242

Viewfinder screen, 333-338

Capture P.O.V. clip, 122

capturing still images from video, 295-297

chargers, carrying extra, 29


batteries, 139-141

time required, 63

when to replace, 372

REMO accessory battery, 119

Smart Remote, 111

checklists, equipment needed, 23

Chesty mount, 90, 95


continuous lighting accessories, 259-261

FOV options for shooting video, 272-273

FPS rate for shooting video, 271

mounts, 87-89, 215-216

resolution for shooting video, 268-271

subject (of photo), 201-203

choppy video playback, troubleshooting, 378

CineForm file format, 305

cleaning lens, 34, 69, 122, 378

clips (video), trimming, 294, 305

Clip tool (QUIK Desktop software), 294


battery door (HERO5 Black), 42

side door

HERO5 Black, 37-39

HERO5 Session, 75

HERO Session, 75

cloud services. See GoPro Plus

color adjustments in GoPro Studio, 307-308

Color setting, 171, 188, 239

colored filters for underwater photos, 211

colors, troubleshooting, 383


Capture mobile app and Apple Watch, 339

of mobile apps, 316

compatible HERO5 Black batteries, 142-143

computer doesn’t recognize camera, troubleshooting, 379


to external power source, 145-146

to HD TV, 41, 74

Connections (Settings menu), 338

conserving batteries in Screensaver mode, 46

content. See digital content

content type in thumbnail icons, 291

continuous lighting accessories, 259-261

converting time lapse video/photos, 295

copying video links, 345

copyright issues, 254, 343


GoPro Plus, 354, 357

music, 254

Create Mode

creating mini-videos, 298-300

GoPro Studio software versus, 292

creative inspiration, 388

customizing HERO5 Black settings, 47-49


damage to camera, troubleshooting, 379-380

Date and Time settings, 47

dead batteries, 372

Default mode, 48, 192-194, 229

default settings, resetting

camera to, 49, 373-375

Protune to, 186, 241

Delete (Settings menu), 337



accidentally, 384-385

from memory card, 293, 332

files from memory cards, 129

music from videos, 343

digital content. See also photos; video

online storage, 5

resolution, 7-9

transferring with Quik Key, 119-120


HERO5 Session, 79-80

HERO Session, 79-80

digital technology, changes in, 17

dive masks, 19


GoPro QUIK Desktop software, 56, 286-288

GoPro Studio software, 287

user manuals, 284

Dual Battery Charger, 140

dull colors, troubleshooting, 383



audio, 248, 308-309

outro, 348

photos, 221

apps for, 394

converting time lapse photos/video, 295

software for, 392

video. See also QUIK Desktop software; GoPro Studio software

adding GPS details to scenes, 300-301

adding HiLight tags, 297-298

apps for, 394

capturing still images, 295-297

converting time lapse photos/video, 295

creating mini-videos in Create Mode, 298-300

creating storyboards, 285-286

importing content, 289-293

including still photos in, 305

learning curve for, 313

organizing work, 311

overuse of special effects, 307

planning while shooting, 310

with QUIK mobile app, 340, 343-346

raw footage needed, 278

removing fish-eye effect, 282

role of video editor, 283-284

saving work, 289

as skill and art form, 282

software for, 392

with Splice mobile app, 346-351

steps in, 284-285

switching perspectives, 275

tips for, 309-313

titles and captions, 312

trimming clips, 294, 305

Edit mode (GoPro Studio), 306

Edit Templates (GoPro Studio), 304

Effects Presets menu (GoPro Studio), 306

enhancing flawed video footage, 307-308

equipment checklist, 23

error messages, memory cards, 136-137, 376-377

estimating battery life, 141-142

EV Comp setting, 172, 191, 240

exporting video projects, 309

Exposure Control option, 256-257

Exposure Control with Auto Exposure feature, 171

Exposure Control with Locked Exposure feature, 172

extending warranty, 379

external lighting accessories, 258

external microphones, 74, 251-253

external power sources, connecting to, 145-146


Facebook pages for GoPro information, 395

fast-moving subjects, 209

Fetch Dog Harness, 95

field of view (FOV). See FOV (field of view)

