

$ (dollar sign), 59

* (star), 63

{ } (curly brackets), 59, 63

+ (plus sgn), 63, 64


a-zA-Z, regular expressions, 59

Access Control List (ACL), securing Web root, 179

Actors diagram

designing security with, 260, 262

identifying points of failure in, 272

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner testing interface, 247–254

Administrative Tools folder, 102–103, 108–109

Administrative Tools Services MMC, 177–178

Administrative users

changing username/password on

MySQL, 163–164

granting privileges to, 100–101, 115

viewing and deleting user accounts/comments, 14

workflow diagrams for, 260–262, 272

Advanced button, Windows properties, 80–82

AES encryption, 124


automated testing, 235

intrusion detection system, 73

keeping up with security, 144

for latest stable version of Web server, 147

ModSecurity, 215

paying attention to latest security, 44–46

reviewing during scanning, 252–253

system test, 223

Algorithm strength, 123–124

Allow permission, 77–79

allow_url_fopen directive, php.ini file, 72–73, 90–91

Anonymous users

allowing access to Web site, 180

allowing comments from, 13–15

authentication systems vs., 269

no need to authenticate, 100–101

removing from SQL Server, 202–204

workflow diagram for, 260–262, 272

Apache server, 147–159

disabling unneeded options, 153–154

enabling ModSecurity, 154–159

giving own user and group to, 149–151

hiding version number/other information, 151

restricting to own directory structure, 152–153

upgrading or installing latest version, 147–149

using SuExec for shared hosting, 214–215

API (Application Programming Interface)

for authentication, 119–120

customizing for system calls, 31–32

customizing for user input validation, 32

defined, 289

sanitizing data to prevent buffer over-flows, 49

for user-uploaded image files, 88–90

Application pools, 181–184

Application Programming Interface. See API (Application Programming Interface)


