Command-Line Options

The wish program has the following command-line format:

wish [cmdfile] [options] [- -] [arg arg...] ]

Its behavior is identical to the tclsh program in the handling of the cmdfile and arg arguments. In addition, the following options are available:

-color map new

Specify that the root window should have a new colormap rather than the default colormap of the screen.

-display display

For the X Window System, the display (and screen) on which to display the root window.

-geometry geometry

Geometry to use for the root window in standard X Window System geometry format. It will be stored in the geometry global variable.

-name name

Specify the title for the root window and the name of the interpreter for send commands.


Execute all X Window System commands synchronously. This option makes sure that all errors are reported immediately, but slows down execution.

-use id

Instead of the root window being a top-level window, it is embedded in the window whose system identifier is id (as returned by winfo id command).

-visual visual

Visual class to use for the root window. Visual must be directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor, staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor.

- -

Denote end of wish options. Additional arguments are passed to the script’s argv global variable. Normally, all arguments are scanned formatches to the above options.

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