Chapter 40. Creating Custom Worksheet Functions

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As mentioned in the preceding chapter, you can create two types of VBA procedures: Sub procedures and Function procedures. This chapter focuses on Function procedures.

Overview of VBA Functions

Function procedures that you write in VBA are quite versatile. You can use these functions in two situations:

  • You can call the function from a different VBA procedure.

  • You can use the function in formulas that you create in a worksheet.

This chapter focuses on creating functions for use in your formulas.

Excel contains hundreds of predefined worksheet functions. With so many from which to choose, you may be curious as to why anyone would need to develop additional functions. The main reason is that creating a custom function can greatly simplify your formulas by making them shorter, and shorter formulas are more readable and easier to work with. For example, you can often replace a complex formula with a single function. Another reason is that you can write functions to perform operations that would otherwise be impossible.


This chapter assumes that you’re familiar with entering and editing VBA code in the Visual Basic Editor (VB Editor). Refer to Chapter 39 for an overview of the VB Editor.

An Introductory Example

The process of creating custom functions is relatively easy, once you understand VBA. Without further ado, here’s an example of a VBA function procedure. This function is stored in a VBA module, which is accessible from the VB Editor.

A custom function

This example function, named NumSign, uses one argument. The function returns a text string of Positive if its argument is greater than zero, Negative if the argument is less than zero, and Zero if the argument is equal to zero. The function is shown in Figure 40.1.

A simple custom worksheet function.

Figure 40.1. A simple custom worksheet function.

You can, of course, accomplish the same effect with the following worksheet formula, which uses a nested IF function:


Many would agree that the custom function solution is easier to understand and to edit than the worksheet formula.

Using the function in a worksheet

When you enter a formula that uses the NumSign function, Excel executes the function to get the result. This custom function works just like any built-in worksheet function. You can insert it in a formula by choosing Formulas Using the function in a worksheet Function Library Using the function in a worksheet Function Wizard, which displays the Insert Function dialog box. (Custom functions are listed in the User Defined category.) When you select the function from the list, you can then use the Function Arguments dialog box to specify the arguments for the function, as shown in Figure 40.2. You also can nest custom functions and combine them with other elements in your formulas.

Creating a worksheet formula that uses a custom function.

Figure 40.2. Creating a worksheet formula that uses a custom function.

Analyzing the custom function

This section describes the NumSign function. Here again is the code:

Function NumSign(num)
    Select Case num
        Case Is < 0
            NumSign = "Negative"
        Case 0
            NumSign = "Zero"
        Case Is > 0
            NumSign = "Positive"
    End Select
End Function

Notice that the procedure starts with the keyword Function, followed by the name of the function (NumSign). This custom function uses one argument (num), and the argument’s name is enclosed in parentheses. The num argument represents the cell or variable that is to be processed. When the function is used in a worksheet, the argument can be a cell reference (such as A1) or a literal value (such as –123). When the function is used in another procedure, the argument can be a numeric variable, a literal number, or a value that is obtained from a cell.

The NumSign function uses the Select Case construct (described in Chapter 39) to take a different action, depending on the value of num. If num is less than zero, NumSign is assigned the text "Negative". If num is equal to zero, NumSign is "Zero". If num is greater than zero, NumSign is "Positive". The value returned by a function is always assigned to the function’s name.

About Function Procedures

A custom Function procedure has a lot in common with a Sub procedure. Function procedures have some important differences, however. Perhaps the key difference is that a function returns a value. When writing a Function procedure, the value that’s returned is the value that has been assigned to the function’s name when a function is finished executing.

To create a custom function, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the VB Editor (press Alt+F11).

  2. Select the workbook in the Project window.

  3. Choose Insert What a Function Can’t Do Module to insert a VBA module. (Or you can use an existing module.)

  4. Enter the keyword Function followed by the function’s name and a list of the arguments (if any) in parentheses.

  5. Insert the VBA code that performs the work—and make sure that the variable corresponding to the function’s name has the appropriate value when the function ends. (This is the value that the function returns.)

