
## (sharp, sharp), 52–53

% (percent), 52

/ (slash), 221–222

[ ] (square brackets)

sequence declaration, 45

string translation, 52–53

=> operator, 187

== (equals) operator, 63

3D effects

gradients, 162–167

lighting, 158–161

PerspectiveTransform, 174–175

shadowing, 153–157

abstract classes, 38

abstract functions, 41


command-line arguments, 61

JavaScript to JavaFX, 255–256

rights, 35

sequence element, 47

Sodoku application, 334

access modifiers

defined, 36

function declaration, 49

variables and, 42–44


key events, 123

key frames, 185

mouse events, 121–123

ADD BlendMode, 170–172

Adobe Illustrator

graphic design with, 20–26

total solar eclipse animation, 216–218

Adobe Photoshop, 26–30


GridLayout, 115–121

text wrapping, 130–131


custom interpolation, 193–199

interpolation, 189–193

key frames, 185–189

layer, 20–26

Magnify effect, 317–319

overview, 181–183

path-based, 199–205

solar eclipse example, 205–206

solar eclipse using JavaFX Production Suite, 216–218

solar eclipse using JavaFX shapes, 206–216

summary, 218

timelines, 183–185

anonymous function declaration, 50

Apache Ant

Builds, 12–13

defined, 12

signing JARs, 241

APIs (application programming interfaces)

Java Scripting, 293–299

JMS, 308–311

Yahoo! Web services, 265–266

<applet-desc>, 242–243


deploying JavaFX as, 235–237

Java Web Start, 256–258

JavaFX and, 235

JavaFX and JavaScript interaction, 251–256

manual generation to support JavaFX, 239–247

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

running Sodoku application as, 334

summary, 258

undocking from browser, 247–250

<application-desc>, 256–258

application programming interfaces (APIs)

Java Scripting, 293–299

JMS, 308–311

Yahoo! Web services, 265–266


adding multimedia. See multimedia creating new, 2–8

deploying as applets, 235–237

distribution, 8–9

mashup, 273–276

RESTful. See REST (representational state transfer)