data sources for, 48

gaining access to server through insecure, 5–6, 10

hackers targeting minor, 9

hardening your, 6–7

making life difficult for spammers, 22–23

Applications, designing securely from the beginning, 257–271

concept summary, 257–260

data design, 260–267

file upload, 270

filesystem access, 271

identifying points of failure, 269

infrastructure functions, 267–268

login and logout, 269–270

user input, 270–271

workflow and actors diagram, 260

Applications, securing existing, 273–278

hardening checklist, 276–277

having code peer-reviewed, 278

using three-stage deployment, 273–275

using version control, 275–276

variable sanitation, 277

Arbitrary code attacks, from buffer over-flows, 42

Asymmetric (public) key encryption, 121–122


adding encryption to. See encryption

directory-based, 101–114

goals of creating, 95

identifying login/logout points of failure, 269–270

image recognition, 99–100

patching application for, 117–120

privileges, 100–101

SQL Server, 192

storing information in user database table, 114–115

storing usernames and passwords, 115–117

types of, 95–97

usernames and passwords, 97–99

using Web Vulnerability Scanner, 250–251

writing with Zend, 208

AutoAttack tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 245

Automated testing. See Testing, automated



length constraints on database, 56

storing information in user database, 118–119

Basic Multilingual Plane, 43, 289

Biometric analysis, 96

Black-box testing, 277, 289

Blank input

brainstorming boundary conditions, 18–19

overview of, 15–18

Blowfish encryption, 124

Books, as resources, 286–288

Boundary conditions

automated testing of, 219–220, 223–224

as buffer overflow, 45

building error-handling mechanism for, 23–26

determining, 18–19

Breach Security Labs, 155–159

Buffer, 40–41, 289

Buffer overflows, 37–52

computer science of, 39–41

consequences of, 42

with excessively long input, 55

fuzz testing for, 227

identifying points of failure, 270–271

memory allocation and PHP, 42–44

overview of, 37–39

patching application, 49–52

paying attention to latest security alerts, 44–46

sanitizing variables to prevent, 46–49


C libraries, underlying PHP, 39

CAL9000 toolkit AutoAttack tool, 245

Cheat Sheets tool, 242–243

Checklist tool, 244–245

Encode/Decode tool, 237–239

HTTP Requests tool, 239

HTTP Responses tool, 240–241

Misc Tools, 243–244

obtaining, 234–235

Scratch Pad tool, 242

using, 235

XSS Attacks tool, 236–237

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), 99–100, 289

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), 9, 46–47

CGIs, and SuExec, 215

changeFilePrivs( ) function, 88–89

Character class (within regular expression), 59–61, 289

Cheat Sheets tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 242–243

Checklist tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 244–245

checkToken() function, 134

chmod( ) function, 87

Classes, security alert, 45

Commas, and spammers, 22–23

Comments, 56–57

Completely Automated Public Turing

Test to tell Computers and Humans

Apart (CAPTCHA), 99–100, 289

Computer Browser Properties dialog, IIS, 178

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 9, 46–47

Computer Management, Administrative Tools folder, 102–103


in building error-handling mechanism, 19–23

in naming, 281

when writing self-documenting code, 280–281

Constraints, database and logical, 56–57

Cookie button, PowerFuzzer, 231

Cracker, 4–5, 289

createSalt( ) function, 127

Creative Commons license, 207, 289

Cross-site scripting. See XSS (cross-site scripting)

Cryptography. See Encryption

Curly brackets ({ }), 59, 63

CVS, 275–276



basing encryption type on, 124–125

checking length of, 48–49

choosing for testing, 223–224

designing security for, 260–267

making assumptions about user, 55

sanitizing to prevent buffer overflows, 48–49

sources of, 48

tainted, 57–58

Data dictionary

database constraints and, 56

identifying points of failure, 269

setting up, 264–266


deleting sample MySQL, 165

deleting sample SQL Server, 204–205

placing constraints on length of stored data, 56

running latest stable version of server, 49–50

securing SQL Server. See SQL Server

storing authentication information in, 114–115

Databases Security Uses folder, SSMSE, 202–203

Decoding plain text, with CAL9000 toolkit, 238

deleteToken() function, 134

Deny permission

changing in Windows, 77

directory-based authentication, 107

overriding Allow permission, 78–79

Deployment, of existing applications, 273–275

Design phase. See Applications, designing

security at beginning

Development box, 273–274

Development releases, PHP, 212

Directory-based authentication, 101–114

Directory structure

hackers navigating, 7–8

opening local files, 70–71

restricting Apache to its own, 152–153

securing Web root, 179

storing needed files in separate directory within, 70–71

Directory traversal attack, 153

display_errors, hardening php.ini, 217–218

DMZ, 200, 290


of length constraints on database, 56

writing self-documenting code, 280–281

Dollar sign ($), 59

DoS (denial-of-service) attacks

from buffer overflows, 42

defined, 289–290

fuzz testing for, 227

using system resources for, 29

Download mirror

MySQL, 161–162

PowerFuzzer, 229


Editing, object in Windows file permissions, 86–87


allowing file uploads using, 89

data design using, 263

error handling with, 32

in filesystem access, 70

of system calls, 32, 278

Encode/Decode tab, CAL9000 toolkit, 237–239

Encryption, 121–128

choosing type of, 123–125

defining, 121–123

password security, 125

patching application to encrypt passwords, 125–127

username and password, 115

encryptPassword( ) function, 127

Error handling, 13–26

brainstorming boundary conditions, 18–19

building mechanism for, 19–23

encountering erroneous data, 23–24

guestbook application, 13–15

making system easy to use, 24–26

SQL injection attack, 16–18

Error-logging, SQL Server, 194

Error messages, writing, 23–24

Escape, defined, 21, 290

escapeshellarg( ) command, 30–31

escapeshellcmd( ) command, 30

Execute permissions, 76

Exploit testing. See Testing, exploit

expose_php, hardening php.ini, 217

Extensibility, with custom API, 31



disabling unnecessary SQL Server, 197

keeping tight rein on new, 279–280

file_get_contents( ) function, 71


checking variable sanitation, 51–52

escapeshellcmd( ) and escapeshellarg( ) securing, 30–31

malicious users of system calls and, 28

opening local files, 71

security myth of changing, 7–9

validating user input, 32–34

$_FILES Superglobal array, 74

Filesystem access, 69–91

allowing user-uploaded image files, 88–90

creating and storing files, 73–75

designing security from beginning, 271

opening local files, 69–71

opening remote files, 71

permissions in PHP, 87

permissions in UNIX, Linux and MAC OS X, 76

permissions in Windows. See Windows

file permissions, changing

Filesystem access (continued)

