

15% completion rule, 140

“90% done” phenomenon, 151


absorption of projects, 323

AC (Actual Costs), 148

acceptance criteria, 54, 63, 161

acceptance of risk, 199

access controls, 175

accountability, 152153, 321

accuracy levels for work estimation, 99

acquisition of resources, 64

action, 138

active listening, 26

Actual Costs (AC), 148

adaptability, 9

agendas (meeting), 252

Agile Hybrid Project Pro (AHPP), 406

Agile Metrics, 406

agile project management, 17, 382386

AHPP (Agile Hybrid Project Pro), 406

aligner role, 227

alignment of projects, 35, 294

allocation of resources, 117

Alternative Project Approaches section (Project Definition documents), 50

analogous (top-down) estimating, 97

Ansible, 387

approach and life cycle, 10

Approvals section (change request forms), 164

archive folders, 179180

assigned resources, displaying in Microsoft Project, 348349

assignments, 284


avoidance of, 266

defined, 209

document assumptions, 49, 126

role in expectation management, 267

tracking, 141, 167

Assumptions section (Project Definition documents), 49

audio conferencing, 249

auditors (QA), 144, 208, 218

Audits section (CM Plans), 181

autolinked tasks (Microsoft Project), 338

avoidance of risk, 199


BAC (Budget at Completion), 149

backlogs, 385

backups, repository, 177


establishing, 142, 176

in Microsoft Project, 329, 332, 336

resetting, 147, 152

BEPCP (Built Environment Project Communication Pro), 406

best practices

configuration management, 175180

issue management, 191192

Microsoft Project, 336340

project communications

communications option, 247250

email and text-only communication, 250251

general communications management, 245247

interpersonal skills, 253254

meetings, 252253

status reporting, 252

work estimation, 99

big-picture scope, 386

BOM (Bill of Materials), 82

bottom-up estimating, 97

breach of contract, 322

Budget at Completion (BAC), 149


accuracy level of, 99

BAC (Budget at Completion), 149

challenges of, 131132

finalizing, 130131

impact of, 124125

initial budget development, 130

overview of, 123124

planning, 126127

principles of, 125126

project costs, sources of, 126129

role in expectation management, 267

as source of risk, 205

summary of, 132133


efficiency of, 398

feeder buffers, 397398

including in budgets, 126

monitoring flow of, 398399

project buffers, 397

resource buffers, 398

build/release process, 178

Built Environment Project Communication Pro (BEPCP), 406

bulldog role, 25

business drivers, shifts in, 161

business management skills, 26

business risk factors, 203

buyer organizations, management of, 307309

Buzan, Tony, 402


calendars (Microsoft Project), 328330

calmness under pressure, 28

canceled projects, 147, 322

CAPM (Certified Associate Project Management Professional), 404

CCB (change control board), 165

CCPM (critical chain project management), 100, 397399

CD-P (Citizen Developer Practitioner), 406

central information repository

establishing, 175

updating, 319

certifications, 16, 309

eligibility for, 414

micro-credentials, 406, 407

PMP exam tips

2021 PMP Exam scope and structure, 414418

“context” differences, 420421

exam preparation strategies, 427428

exam topics not covered by PMBOK, 426427

exam-taking tips, 428429

“experience” differences, 421422

key resources, 430

new or increased emphasis tasks, 415418

overview of, 413414

PMI PMP Examination Content Outline, 427

PMI’s vision of project management, 423424

question types and formats, 419420

summary of, 430431

terminology differences, 422423

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), 406

Scrum Alliance, 406

types of, 404406

value of, 401402, 406407

Certified Associate Project Management Professional (CAPM), 404

challenges of project management

difficult resources, 368369

hard milestone data, 365367

lack of schedule detail, 364365

project management “lite” cultures, 362364

resource turnover, 367368

testing process, 375378

vendor selection, 370375

change (project)

