
When you follow the laws, techniques, and strategies outlined in this book, your life will change forever. Get ready to find yourself in the driver’s seat of life. You will find yourself in a winning situation—all the time—no matter what your challenges are. Look forward to finding yourself among the 3 percent who can control their destiny. You will be able to get what you want, when you want it, and win friends for life. You will be included among those elite few who can help and teach others to control their futures. You will never worry about income or employment again.


1. Feel Influential

There is an essential truth to the old phrase—fake it until you make it. Studies show that if you feel influential, if you feel you will succeed in your ability to influence others—you become that way. One study revealed the more influential you felt, the greater your ability to influence. When you feel influential and feel you can persuade others, it leads to increased happiness, feeling in control and that life has more purpose.1 The bottom line is when you think and feel that you are influential, you become more influential.

2. Grow Influential

Make up your mind you want to win the race before you start. You can come up with all the excuses you want, but none of them will bring you success or happiness. You can learn and grow every day, but you will never completely master this critical life skill. The more tools you learn, the more successful you are going to be. If you have not achieved your success or your income goals, keep working on your ability to influence. Some of the skills I outlined in this book will come naturally to you. Some of the laws will need a little practice. Others will be completely foreign to you and require concentrated effort. Continue to learn and apply these techniques, and they will become second nature to you. I recommend that you consciously apply one new Law of Persuasion a week, and soon these laws will become part of you.

3. Become Influential

Once you have a concrete knowledge of the 12 Laws of Persuasion, you can take your Persuasion IQ to the next level by mastering charisma. Yes, charisma can be learned. We have all met someone who, after just a few seconds, we felt an instant connection or bond with them. When you can develop charisma, when you can connect with anyone, when others feel comfortable around you, then you can magnify your ability to influence. People will pay more attention to you, and they will want you to influence them. (Measure your charisma at www.charismaiq.com.)


Always treat yourself like a do-it-yourself project. Discover that there is a direct correlation between your personal development program and your income. Find a product, service, idea, or cause that you can believe in. When you know you can help someone with your product or service, you have a moral and ethical obligation to persuade that person to get involved with what you are offering. If you don’t, an unethical person with an inferior product and better persuasion skills is going to take their money. I believe in you and your ability to improve yourself. I believe in your ability to improve the lives around you and to make the world a better place.

Persuade with power.

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