files, deleting from memory cards, 129

filtering out wind noise, 386-387

filters for underwater photos, 211

finding serial number, 58

first-person perspective, 12

third-person perspective versus, 203-205

fish-eye effect

avoiding, 31

correcting, 210

removing, 282

troubleshooting, 382-383

Floaty accessory, 19, 122-123

fogged lens, troubleshooting, 376

formatting memory cards

in HERO5 Black, 134-136

in HERO5 Session, 134

in HERO Session, 134

FOV (field of view), 8, 30

choosing for shooting video, 272-273

comparison of options, 179-180

defined, 151

fish-eye effect, avoiding, 31

Linear, 31

Medium, 32

Narrow, 31

for Photo camera mode, 166

SuperView, 32, 226

in Video camera mode, 165

Wide, 32

FPS (frames per second), 8

choosing for shooting video, 271

defined, 151

in Video camera mode, 165

Frame housing, 11, 18

accessing camera through, 33

inserting camera into, 73

Quick Release Buckle, 84-86

removing camera from, 72

framing shots

creativity in, 202-203

Rule of Thirds, 217-218

shooting angle, 219

surroundings of photo, 220

Framing tools (GoPro Studio), 308

front of camera

HERO5 Black, 33-35

HERO5 Session, 67-69

HERO Session, 67-69

Full error message, 376


GoFix app, 393

Google Play Services, updating, 320

Gooseneck mount, 95

GoPole mounts, 103


on social media, 390

support, 390-391

GoPro 3.5mm Mic Adapter, 248, 251

GoPro Capture mobile app. See Capture mobile app

GoPro HERO5 Black. See HERO5 Black

GoPro HERO5 Session. See HERO5 Session

GoPro housings, benefits of, 85. See also housings

GoPro mounts. See also mounts

3-Way Mount, 93

Adhesive Mounts, 94

Ball Joint Buckle, 94

Bodyboard Mount, 95

Chesty, 95

Fetch Dog Harness, 95

Gooseneck, 95

Gun/Rod/Bow Mount, 96

Handlebar/Seatpost/Pole Mount, 96

Handler, 96

Head Strap + QuickClip Mount, 96

Helmet Front Mount, 97

Helmet Side Mount, 97

Jaws: Flex Clamp, 97

Karma Grip, 102

Large Tube Mount, 98

Low Profile Helmet Swivel Mount, 98

Mic Stand Mount, 98

NVG Mount, 99

Pro Handlebar/Seatpost/Pole Mount, 99

Pro Seat Rail Mount, 99

Removable Instrument Mounts, 99

Suction Cup, 99

Surfboard Mounts, 100

The Jam: Adjustable Music Mount, 100

The Strap, 100

Tripod Mounts, 100

Vented Helmet Strap Mount, 101

GoPro Omni accessory, 58

GoPro Plus, 5, 62, 288, 353

accessing content

with QUIK Desktop software, 364-365

with QUIK mobile app, 361-363

from social media accounts, 363-364

with web browser, 365-369

capabilities of, 354-355

creating account, 355-357

Private Links, 354, 368-369

savings via, 106

subscription fee, 354, 357

syncing content, 364

uploading content

Auto Upload feature, 357-360

from HERO/HERO5 Session, 360

GoPro Plus icon (Capture mobile app), 329

GoPro QUIK Desktop software. See QUIK Desktop software

GoPro Studio software, 23, 281

Create Mode versus, 292

downloading, 287

downloading user manual, 284

editing in, 305-306

Edit mode, 306

enhancing flawed footage, 307-308

Framing tools, 308

sound editing, 308-309

Edit Templates, 304

GPS metadata in, 301

including still photos in videos, 305

interface, 302-303

system requirements, 283

transferring video content to, 304-305

GoPro Tripod Mount, 88

GoPro website, 88, 106

GoSpot accessory, 122

GoWorx mounts, 103

GPS details

adding to video scenes, 300-301

in GoPro Studio, 301

GPS feature, 48, 172, 224

Green Water Dive Filter, 123

grips, importance of, 275

Gun/Rod/Bow Mount, 96


Handlebar/Seatpost/Pole Mount, 96

Handler mount, 19, 96

handles, importance of, 275

HD TV, connecting GoPro camera to, 41, 74

HD video (high-definition video), 7-9. See also video

Head Strap mount, 90

Head Strap + QuickClip Mount, 96

Helmet Front Mount, 90, 97

Helmet Side Mount, 90, 97

HERO5 Black

audio settings, 249

Auto Upload feature, 357-360

body of, 32

accessing through housing, 33

back of camera, 35

bottom of camera, 42

front of camera, 33-35

left side of camera, 37-40

right side of camera, 36

status screen, 42-43

top of camera, 41

touchscreen, 43-46, 156-159, 195

box contents, 29

Camera Software, updating, 53

with Capture mobile app, 53-56

manually, 58

with QUIK Desktop software, 56-57

comparison with other models, 9-11

compatible batteries, 142-143

control options, 30

customizing settings, 47-49

Default mode, 192-194

EV Comp settings, 191

Exposure Control option, 256-257

extra batteries, 29, 140

fogged lens, troubleshooting, 376