  6. End the function with an End Function statement.

Function names that are used in worksheet formulas must adhere to the same rules as variable names.

Executing Function Procedures

You can execute a Sub procedure in many ways, but you can execute a Function procedure in just two ways:

  • Call it from another VBA procedure.

  • Use it in a worksheet formula.

Calling custom functions from a procedure

You can call custom functions from a procedure just as you call built-in VBA functions. For example, after you define a function called CalcTax, you can enter a statement such as the following:

Tax = CalcTax(Amount, Rate)

This statement executes the CalcTax custom function with Amount and Rate as its arguments. The function’s result is assigned to the Tax variable.

Using custom functions in a worksheet formula

You use a custom function in a worksheet formula just like you use built-in functions. However, you must ensure that Excel can locate the function. If the function procedure is in the same workbook, you don’t have to do anything special. If the function is defined in a different workbook, you may have to tell Excel where to find the function. The following are the three ways in which you can do this:

  • Precede the function’s name with a file reference. For example, if you want to use a function called CountNames that’s defined in a workbook named MyFunctions, you can use a reference such as the following:


    If the workbook name contains a space, you need to add single quotes around the workbook name. For example:

    ='My Functions.xlsm'!CountNames(A1:A1000)

    If you insert the function with the Insert Function dialog box, the workbook reference is inserted automatically.

  • Set up a reference to the workbook. If the custom function is defined in a referenced workbook, you don’t need to precede the function name with the workbook name. You establish a reference to another workbook with the Tools Set up a reference to the workbook. References command (in the VB Editor). You are presented with a list of references that includes all open workbooks. Place a check mark in the item that refers to the workbook that contains the custom function. (Use the Browse button if the workbook isn’t open.)

  • Create an add-in. When you create an add-in from a workbook that has function procedures, you don’t need to use the file reference when you use one of the functions in a formula; the add-in must be installed, however. Chapter 45 discusses add-ins.


Your Function procedures don’t appear in the Macro dialog box because you can’t execute a function directly. As a result, you need to do extra, up-front work to test your functions as you’re developing them. One approach is to set up a simple Sub procedure that calls the function. If the function is designed to be used in worksheet formulas, you can enter a simple formula to test it as you’re developing the function.

Function Procedure Arguments

Keep in mind the following about function procedure arguments:

  • Arguments can be variables (including arrays), constants, literals, or expressions.

  • Some functions do not have arguments.

  • Some functions have a fixed number of required arguments (from 1 to 60).

  • Some functions have a combination of required and optional arguments.

The following sections present a series of examples that demonstrate how to use arguments effectively with functions. Coverage of optional arguments is beyond the scope of this book.

On the CD-ROM

The examples in this chapter are available on the companion CD-ROM. The file is named VBA functions.xlsm.

A function with no argument

Functions don’t necessarily use arguments. Excel, for example, has a few built-in worksheet functions that don’t use arguments, such as RAND, TODAY, and NOW.

The following is a simple example of a function that has no arguments. This function returns the UserName property of the Application object, which is the name that appears in the Personalize section of the Excel Options dialog box. This function is very simple, but it can be useful, because no other way is available to get the user’s name to appear in a worksheet formula.

Function User()
' Returns the name of the current user
  User = Application.UserName
End Function

When you enter the following formula into a worksheet cell, the cell displays the name of the current user:


As with Excel’s built-in functions, when you use a function with no arguments, you must include a set of empty parentheses.

A function with one argument

The function that follows takes a single argument and uses Excel’s text-to-speech generator to “speak” the argument.

Function SayIt(txt)
  Application.Speech.Speak (txt)
End Function

For example, if you enter this formula, you will hear the contents of cell A1 whenever the worksheet is recalculated:


You can use this function in a slightly more complex formula, as shown here. In this example, the argument is a text string rather than a cell reference.