preventing remote attacks, 72–73

summary review, 90–91


for malicious code in user input, 139

testing effectiveness of. See testing, exploit

Firefox, for CAL9000 toolkit, 234

Firewalls, 5–6

Fixation sessions. See Session fixation


defined, 290

reducing IIS server, 177–178

reducing SQL Server, 195, 200


for user-uploaded image files, 90

for users to upload files, 74–75

Fuzz testing

installing and configuring PowerFuzzer, 227–230

overview of, 226–227

using PowerFuzzer, 231–233


Generally Available Release, 160, 290

_generateSessionID() function, 134

_generateTokenID() function, 134–135

Gibson Research Corporation (GRC), password generator, 164

Glossary, 289–292

Granularity, of Windows file permissions, 77–79, 85–87

GRC (Gibson Research Corporation), password generator, 164

Greedy modifiers, regular expressions, 63


authentication, 102–106

for each application in Apache, 149–151

Web file authentication, 111–114

Windows file authentication, 104–110

Windows permission, 78, 84

Guestbook application

adding buffer overflow prevention, 49–52

adding encryption, 125–127

adding session security, 133–136

adding system calls API, 32–33

adding user authentication, 117–119

allowing user-uploaded files, 88–90

concept summary for, 258–259

defined, 13

designing data dictionary, 264–266

designing infrastructure functions, 267

designing long-term data storage, 263–267

designing workflow, 260–262

preventing XSS attacks, 138

primary code listing, 14–15

program summary, 13–14

GUI, setting permissions using, 83–85



defined, 290

targeting minor applications, 9

targeting sessions, 9

use of term in this book, 4–5

using insecure applications, 5–7

using obfuscation against, 7–9

Hard drive, Web root on nonsystem, 179

Harden an application checklist, 276–277

defined, 290

tools for programmers, 6

Hardened-PHP Group, 4

Hardened-PHP Project, 42–43, 46

Hardware, Optional updates, 187–188

Heap, 40, 290

High priority Windows updates, 187

Hijacking, session

defending against, 131–133

identifying login/logout points of failure, 270

patching application for, 133–136

Home Directory tab, 186–187

.htaccess files, 101


accepting from users safely, 21

preventing XSS attacks, 138–139

stripping from user input, 20–21

HTML Purifier filter, 139

htmlentities( ) function, 21, 42–44

htmlspecialchars( ) function, 21, 42–44

HTTP Requests tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 239, 244

HTTP Responses tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 240–241

HTTP, stateless, 129

httpd.conf file, Apache

copying old version of, 149

creating users and groups, 149–151

disabling unneeded options, 153–154

hiding version number/other information, 151

restricting to own directory structure, 152–153


IDE (integrated development environment)

defined, 290

resources for, 288

writing code using, 281–282

Identity dialog box, 181–182

IDS (intrusion detection system)

defined, 290

for malicious code, 139

for self-created files, 73

using ModSecurity as, 215–216

if( ) statement, 51–52

IIS (Internet Information Server)

reducing footprint on Web, 177–178

securing Web root, 179–187

securing Windows server environment, 167

updating operating system, 168–177

IIS Manager

creating Web sites in, 179–180

enabling only needed Web services, 185–187

setting permissions on existing sites, 109

setting up sandboxes for each Web site, 181–184

Image files

creating upload form for, 90

patching application to allow user uploaded, 88–89

testing that file is correct type, 74–75

Image recognition, for authentication, 99–100

Infrastructure functions, designing, 267–268

Inheritance, Windows, 79–82

Initialization, variable, 33

Injection attack

from buffer overflows, 42

checking length of inputs to detect, 55

cross-site scripting as, 137–139

defined, 290

identifying points of failure, 270–271

session poisoning as, 133

Input validation, 53–67

assumptions about expected user data, 55

common patterns of, 65–67

database constraints, 56

logical constraints, 56–57

patching guestbook application, 32

regular expressions and, 58–65

tainted data, 57–58

testing effectiveness of. See testing, exploit

users signing guestbook comments, 53–54

users who give you more than you asked for, 54–55

Install Updates button, Windows, 174–175

Integrated development environment. See IDE (integrated development environment)