Sodoku. See Sodoku application

Arc, 141–142


REST, 260–262

Rich Internet Applications, xvi–xvii

service-oriented, 259–260


accessing command-line, 61

bound functions, 84–85

Java Web Start, 257

arithmetic expressions

binding with, 71–72

in time literals, 186

Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception, 49


converting to JavaFX sequence, 343–344

JSON, 264–265

native, 48–49

AssignToBoundException, 77

asynchronous messages, 307–311

at, 188–189

attr, 87


Fader, 312

HyperText, 138

Java class extension, 280–282

Java object, 281–282

TextBox, 133–134

audio multimedia, 225–234

autoReverse, 184–185

background image loading, 220

backgrounds in Illustrator, 20–22

backspace key handling, 123–124

Bair, Richard, xxii

baseline TextOrigin, 127–130

Bessel, 197–199

bidirectional binding, 77–79

bind with inverse

defined, 67

overview, 77–79


advanced, 80–85

with arithmetic and logical expressions, 71–72

bidirectional, 77–79

block expressions and, 73

coming features, 91–92

conditional expressions and, 72–73

defined, 65–66

Duration, 186

example, 69–71

for expressions and, 75–77

to function calls, 74–75

to instance variables, 67–68

Java class extension, 280–281

Java Scripting API with global, 295–296

Sodoku application interface, 339–342

summary, 92

triggers and, 85–90

to variables, 66–67

when variables can, 68–69

blending effects, 170–174

block expressions

binding, 73

bound functions and, 85

defined, 55

mixin class, 40

blocksMouse, 121

Bloom effect, 176–177

BlueSky object

creating in Illustrator, 20–26

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216

blur effects, 167–169

Board, 338

BoardNode, 339–342

Boolean operators, 46

Boolean types

Java type conversion mappings, 291

JSON, 264–265

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

Bothner, Per, xxi

bottom Text Origin, 127–130

bound functions, 84–85

boundsInLocal, 111–115

boundsInParent, 111–115

boundsInScene, 111–115

break loops, 60

Brehovsky, Martin, xxi

brightness, 180

Brooks, Kelli, xxii


eQuake Alert, 197

JavaScript for launching JavaFX applets, 244–247

undocking from, 247–250

Bruno, Eric

about, xxiii

thanks, xxii

Build Project, 8

build tools, 12

built-in functions and variables, 61–64

Bulumulle, Gamini, xxii

Button, 135

Byte types

Java type conversion mappings, 290

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

caching, 262

call back, server, 307–311

Campbell, Chris, xxi

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

custom controls, 136–139

defined, 99–105

TextBox attributes, 133–134

Certificate Authority, 240

certificates, verified, 240

change triggers, 45

changeable variables, 42–43

changeovers, image, 69–71

Character types

Java type conversion mappings, 290–291

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

CheckBox, 135

choke, 156

chord Arc, 141–142

circles, 166–167

Clarke, Jim

about, xxiii

thanks, xxii


binding instance variables, 67–68

CSS selectors, 101

declaration, 36–38

effect. See special effects

Fader, 311–316

Java, 280–281

JavaFX and XML, 277–278

JavaFX animation. See animation

JavaFX for building REST clients, 266–269

JavaFX Reflection, 299–302

in JavaFX script, 34–35

Magnify, 317–319

mapping JavaFX types to Java, 284

Matrix, 330–332

mixin, 38–40

multimedia. See multimedia progress bar, 325–326

server call back, 308–311

slider, 327–330

Sodoku application design, 338–342

Sodoku application source files, 336–337

triggers and inheritance, 89–90

user interface. See user interfaces

Wizard, 320–324

client applications, xvi–xvii

ClockUpdater, 309–310

closing undocked applications, 249–250

code for Sodoku application, 336–337

code recipes

Fader effect, 311–316

introduction, 303