CCB (change control board), 165

challenges of, 166167

change control management

change control plans, 70

defined, 139

lack of, 37

role in expectation management, 268

change request forms, 163165

change request tracking logs, 165

configuration management, relationship with, 158159

costs of, 129

defined, 156157

expectation of, 140, 383

impact of, 37, 202

management fundamentals for, 159160

minimizing, 165167

organizational change management, relationship with, 158159

overview of, 156

planning for, 159

principle statement, 9

project change control systems

advantages of, 159

components of, 163165

defined, 156157

guidelines for, 163

principles of, 162163

scope creep and, 156

summary of, 169170

types of, 157

unplanned scope changes, causes of, 161162

change agents, 18

change control board (CCB), 165

Change Information section (change request forms), 164

change requests, 157158

forms, 42, 163165

tracking logs, 165

Change Working Time option (Microsoft Project), 338

charters (team), 282


Gantt, 119, 422

milestone, 41, 119

project organization, 41, 67


project definition, 52

project end, 318320

project plan, 7172

value of, 217, 377

checkpoints, 143, 268

Citizen Developer Practitioner (CD-P), 406

clarity, importance of, 36, 152, 243, 278, 307, 309, 366

client acceptance, documenting, 318319

client interactions, 283

Closing process group, 6

closure, meeting, 253

closure, project

challenges of, 320321

checklist for, 318320

contract termination, 322

key principles, 318

overview of, 317

project end checklist, 318320

project termination, 322323

summary of, 323324

CM Plans, 70, 172, 180182

coach role, 24, 227

collaboration, 15

collaborative development, 384

fostering on project teams, 281

project/team collaboration tools, 250

tools for, 18

building issue logs with, 190

web-based project management, 399401

collapse of projects, 322

collocation, 282

color-coding reports, 252


of project teams, 278

from resource managers, 294

communications management

challenges of, 240242

communications options, 247250

communications plans, 41, 70, 267

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

defined, 238239

description of, 7

email and text-only communication, 250251

general communications management, 245247

importance of, 240

interpersonal skills, 253254, 255256

meetings, 252253

obstacles to, 14

overcommunication, 160

overview of, 237

planning, 69, 242243

political implications, 244

poor communication, 36

principles of, 242244

proactive communication, 244

push/pull, 246

skills, 26

status reporting, 252

team differences, managing, 291292

virtual projects, 299

compelling communication, 243

competing demands, 14

completion criteria

challenges of, 151

identification of, 377

importance of, 142, 218

lack of, 37

role in expectation management, 268

completion of projects, 322

comprehensive budgets, 125

compressing project schedules, 117118

computer-based training, 408

conceptual understanding questions (PMP exam), 419

conciseness, importance of, 243

conferences, PMI special interest group, 408

confidentiality agreements, 374

configuration management

advantages of, 173174

best practices, 175180

challenges of, 182

CM Plans, 70, 172, 180182

defined, 139, 172

overview of, 171172

principles of, 174175

project change, relationship with, 158159

summary of, 183184


reduction of, 240

resolution of, 283

resource, 36

consensus (team) estimating, 99


importance of, 243

as leadership skill, 232

project control and, 140, 151


defined, 209

project definition, 49

role in expectation management, 267

tracking, 141, 167

Constraints section (Project Definition documents), 49

“context” differences (PMP exam), 420421

context understanding, 28

contingency buffers, 366

contracts, 311314

elements of, 311312

legality of, 311

terminating, 322

types of, 312

Contractual WBS (CWBS), 82

copy feature (Project 2010), 353

Copy Picture function (Microsoft Project), 333334, 345

corporate governance processes, 18, 392394

cost management


impact of, 124125

initial budget development, 130

overview of, 123124

planning, 126127

principles of, 125126

sources of project costs, 126129

description of, 7

time and cost accounting logistics, 150151

Cost Performance Index (CPI), 149

Cost Reimbursable (CR) contracts, 312314

Cost Variance (CV), 149

courtesy, importance of, 243

CPI (Cost Performance Index), 149

CR (Cost Reimbursable) contracts, 312314

critical chain project management (CCPM), 100, 397399

critical paths, 338

critical success factors, 260263

Crosby, Philip, 214

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

cross-functional teams, 18


cross-cultural projects, 296297

organizational culture, 140

custom fields (Microsoft Project), 330

customer value-driven approaches, 383

customer-service orientation, 28, 216, 219

CV (Cost Variance), 149

CWBS (Contractual WBS), 82

cybersecurity threats, 17


DAC (Disciplined Agile Coach), 405

daily standup, 385

DASM (Disciplined Agile Scrum Master), 405

DASSM (Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master), 405


Microsoft Project

autolinked tasks, 338

baselines, 329, 332, 336

calendars, 328330

Copy Picture function, 333334, 345

custom fields, 330

date entry, 327, 337

default settings, 329, 337

dependencies, 339340

filters, 335

Gantt Bar format, 333

Group By feature, 335336

Microsoft Planner, 356, 357

milestones, 339

new project best practices, 336340

overview of, 326329

Project 2010, 350353

Project 2013, 354, 357

Project 2016, 354355, 357

Project 2019, 355, 357

Project for the Web, 356, 357

Project Online, 355356, 357

project scheduling with, 348350

reporting, 342347

resource leveling, 340342

Show Outline feature, 335

summary of, 358359

task display, 333

task duration, 327328

timescale, 333

version comparison, 356357

visual indicators, 330331

WBS (work breakdown structure), 334

pros and cons of, 190

dates, entering into Microsoft Project, 327, 337

DAVSC (Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant), 405

defects, 209, 378

definitive accuracy level, 99

deliverables, managing

advantages of, 173174

best practices, 175180

challenges of, 182

configuration management plans, 172, 180182

defined, 172

deliverable summary, 42

deliverable trackers, 176177

focus and outcomes, 11

managing to, 364

overview of, 171172

pre-verifying, 220

principles of, 174175

summary of, 183184

transitioning to owner, 319

Deming, W. Edwards, 214


defined, 209

in Microsoft Project, 339340

vendor management, 308, 310


product/system release deployment process, 178

verifying, 208

detection, 137138

deterioration of projects, 323

development versus operations, 178179

DevOps, 17, 377, 387389

DevSecOps, 17, 387389

diagrams, network, 119

differences, managing

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

management principles, 290293

virtual projects, 297299

difficult resources, managing, 368369

direct audio (telephone) communication, 248

directory structure, 175176, 180

Directory Structure section (CM Plans), 180

discipline, 187

Disciplined Agile Coach (DAC), 405

Disciplined Agile Scrum Master (DASM), 405

Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master (DASSM), 405

Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC), 405

displacement of projects, 322

disposal costs, 129

distributed teams, 152

Docker, 387


assumptions, 126

Project Definition documents, 40, 48

optional elements, 5051

required elements, 4850

validating, 62

project plans

alternate terms for, 422

building, 6269

checklist for, 7172

description of, 80

key principles, 5860

overview of, 42, 5758

plan for communications, 69

plan for issues, 69

plan for procurements, 69

plan for quality, 69

plan for team management, 69

questions to ask, 6062

review and acceptance process, 71

rolling wave planning, 58

summary of, 7273

supplemental components, 6971

domains, performance. See performance domains


double reverse logic questions (PMP exam), 419

Drawing Tools (Project 2010), 353

Duran, Joseph, 214

dysfunctional relations, 294


EAC (Estimate at Completion), 149

Earned Value (EV), 148

Earned Value Management (EVM), 147150, 398399

effective leadership, elements of, 231233

effort distribution estimating, 97

email (electronic mail), 248, 250251

end dates, entering into Microsoft Project, 327, 337

ending projects

challenges of, 320321

checklist for, 318320

contract termination, 322

key principles, 318

overview of, 317

project end checklist, 318320

project termination, 322323

summary of, 323324

epic scope, 384

equipment costs, 128

escalation procedures, 144, 188

Estimate at Completion (EAC), 149

Estimate to Complete (ETC), 149

estimating project work

accuracy levels, 99

best practices, 100101

challenges of, 15

common problems with, 9597

expectation management and, 267

methods of, 9899

overview of, 9192

risk management and, 9495

role in overall planning process, 9294

summary of, 102103

techniques for, 9798

ETC (Estimate to Complete), 149

EV (Earned Value), 148

evaluation process (vendors), 372374

EVM (Earned Value Management), 147150, 398399

exam tips (PMP)

