Chapter 10. TclX

TclX, also known as Extended Tcl, was developed by Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans. TclX is not part of the core Tcl/Tk package, but can be obtained for free at This chapter covers TclX Version 8.0.2.

TclX enhances the Tcl language with a number of features designed to make it mor e suited to general-purpose programming. The TclX software includes a number of new Tcl commands, a new Tcl shell, a standalone help facility, and a library of handy Tcl procedures. Some features of TclX have proven so useful that, over time, they have been integrated into the core Tcl distribution.

This chapter describes only the commands in TclX that are not in standard Tcl. As noted in the text, some commands are not supported or have reduced functionality when running on the Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT platforms. TclX does not support the Macintosh platform.

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