=IF(SUM(A:A)>1000,SayIt("Goal reached"),)

This formula calculates the sum of the values in Column A. If that sum exceeds 1,000, you will hear “Goal reached.”

When you use the SayIt function in a worksheet formula, the function always returns 0 because a value is not assigned to the function’s name.


In order to hear the synthesized voice, your system must be set up to play sound.

Another function with one argument

This section contains a more complex function that is designed for a sales manager who needs to calculate the commissions earned by the sales force. The commission rate is based on the amount sold—those who sell more earn a higher commission rate. The function returns the commission amount, based on the sales made (which is the function’s only argument—a required argument). The calculations in this example are based on the following table:

Monthly Sales

Commission Rate









You can use any of several different methods to calculate commissions for various sales amounts that are entered into a worksheet. You could write a formula such as the following:

A1<=19999.99), A1*0.105,IF(AND(A1>=20000,

This approach isn’t the best for a couple of reasons. First, the formula is overly complex and difficult to understand. Second, the values are hard-coded into the formula, making the formula difficult to modify if the commission structure changes.

A better solution is to use a lookup table function to compute the commissions; for example:


Using the VLOOKUP function requires that you have a table of commission rates set up in your worksheet.

Another option is to create a custom function, such as the following:

Function Commission(Sales)
'   Calculates sales commissions
    Tier1 = 0.08
    Tier2 = 0.105
    Tier3 = 0.12
    Tier4 = 0.14
    Select Case Sales
         Case 0 To 9999.99
            Commission = Sales * Tier1
         Case 1000 To 19999.99
            Commission = Sales * Tier2
         Case 20000 To 39999.99
            Commission = Sales * Tier3
         Case Is >= 40000
            Commission = Sales * Tier4
    End Select
End Function

After you define the Commission function in a VBA module, you can use it in a worksheet formula. Entering the following formula into a cell produces a result of 3,000. (The amount, 25,000, qualifies for a commission rate of 12 percent.)


If the sales amount is in cell D23, the function’s argument would be a cell reference, like this:


A function with two arguments

This example builds on the previous one. Imagine that the sales manager implements a new policy: The total commission paid is increased by 1 percent for every year that the salesperson has been with the company. For this example, the custom Commission function (defined in the preceding section) has been modified so that it takes two arguments, both of which are required arguments. Call this new function Commission2:

Function Commission2(Sales, Years)
'    Calculates sales commissions based on years in service
     Tier1 = 0.08
     Tier2 = 0.105
     Tier3 = 0.12
     Tier4 = 0.14
     Select Case Sales
          Case 0 To 9999.99
            Commission2 = Sales * Tier1
          Case 1000 To 19999.99
            Commission2 = Sales * Tier2
          Case 20000 To 39999.99
            Commission2 = Sales * Tier3
          Case Is >= 40000
            Commission2 = Sales * Tier4
     End Select
     Commission2 = Commission2 + (Commission2 * Years / 100)
End Function

The modification was quite simple. The second argument (Years) was added to the Function statement, and an additional computation was included that adjusts the commission before exiting the function.

The following is an example of how you write a formula by using this function. It assumes that the sales amount is in cell A1, and that the number of years that the salesperson has worked is in cell B1.


A function with a range argument

The example in this section demonstrates how to use a worksheet range as an argument. Actually, it’s not at all tricky; Excel takes care of the details behind the scenes.

Assume that you want to calculate the average of the five largest values in a range named Data. Excel doesn’t have a function that can do this calculation, so you can write the following formula:


This formula uses Excel’s LARGE function, which returns the nth largest value in a range. The preceding formula adds the five largest values in the range named Data and then divides the result by 5. The formula works fine, but it’s rather unwieldy. And, what if you need to compute the average of the top six values? You’d need to rewrite the formula and make sure that all copies of the formula also get updated.

