Widget Overview

All Tk widgets are created by a Tcl command of the same name as the widget. These widget creation commands have the form:

widgetCmd pathName [option value...]

where widgetCmd is the name of the widget type desired (e.g., button or listbox) and pathName is the pathname for the new widget. The Return value for the command is pathName.

A widget’s pathname consists of a child name appended to the pathname of its parent widget using a “.” character. The child name is an arbitrary string that excludes the “.” character and is unique among its siblings, the other widget children of its parent. The pathname for the Tk main (or root) window is simply a single dot (i.e., “.”); its immediate children begin with a dot, and each additional level of a child widget appears after an additional dot. This scheme is analogous to file pathnames in the Unix file system, where the “/” character is used as a directory name separator. For example, the pathname of a frame widget named frame1 whose parent is the main window would have the pathname .frame1. A button widget named button1 who is a child of frame1 would have the pathname .frame1.button1. Almost all Tk commands require the full pathname for arguments that specify a widget.

When a new widget is created with the pathname pathName, a new Tcl command is also defined with the same name. Invoking this command allows one to manipulate the widget in various ways depending on the arguments passed. The first argument to the widget’s command is referred to as the widget method and selects the action to be taken by the widget. Additional arguments to the widget’s command may be allowed or required, depending on the method. The methods available to each widget type are described in the "Widget Commands" section, later in this chapter.

The optional option-value pair arguments to the widget creation command allow one to set the value of the widget’s supported configuration options. All widgets support the conFigure and cget methods to change and query their configuration options after creation.

The configure method has the form:

pathName conFigure [option [value [option value ...] ] ]

If one or more option-value pairs are specified, the given options are set to the given values. If no option-value pairs are specified, the command returns a list with an element for each supported widget option. Each element itself is a list of five items describing an option. These items are the option itself, its database name, its class name, its default value, and its current value. For example, the list for -activebackground might look like this: {-activebackground activeBackground Foreground #ececec blue}. If only the first option argument is specified, just the five-item list describing that option is returned.

The cget command has the form:

pathName cget option

and simply returns the current setting of the option option.

The configuration options available differ depending on the widget type. Many options are supported by all or several of the widget types. These standard options are described in the next section. Which standard options a widget type supports and the options that are specific to a particular widget type are described in the "Widget Commands" section.

For distance and coordinate options that take values in screen units, the valid format is a floating-point number followed by an optional one-character suffix: c for centimeters, i for inches, m for millimeters, p for printer’s points (1/72 inch), or no character for pixels. Commands that return values for screen distances and coordinates do so in pixels, unless otherwise stated.

Standard Widget Options

Each of the following entries lists the option or options used in Tk, the name in the window system’s resource database for the option, the associated class name in the resource database, and a description of the option.

-activebackground color (activeBackground, Foreground)

Background color of widget when it is active.

-activeborderwidth width (activeBorderWidth, BorderWidth)

Width, in screen units, of widget’s border when it is active.

-activeforeground color (activeForeground, Background)

Foreground color of widget when it is active.

-anchor anchorPos (anchor, Anchor)

How information is positioned inside widget. Valid anchorPos values are n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, and center.

-Background color (background, Background)
-bg color

Background color of widget in normal state.

-bitmap bitmap (bitmap, Bitmap)

A bitmap image to display in the widget in place of a textual label. Valid bitmap values are the special sequence @filename, specifying a file from which to read the bitmap data or one of the built-in bitmaps: error, gray12, gray25, gray50, gray75, hourglass, info, questhead, question, or warning. On the Macintosh, the following bitmaps are available: document, stationery, edition, application, accessory, folder, pfolder, trash, floppy, ramdisk, cdrom, preferences, querydoc, stop, note, and caution.

-borderwidth width (borderWidth, BorderWidth)
-bd width

Width, in screen units, of widget’s border in its normal state.

-cursor cursor (cursor, Cursor)

Cursor to display when mouse pointer is inside the widget’s borders. The cursor argument may take the following forms:

name [fgColor [bgColor] ]

Name is the name of a cursor font as defined in the X Window System cursorfont.h include file (e.g., cross and left_ptr). If fgColor and bgColor are specified, they give the foreground and background colors for the cursor, respectively. If bgColor is omitted, the background will be transparent. If neither is specified, the defaults will be black and white, respectively.

