

entry pathName [option value...]

The entry command creates a new entry widget named pathName. An entry is a widget that displays a one-line text string that can be edited.

Standard Options
























Widget-Specific Options

-show char (show, Show)

Character to show instead of actual characters typed. Useful for password entries.

-state state (state, State)

State for the entry. State must be normal or disabled.

-width width (width, Width)

Desired width in characters. If zero or less, the width is made large enough to hold current text.

Text Indices

Several entry widget methods support the notion of an index for identifying particular positions within the line of text. Valid index values are as follows:


Character as a numerical index (starting from 0)


Anchor point for the selection


Character just after the last one in the entry’s string


Character just after the insertion cursor


First character in the selection, if in entry


Character just after last one in selection, if in entry


Character at x-coordinate x in entry


pathName bbox index

Return a list of four numbers giving coordinates of upper-left corner (relative to the widget) and width and height of character at index.

pathName delete first [last]

Delete range of characters starting at first up to, but not including, last. If last is omitted, only the character at first is deleted.

pathName get

Return the entry’s current string.

pathName icursor index

Place the insertion cursor just before the character at index.

pathName index index

Return the numerical index corresponding to position index.

pathName insert index string

Insert string just before the position indicated by index.

pathName scan dragto x

Scroll the widget’s view horizontally. The distance scrolled is equal to 10 times the difference between this command’s x argument and the x argument to the last scan mark command for the widget.

pathName scan mark x

Record x as the anchor for a following scan dragto method call.

pathName selection adjust index

Locate the end of the selection nearest to index, adjust that end of the selection to be at index, and make the other end of the selection the selection anchor point. If no current selection exists, the selection is created to encompass the characters between index and the current anchor point, inclusive.

pathName selection clear

Clear the selection if it is owned by this widget.

pathName selection from index

Set the selection anchor point to just before the character at index.

pathName selection present

Return 1 if any characters in entry are currently selected, 0 otherwise.

pathName selection range start end

Set the selection to include characters starting at start up to, but not including, the character at end.

pathName selection to index

If index is before the anchor point, set the selection to the character range from index up to just before the anchor point. If index is after the anchor point, set the selection to the character range from the anchor point up to just before index.

pathName xview

Return a two-element list describing the currently visible horizontal region of the entry. The elements are real numbers representing the fractional distance that the view’s top and bottom edges extend into the vertical span of the widget.

pathName xview index

Adjust the visible region of the entry so the character at index is at the left edge of the view.

pathName xview moveto fraction

Adjust the visible region of the entry so that the point indicated by fraction along the widget’s horizontal span appears at the region’s left edge.

pathName xview scroll number what

Shift the visible region of the entry horizontally by number. If what is units, then number is in units of the characters. If what is pages, then number is in units of the visible region’s width.

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