Chapter 15. Service Monitor Framework

For desktop applications, you often need the ability to detect the status of network connectivity and monitor its changes. Some applications require a constant Internet connection, while others, called occasionally connected applications, can work offline as well as online by caching the offline content. Adobe AIR can detect network connectivity changes, thereby enabling you to plan the behavior of the application based on its status.

Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application (JavaScript)


You want to use the service monitor framework with JavaScript to detect the status of network connectivity.


Import the service monitor framework into the AIR application.


The service monitor framework is a separate framework from the standard AIR framework. To be able to use the service monitor framework, you need to import the servicemonitor.swf file into your HTML and JavaScript application. You can find this file in the AIR SDK’s frameworks folder. Copy servicemonitor.swf into the directory of your AIR project.

To import the file, use the script tag. The tag’s type attribute specifies the scripting language of the element’s contents and overrides the default scripting language. Set the type attribute to the application/x-shockwave-flash value, as shown here:

<script type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

In the previous line of code, the servicemonitor.swf file resides in the frameworks folder of the AIR project root. The following is a simple example of a complete HTML page that contains this import:

<html xmlns="">

<script type="application/x-shockwave-flash"



Now the AIR application is ready to use the service monitor framework to monitor the status of network connectivity.

It is also good practice to import the AIRAliases.js file from the frameworks folder of the AIR SDK into the project directory of any AIR applications developed with HTML and JavaScript. Once you’ve imported it into the HTML page, you can access the AIR APIs without using the fully qualified package name of the class, saving you some typing. In fact, the AIRAliases.js file includes aliases for commonly used package-level functions. If you open the AIRAliases.js file, you will find the definitions of the aliases for all the AIR APIs. For example, for the File class, you’ll find the following definitions:

air.File = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.File;
air.FileStream = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream;
air.FileMode = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileMode;

Therefore, instead of accessing the File class by going through the runtime property on the HTML window object, like so:

var myFile = new runtime.flash.filesystem.File("app:/myFile.txt");

these aliases allow you to access the File class with the shortest syntax that doesn’t use the fully qualified package name, like so:

var myFile = new air.File("app:/myFile.txt");

The app:/ prefix refers to the application directory of the application and is an alternative to using the static property on the File class.


AIR defines the runtime property on the HTML window object; runtime provides access to the AIR classes using the fully qualified package name of the class.

You can import AIRAliases.js into the HTML page using the script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js">

The HTML page, complete with the importation of the service monitor framework and AIR aliases, therefore becomes the following:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="">

<script type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>AIR Cookbook: Including the Service Monitor Framework in an
 Application (JavaScript)</title>



Monitoring Network Status with Adobe AIR

Two objects let you check the network connection status: the networkChangeEvent event and the ServiceMonitor class.

The networkChangeEvent event is one of the events of the NativeApplication class, which is a singleton object that dispatches application-level events.


A singleton object is a design pattern that is used to restrict the instantiation of a class to one object. It is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.

The AIR application dispatches the networkChangeEvent event when a new network connection becomes available or an existing network connection is lost. This event informs you only that the status of the connection has changed; it does not provide information about the cause. With all the different types of connections available nowadays (Internet, VPN, wireless connection, UMTS, and so on), the networkChangeEvent event is limited in its scope. It is almost impossible to be sure that you have access to a certain resource by using this event only.

This is where the service monitor framework, based on the ServiceMonitor class, comes into play. You can use the ServiceMonitor class to control and monitor whether the AIR application can actually reach a specific service.

AIR’s service monitor framework provides the classes and methods to execute controls on the status of network connectivity.

The ServiceMonitor class is a dynamic class that acts as a base class for all the other service monitor objects; it resides in the package and dispatches the following events related to network connectivity:

  • activate (an inherited event from the EventDispatcher class): This event is dispatched when the AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.

  • deactivate (an inherited event from the EventDispatcher class): This event is dispatched when the AIR application loses operating system focus and is becoming inactive.

  • status: This event is dispatched when the service status has changed.