Internet Information Server. See IIS (Internet Information Server)

Intrusion detection system. See IDS (intrusion detection system)

IP address verification, 132–133

IP Encoder tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 244

isAdmin column, user database, 114–115, 118

ISPs, and IP address verification, 133

is_uploaded_file( ) function, 74–75


Kernel, 145–146


Lazy modifiers, regular expressions, 64

Library functions, writing code using, 281


SQL Server, 188

Windows Updates, 176


changing file permissions in, 76–87

securing server environment, 144–146

username and password system in, 101

Local filesystem, accessing, 69–71

Local vulnerability, and security alerts, 45

Logical constraints, 56–57

login() function, 119, 134

Login, identifying points of failure, 269–270

logout() function, 134

Logout, identifying points of failure, 269–270

Lost passwords, 98–99



file permissions, 76–87

securing server, 144–146

username and password system, 101

Maintenance, of self-created files, 73

MAX_FILE_SIZE directive, upload forms, 90

mcrypt() function, 123–124

MD5 algorithm, 124, 125

Memory allocation, 40–44

Metacharacters, and regular expressions, 60

Misc Tools tab, CAL9000 toolkit, 243–244


as IDS for self-created files, 73

installing/enabling for Apache, 154–159

securing PHP with, 215–216

move_uploaded_file( ) function, 75

movieFile( ) function, 32–33, 88–90

Multilayered security approach, 4

mv command, movieFile( ) function, 32–33

My Computer, securing Web root, 179


changing admin username and password, 163–164

creating new accounts for each application, 164–165

deleting default database users, 164

deleting sample databases, 165

disabling remote access, 163

upgrading or installing latest version, 159–163


Name field

assumptions about expected data, 55

placing logical constraints on, 56–57

signing guestbook comments, 53–54

testing for excessively long input, 54–55

Naming conventions

separating tainted from validated data, 57–58

writing self-documenting code using consistency, 281

NetBIOS, disabling for IIS server, 177

Network security, 5–7, 10

New Scan button, Web Vulnerability

Scanner, 248

NTFS permissions, Web file authentication, 112



security myth of, 7–9

using encryption vs., 124

writing self-documenting code vs., 280–281

OCR (optical character reader), 100, 290

One-way encryption, 123

open_basedir, hardening php.ini, 217


local filesystem, 69–71

remote filesystem, 71

Operating systems

inherent insecurity of, 143–144

installing latest version of MySQL, 160–162

updating, 168–177

updating UNIX, Linux or MAC OS X, 145–146

verifying running of latest stable version, 49–50

Optical character reader (OCR), 100, 290

OptionCart, 9

OWASP PHP filters, 139


Packets, 154, 290

Passphrases, 116, 290

Passwords. See also Usernames and passwords

identifying login/logout points of failure, 269

password retention policy, 125, 290

securing SQL Server SA account, 200–202

Patches, 144, 167

Patterns, input validation, 65

PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library, 66–67, 290

PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository)

CAPTCHA libraries, 100

defined, 290

overview of, 285–286

Peer reviewers, 278, 283–284

Penetration testing, 225–226

Performance, ModSecurity and, 216

Perl Compatible Regular Expressions

(PCRE) library, 66–67, 290


changing safely, 76

denying to users, 107–108

IIS server, 184, 186

PHP, 87

restrictive, 75

selecting for groups, 109–110

UNIX, Linux and MAC OS X, 76

user-uploaded image files, 88–89

Windows. See Windows file permissions, changing


buffer overflow vulnerabilities in, 37–39

changing file permissions in, 87

as inherently insecure language, 3–4

memory allocation and, 42–44

verifying running of latest stable version, 49–51

PHP Extension and Application Repository. See PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository)