JavaFX and JavaBeans, 303–307

Magnify effect, 317–319

matrix, 330–332

progress bar, 325–326

server call back, 307–311

slider, 327–330

summary, 332

wizard framework, 319–324

codebase, 242

codes, format, 52

ColorAdjust, 180


CSS, 103

scene, 98–99

special effects, 179–180

columns in GridLayout, 115–121

ComboBox, 135

command line

accessing arguments, 61

setting up, 9–13


JavaFX installation, 10–12

manual generation to support JavaFX applets, 239–247

NetBeans IDE, 9

communication with REST, 261

compilation exceptions

binding variables and, 68–69

Java Scripting API with handling, 297–299


command line, 10–12

Java Scripting API with, 296–297

computer animation. See animation

concatenation, string, 51

conditional expressions

binding, 72–73

defined, 57–58

cones, 163–166

Connors, Jim

about, xxiii

thanks, xxii

consuming RESTful services, 263–264

continue loops, 60

contrast, 180


custom, 136–140

JavaFX 1.2, 135–136

layout, 108–111

MediaPlayer, 230–234

pseudo classes, 102–103

slider, 327–330

TextBox, 132–135


Java to JavaFX, 285–293

SVG, 30–31

Core Video, 225–227

cross-platform multimedia support, 225–227

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

custom controls, 136–139

defined, 99–105

TextBox attributes, 133–134

cubic spline, 191–193

CubicCurve, 143

currentRate, 184–185

cursors, scene, 99

curve, 193–195

custom controls, 136–140

custom interpolation, 193–199

custom layouts, 115–121

custom nodes, 206–216

custom Swing components, 147–149

DarkSky object

creating in Illustrator, 20–26

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216

data caching, 262

data model synchronization with binding. See binding


classes, 160

JavaFX applet launch, 246


class, 36–38

function, 49–50

key frame, 187–189

key value, 187

mixin class, 38–40

object literal, 40–41

sequence, 45–47

declarative languages, 33–34



binding variables, 68–69

defined, 44

deleting sequence elements, 48

deploying JavaFX as applets. See applets

design, Sodoku application, 338–342

desktop launching, 258

DiagnosticCollector, 298


defined, 63–64

image loading error, 221–222

DirectShow, 225–227

disabled, 102


DisplacementMap, 178–179


image, 219–224

Sodoku application design, 342

user interface. See user interfaces

wizard, 323

dist directory, 8–9

DistantLight, 158–161

distribution files, 8–9

docked applets, 250

Doench, Greg, xxii

double quotes ("), 50–51

Double types

Java conversion mappings, 286–287

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

draggable applets

running Sodoku application as, 334

undocking feature, 248

working with, 246–247

DropShadow, 153–156


audio and video media, 230

timeline, 185–187

earthquake effects, 197–199


EASE IN, 191


eclipse animation. See solar eclipse

Eclipse IDE

getting started, 1–2

setting up, 13–18

editing text, 132–135

effects. See special effects

Elastic Interpolator, 194–196


accessing sequence, 47

JNLP applet, 241–243

modifying sequence, 47–48

Ellipse, 142

Ellis, Craig, xxi–xxii

embedding in strings, 51–52

empty sequences, 45

empty stage, 94

eQuake Alert, 197

errors. See exceptions

Eschrich, Dr. Rainer, xxii

evaluating Java Scripting, 293–295


input, 121

key, 123–125

listeners, 306–307

mouse, 121–123

PullParser, 270

triggers, 85–90


Array Index Out Of Bounds, 49

AssignToBoundException, 77–78

binding variables and, 68–69

handling, 55

image loading, 221–222

Java Null Pointer, 33–34

Java Scripting API with handling, 297–299

media, 227

exported members, 35, 61


layers from Illustrator, 25–26

from Photoshop, 26–30

from SVG, 30–31


binding. See binding JavaFX script, 55–64

loose, 34–35

Extensible Markup Language (XML). See XML (Extensible Markup Language)


