Chapter 8

Working with Range Objects

In This Chapter

arrow Finding out why Range objects are so important

arrow Understanding the various ways of referring to ranges

arrow Discovering some of the more useful Range object properties

arrow Uncovering some of the more useful Range object methods

In this chapter, I dig a bit deeper into Excel’s dungeons and take a closer look at Range objects. Excel is all about cells, and the Range object is a container for cells. Why do you need to know so much about Range objects? Because much of the programming work you do in Excel focuses on Range objects. You can thank me later.

A Quick Review

A Range object represents a range contained in a Worksheet object. Range objects, like all other objects, have properties (which you can examine and sometimes change) and methods (which perform actions on the object).

A Range object can be as small as a single cell (for example, B4) or as large as every one of the 17,179,869,184 cells in a worksheet (A1:XFD1048576).

When you refer to a Range object, the address is always surrounded by double quotes, like this:


If the range consists of one cell, you still need the quotes:


If the range happens to have a name (created by using the Formulas⇒Defined Names⇒Define Name command in Excel), you can use an expression like this:


warning_bomb.eps Unless you tell Excel otherwise by qualifying the range reference, it assumes that you’re referring to a range on the active worksheet. If anything other than a worksheet is active (such as a chart sheet), the range reference fails, and your macro displays an error message and stops running.

As shown in the following example, you can refer to a range outside the active sheet by qualifying the range reference with a worksheet name from the active workbook:


If you need to refer to a range in a different workbook (that is, any workbook other than the active workbook), you can use a statement like this:


A Range object can consist of one or more entire rows or columns. You can refer to an entire row (in this case, row 3) by using syntax like this:


You can refer to an entire column (the fourth column in this example) like this:


In Excel, you select noncontiguous ranges by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting various ranges with your mouse. Figure 8-1 shows a noncontiguous range selection. You shouldn’t be surprised that VBA also lets you work with noncontiguous ranges. The following expression refers to a two-area noncontiguous range. Notice that a comma separates the two areas.


warning_bomb.eps Be aware that some methods and properties cause havoc with noncontiguous ranges. You may have to process each area separately by using a loop.


Figure 8-1: A noncontiguous range selection.

Other Ways to Refer to a Range

The more you work with VBA, the more you realize that it’s a fairly well-conceived language and is usually quite logical (despite what you may be thinking right now). Often, VBA provides multiple ways to perform an action. You can choose the most appropriate solution for your problem. This section discusses some of the other ways to refer to a range.

remember.eps This chapter barely scratches the surface for the Range object’s properties and methods. As you work with VBA, you’ll probably need to access other properties and methods. The Help system is the best place to find out about them, but it’s also a good idea to record your actions and examine the code Excel generates. You’re probably getting tired of hearing that advice by now, but it really is good advice.

The Cells property

Rather than use the VBA Range keyword, you can refer to a range via the Cells property.

technicalstuff.eps Notice that I wrote Cells property, not Cells object or even Cells collection. Although Cells may seem like an object (or a collection), it’s really not. Rather, Cells is a property that VBA evaluates. VBA then returns an object (more specifically, a Range object). If this seems strange, don’t worry. Even Microsoft appears to be confused about this issue. In some earlier versions of Excel, the Cells property was known as the Cells method. Regardless of what it is, just understand that Cells is a handy way to refer to a range.

The Cells property takes two arguments: a row number and a column number. Both of these arguments are numbers, even though we usually refer to columns by using letters. For example, the following expression refers to cell C2 on Sheet2:

Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 3)

You can also use the Cells property to refer to a multi-cell range. The following example demonstrates the syntax you use:

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 8))

This expression refers to an 80-cell range that extends from cell A1 (row 1, column 1) to cell H10 (row 10, column 8).

The following statements both produce the same result; they enter a value of 99 into a 10-by-8 range of cells. More specifically, these statements set the Value property of the Range object:

Range("A1:H10").Value = 99

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 8)).Value = 99

tip.eps The advantage of using the Cells property to refer to ranges becomes apparent when you use variables rather than actual numbers as the Cells arguments. And things really start to click when you understand looping, which I cover in Chapter 10.

The Offset property

The Offset property provides another handy means for referring to ranges. This property, which operates on a Range object and returns another Range object, lets you refer to a cell that is a particular number of rows and columns away from another cell.

Like the Cells property, the Offset property takes two arguments. The first argument represents the number of rows to offset; the second represents the number of columns to offset.

The following expression refers to a cell one row below cell A1 and two columns to the right of cell A1. In other words, this refers to the cell commonly known as C2:

Range("A1").Offset(1, 2)

The Offset property can also use negative arguments. A negative row offset refers to a row above the range. A negative column offset refers to a column to the left of the range. The following example refers to cell A1:

Range("C2").Offset(-1, -2)

And, as you may expect, you can use 0 as one or both of the arguments for Offset. The following expression refers to cell A1:

Range("A1").Offset(0, 0)

Here’s a statement that inserts the time of day into the cell to the right of the active cell:

ActiveCell.Offset(0,1) = Time

When you record a macro in relative mode, Excel uses the Offset property quite a bit. Refer back to Chapter 6 for an example.

tip.eps The Offset property is most useful when you use variables rather than actual values for the arguments. In Chapter 10, I present some examples that demonstrate this.