2021 PMP Exam scope and structure, 414418

“context” differences, 420421

exam preparation strategies, 427428

exam topics not covered by PMBOK, 426427

exam-taking tips, 428429

“experience” differences, 421422

key PMI assumptions and themes, 425426

key resources, 430

new or increased emphasis tasks, 415418

overview of, 413414

PMI PMP Examination Content Outline, 427

PMI’s vision of project management, 423424

question types and formats, 419420

summary of, 430431

terminology differences, 422423

excellence, striving for, 233

exception-based reporting, 252

Executing process group, 6

execution of projects, expectation management and, 262, 265266

expectation management, 240

components of, 260265

control and execution elements, 268

kickoff meetings, 268270

multiple expectations, 13

planning elements, 266267

principles of, 265266

for project control, 140

for project quality, 216

for project teams, 279

reality/perception balance, 259

requirements management, 270273

summary of, 274275

team expectations, 279

value of, 258

expense versus capital, 128

“experience” differences (PMP exam), 421422

expert judgement, 98

expertise, leveraging, 220, 283

external risk factors, 203

extreme programming (XP), 385


face-to-face communication, 248

facilitating meetings, 253

facilitator role, 24, 227, 232

facilities, as source of risk, 202

feeder buffers, 397398

15% completion rule, 140

File Naming Conventions section (CM Plans), 181

file-naming conventions, 176, 181

filters (Microsoft Project), 335

finalization of budgets, 130131

Fixed Price (FP) contracts, 312314


maintaining, 279

performance domains, 912

in project managers, 28

footers (Microsoft Project), 338

forecasting, 145

formal signoffs, 143, 166, 167, 268

forms, change request, 42, 163165

FP (Fixed Price) contracts, 312314

functional leaders, 293

funding, as source of risk, 202


Gantt Bar format (Microsoft Project), 333, 344

Gantt charts, 119, 333, 344, 422

gatekeepers, 175

general communications management, 245247

general options, in project checklist, 5253

GitHub, 387

GitLab, 387

Goals and Objectives section (Project Definition documents), 49

gold-plating, 167168, 222

governance process, 396

Greenleaf, Robert, 234

Group By feature (Microsoft Project), 335336

groups, process, 56


hammock tasks, 350

hard milestone data, 365367

headers (Microsoft Project), 338

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 18, 389391

healthy paranoia, 196

Help menu (Microsoft Project), 327

heuristic estimating, 97

hidden work, 151

high-maintenance staff, 286

high-performing teams, traits of, 278

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 18, 389391

historical information, 98


“I need to change careers” questions (PMP exam), 420

identification of risk, 197, 207

identification of work products, 174

Identification section (change request forms), 164

impact assessment, 164, 168, 198, 261263

Impact Assessment section (change request forms), 164

independent QA auditors, 144, 218

initial budget development, 130

Initiating process group, 6

instant messaging, 249

insurance agent role, 25

integration management, 6

intensity with a smile, 28

interim milestones, 367

Internet of Things (IoT), 17

interpersonal skills, 253254

IoT (Internet of Things), 17

issue data points, 188189

issue logs, 188191

administrators, 188

issue data points, 188189

special situations in, 192

tools for, 189191

visibility of, 192

issue management

best practices, 191192

defined, 139

escalation procedures, 188

issue logs, 188191

issue resolution, 152

objectives of, 186187

overview of, 185186

plan for, 69

principles of, 186187

process of, 187188

risk management, 209

role in expectation management, 268

special situations in, 192

summary of, 193194

iterative development, 125, 382383


Jenkins, 387

Jira, 387

JUnit, 387


Keyword Conventions section (CM Plans), 181

keywords, 176, 181

kickoff meetings, 268270, 282, 294, 297

knowledge areas (PMBOK Guide), 67

Kubernetes, 387


labor costs, 126, 132

leadership skills

for cross-cultural projects, 296297

for cross-functional projects, 293296

effective leadership, elements of, 231233

functional leaders, 293

importance of, 26

integration of, 225226

leadership qualities, 227228

leadership roles, 226227

principle statement, 9

project leadership areas, 228230

servant leadership approach, 234235, 291

shared leadership, 285

summary of, 235236

for virtual projects, 297299

legality of contracts, 311

lessons learned, 319, 321

Level Only with Available Slack checkbox, 429

leveling resources, 117

librarian role, 25

license costs, 129

listening, active, 26

LoadRunner, 387

logs, project, 42

change request tracking logs, 165

issue logs, 188191

administrators, 188

issue data points, 188189

special situations in, 192

tools for, 189191

visibility of, 192

risk registers, 200


management reserve, 126

management support, lack of, 35

marketability, improving, 280

materials, bill of (BOM), 82

materials costs, 128

Maven, 387

measurement, focus and outcomes, 11


best practices, 252253

daily standup, 385

kickoff, 268270, 282, 297

retrospectives, 385

status, 142

time management in, 282

virtual, 298299

memorization questions (PMP exam), 419

mentoring, 407

metrics, 377

micro-credentials (PMI), 406, 407

Microsoft Planner, 356, 357

Microsoft Project

autolinked tasks, 338

baselines, 329, 332, 336

calendars, 328330

Copy Picture function, 333334, 345

custom fields, 330

date entry, 327, 337

default settings, 329, 337

dependencies, 339340

files, 59

filters, 335

Gantt Bar format, 333

Group By feature, 335336

Microsoft Planner, 356, 357

milestones, 339

new project best practices, 336340

overview of, 325326

Project 2010, 350353

Project 2013, 354, 357

Project 2016, 354355, 357

Project 2019, 355, 357

Project for the Web, 356, 357

Project Online, 355356, 357

project scheduling with, 348350

reporting, 342347

resource leveling, 340342

Show Outline feature, 335

summary of, 358359

tables, 327

task display, 333

task duration, 327328

timescale, 333

version comparison, 356357

visual indicators, 330331

WBS (work breakdown structure), 334


hard milestone data, 365367

importance of, 143

interim, 367

managing to, 364

in Microsoft Project, 339

milestone charts, 41, 119

role in expectation management, 268

Mindjet MindManager, 115

mind-mapping tools, 402403

mini-milestones, 367


project changes, 165167

scope changes, 160

minutes of meetings, 253

missing cost categories, 131

mitigation of risk, 199

mobile applications, 17

modified WBS (work breakdown structure), 119

Monitoring and Controlling process group, 6, 137

monitoring risk, 199, 207

Move Project feature (Project 2010), 353

multicultural teams, 18

multiple expectations, 13

must-have functionality, 366

mutual agreement, contract termination by, 322


Nagios, 387

NDA (nondisclosure agreements), 374

network diagrams, 119

New Tasks Created Scheduling Option to Auto Schedule setting (Microsoft Project), 338

