

toplevel pathname [option value...]

The toplevel command creates a new top-level widget named pathName. It is similar to a frame widget, but its actual window system parent is the root window of the screen rather than the hierarchical parent from its pathname.

Standard Options









Widget-Specific Options

-background color (background, Background)

Same as standard option, but may be the empty string to display no background or border.

-class name (class, Class)

Class to use when querying the option database and for bindings. May not be changed with configure.

-colormap colormap (colormap, Colormap)

Colormap to use for window. Colormap may be either new, in which case a new colormap is created, or the name of another window, in which case that window’s colormap is used. The default is to use the colormap of its screen. May not be changed with configure.

-container boolean (container, Container)

Whether the window will be used as a container in which to embed some other application. May not be changed with the configure method.

-height height (height, Height)

Desired height, in screen units, for the window.

-menu pathname (menu, Menu)

Menu widget to be used as a menubar.

-screen screen

Screen on which to place the new window. May not be changed with the configure method.

-use windowId (use, Use)

Used for embedding. WindowId is the ID of a window to be the parent of top-level widget instead of the root window. May not be changed with the configure method.

-visual visual (visual, Visual)

Visual class to use for the window. Visual must be directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor, staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor.

-width width (width, Width)

Desired width, in screen units, for the window.

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