This class is a base class for another two subclasses: URLMonitor and SocketMonitor. These are the two classes, with their related methods, that you will use most of the time to detect the status of the service.

The URLMonitor class, which is part of the package, controls the availability of HTTP (or HTTPS) services, such as Representational State Transfer (REST) services.


REST describes an interface that transmits domain-specific data over HTTP without using an additional messaging layer such as SOAP (which is used by web services).

The SocketMonitor class, on the other hand, controls the availability of the connection against a TCP socket, such as a mail or FTP server.


A TCP socket is an endpoint for communication, and it consists of an <IP Address,Port> pair.

Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application (Flash)


You want to use the service monitor framework with Adobe Flash to detect the status of network connectivity.


Import the ServiceMonitorShim library to detect the status of network connectivity.


The service monitor framework is a separate framework from the standard AIR framework. To use the ServiceMonitor classes, you have to import the ServiceMonitorShim.swc file into your AIR application first. The ServiceMonitorShim component is installed in the environment of Adobe Flash CS4 Professional when you install the Adobe AIR update for the software. With the Adobe AIR update installed, Adobe Flash CS4 Professional adds the necessary features to develop, compile, and distribute Adobe AIR applications with Flash. You can download the Adobe AIR update for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional in the Downloads section of the Adobe Flash Support Center (


Before installing the Adobe AIR update, you need to have installed the Adobe Flash Player update for Flash CS3 Professional (9.0.2). You can find this update to download in the same Downloads section.

Launch Flash CS4 Professional, and then choose Window→Components Panel to open the Components panel. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+F7 (Windows) or Command+7 (Mac OS). You will notice a new category among the standard list of Flash components: AIR Service Monitor. Expand this category to find the ServiceMonitorShim component. To use the service monitor framework, you only have to drag this component from the Components panel into the Library. If you prefer, you can drag it directly on the Stage outside the visible area, and it will automatically be added to the Library (Figure 15-1).

Dragging the ServiceMonitorShim component from the Components panel into the Library
Figure 15-1. Dragging the ServiceMonitorShim component from the Components panel into the Library

With the ServiceMonitorShim component in your Flash project’s Library, you can use the classes in the package in Flash to add the import statement to your ActionScript 3 code:


For example, now you can to monitor the connection to a URL using the URLMonitor class (see Monitoring the Connection to a URL), which is one of the classes in the package:


Monitoring the Connection to a URL


You need to check and monitor the availability of an HTTP- or HTTPS-based service.


Use the URLMonitor class to get the status of and monitor changes on the HTTP (or HTTPS) requests that can be made to a certain address.


To be sure that a remote service can be reached, you can call that service to determine the status. The class you need for the job is URLMonitor, which is a subclass of ServiceMonitor.

The constructor of the class accepts two parameters: urlRequest, which is an instance of the URLRequest class that specifies the service or the URL to call, and acceptableStatusCodes, which is typed as an Array and specifies the numeric status codes of the result. The acceptableStatusCodes parameter isn’t compulsory, and if it isn’t specified, the following values will be recognized as status codes:

  • 200 (OK)

  • 202 (Accepted)

  • 204 (No content

  • 205 (Reset content)

  • 206 (Partial content in response to request with a Range header)

To create a URLMonitor object that determines the status of an HTTP (or HTTPS) service, it is sufficient to pass its constructor a URLRequest object with the URL to connect to. In ActionScript, you have to import the class from the package and write the following:

private var urlRequest : URLRequest = new
URLRequest( "" );
private var HTTPMonitor : URLMonitor = new URLMonitor( urlRequest );

With JavaScript, you have to import the servicemonitor.swf file to use the service monitor framework (see Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application (JavaScript)) and then write the following:

<script src="servicemonitor.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

<script type="text/javascript">
function init()
var urlRequest = new air.URLRequest( "" );
var httpMonitor = new air.URLMonitor(urlRequest);

In both cases, this code specifies only the HTTP (or HTTPS) service to which the call must be directed to test its availability. No test is carried out until the start method of the URLMonitor class has been executed. You can also create an event listener for the StatusEvent.STATUS event and intercept the code property in the event object. The code property of the STATUS event contains the description of the object’s status:

httpMonitor .addEventListener( StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusEvent );
httpMonitor .start();

Once the start method has launched the URLMonitor instance, this object keeps monitoring every change in the network. You can set the pollInterval property of the ServiceMonitor to check connectivity at a specified interval in milliseconds.