“90% done” phenomenon, 151

nondisclosure agreements (NDA), 374

notebooks, project, 42

note-taking during meetings, 253


OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure), 82

online resources, 19, 430

open-book approach, 374

operational costs, 129


versus development, 178179

versus projects, 23

order of magnitude accuracy level, 99


culture of, 140

OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure), 82

organizational change management, 158159

organizational impacts, 15

as source of risk, 202

Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), 82

Organizational Change Issues section (Project Definition documents), 50

organizational résumé, 320

Organizational Transformation Foundation (OTF), 406

Organizational Transformation Implementation (OTI), 406

Organizational Transformation Orchestration (OTO), 406

organizer role, 24

orientation of team members, 284

OTF (Organizational Transformation Foundation), 406

OTI (Organizational Transformation Implementation), 406

OTO (Organizational Transformation Orchestration), 406

Out-of-Scope Specifications section (Project Definition documents), 49

outsourcing, 369, 370

overcommunication, 160

overhead costs, 129

ownership, taking, 28, 232


Page Setup (Microsoft Project), 338, 345

parametric estimating, 98

paranoia, 28

Parkinson’s Law, 398

passion, controlled, 28

paste feature (Project 2010), 353

PBS (Project Breakdown Structure), 82

PDA (prevention, detection, and action), 137138

PDF output (Project 2010), 353

people-focused project management, 28, 384

perception/reality balance, 259

performance domains, 912

performance of project teams

high-performing teams, traits of, 278

management principles for, 279282

overview of, 277278

performance evaluations, 320

problem situations with, 285287

summary of, 287288

team differences

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

management principles for, 290293

summary of, 300302

virtual projects, 297299

techniques for, 282285

performance reporting, 138, 145146

Personally Identifiable Information (PII), 390

persuader role, 24

PERT (weighted average), 99

PfMP (Portfolio Management Professional), 404

PgMP (Program Management Professional), 404

phased deployment, 208, 307308, 367, 383

phased estimating, 98

PHI (Protected Health Information), 390

PII (Personally Identifiable Information), 390

plan-do-review model, 384

Planned Value (PV), 148

planner role, 24, 227

Planning process group, 6


communications, 41, 242243

configuration management, 180182

expectation management, 266267

focus and outcomes, 10

inadequate planning, 37

investment in, 140

Planning process group, 6

project, 42

alternate terms for, 422

building, 6269

checklist for, 7172

description of, 80

key principles, 5860

overview of, 5758

plan for communications, 69

plan for issues, 69

plan for procurements, 69

plan for quality, 69

plan for team management, 69

questions to ask, 6062

rolling wave planning, 58

summary of, 7273

supplemental components, 6971

quality management, 41, 216, 219

relationship with project definition, 47

response, 198

risk management, 71, 201

risk response, 41, 71

staffing management, 41

team planning, 279

work, 80

PMBOK Guide - Seventh Edition, 5

performance domains, 912

process groups, 56

PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition, 5

exam topics not covered by PMBOK, 426427

knowledge areas, 67

PMI Talent Triangle, 2627

process groups, 5

updates to, 8

PMI (Project Management Institute)

certifications. See certifications

key assumptions and themes, 425426

key resources, 430

PMI Disciplined Agile (DA) tool kit, 405

PMI Project Management Ready, 404

project management, definition of, 5

projects, definition of, 3

special interest group conferences, 408

standards documents, 19

Talent Triangle, 2627

vision of project management, 423424

PMI-ACP (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner), 382, 404

PMI-PBA (PMI Professional in Business Analysis), 404

PMI-RMP (PMI Risk Management Professional), 404

PMI-SP (PMI Scheduling Professional), 405

PMOs (project management offices), 106

responsibilities of, 391392

successful PMOs, traits of, 392394

PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, 16, 404

eligibility for, 414

exam tips

2021 PMP Exam scope and structure, 414418

“context” differences, 420421

exam preparation strategies, 427428

exam topics not covered by PMBOK, 426427

exam-taking tips, 428429

“experience” differences, 421422

key resources, 430

new or increased emphasis tasks, 415418

overview of, 413414

PMI PMP Examination Content Outline, 427

PMI’s vision of project management, 423424

question types and formats, 419420

summary of, 430431

terminology differences, 422423

point person role, 24, 227

police officer role, 25

Policies and Standards section (Project Definition documents), 5051

political implications of communication, 244

Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP), 404

Portfolio Project Management (PPM), 47, 395396

preallocated budgets, 131

Preliminary Cost, Schedule, and Resource Estimates section (Project Definition documents), 51