formatting memory card, 134-136

FOV (field of view) options, 8, 30

Linear, 31

Medium, 32

Narrow, 31

SuperView, 32

Wide, 32

improvements to, 27-29

included housing, 11, 18

initial setup, 46-49

inserting batteries, 143-144

inserting memory card, 131-132

pairing with Capture mobile app, 322-326

pairing with Smart Remote, 112-114

Protune, accessing menu, 183-186

remote control, 50

removing batteries, 144

removing memory card, 132

resolution, 7, 15

shooting modes, 45, 191

specs, 15-17

Super Suit housing, 84

turning on/off, 33

video features comparison, 226

video shooting modes, 224, 228

Looping, 233

Time Lapse Video, 233

Video, 229-232

Video+Photo, 232

voice commands, 51-52

WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), 212-213

White Balance options, 187

HERO5 Session

battery not holding charge, 140

benefits of, 62-63

body of, 67

back of camera, 69

bottom of camera, 71

front of camera, 67-69

left side of camera, 74-76

right side of camera, 74

top of camera, 70-71

box contents, 64

Camera Software, updating, 80

comparison with other models, 9-11

control options, 65

formatting memory card, 134

included housing, 11, 18

initial setup, 77-78

inserting into Frame housing, 73

inserting memory card, 133-134

limitations of, 63

pairing with Capture mobile app, 321

pairing with Smart Remote, 114-116


accessing menu, 183

accessing video options, 232

removing from Frame housing, 72

resolution, 7, 15

shooting modes, 67, 191

specs, 14-15

status screen, changing camera settings, 159-162

turning on/off, 66

uploading content to GoPro Plus, 360

video features comparison, 227

video-shooting modes, 224

viewing content, 79-80

voice commands, 78-79

waterproofing, 77

HERO Session

battery not holding charge, 140

benefits of, 62-63

body of, 67

back of camera, 69

bottom of camera, 71

front of camera, 67-69

left side of camera, 74-76

right side of camera, 74

top of camera, 70-71

box contents, 64

Camera Software, updating, 80

comparison with other models, 9-11

control options, 65

formatting memory card, 134

included housing, 11, 18

initial setup, 77-78

inserting into Frame housing, 73

limitations of, 61-63

pairing with Capture mobile app, 321

pairing with Smart Remote, 114


accessing menu, 183

accessing video options, 232

removing from Frame housing, 72

resolution, 7, 13

shooting modes, 67, 191

specs, 12-14

Spot Meter feature, 182

status screen, changing camera settings, 159

turning on/off, 66

uploading content to GoPro Plus, 355, 360

video features comparison, 228

viewing content, 79-80

waterproofing, 77

high-definition video (HD video), 7-9. See also video

high-resolution photos. See photos

HiLight tagging feature, 234, 278

adding tags to video, 297-298

with Capture app/Smart Remote, 236-237

when previewing video, 235-236

Home icon (Capture mobile app), 329


accessing camera through, 33

Frame. See Frame housing

GoPro, benefits of, 85

inserting camera into, 73

Karma Harness, 101

removing camera from, 72

Super Suit

recording audio, 250

troubleshooting fogged lens, 376

waterproof, 11, 18, 84


icons, 162-163

importing video content into GoPro QUIK Desktop software, 289-293

increasing battery life, 146-147

information. See resources for information

initial setup

HERO5 Black, 46-49

HERO5 Session, 77-78

HERO Session, 77-78


batteries in HERO5 Black, 143-144

camera into Frame housing, 73

memory cards

in HERO5 Black, 131-132

in HERO5 Session, 133-134

The Inside Line blog, 390

Insignia mounts, 103


GoPro QUIK Desktop software, 286-288

mobile apps

on Android devices, 319-320

on iOS devices, 318-319

insurance for cameras, 380

Internet connections when pairing camera and mobile app, 325

interval for time lapse videos, 168

iOS devices

installing mobile apps, 318-319

mobile app versions, 316

ISO Limit setting, 239-240

ISO Minimum/Maximum settings, 188-189

ISO settings, 172

iStyle accessories, 122

J– ­K

The Jam: Adjustable Music Mount, 100

Jaws: Flex Clamp mount, 97

Joby mounts, 104

Karma drone, 101

Karma Grip, 19, 102

Karma Grip Extension Cable, 102

Karma Harness housing, 101

Karma Mounting Ring, 102


Language settings, 49

Large Tube Mount, 98

LCD status screen. See status screen

LED settings, 47

left side of camera

HERO5 Black, 37-40

opening/closing side door, 37-39

removing/reattaching side door, 40

HERO5 Session, 74-76