class, 36–37

GridLayout, 115–121

image formats, 221

interpolators, 193–199

Java class, 280–282

Java Swing, 145–149

mixin class, 40

undocking feature, 248

Fader effect, 311–316

fast play, 231

Field, Robert, xxii

Fielding, Dr. Roy, 260

__FILE__, 63–64

files, JAR. See JAR (Java Archive) files

files, JNLP. See JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) files

Firefox eQuake Alert, 197

FloatMap, 178–179

Flood, 172


defined, 102–103

node indicators, 106


CSS, 104

text, 132

for loops

binding, 75–77

defined, 58–59

sequence declaration, 46

using to convert Java types, 292


image, 221

multimedia, 225–227

strings, 52


Java. See JavaFX and Java technology

multimedia, 225–227

user interface. See user interfaces

wizard, 319–324


adding run () to source files, 160

adding to GridLayout, 117–119

animation. See animation

binding to calls, 74–75

bound, 84–85

built-in, 61–64

class, 35

creating new Sodoku puzzles, 343–346

invoking with Reflection, 300–302

Java class extension, 280–281

Java object instantiation, 281–283

JavaFX and JavaBeans, 304–305

JavaFX and JavaScript interaction, 251–256

JavaFX for building REST clients, 266–270

JavaFX script, 49–50

JavaScript for launching JavaFX applets, 244–247

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284–293

in Matrix, 330–332

mixin, 38–40

slider, 328–329

FXEvaluator, 293–295

GaussianBlur, 167–168

genkey, 241


image, 220

layout, 111–115

node, 106

scene, 96–98

stage, 94

TextOrigin, 127–130


defined, 266

mashup application, 273, 275–276

Gilbert, Andy, xxii

global binding, 295–296

Glow effects, 176–177

Goetz, Brian, xxi–xxii

gradient effects, 162–167

graphic design

Adobe Illustrator CS3, 20–26

Adobe Photoshop CS3, 26–30

JavaFX Production Suite, 20

overview, 19–20

vs. programming, xvi

special effects. See special effects

summary, 31

SVG, 30–31

graphs, scene, 96

GridLayout, 115–121


creating custom layouts, 121

node, 108

Gupta, Vineet, xxi


backspace key, 123–124

Java Scripting API with, 297–299

HBox (Horizontal Box) layout, 108–111

Hickey, Shannon, xxii

Horizontal Box (HBox) layout, 108–111


adding to Magnify, 317–319

defined, 102

node indicators, 106

HTML pages

deploying JavaFX as applets, 235–237

Java Web Start, 256–258

JavaFX and applets, 235

JavaFX and JavaScript interaction, 251–256

manual generation to support JavaFX, 239–247

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

running Sodoku application as applet, 334

HTTP query URLs, 262–263

hue, 180

Hyperlink, 135

HyperText, 136–139


CSS, 99–100

JavaScript to JavaFX, 253–254

node, 105

if/else expressions

binding and, 72–73

defined, 57–58


graphic design with, 20–26

total solar eclipse animation, 216–218


changeovers, 69–71

CSS, 105

multimedia, 219–224

path-based animation, 200–205

Sodoku, 336

Sodoku application design, 340–342

indexof, 76–77

indicators, node, 106

<information>, 241–243


mixin classes, 38–40

triggers and, 89–90

init blocks

binding object literals, 80

mixin classes and, 40

InnerShadow, 156


blending, 170–174

defined, 121

key events, 123–125

mouse events, 121–123

with TextBox, 132–135

inserting elements into sequences, 48


command line, 9–13

Eclipse IDE, 13–18

Java Web Start, 256

JavaFX, 1–2

NetBeans IDE, 2–8

instance functions, 49–50

instance variables

adding to GridLayout, 116

binding object literals, 80–83

binding to, 67–68

blurs, 167–169

color effects, 179–180

connecting to JavaBean properties, 304–307

custom Swing components, 147–149

defined, 41–45

determining update status, 87

DisplacementMap, 178–179

DropShadow, 154–156

Fader, 311–316

Glow and Bloom, 176–177

gradient, 162–167

JavaFX and JavaScript interaction, 251–256

JavaFX Reflection, 300

key frame, 187–189

lighting, 158–161

Magnify, 317–319

node, 105–106

path-based animation, 199–205

PerspectiveTransform, 174–175

reflection, 169–170

Sodoku application design, 338–342

Timeline, 184–185

total solar eclipse animation, 217–218

wizard framework, 320–324

instanceof, 60–61


class, 38

Java object, 281–283

Integer types

Java conversion mappings, 288–289

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

sequence declaration, 46


API. See APIs (application programming interfaces)

