Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure


Abstract color, 212

Adams, Ansel, 3, 4, 35, 120, 142, 143, 159, 199, 234, 248

Aerial perspective, 7677, 76f

Albers, Josef, 190

Ambiguity, 118, 118f

Ambiguous caption, 223

Anamorphic image, 254, 254f

Animism, 248

Anthropomorphic image, 255257, 255f, 256f, 257f

Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, 169

Arnheim, Rudolf, 121, 136, 158, 219

Aspect ratio, 267f, 268f, 269f


Backlighting, 194196, 194f, 195f, 196f

Balla, Giacomo, 137, 137f

Baroque, Dutch, 198

Bateson, Melissa, 181

Bellingham, Rita, 57f

Berne, Eric, 60

Bernhard, Ruth, 44, 72, 91

Bierstad, Albert, 84, 85f

Biomorphic image, 258, 258f

Blake, William, 249

Blur, 131132, 131f, 132f

Bonnhoeffer, Dietrich, 54

Brown, Gordon, 81f

Bullington, Thomas J., 231f, 271f, 273, 273f

Bullock, Wynn, 47, 199, 250

Bunnell, Peter, 172

Butler, Samuel, 151


Camera distance, 7879, 78f, 79f

Camouflage, 6365, 63f, 64f

Cantwell, Mike, 222f

Caponigro, Paul, 4, 5

Caption, 219

ambiguous, 223

generic, 221, 224, 224f

narrative, 224

poetic, 225

specific, 222, 222f, 224

suggestive, 222

untitled, 227

Carpenter, Edmund, 250

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 24, 147, 158, 158f, 161, 163, 166, 167, 167f, 168