PHP IDS Web site, 139

PHP, securing on server, 207–218

hardening php.ini, 216–218

with ModSecurity, 215–216

using latest version, 207–208, 212–213

using safe_mode, 213–214

using SuExec, 214–215

using Suhosin patch and extension, 213

using Zend Framework and Optimizer, 208–211

php.ini file

disabling PHP access to remote files, 71

hardening, 216–218

preventing remote filesystem attacks, 72–73, 90–91

session fixation defense in, 130–131

storing uploaded files in, 74

using ModSecurity to secure, 216

using safe_mode in, 213–214

ping, 29, 291

ping flood attacks, 291

Plus sign (+), 63, 64

Points of failure, designing security, 269

Poisoning, session, 133

POSIX, 66, 291

PowerFuzzer, 227–233

preg_match( ) function, 65–66

Primary code listing, guestbook application, 14–15

Privileges, 100–101

Programmer, becoming better, 279–284

avoid feature creep, 279–280

finding good peer reviewer, 283–284

using right tools, 282–283

write self-documenting code, 280–281

Programming languages, inherent insecurity of, 143–144

Properties. See also Permissions

configuring Web file authentication, 111–114

configuring Windows file authentication, 102–110

securing SQL Server, 200–201

Proprietary test suites

benefits and features of, 246

overview of, 246

scanning application with, 247–254

Public (asymmetric) key encryption,


Published alerts, 46


Read permissions, 76

Really Bad Idea (term), 71

reflected XSS attacks, 137–138

Registered (authenticated) users, granting privileges to, 100–101

register_globals, hardening php.ini, 216, 217

Regular expressions (regex)