opening/closing side door, 75

removing/reattaching side door, 76

HERO Session, 74-76

opening/closing side door, 75

removing/reattaching side door, 76


cleaning, 34, 69, 122, 378

fogged up, 376

HERO5 Black, 34

HERO5 Session, 67-69

HERO Session, 67-69

underwater lenses, 123

water spots, troubleshooting, 378

Lens Corrector app, 394

lighting, 122

continuous lighting accessories, 259-261

Exposure Control option, 256-257

external lighting accessories, 258

low light, compensating for, 382

poor lighting conditions, 213-214, 220, 256

primary light source, 216-217, 381

for video, 276-277

lights. See status lights

Linear FOV, 31

links to videos, copying, 345

Locate Camera option, 338

Locked Exposure option, 257

Logic Pro X, 248

Looping shooting mode, 165, 233

low battery warning, 146

low light, compensating for, 382. See also poor lighting conditions

Low Profile Helmet Swivel Mount, 98

Lume Cube Video Light, 260


Manual Audio Control feature, 173, 234, 249

manually updating Camera Software,
58, 80

Media Gallery icon (Capture mobile app), 329

Media screen (Capture mobile app), 329-332

Medium FOV, 32

megapixels (MP), 7

memory cards, 12, 29, 64, 75

accidental deletions, 384-385


content, 293, 332

files, 129

error messages, 136-137, 376-377


in HERO5 Black, 134-136

in HERO5 Session, 134

in HERO Session, 134


in HERO5 Black, 131-132

in HERO5 Session, 133-134

lack of storage availability, 384-385

necessity of, 125

protecting, 136

removing from HERO5 Black, 132

speed of, 126-128

storage capacity of, 128-129

as temporary storage, 126

transferring content to mobile device, 330-332

where to buy, 130-131

Memory Card icon (Capture mobile app), 329

Menu button, 66, 69

menus differ from book, troubleshooting, 379

metadata, 195, 300-301

Micro HDMI cable, 41, 74, 194

microphones, 248

built-in, recording audio, 249-250

external, 74

recording audio, 251-253

microSD memory cards. See memory cards

Mic Stand Mount, 98

mini-videos, creating in Create Mode, 298-300

mobile apps. See also Capture mobile app; QUIK mobile app; Splice mobile app

capabilities of, 315-317

compatibility with mobile devices, 316


on Android devices, 319-320

on iOS devices, 318-319

third-party, 393-394

mounts, 18-19. See also accessories

attaching, 90-91

choosing, 87-89, 215-216

GoPro. See GoPro mounts

purpose of, 18

Quick Release Buckles, 274

securing camera to, 34, 382

stabilizers, 245

third-party. See third-party mounts

thumb screws, 87

wearing, 90

where to buy, 106-107

MP (megapixels), 7

Multi-Shot Settings (Settings menu), 337


adding to video, 254-255

copyright issues, 343

deleting from videos, 343

musical instrument mounts, 99


Narrow FOV, 31

Night Lapse Photo shooting mode, 168, 212, 233

Night Photo shooting mode, 166

Night shooting mode, 211

night vision goggles, 99

noise, recording audio, 250

NO SD error message, 376

NVG Mount, 99


Octomask dive mask accessory, 88, 19

Octomask mounts, 88, 105

online services. See GoPro Plus

online video tutorials, 395

on/off controls. See turning on/off


battery door, HERO5 Black, 42

side door

HERO5 Black, 37-39

HERO5 Session, 75

HERO Session, 75

operating system. See Camera Software

organizing when editing video, 311

outro, editing, 348

overexposure, 381

overheated camera, 50, 226



Capture mobile app with camera, 320-326

Smart Remote

with HERO5 Black, 112-114

with HERO5 Session, 114-116

with HERO Session, 114

Peak Design Ltd mounts, 105

people, as subject of photo, 205-206

perspective, 12

planning video shots, 274-276

switching when editing video, 275

traditional, 94

Photo camera mode

camera model comparison, 181-182

shooting modes for, 166-167

photo-editing software, 392


equipment checklist, 23

perspectives, 12

skill and creativity in, 6


capturing from video, 295-297

editing, 221

apps for, 394

converting time lapse photos/video, 295

software for, 392

including in videos, 305

RAW format, 175


analyzing situation, 149-150

animals, 208

Burst shooting mode, 211

camera model comparison, 181-182

choosing subject, 201-203

creative inspiration for, 388

Default mode, 192-194

fast-moving subjects, 209

first- versus third-person perspective, 203-205

FOV options, 179-180

mounts, choosing, 215-216

Night Lapse shooting mode, 212

Night shooting mode, 211

of people, 205-206

in poor lighting, 213-214, 220

preparation for, 154-155, 200-201