preliminary schedules, building, 115116

presenting project schedules, 119

prevention, 137

pre-verifying deliverables, 220

price wars, 36


focus on, 139

risk, 198

privacy, 389391

proactive communication, 244

proactive project management, 59


determining, 197

probability/impact matrix, 201

problem solver role, 24, 227

Process and Procedures section (CM Plans), 181

process dependencies, 308

process groups (PMBOK Guide), 56

procurement management, 139

description of, 7

plan for, 69, 70

product backlog, 268

product management, 17

Product Owners

definition of, 30

project managers versus, 3031

productivity, facilitating, 280

products, 4

product/system release deployment process, 178

profiles, risk, 197, 200

Program Management Professional (PgMP), 404


facilitating, 232

tracking, 38

project acceptance criteria, 161

project alignment, 294

project approach, 54

project definition checklist, 54

role in expectation management, 267, 268

Project Breakdown Structure (PBS), 82

project budgets

challenges of, 131132

finalizing, 130131

impact of, 124125

initial budget development, 130

overview of, 123124

planning, 126127

principles of, 125126

as source of risk, 205

sources of project costs, 126129

summary of, 132133

project buffers, 397

Project calendars (Microsoft Project), 328329

project cancellation, 147

project change

CCB (change control board), 165

challenges of, 167168

change request forms, 163165

change request tracking logs, 165

configuration management, relationship with, 158159

defined, 156157

management fundamentals for, 159160

minimizing, 165167

organizational change management, relationship with, 158159

overview of, 156

project change control systems

advantages of, 159

components of, 163165

defined, 156157

guidelines for, 163

principles of, 162163

scope creep and, 156

summary of, 169170

types of, 157

unplanned scope changes, causes of, 161162

project change control systems

advantages of, 159

components of, 163165

defined, 156157

guidelines for, 163

principles of, 162163

project charters, 40, 422

project closure

challenges of, 320321

checklist for, 318320

contract termination, 322

key principles, 318

overview of, 317

project end checklist, 318320

project termination, 322323

summary of, 323324

project communications

challenges of, 240242

communications options, 247250

defined, 238239

description of, 7

email and text-only communication, 250251

general communications management, 245247

importance of, 240

interpersonal skills, 253254

meetings, 252253

overview of, 237

planning, 242243

political implications of, 244

principles of, 242244

proactive communication, 244

push/pull, 246

status reporting, 252

summary of, 255256

Project Context section (Project Definition documents), 49

project control

action, 138

challenges of, 150152

components of, 138139

defined, 136137

detection, 137138

EVM (Earned Value Management), 147150

management fundamentals for, 139141

overview of, 135136

performance reporting, 145146

prevention, 137

project recovery, 152153

summary of, 153154

techniques for, 141144

variance responses, 146147

Project Definition documents, 40, 48

optional elements, 5051

required elements, 4850

role in expectation management, 267

validating, 62

project definition process

advantages of, 165

project definition checklist, 52

acceptance, 54

general, 5253

other items, 54

project approach, 54

scope, 53

stakeholders, 54

Project Definition documents, 40, 48

optional elements, 5051

recommended additions to, 5051

required elements, 4850

role in expectation management, 267

questions to ask, 46

relationship with project planning, 47

as source of risk, 205

summary of, 5556

project deliverables, managing

advantages of, 173174

best practices, 175180

challenges of, 182

configuration management plans, 172, 180182

defined, 172

deliverable trackers, 176177

overview of, 171172

principles of, 174175

summary of, 183184

Project Dependencies section (Project Definition documents), 49

project end checklist, 318320

project execution, expectation management and, 261263

project impact, 261263

Project Information dialog (Microsoft Project), 337

project integration management, 6

project issue management best practices, 191192

escalation procedures, 188

issue logs, 188191

objectives of, 186187

overview of, 185186

principles of, 186187

process of, 187188

special situations in, 192

summary of, 193194

project logs, 42, 165

project management

CCPM (critical chain project management), 397399

challenges of, 1315

difficult resources, 368369

hard milestone data, 365367

lack of schedule detail, 364365

project management “lite” cultures, 362364

resource turnover, 369370

testing process, 375378

vendor selection, 370375

collaboration, 18

definition of, 2

demand for, 1516

key aspects of, 45

knowledge areas, table of, 67

online resources, 19

performance domains, 912

portfolio project management, 47

principles of, 89

process groups, 56

as source of risk, 204, 205

summary of, 2021, 378380

training, 407408

trends in, 1618

triple constraint of, 1415

value of, 1213

web-based project management, 399401

project management “lite” cultures, 362364

Project Management Offices (PMO), 18

Project Management Professional. See PMP (Project Management Professional) certification

