
I would like to share the blame for this book with my brother Alan who encouraged me to write it in the first place, and who provided many of the key ideas.

I am indebted to Professor Marion Kloep, co-director of the Centre for Lifespan Research at the University of Glamorgan, who generously provided me with a selection of the latest research papers on retirement and aging, as well as pointing me at the seminal works of the past.

Whilst researching this book I talked to literally hundreds of people who had retired, or were about to retire. Much of the content of this book is based on the insights I obtained from these conversations. In many ways this book is their story.

When writing about financial matters it is very important to try and get your facts right. I would like to thank Martin Bamford, a chartered financial planner, who was kind enough to check the advice on investing for accuracy. Martin is a leading author on money matters and his books include Brilliant investing, How to Retire Ten Years Early and The Money Tree – all published by Prentice Hall.

Even more important is to get health issues correct. I was extremely fortunate to have the help of Dr Margaret Grant M.B., C.h.B (St Andrews), F.R.C.Anaes., F.R.C.Paeds. & C.H. Margaret graduated from St Andrews in 1968. She is a retired consultant community paediatrician in the Wyre Forest. Her special interests were neurodisability, including autistic spectrum disorders, genetics, and adoption and fostering. Margaret took a very active role in the creation of Chapter 5.

Thanks to Logan Anderson, head of customer relations at The Pensions Trust, who provided input on pensions issues.

I had the pleasure of working with two editors, Rachael Stock and then Elie Williams. I not only benefited from their professional work but I also relied on their support in seeing this book through to publication. I am also very grateful to the rest of the team at Pearson Education who have done their usual, excellent jobs.

Thanks to my wife Sue, who seems to enjoy having me around more of the time.

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