Sodoku application, 334–335

Sodoku application design, 339–342

user. See user interfaces

internationalization, string, 52–54

Interpolatable, 199


animation, 189–193

creating custom, 193–199

defined, 182

key values, 187

timeline, 185

Interpolator, 197–199

isEquals(), 63

isInitialized(), 62–63

isSameObject(), 63

-jar, 9

JAR (Java Archive) files

defined, 8–9

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

signed, 239–240


Scripting, 293–299

SE Development KIT (JDK), 1–2

Sodoku application interface with, 342–346

Swing extension, 145–149

Web Start, 256–258

Java Archive (JAR) files

defined, 8–9

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

signed, 239–240

Java Messaging Service (JMS) API, 308–311

Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) files

creating with Web Start, 256–258

manual generation to support JavaFX applets, 240–244

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

Java Null Pointer exception, 33–34


code recipes, 303–307

custom Swing components, 148

JavaFX triggers and, 281


1.2 controls, 135–136

animation. See animation

applets. See applets

application distribution, 8–9

code recipes. See code recipes

coming binding features, 91–92

command line setup, 9–13

CSS support, 99

defined, xv

Eclipse IDE setup, 13–18

graphic design and. See graphic design

HyperText attributes, 138

installation, 1–2

JavaBeans and, 303–307

NetBeans IDE setup, 2–8

Reflection, 299–302

REST and, 266–270

summary, 18

TextBox attributes, 133–134

total solar eclipse using shapes, 206–216

why, xvi

XML and, 277–278

JavaFX and Java technology

classes, 280–281

function parameter and return mapping, 284–293

Java Scripting, 293–299

JavaFX Reflection, 299–302

objects, 281–283

overview, 279–280

summary, 302

JavaFX Production Suite

graphic design with, 20

total solar eclipse using, 216–218

JavaFX script

basics, 33–34

class declaration, 36–38

expressions and operators, 55–64

functions, 49–50

language, 34–35

mixin classes, 38–40

object literals, 40–41

sequences, 45–49

strings, 50–54

summary, 64

variables, 41–45


JavaFX interaction, 251–256

JavaFX launching, 244–247

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

defined, 264–266

mashup application, 273–276

JMS (Java Messaging Service) API, 308–311

<jnlp>, 242

JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) files

creating with Web Start, 256–258

manual generation to support JavaFX applets, 240–244

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

defined, 264–266

mashup application, 273–276

JSpinner, 304–307

JSR-223, 293

JTextField, 147–149

key events, 121, 123–125

key frames, 181, 185–189

key pairs, 239–240

key values, 187

keys, 52–54

Label, 135


JavaFX script, 34–35

JavaScript. See JavaScript

JSON, 264–266

string translation, 52–54


with Java Web Start, 258

JavaFX applets, 244–247

JNLP files. See JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) files


Illustrator, 20–26

Photoshop, 26–30


basics, 111–115

custom, 115–121

defined, 93

user interface, 108–111

layoutbounds, 111–115

lazy binding, 91–92

lighting effects, 158–161

Line, 140–141


linear paint, 103–104

LinearGradient, 162–166


JavaFX installation, 10

multimedia frameworks and formats, 225–227


event, 306–307

message, 308–310

ListView, 135

literals, object. See object literals

literals, string, 50–51

loading images, 219–224

local variables, 88

logic of Sodoku, 338–339

logical expression binding, 71–72

Long types

Java type conversion mappings, 287–288

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

looping expressions, 58–61. See also for loops

loose expressions

defined, 34–35

exported members and, 61

Mac OS

JavaFX installation, 10

multimedia frameworks and formats, 225–227

Magnify effect, 317–319

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284–293

Marinacci, Joshua, xxi

mashup applications, 273–276

matrix code recipes, 330–332


audio and video, 225–234

images, 219–224

overview, 219

summary, 234

MediaPlayer, 228–234

Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), 307

messages, asynchronous, 307–311

methods. See functions


JavaFX Reflection, 299–302

reflection effect, 169–170

mixin classes, 38–40

model synchronization with binding. See binding


sequence, 47–48

triggers and, 85–90

modifiers, access. See access modifiers

MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), 307

Moon object

creating in Illustrator, 22–26

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216