When this change happens, you can also use the URLMonitor.available property, which returns true or false according to the availability of the network. The initial value is false until something changes in the network activity that sets the property to true:



You can create an ActionScript class that verifies the availability of an HTTP service and keeps monitoring changes in the network. The following code creates a class named CheckURL and saves it in the com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch15 package:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch15

    import mx.controls.Alert;

    public class CheckURL
        private var urlMonitor:URLMonitor;
        private var _isConnected : String;

        public function CheckURL(urlRequest:URLRequest,           
            urlMonitor = new URLMonitor(urlRequest);
            urlMonitor.addEventListener( StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusEvent );

        private function onStatusEvent( event:StatusEvent ) : void
            // it returns a Boolean
            isConnected = urlMonitor.available.toString();

            // it returns Service.available
            // isConnected = event.code;

            // If you're using the Flex SDK
   isConnected );

            // If you're using the Flash IDE
            trace( isConnected );

        public function get isConnected():String
            return _isConnected;

        public function set isConnected(_isConnected:String):void
            this._isConnected = _isConnected;


In the previous example, you declared the private property _isConnected in the class, and you specified the setter/getter methods for it. This is the property that will contain the status of network connectivity.

In the constructor class in the previous code, you created an instance of the URLMonitor class, which has the urlRequest and acceptableStatusCodes parameters set. The URLMonitor instance uses these two parameters, of which only the first is compulsory, to carry out the tests on the HTTP (or HTTPS) service. To launch the checking process, you executed the start method and created an event listener for the StatusEvent.STATUS event, which is registered in the onStatusEvent event handler.

The onStatusEvent event handler sets the isConnected property to the value contained in the urlMonitor.available property. This event handler is invoked every time the StatusEvent.STATUS event is triggered or every time the network connectivity changes.

If you re-create the example using the Adobe Flash IDE, remember to insert the ServiceMonitorShim component in the Library (see Monitoring the Connection to a URL). If, on the other hand, you are using Flex Builder, the service monitor framework is automatically added as a library to the Flex project.

Furthermore, make sure the StatusEvent.STATUS event is dispatched even if, for example, only the access to the new connection is made.


In JavaScript, using the URLMonitor class is only slightly different. You first have to import servicemonitor.swf into the page (see Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application (Flash)).

The following example creates an AIR application that uses the URLMonitor class to verify that the image at is reachable. If the available property returns as true and therefore the service can be reached, you will load the remote image in a div placeholder and load the entire home page in the application. Here is the complete code for this example:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">

<!-- Include service monitor framework -->
<script src="frameworks/servicemonitor.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRIntrospector.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var HTTPMonitor = null;

function checkConn()
    var req = new air.URLRequest("");
    HTTPMonitor = new air.URLMonitor( req );
    HTTPMonitor.addEventListener(air.StatusEvent.STATUS, announceStatus);

function announceStatus(e)

    if (HTTPMonitor.available)
       document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText = HTTPMonitor.available;

    } else {
     document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText = "Can't connect to the 
URL. The connection is unavailable";

function loadImage()
    myImg = document.createElement('img'),
    myImg.src = ""
    document.getElementById("htmlFrame").src = "";
    document.getElementById("htmlFrame").onload = sizeFrame;

function sizeFrame(evt)
    document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText = "The url: " 
+evt.currentTarget.src +
    " has been loaded !";


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" />
<title>AIR Cookbook: Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application 


<body onload="checkConn()">

<div id="resultDiv">Checking .... </div>

    <div id="placeholder" > </div>

    <iframe id="htmlFrame" frameborder="0" width="600" height="450"/>


The JavaScript example invokes the checkConn method when the application starts up upon the onload event of the body. The checkConn method creates the instance of the URLMonitor class and verifies whether the image at is reachable. An event listener is created for the STATUS event and registered to the announceStatus event handler. Finally, the HTTPMonitor object is executed by launching the start method.

