Clearly, there is a gap to fill and business to be made for developing and marketing commercial packages. A few developers outside of Umbraco HQ have done well, most notably those for CMSImport, which allows you to import data from other data sources as Umbraco content; and uCommerce, which offers eCommerce capabilities and management within Umbraco. Other successes exist as well, and the list is constantly growing.

If a developer offers a package as a commercial product, it will also (at least most of the time) be available in a limited version that's free, and in most cases is listed on In addition, the package will have a Purchase button next to it, as shown in Figure 10-5. Currently, this button takes you to the developer's site or means of selling his or her package.



At the time of this writing no official place exists to sell commercial packages for Umbraco. In the works, however, is the Package Marketplace, which will allow developers the opportunity to add packages and themes for sale via the community site.

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