motion animation. See animation

MotionBlur, 168–169

mouse events

defined, 121–123

image changeovers, 69–71

Magnify, 318–319

sliders and, 328


audio and video, 225–234

images, 219–224

overview, 219

summary, 234

MULTIPLY BlendMode, 170–172

muting, 232–233


class declaration, 36–37

Illustrator layers, 20

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 222–224

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 222–224

native arrays, 48–49

Natures, 15–16

nested for loops, 58–59

NetBeans IDE

defined, 1–2

vs. Java FX Eclipse plug-in, 17

for JavaFX applets, 238–239

setting up, 2–8

Sodoku application, 336

total solar eclipse animation, 216–218

new operator, 282–283

newline characters, 130

node effects

defined, 152

Fader, 311–316

Magnify, 317–319


adding CSS, 99–105

layout. See layout

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216

user interface, 105–108

null objects, 33–34

number spinner, 304–307

Number types

Java type conversion mappings, 286

JSON, 264–265

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

sequence declaration, 46

object literals

binding, 80–83

for CSS class selectors, 101

defined, 40–41

functions and, 50

GridLayout, 120

Java objects and, 282–283

key frames, 187–189

mapping JavaFX types to Java, 284–285

Timeline, 183–184

wizard framework, 322


coordinating JavaFX with JavaBeans, 303–307

creating in Illustrator, 20–26

creating media, 227–228

images, 219–224

Java, 281–283

JavaFX, 19

JavaFX script, 33–34

JSON, 264–266

sequences, 45–49

working with in Photoshop, 26–30

Oliver, Chris, xxi

on replace

adding to Magnify, 317

defined, 85–90

On2VideoVP6, 225–227

opacity, 106

open Arc, 141

operating systems, 10


declaring key values, 187

instantiating Java objects, 282–283

JavaFX script, 55–64

native array, 48–49

sequence declaration, 46

ordered lists, 45–49

orientation, path, 201

overridden triggers, 90

override, 50

package def, 44

package var, 44


creating new, 16

defined, 37

JavaScript to JavaFX, 255

Sodoku application, 336

paints, 103–104


mapping JavaFX to Java, 284–293

Reflection function invocation, 301–302


JavaFX and REST, 266–270

JavaFX and XML, 277–278

JSON, 264

in mashup application, 274, 276

passwords, 239–240

path-based animation, 199–205

paths, 144–145


improving image viewing, 222

lazy binding and, 92


with LinearGradient, 163–166

PerspectiveTransform, 174–175

with RadialGradient, 166–167

Photoshop, 26–30

platforms, JavaFX and Java. See JavaFX and Java technology


audio and video media, 228–234

timeline, 183–185


eQuake Alert, 197

JavaFX Production Suite, 20

running JavaFX on Eclipse, 13–18

PointLight, 158–161

Polygon, 140

Popick, Anna, xxii

postinit blocks

creating custom layouts, 119

mixin classes and, 40

precedence rules, 243


defined, 102–103

node indicators, 106

Preview Mode, 5–7

print(), 62

println(), 62

Production Suite

getting started, 1–2

graphic design with, 20

SVG Converter tool, 30–31

total solar eclipse using, 216–218

programming vs. graphic design, xvi

progress bars

audio and video media, 230–232

code recipes, 325–326

image loading, 221

ProgressBar, 135

ProgressIndicator, 135


creating new with Eclipse, 13–16

creating new with NetBeans, 2–8

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239


in animation timeline, 183–185

codebase, 242

CSS, 103

custom Swing components, 147–149

JavaBean, 281

JavaBeans, 304–307

JavaFX applet launch, 245–246

JNLP applet, 243

layout, 111–115

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

protected def, 44

protected var, 44

pseudo classes

CSS, 102–103

custom control support, 136, 138

TextBox controls and, 134

Pub/Sub paradigm, 308

public classes, 67–68

public def, 44

public-init protected var, 44

public-init var, 44

public-read protected var, 44

public-read var, 44

public var, 44

public variables, 254–255


defined, 268–270

JavaFX and XML, 277–278

QName, 277–278

QuadCurve, 143–144

radial paint, 103–104

RadialGradient, 162, 166–167

RadioButton, 135

ranges, 46

recalculation, bind

defined, 71–72

object literals and, 80–83

recipes, code. See code recipes

recreating objects with binding, 80–83

redocking, 250


defined, 299–302

effects, 169–170

using to convert Java types, 292–293

registering fonts, 132

RemoteTextDocument, 266–268

representational state transfer (REST). See REST (representational state transfer)


scene, 96–98

stage, 94

<resources>, 242–243

response-types, REST, 263

REST (representational state transfer)