primary light source, 216-217

Protune feature, 183-187

QuikCapture feature, 192

remotely with Capture mobile app, 338

Rule of Thirds, 217-218

selfies, 206-208

shooting angle, 219

surroundings of photo, 220

Time Lapse shooting mode, 212

underwater photos, 210-211

viewfinder usage, 214-215

visually interesting objects, 209-210

WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), 212-213

shooting mistakes

accidental deletions, 384-385

dull colors, 383

fish-eye effect, 382-383

lack of memory card storage, 384-385

mount out of position, 382

overexposure, 381

viewing, 194-195

Burst shooting mode, 197

on HERO5 Black touchscreen, 195

Photo Settings (Settings menu), 336

Photo shooting mode, 166

subcategories, 45, 67

physical damage to camera, troubleshooting, 379-380

pixels, 7

planning shots

photo, 88-89

video, 265, 274-276, 310

playback speed, adjusting in Splice mobile app, 351

Player screen (QUIK Desktop software), 294

PolarPro filters, 123

PolarPro mounts, 105

poor lighting conditions, 213-214, 220, 256

Portable Power Pack, 140, 146

port compartment door. See side door


accessing, 33, 39

USB-C, 74

posed photos, 206

positioning primary light source, 381

PowerGrip H20 & 500 Lumen LED Light Combo, 260

powering on/off. See turning on/off

Power/Mode button

HERO5 Black, 36

troubleshooting, 35

power sources, connecting to, 145-146


checklist for, 154-155

shooting photos, 200-201

shooting video, 266-267

previewing. See viewing

primary light source, 216-217, 381

Private Links (GoPro Plus), 354, 368-369

Pro 3.5mm Mic Adapter, 74

Pro Handlebar/Seatpost/Pole Mount, 99

Pro Seat Rail Mount, 99

protecting memory cards, 136

Protune, 129, 173-174, 183-187

accessing menu, 170, 183-186

advanced settings, 187

battery life and, 183

resetting options, 186, 241

video options, 237-238

Audio, 240

Color, 188, 239

customizing, 230-232

EV Comp, 191, 240

ISO Limit, 239-240

ISO Minimum/Maximum, 188-189

Sharpness, 190, 240

Shutter Speed, 240

White Balance, 187, 238-239

video-shooting modes and, 228


Qudos Action Video Light, 259

Quick-Release Anti-Vibration Locking Plug, 91

Quick Release Buckle, 84-86, 274

QuikCapture feature, 48, 66, 192, 230

QUIK Desktop software, 5, 22, 281

accessing content from GoPro Plus, 364-365

adding GPS details to scenes, 300-301

adding HiLight tags, 297-298

capturing still images from video, 295-297

creating mini-videos in Create Mode, 298-300

downloading, 56

downloading user manual, 284

importing content, 289-293

installing, 286-288

Player screen, 294

syncing content, 364

system requirements, 283

trimming clips, 294

updating Camera Software, 56-57, 298

Quik Key, 13, 119-120, 194, 340

QUIK mobile app, 5, 20-21, 225

accessing content

from GoPro Plus, 361-363

from social media accounts, 363-364

capabilities of, 316, 339

compatibility with mobile devices, 317

editing videos, 340, 343-346

main screen, 340


RAW Audio feature, 174, 234

RAW Audio Track option, 249

RAW Format feature, 175

raw video

amount needed, 278

backing up, 289

transferring to GoPro Studio, 304-305

read speed of memory cards, 127

reattaching side door

HERO5 Black, 40

HERO5 Session, 76

HERO Session, 76

recharging batteries, 139-141

recording audio, 248

adding sound effects and music, 254-255

audio-editing software, 248

with built-in microphone, 249-250

with external microphone, 251-253

settings for, 249

unwanted noise, 250

recovering memory card data, 377

Remo accessory, 51, 79, 118-119, 152

remote control. See also Capture mobile app; Smart Remote

HERO5 Black, 50

with voice commands, 152

Removable Instrument Mounts, 99


batteries from HERO5 Black, 144

camera from Frame housing, 72

fish-eye effect, 282

memory cards from HERO5 Black, 132

side door

HERO5 Black, 40

HERO5 Session, 76

HERO Session, 76

Removu mounts, 105

repairing damaged camera, 379-380

Replacement Parts package, 91


batteries, 372

side door, 378

HERO5 Black, 39

HERO5 Session, 76

HERO Session, 76

Reset option (Protune), 241


camera, 35, 49, 373-375

Protune options, 186

resolution, 7-9

choosing for shooting video, 268-271

defined, 151

HERO5 Black camera, 15

HERO5 Session camera, 15

HERO Session camera, 13

for Photo camera mode, 166


memory cards for, 126

specs for camera models, 15

in Video camera mode, 165

YouTube-supported resolutions, 271

resources for information