@sourceName maskName fgColor bgColor

Sourcename and maskName are the names of files describing bitmaps for the cursor’s source bits and mask. Fgcolor and bgColor indicate the foreground and background colors, respectively, for the cursor. This form is invalid on Macintosh and Windows platforms.

@sourceName fgColor

sourceName is the name of a file describing a bitmap for the cursor’s source bits. fgColor is the foreground color for the cursor. This form is invalid on Macintosh and Windows platforms.

-disabledforeground color (disabledForeground, DisabledForeground)

Foreground color of widget when it is disabled.

-exportselection boolean (exportSelection, ExportSelection)

Whether a selection in the widget should also be made the X Window System selection.

-font font (font, Font)

Font to use when drawing text inside the widget.

-Foreground color (foreground, Foreground)
-fg color

Foreground color of widget in its normal state.

-highlightbackground color (highlightBackground, HighlightBackground)

Color of the rectangle drawn around the widget when it does not have the input focus.

-highlightcolor color (highlightColor, HighlightColor)

Color of the rectangle drawn around the widget when it has the input focus.

-highlightthickness width (highlightThickness, HighlightThickness)

Width, in screen units, of highlighted rectangle drawn around widget when it has the input focus.

-image imageName (image, Image)

Name of image to display in the widget in place of its textual label (see the image command).

-insertbackground color (insertBackground, Foreground)

Color to use for the background of the area covered by the insertion cursor.

-insertborderwidth width (insertBorderWidth, BorderWidth)

Width, in screen units, of the border to draw around the insertion cursor.

-insertofftime milliseconds (insertOffTime, OffTime)

Time the insertion cursor should remain “off " in each blink cycle.

-insertontime milliseconds (insertOnTime, OnTime)

Time the insertion cursor should remain “on” in each blink cycle.

-insertwidth width (insertWidth, InsertWidth)

Width, in screen units, of the insertion cursor.

-jump boolean (jump, Jump)

Whether to notify slider controls (e.g., scrollbars) connected to the widget to delay making updates until mouse button is released.

-justify alignment (justify, Justify)

How multiple lines of text are justified. Valid alignment values are left, center, or right.

-orient orientation (orient, Orient)

The orientation in which the widget should be laid out. Valid orientation values are vertical or horizontal.

-padx width (padX, Pad)

Extra space, in screen units, to request for padding the widget’s top and bottom sides.

-pady height (padY, Pad)

Extra space, in screen units, to request for padding the widget’s left and right sides.

-relief effect (relief, Relief)

3D effect desired for the widget’s border. Valid effect values are flat, groove, raised, ridge, or sunken.

-repeatdelay milliseconds (repeatDelay, RepeatDelay)

Time a button or key must be held down before it begins to autorepeat.

-repeatinterval milliseconds (repeatInterval, RepeatInterval)

Time between autorepeats once action has begun.

-selectbackground color (selectBackground, Foreground)

Background color to use when displaying selected items or text.

-selectborderwidth width (selectBorderWidth, BorderWidth)

Width, in screen units, of border to draw around selected items or text.

-selectforeground color (selectForeground, Background)

Foreground color to use when displaying selected items or text.

-setgrid boolean (setGrid, SetGrid)

Whether the widget controls the resizing grid for its top-level window. See the wm grid command for details.

-takefocus focusType (takeFocus, TakeFocus)

If 0 or 1, signals that the widget should never or always take the focus. If empty, Tk decides. Otherwise, evaluates argument as script with widget name appended as argument. Returned value must be 0, 1, or empty.

-text string (text, Text)

Text string to be displayed inside the widget.

-textvariable variable (textVariable, Variable)

Variable whose value is a text string to be displayed inside the widget.

-troughcolor color (troughColor, Background)

Color to use for the rectangular trough areas in widget.

-underline index (underline, Underline)

Integer index of a character to underline in the widget.

-wraplength length (wrapLength, WrapLength)

Maximum line length, in screen units, for word wrapping.

-xscrollcommand cmdPrefix (xScrollCommand, ScrollCommand)

Prefix for a command used to communicate with an associated horizontal scrollbar. Typically scrollbar set, where scrollbar is the pathname of a horizontal scrollbar widget.

-yscrollcommand cmdPrefix (yScrollCommand, ScrollCommand)

Prefix for a command used to communicate with an associated vertical scrollbar. Typically scrollbar set, where scrollbar is the pathname of a vertical scrollbar widget.

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