project managers

common mistakes of, 29

definition of, 30

inadequate managers, 37

key roles of, 2425, 226227

key skills of, 2527

versus product owners, 3031

qualities of, 2729, 227228

versus Scrum Masters, 3031

summary of, 3132

tools for, 4042

project notebooks, 42

project organization charts, 41, 65, 267

project phases, managing to, 365

project plans

alternate terms for, 422

building, 6269

checklist for, 7172

description of, 80

key principles, 5860

overview of, 42, 5758

plan for communications, 69

plan for issues, 69

plan for procurements, 69

plan for quality, 69

plan for team management, 69

questions to ask, 6062

review and acceptance process, 71

role in expectation management, 267

rolling wave planning, 58

as source of risk, 205

summary of, 7273

supplemental components, 6971

project quality management

challenges of, 221222

definition of quality in, 214215

description of, 7

overview of, 213214

principles of, 215217

strategies for, 219221

summary of, 223224

tools and techniques for, 217219

unique aspects of, 215

project recovery, 152153

project schedules, 7, 40

challenges of

hard milestone data, 365367

lack of schedule detail, 364365

compared to WBS (work breakdown structure), 7982

creation process, 111113

description of, 80

goals of, 109110

impact of, 106109

key inputs for, 110111

in Microsoft Project, 348350

overview of, 105106

preliminary schedules, building, 115116

presenting, 119

reality checks, performing, 116117

role in expectation management, 267

scheduling software, 115

shortening, 117118

short-term schedules, 383

as source of risk, 202, 205

summary of, 120121

task relationships, determining, 113115

walking through, 118119

project scope management, 6

project size, as source of risk, 201

project solver role, 24

project sponsors, 36, 202

project teams

high-performing teams, traits of, 278

management principles for, 279282

overview of, 277278

problem situations with, 285287

project/team collaboration tools, 250

as source of risk, 203

summary of, 287288

team differences

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

key principles for, 290293

management principles for, 290293

summary of, 300302

virtual projects, 297299

techniques for, 282285

project termination, 322323

project work, focus and outcomes, 10


versus operations, 23

versus products, 4

projects, definition of, 2

Protected Health Information (PHI), 390

protection of work products, 175

pull communications, 246

Purpose section (Project Definition documents), 4849

push communications, 246

PV (Planned Value), 148


QA auditors, 144, 208, 218, 308

quality management, 139

challenges of, 221222

definition of quality in, 214215

description of, 7

overview of, 213214

plans, 41, 69, 70, 219

principles of, 9, 215217

quality management plans, 41

role in expectation management, 268

strategies for, 219221

summary of, 223224

tools and techniques for, 217219

unique aspects of, 215

quartermaster role, 24


RACI matrix, 64

RASIC matrix, 64

RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure), 82

readiness checkpoints, 377

reality checks, performing, 116117

reality/perception balance, 259

Recommended Project Approach section (Project Definition documents), 50

recovery, 152153

References to Supporting Documents section (Project Definition documents), 51

referrals/references, requesting, 320

Relation to other CM Plans section (CM Plans), 181


building, 244

between tasks, determining, 113115

Reporting section (CM Plans), 181


color-coding, 252

Microsoft Project reporting, 342347

performance reporting, 138, 145146

status reports, 41, 252

repositories, 42, 283

backups, 177

central information repository

establishing, 175

updating, 319

Repository section (CM Plans), 180

Requester Information section (change request forms), 164

requests, change, 157158

requirements definition, 38, 161162

requirements management, 40, 139

challenges of, 270271

guidelines for, 273

principles of, 272

requirements as source of risk, 202

requirements definition, 161162, 295

requirements traceability matrix, 143

role in expectation management, 268

tools for, 401402

requirements traceability matrix, 143, 217, 268

resetting baselines, 147, 152

resiliency, 9, 233

Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS), 82

resource buffers, 398

Resource calendars (Microsoft Project), 328329

resource dependencies, 308, 310

resource leveling, 117, 334, 340342

resource management

acquisition of resources, 64

description of, 6

difficult resources, 368369

in Microsoft Project, 334, 338, 340342, 348350

plans, 71

resource buffers, 398

resource conflicts, 36

resource leveling, 117, 334

resource needs, determining, 63

resource schedules, updating, 319

resource turnover, 369370

vendor selection, 370375

resource managers, commitment from, 294

resource overallocation, detecting in Microsoft Project, 334

respect, earning, 232, 296

response plans, 198, 199200