Facebook pages, 395

GoPro support, 390-391

online video tutorials, 395

social media, 390

tracking camera information, 391

right-clicking, 292

right side of camera

HERO5 Black, 36

HERO5 Session, 74

HERO Session, 74

Rode website, 252

rotation, Auto Rotation feature, 276

royalty-free music, 254

Rule of Thirds, 217-218


Sandmarc filters, 123

Sandmarc mounts, 106


video-editing work, 289

video projects, 309

Screensaver settings, 46-48

SD ERR error message, 377

securing mounts, 34, 382

Seeker accessory, 121

selecting. See choosing

selfies, 206-208

serial number, finding, 58

settings. See also camera modes; shooting modes

advanced shooting features, 169-170

aspect ratio, 170

auto low light, 170

color, 171

EV comp, 172

exposure control with auto exposure, 171

exposure control with locked exposure, 172

GPS, 172

ISO, 172

manual audio control, 173

Protune, 173-174

RAW audio, 174

RAW format, 175

sharpness, 175

video stabilization, 175

WDR (wide dynamic range), 176

white balance, 176

changing, 155

with Capture mobile app, 335-338

with HERO5 Black touchscreen, 156-159

with HERO5 Session status screen, 159-162

with HERO Session status screen, 159

hierarchical nature of, 150

icons, 162-163


HERO5 Black, 46-49

HERO5 Session, 77-78

HERO Session, 77-78

Setup (Settings menu), 337

shaking. See also zstabilizers

avoiding, 264, 277

troubleshooting, 381


content in GoPro Plus, 354, 368-369

video clips, 294

Sharpness setting, 175, 190, 240


advanced features. See advanced shooting features

analyzing situation, 149-150

creative inspiration for, 388

increasing battery life during, 146-147

photos. See photos

preparation checklist, 154-155


accidental deletions, 384-385

dull colors, 383

fish-eye effect, 382-383

lack of memory card storage, 384-385

mount out of position, 382

overexposure, 381

poor audio quality, 385-387

shaky video, 381

video. See video

virtual reality content, 391

shooting angle, 219

shooting mode

adjusting settings with Capture mobile app, 335-338

Burst, 211

changing, 155

with HERO5 Black touchscreen, 156-159

with HERO5 Session status screen, 159-162

with HERO Session status screen, 159

Default, setting, 229

HERO5 Black, 45

HERO5 Session, 67

HERO Session, 67

icons, 162-163

Night, 211

Night Lapse, 212

for Photo camera mode, 166-167

switching between, 191, 242

with Capture mobile app, 334-335

with Smart Remote, 243-244

Time Lapse, 167-169, 212

for video, 164-166, 224, 228

Looping, 233

Time Lapse Video, 233

Video, 229-232

Video+Photo, 232

Shop By Activity page (GoPro website), 88

shot list, creating, 395-396

shots (photo)

planning, 88-89

stabilizing, 91-92

with Karma Grip, 102

with Sybrillo, 102, 106

traditional perspective, 94

shots (video)

planning, 274-276

tagging, 278

Shutter button, 41, 70

shutter speed, 166, 212, 240

side door

HERO5 Black

accessing ports, 39

buying replacement, 39

opening/closing, 37-39

removing/reattaching, 40

HERO5 Session

buying replacement, 76

opening/closing, 75

removing/reattaching, 76

HERO Session

buying replacement, 76

opening/closing, 75

removing/reattaching, 76

replacing, 378

Smart Remote, 110, 152-153

adding HiLights, 236-237

body of, 110

Capture mobile app versus, 327-328

charging, 111

controlling camera, 117-118

lack of connection, troubleshooting, 375


with HERO5 Black, 112-114

with HERO5 Session, 114-116

with HERO Session, 114

switching shooting modes, 243-244

turning on/off, 116

Wireless mode, turning on/off, 117

social media

accessing content, 363-364

GoPro on, 390

sound. See audio

sound effects, adding to video, 254-255

special effects, overuse, 307

special interest groups for GoPro information, 395

speed of memory cards, 126-128

Splice mobile app

capabilities of, 317

compatibility with mobile devices, 317-318

editing videos, 346-351

previewing video, 351

Spot Meter feature, 182, 242, 256, 276

stabilizers, 264, 277

stabilizing shots, 91-92, 245

with Karma Grip, 102

with Sybrillo, 102, 106

status lights

HERO5 Black, 35

HERO5 Session, 68

HERO Session, 68

when charging battery, 141

status screen

HERO5 Black, 35, 42-43

HERO5 Session, 70-71, 159-162

HERO Session, 70-71, 159

StayblCam Video Stabilizer, 264

Steadicam Curve, 277

still images. See photos

storage capacity of memory cards, 128-129

storyboards, creating, 285-286

The Strap mount, 100

subject (of photo)