Wouldn’t it be easier if Excel had a function named TopAvg? For example, you could use the following (nonexistent) function to compute the average:

=TopAvg (Data,5)

This situation is an example of when a custom function can make things much easier for you. The following is a custom VBA function, named TopAvg, which returns the average of the top n values in a range:

Function TopAvg(Data, Num)
' Returns the average of the highest Num values in Data
  Sum = 0
  For i = 1 To Num
    Sum = Sum + WorksheetFunction.Large(Data, i)
  Next i
  TopAvg = Sum / Num
End Function

This function takes two arguments: Data (which represents a range in a worksheet) and Num (the number of values to average). The code starts by initializing the Sum variable to 0. It then uses a For-Next loop to calculate the sum of the nth largest values in the range. (Note that Excel’s LARGE function is used within the loop.) You can use an Excel worksheet function in VBA if you precede the function with WorksheetFunction and a dot. Finally, TopAvg is assigned the value of Sum divided by Num.

You can use all of Excel’s worksheet functions in your VBA procedures except those that have equivalents in VBA. For example, VBA has a Rnd function that returns a random number. Therefore, you can’t use Excel’s RAND function in a VBA procedure.

Debugging Custom Functions

Debugging a Function procedure can be a bit more challenging than debugging a Sub procedure. If you develop a function to use in worksheet formulas, an error in the Function procedure simply results in an error display in the formula cell (usually #VALUE!). In other words, you don’t receive the normal run-time error message that helps you to locate the offending statement.

When you’re debugging a worksheet formula, using only one instance of the function in your worksheet is the best technique. The following are three methods that you may want to use in your debugging:

  • Place MsgBox functions at strategic locations to monitor the value of specific variables. Fortunately, message boxes in function procedures pop up when the procedure is executed. But make sure that you have only one formula in the worksheet that uses your function; otherwise, the message boxes appear for each formula that’s evaluated.

  • Test the procedure by calling it from a Sub procedure. Run-time errors display normally, and you can either fix the problem (if you know what it is) or jump right into the debugger.

  • Set a breakpoint in the function and then use Excel’s debugger to step through the function. Press F9, and the statement at the cursor becomes a breakpoint. The code will stop executing, and you can step through the code line-by-line (by pressing F8). Consult the Help system for more information about using VBA’s debugging tools.

Inserting Custom Functions

Excel’s Insert Function dialog box is a handy tool that enables you to choose a worksheet function; you even can choose one of your custom worksheet functions. After you select a function, the Function Arguments dialog box prompts you for the function’s arguments.


Function procedures that are defined with the Private keyword do not appear in the Insert Function dialog box. So if you create a function that will be used only by other VBA procedures, you should declare the function using the Private keyword.

You also can display a description of your custom function in the Insert Function dialog box. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create the function in a module by using the VB Editor.

  2. Activate Excel.

  3. Choose Developer Note Code Note Macros.

    Excel displays its Macro dialog box.

  4. In the Macro dialog box, type the name of the function in the box labeled Macro Name. Notice that functions don’t normally appear in this dialog box, so you must enter the function name yourself.

  5. Click the Options button. Excel displays its Macro Options dialog box. (See Figure 40.3.)

    Entering a description for a custom function. This description appears in the Insert Function dialog box.

    Figure 40.3. Entering a description for a custom function. This description appears in the Insert Function dialog box.

  6. Enter a description of the function and then click OK. The Shortcut key field is irrelevant for functions.

The description that you enter appears in the Insert Function dialog box.

Custom functions are listed under the User Defined category.

Figure 40.4 shows the Function Arguments dialog box, which prompts the user to enter arguments for a custom function.

Using the Function Arguments dialog box to insert a custom function.

Figure 40.4. Using the Function Arguments dialog box to insert a custom function.

When you access a built-in function from the Insert Function dialog box, the Function Arguments dialog box displays a description of each argument. Unfortunately, you can’t provide such descriptions for custom functions.

Learning More

The information in this chapter only scratches the surface when it comes to creating custom functions. It should be enough to get you started, however, if you’re interested in this topic. Refer to Chapter 44 for more examples of useful VBA functions. You may be able to use the examples directly or adapt them for your needs.

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