responsibility matrix, 41, 64, 70, 267


organizational, 320

personal, 320

retrospectives, 385


problems to avoid, 271

of project schedules, 118119

of projects, 142

review/revision/approval process, 175

role in expectation management, 268

types of, 217218

rewards, 281

risk, definition of, 209

risk management, 139

agile approaches, 384

assumptions, 209

buy-in, 198

constraints, 209

defects, 209

dependencies, 209

description of, 7

gaps in, 206207

identification of risk, 197

impact assessment, 198

issues, 209

monitoring, 198

overview of, 195196

phased deployment, 307308

plans, 71, 201

principle statement, 9

principles of, 196197

prioritization of risk, 198

probability, determining, 197

process of, 197198

response options, 41, 199200

response plans, 198

risk assessment, 200

risk factors, 99

risk level, scaling process to, 371372

risk profiles, 197, 200

risk registers, 200

role in expectation management, 268

sources of risk, 201205

assumptions and constraints, 203, 205

business factors, 203

change impact, 202

external factors, 203

facilities, 202

funding, 202

organization, 202

project definition, 205

project management, 204, 205

project schedules, 205

project size/complexity, 201

requirements, 202, 205

schedule, 202

sponsorship, 202

stakeholder involvement, 202

team, 203

technology, 203

vendors and suppliers, 203

WBS (work breakdown structure), 205

strategies for, 207208

summary of, 210211

terminology, 209

tools for, 200201

unacknowledged risks, 206

undetected risks, 206

work estimation and, 9597

risk profiles, 197, 200

risk qualitative analysis, 207

risk registers, 200

risk response plans, 41, 71, 207

Risks section (Project Definition documents), 50


clarification of, 307

of project managers, 2425, 226227

updating in project plans, 6465

Roles and Responsibilities section (CM Plans), 181

rolling wave planning, 58


salesperson role, 25, 227

savvy, 28

scale of project, 139140

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) certifications, 406

Scaled Agile, Inc.406

schedule management, 7, 40

challenges of

hard milestone data, 365367

lack of schedule detail, 364365

description of, 7

in Microsoft Project, 348350

project schedules

creation process, 111113

description of, 80

goals of, 109110

impact of, 106109

key inputs for, 110111

overview of, 105106

preliminary schedules, building, 115116

presenting, 119

reality checks, performing, 116117

shortening, 117118

as source of risk, 202, 205

summary of, 120121

task relationships, determining, 113115

walking through, 118119

resource schedules, updating, 319

scheduling software, 115

short-term schedules, 383

Schedule Performance Index (SPI), 149

Schedule Variance (SV), 149

scheduling software, 115

scope creep, 156

scope management, 6, 366

big-picture scope, 386

description of, 6

project definition checklist, 53

scope changes, minimizing, 160

scope creep, 156

scope statement, 267

unplanned scope changes, causes of, 161162

Scope Specifications section (Project Definition documents), 49

Scrum, 385

Scrum Alliance certifications, 406

Scrum Guide, 30

Scrum Masters

definition of, 30

project managers versus, 3031

security, 389391

selection process (vendors), 370375

self-control, 233

seller organizations, management of, 309310

The Servant as Leader (Greenleaf), 234

servant leadership, 18, 234235, 291

short duration detail plans, managing to, 365

shortening project schedules, 117118

short-term schedules, 383

Show Outline feature (Microsoft Project), 335

Show Project Summary Task checkbox (Microsoft Project), 337

signoffs, formal, 143, 166, 167, 268

silos, 368, 369

simulations, 408

situational questions (PMP exam), 419

SMART goals, 5152

SMEs (subject matter experts), 385

smoke tests, 222

social media, 17

social networking tools, 250

SPI (Schedule Performance Index), 149

Splunk, 387

sponsorship, project, 202, 293

spreadsheets, 190

sprints, 384, 386

staffing management plans, 41


analysis of, 245, 267

buy-in, 36

definition of, 13

educating, 160

education of, 160

engagement of, 166

expectation management

components of, 260265

control and execution elements, 268

kickoff meetings, 268270

principles of, 265266

project planning elements, 266267

reality/perception balance, 259

requirements management, 270273

value of, 258

focus and outcomes, 9

management of, 7

perspective of, 231

principle statement, 8

project definition checklist, 54

as source of risk, 202

Stakeholders section (Project Definition documents), 50


quality standards, 218

standards documents, 19

start dates, entering into Microsoft Project, 327, 337

status checks, frequency of, 152

Status Information section (change request forms), 164

status meetings, 142

status reports, 41, 252, 268

stewardship principle statement, 8

stories, 384

story problem questions (PMP exam), 419

strategic and business management, 26

student syndrome, 398

subject matter experts (SMEs), 385