choosing, 201-203

fast-moving, 209

framing. See framing shots

subscription fees, GoPro Plus, 354, 357

Suction Cup mount, 99

Supercharger, 63, 139

Super Suit housing, 11, 18, 84

fogged lens, troubleshooting, 376

recording audio, 250

SuperView FOV, 32, 226

support, contacting, 390-391

Surfboard Mounts, 100

surroundings of photo, framing, 220


camera modes with Capture mobile app, 334-335

perspective when editing video, 275

shooting modes, 191, 242

with Capture mobile app, 334-335

with Smart Remote, 243-244

Sybrillo stabilizer, 102, 106

syncing GoPro Plus and QUIK Desktop content, 364

system requirements, GoPro QUIK Desktop and GoPro Studio software, 283


tagging shots, 278

televisions, resolution, 9

Temperature icon, 378

tethering, 71

tethers, 92

third-party mobile apps, 393-394

third-party mounts, 88

Caddie Buddy, 102

GoPole, 103

GoWorx, 103

Insignia, 103

Joby, 104

Octomask, 105

Peak Design Ltd, 105

PolarPro, 105

Removu, 105

Sandmarc, 106

Sybrillo stabilizer, 102, 106

Tiffen, 106

third-person perspective, 12

first-person perspective versus, 203-205

thumbnail icons, content type in, 291

thumb screws, 85-87

Tiffen mounts, 106

Tiffen Steadicam Curve, 277

Time Lapse camera mode

QuikCapture feature, 192

shooting modes for, 167-169

time lapse photos, converting to videos, 295

Time Lapse Photo shooting mode, 168

comparison with Time Lapse Video and Night Lapse Photo, 233

Time Lapse shooting mode, 212

subcategories, 45, 67

time lapse videos, converting to photos, 295

Time Lapse Video shooting mode, 168, 233

comparison with Time Lapse Photo and Night Lapse Photo, 233

titles in videos, 312

toggling. See switching

top of camera

HERO5 Black, 41

HERO5 Session, 70-71

HERO Session, 70-71


changing camera settings, 156-159

HERO5 Black, 35

interacting with, 45

options, 43-44

Screensaver mode, 46

unresponsive, troubleshooting, 375

viewing photos, 195

tracking camera information, 391

traditional perspective, 94


digital content with Quik Key, 119-120

memory card content to mobile device, 330-332

video content to GoPro Studio, 304-305

trimming video clips, 305

Tripod Mounts, 100

tripods, 88


batteries, not holding charge, 140

camera-related problems

choppy video playback, 378

computer doesn’t recognize camera, 379

dead battery, 372

fogged lens, 376

lack of connection with Capture app or Smart Remote, 375

memory card error messages,
136-137, 376-377

menus differ from book, 379

overheated camera, 50, 226

physical damage to camera, 379-380

Temperature icon, 378

unresponsive camera, 373-375

unresponsive touchscreen, 375

water spots on lens, 378

low battery warning, 146

pairing process, 321, 326

Power/Mode button, 35

resetting camera, 35

shooting mistakes

accidental deletions, 384-385

dull colors, 383

fish-eye effect, 382-383

lack of memory card storage, 384-385

mount out of position, 382

overexposure, 381

poor audio quality, 385-387

shaky video, 381

voice commands, 152

turning on/off

GPS feature, 224

HERO5 Black, 33

HERO5 Session, 66

HERO Session, 66

QuikCapture feature, 192

REMO accessory, 119

Smart Remote, 116

voice control, 51, 79

Wireless mode, 117, 375

tutorial videos, 395


underwater photos, 210-211

external lighting for, 258

lenses for, 123

unresponsive camera, troubleshooting, 373-375

unresponsive touchscreen, troubleshooting, 375


Camera Software, 53, 80, 298

with Capture mobile app, 53-56

manually, 58

with QUIK Desktop software, 56-57

Google Play Services, 320

upgrades, 14

uploading digital content

Auto Upload feature, 357-360

to GoPro Studio, 304-305

from HERO/HERO5 Session, 360

upside down, shooting video, 276

USB-C port, 74, 145-146

user manuals, downloading, 284


Vented Helmet Strap Mount, 101


aspect ratio, 170

editing. See also QUIK Desktop software; GoPro Studio software

adding GPS details to scenes, 300-301

adding HiLight tags, 297-298

apps for, 394

capturing still images, 295-297

converting time lapse photos/video, 295