Centering, 1718, 18f

Chen Chi, 130

Chiarenza, Carl, 4, 108, 260f

Chiaroscuro lighting, 200


ambiguity, 118, 118f

complexity, 117, 117f

illusion, 121122, 121f

puzzling, 119120, 119f, 120f

simplicity, 116, 116f

Close-up portrait, 181

Closure, 163167, 163f, 164f, 165f, 166f, 167f

Cold colors, 205

Color perspective, 7778, 77f


abstract, 212

cold, 205

complementary, 208209

harmony, 211

muted, 206f

soft, 206

strong, 207

warm, 204

Complementary colors, 208209

Composite photo-illustration, 12f

Confluence, 250

Constable, John, 84, 84f

Continuation, 162, 162f

Contours, shared, 81, 81f

Converging lines, 75

Coote, Adrian, 123, 123f

Crocker, Stan, 127f, 129f

C-shape curve, 24

reverse, 25, 25f

Cunningham, Imogen, 113, 113f

Curtis, Edward s., 171f, 177, 183

Curved lead line, 21


da Vinci, Leonardo, 116

Davidhazy, Andrew, 166

de Chardin, Theilhard, 250

Degas, 132

Delacroix, 122

Demarchelier, Patrick, 129

Depth of field, 8283, 82f, 83f

Depth perception, 72, 73

DeWolfe, George, 4, 5, 5f, 251

Diagonals, 39f, 42f

and angles, 42

washington Crossing the Delaware, 3940, 43f

Diffuse lighting, 190191, 190f, 191f

Digital transformations from real to surreal, 271, 272f, 273f, 274f

Direct lighting, 188189, 188f, 189f

Dixon, N.F., 232

Dominant point. See Focal point

Drapkin, Arnol, 204f

Duchamp, Marcel, 137, 242

Duncan, David Douglas, 165


Eggleston, William, 90, 208, 215

Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 105, 193, 228

Emerson, Peter Henry, 106, 106f, 179f

Environmental portraiture, 177179, 177f, 178f, 179f

Erwitt, Elliott, 179

Escher, Maurits, 80

Eye level, 146148, 146f, 147f, 148f, 154


Farm Security Administration (FSA), 3

Fechner, Gustav, 266

Felice, Denise, 91f, 94f

Fibonacci, 266

Figure and ground

compete, 6162, 61f, 62f

planned, 5356, 53f, 54f, 55f, 56f

selection, 52, 52f

separation of, 53

unplanned, 5760, 57f, 58f, 59f, 60f

Flag rising on Iwo Jima, photograph of, 40, 40f

Joe Rosenthal’s, 40f, 41

Flowers, photograph of, 226f

Focal point, 93, 93f

Formal portraiture, 172174, 172f, 173f, 174f

Framing, scene, 90, 90f, 9192, 91f, 92f

focal point, 93, 93f

frame, 90, 90f

beyond the, 108, 108f

fill the, 102103, 102f, 103f

frame within a, 104105, 104f, 105f

position within the, 106107, 106f, 107f

more tilt, 110, 110f

move in close, 98f, 99

move in closer, 99, 99f

part for the whole, 100101, 100f, 101f

scale, 94, 94f

tilt, 109, 109f

vertical, 9597, 95f, 96f, 97f

Frank, Robert, 113, 149, 250

Frith, Francis, 85, 86f

Funk, Harrison, 173f


Gardner, Alexander, 34, 34f

Gaudi, Antoni, 258, 263

Gauguin, 208

Geissinger, Michael, 208f

Generic caption, 221, 224, 224f

Genthe, Arnold, 155, 155f

Gibran, Kahlil, 250

Goethe, 118

Golden Mean. See Golden Section

Golden Rectangle. See Golden Section

Golden Section, 265f, 266

Gombrich, E.H., 256, 261

Graves, Michael, 148

Gretzky, Wayne, 119


Haas, Ernst, 15, 19, 101, 138

Hale, Sean, 223

Harrill, Missy, 105f

High angle

looking down, 151152, 151f, 152f

looking up, 153, 153f

Hines, Lewis W., 82, 82f

Hofmann, Hans, 207

Horizon line, 3538, 35f, 36f, 37f, 38f

low, 38f

Huth, Ken H., 108f

Hutto, Michael, 130f

Hutto, Vicki, 79


Implied movement, 133136, 133f, 134f, 135f

Informal portraiture, 175176, 175f, 176f

Intersecting points of rule of thirds, 14

Introjection, 249250

Isomorphic image, 259, 259f


Jackson, William Henry, 48, 53, 53f

James, William, 258

Johnson, Seward J. Jr., 243

Jorgensen, Victor, 228f


Kasebier, Gertrude, 92, 172f

Kepes, Gyorgy, 117, 159

Keyes, Bruce, 109f

Klee, Paul, 250


Lartigue, Jacque-Henri, 138, 138f

Lawrence, D.H., 73

Le Gray, Gustav, 85, 85f

Lead line, 20, 20f


focal length of, 78

18mm lens, 148

600mm lens, 22

telephoto, 60

Leutze, Emanuel, 39, 39f

LeVant, Howard, 99f, 132f

Lighting, 192f, 193f

backlighting, 194196, 194f, 195f, 196f

diffuse lighting, 190191, 190f, 191f, 192193

direct lighting, 188189, 188f, 189f, 192193

window lighting, 191, 197f

Linear perspective, 7475, 74f, 75f

Loengard, John, 173

Low angle, 149150, 149f, 150f

Low horizon line, 38f

L-shape, 26, 26f


Magnum, Hugh, 184, 184f

Magritte, René, 125, 229

Malik, Rashid, 96, 144, 164

Manifesto, Futurist, 131

Marville, Charles, 85, 86f

Matisse, Henri, 209, 226

McCartney, Thomas L., 223f, 265f

Mental preparation for photographing, 45

Michals, Duane, 5, 129, 195, 229

Michelangelo, 164, 164f

Miller, Kitti, 121f

Miro, Joan, 212, 249

Mirror image, 240, 240f

Model, Lisette, 37, 45

Monet, Claude, 189

Monroe, Marilyn, 146


blur, 131132, 131f, 132f

direction of, 136, 136f

implied, 133136, 133f, 134f, 135f

not panning, 130, 130f

panning, 129, 129f

stop motion, 128, 128f

Mulligan, Therese, 135

Multiple planes, 7273, 72f, 73f

Mundane photograph, 76

Murray, Nickolas, 183, 183f

Muted colors, 206f

Myers, Barry, 61f, 141f, 163f


Nadar, 111, 111f, 113

Narrative caption, 224

NeJame, Fatima, 19f, 45f, 54f, 59f, 92f, 161f

Newman, Arnold, 178, 178f, 183, 199

Notan, 66


Off center, 19, 19f

O’Keeffe, Georgia, 46, 100, 142, 262


Page, Bailey Jan, 140f

Page, David A., 12f, 22f, 25f, 51f, 58f, 60f, 62f, 64f, 79f, 83f, 89f, 97f, 102f, 114f, 119f, 120f, 128f, 133f, 139f, 143f, 152f, 165f, 175f, 180f, 191f, 193f, 205f, 206f, 209f, 220f, 224f, 229, 233f, 238f, 239f, 240f, 243f, 253f, 256f, 268f, 269f

