
If I don’t force myself to keep this section short, it will end up as long as the rest of the book. The influence of each person below shows up on every page of this book.

First are my leadership teachers. Despite what I say about the traditional education system they worked in, I learned from them and their courses more than I can say: Daniel Ames, Srikumar Rao, Ralph Biggadike, Michael Feiner, Bill Duggan, and Donald Waite.

Next are my leadership mentors: Marshall Goldsmith, Michael Preston, David Allen, Frances Hesselbein, and Barry Salzberg.

Teachers who taught me that how we learn is as important as what: Chris Lehmann, Tim Best, Joshua Block, Adam Holman, Bruce McCarty, and Richard Friedberg.

Friends from whom I learned leadership and support: John Emerson, Faron Salisbury, and Sebastian Marshall. Jordan Harbinger and Neil Strauss gave pivotal inspiration in North Korea.

My mom, of course, whose marathon at 67 inspired me as much as anything.

My agent and editor, who saw this book’s potential before anyone else: Melissa Kahn and Stephen S. Power. And to my writing partner, Kate Hawley.

A few historical leadership and teacher inspirations stand out enough to mention: Constantin Stanislavsky, Sanford Meisner, James Lipton (whom I hope to meet to tell how much he’s inspired me), John Dewey, Aristotle, Laozi, and R. H. Burpee.

Finally, my students and clients, from whom I learned the most about leadership, how to learn it, and how to teach it.

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