building system, 262–264

defined, 259–262

JavaFX and, 266–270

JavaFX and XML, 277–278

JSON and, 264–266

mashup application, 273–276

summary, 278

weather widget, 270–273

return, 50

rewinding, 230–231

Rich Internet Applications, xvi–xvii

rights, access, 35

Rivera, Myrna, xxii

rotating text, 126–127

round Arc, 141–142

rows, GridLayout, 115–121

run functions

adding to source files, 160

loose expressions and, 35, 61

running, 184

runtime exceptions, 68–69

saturation, 180


Illustrator files, 26

Photoshop files, 29–30

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

gradients, 162–167

graphic design with, 30–31

path-based animation, 199–205


CSS, 99–105

defined, 93

input events, 121

user interface, 96–99

weather widget structure, 271–272

ScriptException, 298–299


creating new with Eclipse, 16–18

functions, 49–50

Java Scripting, 293–299

JavaFX. See JavaFX script

JavaScript. See JavaScript

variables, 41–45

visibility, 36

ScrollBar, 136

SDK (Software Development Kit), 1–2

security, 238

<security>, 242–243

seek, 231

SepiaTone, 179


binding, 75–77

converting to array to, 343–344

Java type conversion mappings, 291–292

JavaFX script, 45–49

for loops and, 58–59

matrices and, 330–332

synchronization with triggers, 87–89

wizard framework, 320–324

server call back, 307–311

service-oriented architecture (SOA), 259–260

shadowing effects, 153–157

shaking effects, 197–199

ShapeIntersect, 163–164


defined, 140–144

paths, 144–145

text, 125–132

total solar eclipse using, 206–216

Short types

Java type conversion mappings, 289

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284

signed JAR, 239–241

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 259–260

SimpleInterpolator, 193–196

single quotes (’), 50–51


CSS font, 104

images, 220

stage, 94


creating custom, 136–139

progress bar, 325–326

slider, 327–330


code recipes, 327–330

defined, 135

smooth, 222

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 259–260

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 259–260

Sodoku application

access, 334

design, 338–342

interface, 334–335

interfacing with Java components, 342–346

overview, 333

source code, 336–337

summary, 346

Software Development Kit (SDK), 1–2

solar eclipse

animation, 205–206

creating in Illustrator, 206–216

using JavaFX Production Suite, 216–218

using JavaFX shapes, 206–216

Solaris, 10

source code for Sodoku application, 336–337

source files

adding run () to, 160

Sodoku application, 336–337, 343

Space, 338

SpaceNode, 339–342

special effects

blending, 170–174

blurs, 167–169

color adjustment, 179–180

DisplacementMap, 178–179

Fader, 311–316

Glow and Bloom, 176–177

gradients, 162–167

lighting, 158–161

Magnify, 317–319

overview, 151–152

PerspectiveTransform, 174–175

reflection, 169–170

shadowing, 153–157

summary, 180

SPLINE, 191–193

SpotLight, 158–161

square brackets ([ ])

sequence declaration, 45

string translation, 52–53

SRC BlendModes, 173–174

stage, 93–96

standard interpolators, 190–193


coordinating JavaFX with JavaBeans, 303–307

synchronization with triggers, 87

transfer. See REST (representational state transfer)