Success Criteria section (Project Definition documents), 49

successful projects

attributes of, 3435, 4344

learning from, 3839

surprises, avoiding, 146

SV (Schedule Variance), 149

synergy of project teams, 278, 281

systems thinking, 8


T&M (Time and Materials) contracts, 312314

Table menu (Microsoft Project), 327

tables (Microsoft Project), 327

Talent Triangle, 2627

targets, identifying, 215216

Targets section (CM Plans), 180

Task calendars (Microsoft Project), 328329

Task Display format (Microsoft Project), 333

Task Inspector (Project 2010), 352


assignments, 284

defined, 385

duration, 327328

entering into Microsoft Project, 338

hammock tasks, 350

relationships, determining, 113115

Tasks Will Always Honor Their Constraint Dates checkbox (Microsoft Project), 338

teacher role, 233

team (consensus) estimating, 99

Team Planner (Project 2010), 352


focus and outcomes, 10

focusing effort of, 366

high-performing teams, traits of, 278

management of, 69, 240

management principles for, 279282

overview of, 277278

principle statement, 8

problem situations with, 285287

project/team collaboration tools, 250

as source of risk, 203

summary of, 287288

team differences

cross-cultural projects, 296297

cross-functional projects, 293296

key principles for, 290293

management principles for, 290293

summary of, 300302

virtual projects, 297299

techniques for, 282285

vendor, 308

virtual, cross-functional, and multicultural, 18

technical project management, 26


shifts in, 161

as source of risk, 203

technical difficulties, impact of, 38

technical knowledge, 26

telephone communication, 248

templates, 217


contracts, 322

projects, 322323

terminology differences, 422423

testing process, 375378

prioritization of, 367

prioritizing, 220221

risk management and, 208

smoke tests, 222

text wrap (Project 2010), 353

texting, 249

text-only communication, 250251

threats, cybersecurity, 17

Time and Materials (T&M) contracts, 312314

timeboxing, 383

timeline summary, 119

Timeline View (Project 2010), 351

time-phased budgets, 125

timescale (Microsoft Project), 333, 344

time-zone conventions, 299



building issue logs with, 190

web-based project management, 399401

mind-mapping, 402403

project/team collaboration, 250

requirements management, 401402

risk management, 200201

social networking, 250

Tools section (CM Plans), 181

top-down (analogous) estimating, 97

top-down summary tasks (Project 2010), 352

total lifecycle, budgets and, 125

trace requirements, 165


deliverables, 176177

work products, 174175

training, 129, 407408

transference of risk, 200

transition plans, 321

travel costs, 129

triple constraint of project management, 1415

troubled projects, common reasons for, 3538


earning, 231

in project teams, 278

turnover, managing, 369370


umbrella role, 24, 227

unacknowledged risks, 206

uncertainty, 11

undetected risks, 206

unique identification numbers, 165

unknown costs, 129

unplanned scope changes, 161162

unstated expectations, 271

updating resource schedules, 319

“use the pencil” questions (PMP exam), 419420

user-controlled scheduling (Project 2010), 351352


V method, 143, 218

variance analysis, 147150

variance management plans, 71

variance responses, 146147

vendor management, 18

buyers, 307309

contracts, 311314

management principles for, 304307

overview of, 303304

sellers, 309310

skills for, 310311

summary of, 315316

vendor selection, 370375

vendors as source of risk, 203


of deployments, 208

importance of, 216217

version numbering, 176

videoconferencing, 248

virtual projects, 297299

virtual teams, 18, 152

visibility, 152153

visual indicators (Microsoft Project), 330331

Visual Scope Summary section (Project Definition documents), 51

visualizing goals, 231

voice mail, 248


walkthrough of project schedules, 118119

WBS (work breakdown structure)

building, 8386

guidelines for, 8486

knowing when to stop, 8687

need for, 87

compared to project schedule, 7982

defined, 76, 423

graphical, 7678

importance of, 8283

in Microsoft Project, 334

modified WBS, 119

outline, 7678

overview of, 7576

project plans versus, 58

role in expectation management, 267

as source of risk, 205

summary of, 8889

terminology used for, 80

types of, 8182

weaknesses, compensating for, 233

web conferencing, 249250

web-based project management, 399401

weighted average (PERT), 99

win-win relationships, 306, 368

word processors, 190

work decomposition process, 84

work estimation

accuracy levels, 99

best practices, 100101

challenges of, 15

common problems with, 9597

methods of, 9899

overview of, 9192

risk management and, 9495

role in overall planning process, 9294

summary of, 102103

techniques for, 9798

work management tools, 18

work packages, 141, 218

work plans, 80

work products, 261263

workflow process, 294


XP (extreme programming), 385

XPS output (Project 2010), 353

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