The result of the HTTP (or HTTPS) service is returned by the URLMonitor.available property when the STATUS event is triggered. The announceStatus event handler tells the application to invoke the loadImage function or to alert the user with an error message.

The error message is written in the div element of the application with an ID equal to resultDiv. By using the getElementById method, you point to this node of the document, and by using the innerText property, you write the following error message: “Can’t connect to the URL. The connection is unavailable.”

If, on the other hand, the available property returns true, a call to the loadImage function is invoked. This function loads the remote image in an img dynamically created and loads the home page into an iframe tag.

Reading Only the Head of a URL


You need to check the availability of an HTTP service to download only the HTTP headers.


Use method, which is a public property of the URLRequest class (part of the package), to check only the HTTP header for an HTTP service.


Sometimes you may have to manage several instances of the URLMonitor or SocketMonitor class to test whether the application can access different services. A good rule to follow is to test and verify the availability of a network service before using it. You must be careful, however, to use the connection tests wisely so as to not waste bandwidth. By taking advantage of the method property of the URLRequest object, you can optimize the data requests to the server.


Monitoring the Connection to a URL used the URLMonitor class to check the availability of an HTTP service. This class accepts two parameters to pass to the constructor: a URLRequest object and an Array:

URLMonitor(urlRequest:URLRequest, acceptableStatusCodes:Array = null)

In the first parameter, you specify a URL, creating an instance of the URLRequest class:

var checkConn:URLMonitor;
checkConn = new URLMonitor(new URLRequest(''));

With this code, the URLMonitor object checks the availability of the access to the index.php page on the domain, downloading the entire contents of the PHP page. For an application that has to verify more than one HTTP service, the operation could be bandwidth-intensive.

As an alternative, you can specify the method property of the URLRequest object to the URLMonitor object so that it downloads only the HTTP header information. This check is, in fact, sufficient to check the connection to that service.

Before passing the entire URL to check onto the constructor of the URLMonitor class, create a data type variable as URLRequest, and set the method value to the public constants available in the URLRequestMethod class:

var urlCheck:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
urlCheck.method = URLRequestMethod.HEAD;

var checkConn:URLMonitor = new URLMonitor(urlCheck);

The URLRequestMethod class, when used in web applications in Flash Player, provides values that specify whether the URLRequest object should use the POST method or the GET method. This class, however, also shows the public static constant HEAD.

HTTP headers contain all the information of an HTTP request and are very important in an HTTP response. This is an example of an HTTP response header for the URL request:

HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2008 13:15:21 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.6
Content-type: text/html


You can find the URLRequest class in the air.URLRequest package, and you can access it with the following:

request.method = air.URLRequestMethod.HEAD;

Otherwise, using the method property of the URLRequest property is similar to the ActionScript approach. Here’s the complete example that uses the static HEAD constant:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="">

<script type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

        var checkURL = null;

        function init()
            var request = new air.URLRequest( '' );
            request.method = air.URLRequestMethod.HEAD;

            checkURL = new air.URLMonitor( request );
            checkURL.addEventListener(air.StatusEvent.STATUS, announceStatus);


        function announceStatus(e)
            if (HTTPMonitor.available)
                document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText =

            } else {

                document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText =
                "Can't connect to the url. The connection is unavailable";


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>AIR Cookbook:Reading only the HEAD of a URL (JavaScript)</title>

<body onload='init()'>

    <div id="resultDiv">Checking .... </div>


The init function is called upon the onload event of the application body. In this function, a URLRequest object is created, and its method property is set to the static constant air.URLRequestMethod.HEAD.

Monitoring the Connection to a Specific Port on a Server


You want to monitor the connection to a network resource at a specific port.