character classes, 60–61

defined, 291

greedy modifiers, 63

input validation patterns, 65–67

lazy modifiers, 64

metacharacters, 60–62

overview of, 58–59

preventing spammers with, 22–23

testing with CAL9000 toolkit, 236


MySQL, 159

PHP development, 212

UNIX, Linux or MAC OS X, 145

Remote access, disabling MySQL, 163

Remote exploits, from buffer overflows, 42

Remote filesystem

accessing, 71

preventing attacks on, 72–73

Remote vulnerability, security alerts, 45

Report button, Web Vulnerability Scanner, 252–254

Reporting style, Web Vulnerability Scanner Reporter, 252–253

Resetting passwords, 99


Apache, current release of, 147–148

Apache, disabling unneeded options, 154

CAL9000 toolkit, 234

CAPTCHA libraries, 100

CVS, 276

filters for malicious code, 139

Gibson Research Corporation password

generator, 164

ModSecurity, 155, 159, 215–216

MySQL, current release of, 159–160

PEAR, 285–286

PowerFuzzer, 227, 229

SQL Server Management Studio

Express, 198

Suhosin patch and extension, 213

Visual SourceSafe, 275

Zend Core Website, 209–211

Review Other Updates button, Windows, 170


defined, 291

remote filesystem access, 71

as uploading vulnerability, 270

ROTX bit manipulation, avoiding, 124


safe_mode, securing PHP, 213–214, 217

Salt, 126–127, 291


defined, 291

securing existing applications, 273–274

setting up for each Web site, 181–184

Sanitation, data

creating custom API for system call, 31–32

preventing remote filesystem attacks, 72–73

Sanitation, variable. See Variable sanitation

Scan button, PowerFuzzer test, 232

Scan wizard, Web Vulnerability Scanner, 248–252

Scratch Pad tab, CAL9000 toolkit, 242

Script kiddie, 69, 291


defeating spammers with CAPTCHA, 100

methodically traversing directory structures with, 7–9

preventing XSS attacks, 138–139

Scroogle Search tool, CAL9000 toolkit, 244

Security advisory sources, 45–47

Security alerts, 44–46, 144

Security badges, 96

Security, common misconceptions, 3–10

about minor applications, 9

about native session management, 9

about obscurity, 7–9

about single points of failure, 10

reality check, 3–5

as server issue, 5–7

Security Logins folder, SSMSE, 200–201

Security tab, Windows GUI, 83–84

Security tab, Windows properties, 80–82

Security updates, 187–188

SecurityFocus, 45–46

Self-created files, preventing attacks on, 73

Self-documenting code, writing, 280–281

Semicolons, and spammers, 22–23

Servers, 143–166

Apache. See Apache server

application hardening checklist, 276

MySQL, 159–165

programming languages, OS and, 143–144

securing UNIX, Linux or MAC OS X, 144–146

security myth, 5–6

verifying latest stable version, 49–50

ServerSignature to Off, Apache, 151

ServerTokens to Prod, Apache, 151

Service packs, updating operating system, 168–177


disabling unneeded IIS server, 177–178

disabling unneeded SQL Server, 196

installing updates for necessary Windows, 172–173

Session fixation, 130–131, 133–136

Session hijacking

defending against, 131–133

identifying login/logout points of failure, 270

patching application for, 133–136

Session IDs, in session fixation, 130–131

Session poisoning, 133

Session security, 129–136

defining session variables, 129

patching application for, 133–136

session fixation, 130

session hijacking, 131–133

session poisoning, 133

types of session attacks, 129–130

Session variables, 129

session.cookie_lifetime, hardening php.ini, 217

SessionID column, user database, 114–115, 118

session_regenerate_id function, 130–131

Set User ID (SUID) bit, 28, 29

SHA algorithm, 125

SimpleTest framework, 221

SMP, disabling for IIS server, 177

Software, Optional updates, 187–188

Spaghetti code, 284, 291


checking length of inputs to detect, 55

making life difficult for, 22–23

using image recognition to defeat automated scripts of, 99–100

Speed, encryption based on, 124–125

SQL injection

defined, 291

fuzz testing for, 227

how it works, 16–18

identifying points of failure, 270

on stored usernames and passwords, 117

SQL Server

defined, 187

installing SQL Server Management Studio Express, 198–200

installing/upgrading to latest version, 187–200

securing Windows server environment, 167

setting up DMZ, 200

steps in hardening, 200–205

updating operating system, 168–177

SQL Server Enterprise Edition, 188–198

SQL Server Express Edition, 188–198

SQL Server Management Studio Express

(SSMSE), 198–200

Square brackets ([ ]), 59

SSL/TSL, 131

SSMSE (SQL Server Management Studio Express), 198–200

Stack, 40–41, 291

Star (*), 63

Stateless, defined, 291

Stateless HTTP, 129


designing long-term, 263–267

safe file, 75

of self-created files in separate filesystem, 73

storing data securely, 278

Stored XSS attacks, 138

striptags( ) function, 20–21

strlen( ) function, 48–49

Subdirectories, setting permissions on, 110

Sudo command, 28, 29

SuExec, securing PHP with, 214–215

Suhosin patch and extension, to PHP, 213

SUID (Set User ID) bit, 28, 29

Superglobals, 74, 291–292

Surface Area Configuration tool, SQL Server, 195–198

Swipe cards, 96

Symmetric key encryption, 122–123

System calls, 27–34

defined, 27

encapsulating, 278

overview of, 27–28

patching guestbook application, 32–34

