List of Figures

1.1 UML Notation for Classes

1.2 UML Notation for Objects

1.3 Aliases

1.4 Class Diagram Showing Static Members of a Class

1.5 Members of a Class

1.6 Class Diagram Depicting Inheritance Relationship

1.7 Class Diagram Depicting Aggregation

2.1 Primitive Data Types in Java

3.1 The Event Model

3.2 Array of Arrays

3.3 Parameter Passing: Primitive Data Values

3.4 Parameter Passing: Reference Values

3.5 Parameter Passing: Arrays

4.1 Java Source File Structure

4.2 Package Hierarchy

4.3 File Hierarchy

4.4 Searching for Classes

4.5 Searching in JAR files

4.6 Block Scope

4.7 Public Accessibility

4.8 Protected Accessibility

4.9 Default Accessibility

4.10 Private Accessibility

5.1 Widening Primitive Conversions

5.2 Overflow and Underflow in Floating-point Arithmetic

5.3 Numeric Promotion in Arithmetic Expressions

6.1 Activity Diagram for if Statements

6.2 Activity Diagram for a switch Statement

6.3 Activity Diagram for the while Statement

6.4 Activity Diagram for the do-while Statement

6.5 Activity Diagram for the for Statement

6.6 Enhanced for Statement

6.7 Method Execution

6.8 Exception Propagation

6.9 Partial Exception Inheritance Hierarchy

6.10 The try-catch-finally Construct

6.11 Exception Handling (Scenario 1)

6.12 Exception Handling (Scenario 2)

6.13 Exception Handling (Scenario 3)

6.14 Execution of the Simple assert Statement (with Assertions Enabled)

6.15 Package Hierarchy

7.1 Inheritance Hierarchy

7.2 Inheritance Relations

7.3 Reference Type Hierarchy: Arrays and Subtype Covariance

7.4 Type Hierarchy to Illustrate Polymorphism

7.5 Implementing Data Structures by Inheritance and Aggregation

8.1 Static Member Classes and Interfaces

8.2 Outer Object with Associated Inner Objects

8.3 Nested Classes and Inheritance

8.4 Local Classes and Inheritance Hierarchy

9.1 Memory Organization at Runtime

10.1 Partial Inheritance Hierarchy in the java.lang Package

10.2 Converting Values Between Primitive, Wrapper, and String Types

11.1 Partial Byte Stream Inheritance Hierarchies

11.2 Stream Chaining for Reading and Writing Binary Values to a File

11.3 Partial Character Stream Inheritance Hierarchies

11.4 Setting up a PrintWriter to Write to a File

11.5 Setting up Readers to read Characters

11.6 Buffered Writers

11.7 Buffered Readers

11.8 Keyboard and Display as Console

11.9 Object Stream Chaining

13.1 Spawning Threads Using a Runnable Object

13.2 Spawning Threads—Extending the Thread Class

13.3 Thread States

13.4 Running and Yielding

13.5 Sleeping and Waking up

13.6 Waiting and Notifying

13.7 Thread Communication

13.8 Stack Users

13.9 Joining of Threads

13.10 Deadlock

14.1 Extending Generic Types

14.2 No Subtype Covariance for Parameterized Types

14.4 Partial Type Hierarchy for Node<? super Integer>

14.3 Partial Type Hierarchy for Node<? extends Number>

14.5 Partial Type Hierarchy for Selected Parameterized Types of Node<E>

14.6 Flexible Comparisons with Wildcards

15.1 The Core Interfaces

15.2 The Core Collection Interfaces and Their Implementations

15.3 The Core Map Interfaces and Their Implementations

15.4 Bulk Operations on Collections

G.1 Converting between Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal

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