Use SocketMonitor, which is a subclass of the ServiceMonitor class, to check and monitor the connections to a specific port on a server.


Checking that you have the necessary authorizations to connect to a specific port on a server is crucial because firewalls or default network routers often restrict access to ports to guarantee network safety. That authorization is especially important for desktop applications that need to connect to a specific port of a server. For example, an application might have to send an email using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which initiates a TCP connection to the server’s port 25.

Adobe AIR supports the SocketMonitor class in the service monitor framework, which allows the developer to check and monitor a specified TCP endpoint. This class is similar to the URLMonitor class (see Reading Only the Head of a URL), and its constructor has the following syntax:

SocketMonitor(host:String, port:int)

Set as type String, the host parameter specifies the host being monitored. The value assigned to host can be a domain name (such as or an IP address ( Set as type int, the port parameter specifies the port being monitored.


This example establishes a connection to a specific port. To check, monitor, and establish a connection to a specific port, create an instance of the SocketMonitor class, and specify the port to detect in the second parameter:

         private var monitor:SocketMonitor;
         private var conn:Socket;
         private var isConnected:String;

         public function checkPort(); void
              // Create the istance of the Socket class
              conn = new Socket();

              // Create the istance of the SocketMonitor class
              //    to monitor port 25 on localhost server
              monitor = new SocketMonitor( "", 25 );

              conn.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onConnect);
              monitor.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onSocketStatus);

              // To start the SocketMonitor class


If you are using the Adobe Flash IDE to create an AIR application, you need to import the ServiceMonitorShim.swc file into the Library of the Flash project in your AIR application package (see Including the Service Monitor Framework in an Application (Flash)).

The checkPort method checks the availability of the connection to the site over port 25, and if the connection has been successful, it connects to the server.

Then create two event listeners on the events of Event.CONNECT for the Socket class and on the events of StatusEvent.STATUS for the SocketMonitor class. In the event handler of the STATUS event, the available property is checked, and it returns a Boolean according to the result obtained by the connection test:

private function onConnect(event:Event):void
        trace( "Connection to port 25 established !" );
        // You are now ready to send and receive data


    private function onSocketStatus(e:StatusEvent):void
        // it returns a Boolean
        isConnected = monitor.available.toString();

        // it returns Service.available
        // isConnected = event.code;

        if (monitor.available)
            conn.connect("", 25 );

        } else {

            // If you're using the Flex SDK
            // "Connection to port 25 NOT established !" );

            // If you're using the Flash IDE
            trace( "Connection to port 25 NOT established !" );


In JavaScript, the operations to check and monitor the connection against a specific port are similar to those for ActionScript. The class you use is the same: the SocketMonitor that can be instanced only after having imported the service monitor framework.

To import the service framework, you need to import the servicemonitor.swf file with a script tag in the page:

<!-- Include service monitor framework -->
<script src="frameworks/servicemonitor.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

The example uses this component and its methods to detect connectivity changes to a URL connection on port 25:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">

    <!-- Include service monitor framework -->
    <script src="frameworks/servicemonitor.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-

    <script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRIntrospector.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var checkSocket = null;
    var host = '';
    var port = 25;

    function checkConn()
         checkSocket = new air.SocketMonitor( host, port );
         checkSocket.addEventListener(air.StatusEvent.STATUS, announceStatus);

    function announceStatus(e)
        if (checkSocket.available)
            document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText = checkSocket.available;
        } else {
            document.getElementById("resultDiv").innerText = "Can't connect to port 25.
            The connection is unavailable";


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>AIR Cookbook: Monitoring the Connection to a Specific Port on a Server 

<body onload="checkConn()">

    <div id="resultDiv">Checking .... </div>


The SocketMonitor class accepts two parameters in the constructor: host and port. These two parameters are declared in the global variables in the script block and then used in the checkConn function and invoked on the onload event of the body.


In addition to monitoring the connection to a server, AIR gives JavaScript developers the ability to communicate with a server on a specific port with the Socket and XMLSocket classes.

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