securing with escapeshellarg( ), 30–31

securing with escapeshellcmd( ), 30

using system binaries with SUID bit or sudo, 28–29

using system resources, 29–30

System calls API, 31–32, 51–52

System functions, validating data from, 48

System resources, system calls using, 29–30

System tests, 222–223


Tainted data, 57–58, 65

Tainted_prefix, 58

Test suites. See Proprietary test suites


penetration, 225–226

securing existing applications with, 274–275

for unexpected input, 20–21

Testing, automated, 219–224

choosing solid data, 223–224

framework for, 220–221

performing system tests, 223

performing unit tests, 222–223

resources for, 288

security implications of, 219–220

Testing, exploit, 225–254

defining, 225–226

fuzzing, overview of, 226–227

installing and configuring PowerFuzzer, 227–230

resources for, 288

testing toolkits, 233–234

using CAL9000 toolkit. See CAL9000 toolkit

using PowerFuzzer, 231–233

using proprietary test suites, 246–254

warnings about tools of, 226

Testing toolkits, 233–234. See also CAL9000 toolkit

Third-party libraries, encryption, 123–124

3DES Encryption, 124

/tmp Directory, 74–75

tmp_name variable, 74

Token verification, 132–136

Trust, Internet security and, 4


Unicode, 43, 292

Unit tests, 222–223, 268


changing file permissions in, 76–87

securing server environment in, 144–146

username and password system in, 101

Update, Windows, 168–177, 187

Updated alerts, 46, 144

Upgrades, 144, 213


creating form for, 90

identifying points of failure, 270

opening local files, 70–71

patching application to allow image files, 88–90

securing application against file, 73–74

User accounts

creating in Zend, 210–211

securing MySQL by deleting default, 164–165

User agent verification, 132

User database table

adding encryption to, 126

adding to guestbook application, 118–119

storing authentication information in, 114–115

User input

identifying points of failure, 270–271

preventing XSS attacks, 138–139

sanitizing variables, 46

as source of data, 48

validating, 32

User instances, enabling in SQL Server, 194

Usernames and passwords

accessing vulnerability of, 117

configuring Web file authentication, 111–114

configuring Windows file authentication, 114–115

encrypting, 115

overview of, 97–99

password encryption, 125

password strength, 116–117

placing .htaccess text file, 101

securing MySQL, 163–164

setting up sandboxes for Web sites, 182

storing information in user database, 114–115, 118–119

as “what you know” authentication, 95–96

Users. See also Administrative users;

Anonymous users

building error-handling mechanism, 19–23

configuring Web file authentication, 111–114

configuring Windows file authentication, 104–110

creating for each application in Apache, 149–151

designing security for data, 260–267

UTF-8 encoding, 42–44, 292


validateUsernamePassword( ) function, 119–120


creating authentication API, 119–120

input. See Input validation

preventing XSS attacks, 138–139

Variable sanitation

checking, 51–52

creating authentication API, 119–120

to prevent buffer overflows, 46–49

preventing XSS attacks, 138–139

securing existing applications, 277

using regular expressions for, 65–67


initializing, 33

session, 129


file upload, 74–75

IP address, 133

preventing remote filesystem attacks with, 72–73

token, 133

user agent, 132

of Windows Updates, 175

Version control system, 275–276


Apache, hiding information on, 151

Apache, using latest, 147–149

MySQL, using latest, 159–163

PHP, finding latest stable, 212–213

PHP, using latest, 207–208

SQL Server, using latest, 187–200

UNIX/Linux/MAC OS X, using latest, 145–146

verifying latest stable, 49–50

Windows, finding latest, 185

Windows, using latest, 167

Virtual directories, setting permissions on, 110

Visitors. See Anonymous users

Visual impairment, accessibility issues, 100

Visual SourceSafe, 275

VPN tokens, 96


alerts notifying of, 46

application hardening checklist, 276–277

automated scanning of, 247–254

PowerFuzzer report on, 233


Web Authors group, 179

Web file access, 111–114

Web hosts, secure, 144

Web root

creating Web sites in IIS Manager, 179–180

Web root (continued)

enabling only needed Web services, 185–187

setting up on nonsystem drive, 179

setting up sandboxes for each site, 181–184

Web servers, inherent insecurity of, 143–144

Web Service Extensions folder, 185–187

Web Site Creation Wizard, 180

"What you are" authentication, 96

"What you have" authentication, 96

"What you know" authentication, 96

White-box testing, 277, 292

Windows Explorer, securing Web root, 179

Windows file permissions, changing, 77–87

configuring authentication, 102–110

explicitly selecting, 85–87

granularity of, 77–79

setting using GUI, 83–85

use of inheritance, 79–82

Windows Update, 168–177, 187

Windows Web server, 167, 168–177

Workflow diagram, 260–261, 272

Write permissions, 76


XOR bit manipulation, 124

XSS Attacks tab, CAL9000 toolkit, 236–237

XSS (cross-site scripting)

defined, 137

fuzz testing for, 227

patching application to prevent, 138–139

reflected, 137–138

stored, 138


Zend, 208–211

extending PHP, 207–208

Framework and Optimizer, 208–211

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