Stillabower, Scott, xxi

String types

CSS, 102

Java type conversion mappings, 291

JavaFX script, 50–54

JSON, 264–265

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284


CSS, 99–105

scene, 98–99

setting stage, 95–96

sub timelines, 188

subclasses, 39–40

Subscriber, 308–311

subtotal values, 55

Sun Burst object

creating in Illustrator, 22–26

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216


custom control, 136

image formats, 221

JavaFX for CSS, 99

media format, 225–227

Production Suite, 20

Web services for JSON, 265–266

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

gradients, 162–167

graphic design with, 30–31

path-based animation, 199–205

SVGPath, 144–145

Swing extension

defined, 145–149

number spinner, 304–307


with binding. See binding

coordinating JavaFX with JavaBeans, 303–307

with triggers, 85–90

systems, RESTful, 262–264

tags, 241–243

tar, 9

technology, Java FX and Java. See JavaFX and Java technology


in progress bar, 325–326

user interface, 125–132

TextBox, 132–135

TextOrigin, 127–130

“thin” client systems, xvi


asynchronous messages, 308

JavaFX and Java, 301

three-dimensional effects. See 3D effects

throw, 55

Tijerino, Manuel, xxii

time literals, 185–187


animation, 183–185

defined, 181–182

Fader effect, 313–314

Magnify, 317

solar eclipse, 214–216

ToggleButton, 136


animation. See animation

distribution files, 9

getting started, 1–2

graphic design. See graphic design

top TextOrigin, 127–130

Torgersson, Olof, 33

total solar eclipse. See solar eclipse

Totality types

creating in Illustrator, 22–26

total solar eclipse animation, 206–216

trailing slashes, 64

transfer, state. See REST (representational state transfer)


layout bound, 112

node, 106

PerspectiveTransform, 174–175

transitions, Fader, 311–316


traveling animation, 199–205

tree structure

nodes, 105

scene, 96


adding to Magnify, 317

change, 45

Java class extension, 280–281

overview, 85–90

sequence declaration, 46

try/catch/finally expression, 55


defined, 181, 189–190

key values, 187

two-dimensional arrays, 343–344


Fade, 312

JSON, 264–265

mapping JavaFX to Java, 284–293

operators, 60–61

variable, 42–43

unassignable variables, 42–43

unchangeable variables, 42–43


undocking feature, 247–250

unicode characters, 51

unidirectional binding

vs. bidirectional binding, 77–78

defined, 66–67

updating variables, 87

URLs, 262–263

user interfaces

custom controls, 136–140

custom layout, 115–121

defined, 93

input events, 121

Java Swing extension, 145–149

JavaFX 1.2 controls, 135–136

key events, 123–125

layout, 108–111

layout basics, 111–115

mouse events, 121–123

nodes, 105–108

paths, 144–145

scene, 96–99

shapes, 140–144

stage, 93–96

style sheets, 99–105

summary, 150

text, 125–132

TextBox, 132–135

values, key, 187


binding variables, 68–69

defined, 44


adding triggers, 85–90

audio and video media, 227–234

bind with inverse, 77–79

binding to, 66–67

binding to instance, 67–68

built-in, 61–64

class, 35

creating custom controls, 136–139

CSS, 99–105

custom interpolation, 193–199

Duration, 185–187

image, 220–224

interpolation, 189–193

JavaFX script, 41–45

Matrix, 330–332

mixin inheritance and, 39–40

slider, 327–330

TextBox, 133

when they cam be bound, 68–69

VBox (Vertical Box) layout, 108–111

verified certificates, 240

versions, JavaFX, xx

Vertical Box (VBox) layout, 108–111

video, 225–234


images, 222–224

multimedia, 228–234

Sodoku application design, 342

viewports, 224


defining nodes, 106

Fader, 312–313

volume, 233

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

on gradients, 162

SVG and, 30

weather widget

building, 270–273

as mashup application, 273–276

Web pages

adding JavaFX with applets. See applets

deploying JavaFX as applets, 235–237

Java Web Start, 256–258

JavaFX and applets, 235

JavaFX and JavaScript interaction, 251–256

manual generation to support JavaFX, 239–247

NetBeans IDE for JavaFX, 238–239

running Sodoku application as applet, 334

Web Service Definition Language (WSDL), 259–260

Web services

defined, 259–260

GeoNames, 266

mashup application, 273–276

REST and, 260–262

Yahoo!, 265–266

Web Start, 256–258

while loops, 59

whole object binding, 80–83

widgets, weather

JavaFX, 270–273

as mashup application, 273–276

Wielenga, Geertjan, xxi–xxii


JavaFX installation, 10

multimedia frameworks and formats, 225–227


code recipe, 319–324

JavaFX installation, 17

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

on gradients, 162

SVG and, 30

wrapping text, 130–131

WSDL (Web Service Definition Language), 259–260

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

JavaFX and, 277–278

JNLP file generation, 241–244

SOA and, 259–260

SVG and, 30

The Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI), 194

Yahoo! Web services

defined, 265–266

mashup application, 273–275

zip, 9

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