Panning, 129, 129f

Parks, Gordon, 3, 183, 228, 229f

Party time, 271, 271f

Penrose, Roland, 63


add something, 232, 232f

crop the image, 235236, 235f, 236f

distort the image, 241, 241f

flip the image, 237, 237f

mirror image, 240, 240f

subtract something, 233234, 233f, 234f

tilt the image, 238239, 238f, 239f

Physical preparation for photographing, 34

Picasso, 250, 255

Pictorialism, 274

Pobboravsky, Irving, 43f, 47f, 52f, 67f, 185f, 189f

Poetic caption, 225


camera distance, 180, 180f

environmental, 177179, 177f, 178f, 179f

formal, 172174, 172f, 173f, 174f

informal, 175176, 175f, 176f

pupil size, 181, 181f

Projection, 249

Proximity, 159, 159f

and similarity, 160161, 160f, 161f

Pupil size in portraiture, 181, 181f

Puzzling, 119120, 119f, 120f


Ratliff, Floyd, 162

Rembrandt lighting. See Chiaroscuro lighting

Repetition, 4647, 46f, 47f

Reverse C-shape curve, 25, 25f

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), 4

Rosenthal, Joe, 39, 41

Rule of thirds, 1016, 11, 11f

in horizontal direction, 16

intersecting points of, 14


Sacred Ratio. See Golden Section

Sadness photograph, 154, 154f

Sammon, Rick, 3, 18f, 214

Sammon, Susan, 4f

Sander, August, 160f, 183

Sarton, Mary, 26

Scale, 94, 94f

Scanlon, Bill, 26f

Scanlon, William, 257f

S-curve, 2123, 21f, 22f, 23f

Sexton, John, 249

Shadows, 65, 65f

Shared contours, 81, 81f

Similarity, 158, 158f

and proximity, 160161, 160f, 161f

Siskind, Aaron, 67, 69, 248

Soft colors, 206

Specific caption, 222, 222f, 224

Spindel, David M., 42, 42f, 74f, 148f, 157f, 159f, 174f, 196f, 203f

Sports photography, 58, 58f, 152

Stanko, Bill, 20f

Stanko, William, 71f

Steichen, Edward, 177, 177f

Stieglitz, Alfred, 112, 112f, 113

Straight-on photograph, 152

Strand, Paul, 67, 67f

Stroebel, Leslie D., 232f

Strong colors, 207

Stryker, Roy, 3

Suggestive caption, 222

Symmetry, 4445, 44f

Szarkowski, John, 36f, 153


Taylor, Maggie, 221

Telephoto lens, 60

Texture gradient, 80, 80f

Thayer, Abbot H., 28, 28f, 29

Theriomorphic image, 260, 260f

Thompson, Lee, 33f, 146f

Thoreau, Henry David, 13, 250

Tomas Lopez, J., 117f

Triangles, 2833, 28f, 29f, 30f, 33f, 34f

Trujillo, Manuel, 264f

Truman, Harry S., 57

Turner, Pete, 214

Two-dimensional photograph, 76


Uelsmann, Jerry, 125, 233

Untitled caption, 227


Van der Zee, James, 182, 182f, 183

Vantage point, 142145, 142f, 143f, 144f, 145f, 165

Vermeer, Johannes, 197, 198

Vestal, David, 103

Visual elements, repeated, 46

von Leypold, Carl Julius, 199

V-shape, 27, 27f


Wach, Peter, 116f, 263f

Walch, Robert, 259f

Warm colors, 204

Washington, Booker T., 59

Washington Crossing the Delaware, 39f

Watercolors, 209, 209f

Watson, Tom, 95

Weston, Cole, 49

Weston, Edward, 122, 133, 177

Whitaker, Corinne, 261

White, Minor, 5, 30, 30f, 31, 159, 159f, 196

Wilson, Vicki H., 11f, 17f, 35f, 65f, 66f, 72f, 76f, 101f, 104f, 131f, 197f, 207f, 210f, 237f, 241f, 254f, 274

Window lighting, 197

Work Progress Administration photograph, 150

Wright, Cedric, 250


Zakia, Richard D., 9f, 13f, 16f, 24f, 31, 37f, 49, 56f, 80f, 90f, 98f, 100f, 103f, 107f, 115f, 118f, 124f, 134f, 144f, 145f, 147f, 151f, 162f, 176f, 190f, 192f, 195f, 221f, 226f, 227f, 235f, 236f, 255f, 258f, 261f, 262f

Zakia-Fahey, Lydia, 153f, 212f, 219f

Zoomorphic image, 261, 261f

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