creating mini-videos in Create Mode, 298-300

creating storyboards, 285-286

importing content, 289-293

including still photos in, 305

learning curve for, 313

organizing work, 311

overuse of special effects, 307

planning while shooting, 310

with QUIK mobile app, 340, 343-346

raw footage needed, 278

removing fish-eye effect, 282

role of video editor, 283-284

saving work, 289

as skill and art form, 282

software for, 392

with Splice mobile app, 346-351

steps in, 284-285

switching perspectives, 275

tips for, 309-313

titles and captions, 312

trimming clips, 294, 305

exporting projects, 309

FOV (field of view), 8

FPS (frames per second), 8

HD video, 7-9

HERO Session specs, 13

links, copying, 345

music, 343

recording audio, 248

adding sound effects and music, 254-255

audio-editing software, 248

with built-in microphone, 249-250

with external microphone, 251-253

settings for, 249

unwanted noise, 250


memory cards for, 126

specs for camera models, 15

saving projects, 309

sharing clips, 294

shooting, 224-225

advanced features, 234

analyzing situation, 149-150

camera model comparison, 225-228

Capture mobile app settings, 241-242

creating shot list, 395-396

creative inspiration for, 388

equipment checklist, 23

FOV options, choosing, 272-273

FPS rate, choosing, 271

goals of, 225

GPS feature, 224

HiLight tagging feature, 234-237

importance of smooth, steady motion, 264, 277

lighting, 276-277

overheated camera, 226

perspectives, 12

planning, 265

planning shots, 274-276

planning video, 265

preparation checklist, 154-155

preparing, 266-267

Protune feature, 237-238

raw footage, 278

resolution, choosing, 268-271

skill and creativity in, 6

stabilizers, 264

stabilizing camera, 245

tagging shots, 278

upside down, 276

shooting mistakes

accidental deletions, 384-385

dull colors, 383

fish-eye effect, 382-383

lack of memory card storage, 384-385

mount out of position, 382

overexposure, 381

poor audio quality, 385-387

shakiness, 381

shooting modes, 224, 228

Looping, 233

switching between, 242-244

Time Lapse Video, 233

Video, 229-232

Video+Photo, 232

transferring content to GoPro Studio, 304-305


choppy playback, troubleshooting, 378

in Splice mobile app, 351

Video camera mode, shooting modes for, 164-166

video-editing software, 392

Video Format settings, 49

Video+Photo shooting mode, 164, 232

Video Settings (Settings menu), 336

Video shooting mode, 164, 229-232

subcategories, 45, 67

video stabilization, 18, 175, 234

video tutorials, 395

Viewfinder screen (Capture mobile app), 333-338

viewfinder usage, 214-215


battery status, 47

digital content

HERO5 Session, 79-80

HERO Session, 79-80

photos, 194-195

Burst shooting mode, 197

on HERO5 Black touchscreen, 195

status screen info, HERO5 Black, 43


adding HiLights, 235-236

choppy playback, troubleshooting, 378

in Splice mobile app, 351

virtual reality (VR) content, 58, 391

visually interesting objects, as subject, 209-210

voice commands, 4, 152

HERO5 Black, 51-52

HERO5 Session, 78-79

for HiLight tagging feature, 235

REMO accessory, 118-119

W– ­Z

warranty, extending, 379

Wasabi Power, 142

waterproof housings, 11, 18, 84


HERO5 Session, 77

HERO Session, 77

water spots on lens, troubleshooting, 378

WavePad Audio Editing Software, 248

WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), 176, 212-213

wearing mounts, 90

web browsers, accessing content from GoPro Plus, 365-369


advanced Protune settings, 187

GoPro, 88, 106

memory card recommendations, 126

Rode (recording audio), 252

Wasabi Power, 142

YouTube copyright issues, 254

White Balance setting, 176, 187, 238-239

Wide FOV, 32

wind noise filters, 173, 386-387

windscreens, 250

wireless connections, pairing. See pairing

Wireless icon (Capture mobile app), 329

Wireless mode, turning on/off, 117, 375

write speed of memory cards, 126-127

WVGA resolution, 269


copyright issues, 254

resolutions supported, 271

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