Some Useful Range Object Properties

A Range object has dozens of properties. You can write VBA programs nonstop for the next 12 months and never use them all. In this section, I briefly describe some of the more commonly used Range properties. For complete details, consult the Help system in the VBE.

remember.eps Some Range properties are read-only properties, which means that your code can look at their values, but it can’t change them (“look, but don’t touch”). For example, every Range object has an Address property, which holds the range’s address. You can access this read-only property, but you can’t change it — which makes perfect sense when you think about it.

By the way, the examples that follow are typically statements rather than complete procedures. If you’d like to try any of these (and you should), create a Sub procedure to do so. Also, many of these statements work properly only if a worksheet is the active sheet.

The Value property

The Value property represents the value contained in a cell. It’s a read-write property, so your VBA code can either read or change the value.

The following statement displays a message box that shows the value in cell A1 on Sheet1:

MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

It stands to reason that you can read the Value property only for a single-cell Range object. For example, the following statement generates an error:

MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C3").Value

You can, however, change the Value property for a range of any size. The following statement enters the number 123 into each cell in a range:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C3").Value = 123

tip.eps Value is the default property for a Range object. In other words, if you omit a property for a Range, Excel uses its Value property. The following statements both enter a value of 75 into cell A1 on the active worksheet:

Range("A1").Value = 75

Range("A1") = 75

The Text property

The Text property returns a string that represents the text as it’s displayed in a cell — the formatted value. The Text property is read-only. For example, suppose that cell A1 contains the value 12.3 and is formatted to display two decimals and a dollar sign ($12.30). The following statement displays a message box containing $12.30:

MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Text

But the next statement displays a message box containing 12.3:

MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

If the cell contains a formula, the Text property returns the result of the formula. If a cell contains text, then the Text property and the Value property will always return the same thing, because text (unlike a number) can’t be formatted to display differently.

The Count property

The Count property returns the number of cells in a range. It counts all cells, not just the nonblank cells. Count is a read-only property, just as you would expect. The following statement accesses a range’s Count property and displays the result (9) in a message box:

MsgBox Range("A1:C3").Count

The Column and Row properties

The Column property returns the column number of a single-cell range. Its sidekick, the Row property, returns the row number of a single-cell range. Both are read-only properties. For example, the following statement displays 6 because cell F3 is in the sixth column:

MsgBox Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F3").Column

The next expression displays 3 because cell F3 is in the third row:

MsgBox Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F3").Row

remember.eps If the Range object consists of more than one cell, the Column property returns the column number of the first column in the range, and the Row property returns the row number of the first row in the range.

warning_bomb.eps Don’t confuse the Column and Row properties with the Columns and Rows properties (discussed earlier in this chapter). The Column and Row properties return a single value. The Columns and Rows properties, on the other hand, return a Range object. What a difference an “s” makes.

The Address property

Address, a read-only property, displays the cell address for a Range object as an absolute reference (a dollar sign before the column letter and before the row number). The following statement displays the message box shown in Figure 8-2:

MsgBox Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 5)).Address


Figure 8-2: This message box displays the Address property of a 5-by-5 range.

The HasFormula property

The HasFormula property (which is read-only) returns True if the single-cell range contains a formula. It returns False if the cell does not have a formula. If the range consists of more than one cell, VBA returns True only if all cells in the range contain a formula, or False if all cells in the range don’t have a formula. The property returns Null if there is a mixture of formulas and nonformulas in the range. Null is kind of a no-man’s land: The answer is neither True nor False; any cell in the range may or may not have a formula.

warning_bomb.eps You need to be careful when you work with properties that can return Null. More specifically, the only data type that can deal with Null is Variant.

For example, assume that cell A1 contains a value and cell A2 contains a formula. The following statements generate an error because the range doesn’t consist of all formulas or all nonformulas:

Dim FormulaTest As Boolean

FormulaTest = Range("A1:A2").HasFormula

The Boolean data type can handle only True or False. Null causes Excel to complain and display an error message. To fix this type of situation, the best thing to do is make sure that the FormulaTest variable is declared as a Variant rather than as a Boolean. The following example uses VBA’s handy TypeName function (along with an If-Then-Else construct) to determine the data type of the FormulaTest variable. If the range has a mixture of formulas and nonformulas, the message box displays Mixed! Otherwise it displays either True or False.

Sub CheckForFormulas()

    Dim FormulaTest As Variant

    FormulaTest = Range("A1:A2").HasFormula

    If TypeName(FormulaTest) = "Null" Then

        MsgBox "Mixed!"


        MsgBox FormulaTest

    End If

End Sub

See Chapter 10 for more about using the If-Then-Else construct.

The Font property

As I note earlier in this chapter (see “The Cells property”), a property can return an object. The Font property of a Range object is another example of that concept at work. The Font property returns a Font object.

A Font object, as you may expect, has many accessible properties. To change some aspect of a range’s font, you must first access the range’s Font object and then manipulate the properties of that object. This may be confusing, but maybe this example will help.

The following statement uses the Font property of the Range object to return a Font object. Then the Bold property of the Font object is set to True. In plain English, this statement makes the cell display in boldface:

Range("A1").Font.Bold = True

Truth is, you don’t really need to know that you’re working with a special Font object that’s contained in a Range object. As long as you use the proper syntax, it will work just fine. Often, recording your actions while you record a macro will tell you everything you need to know about the proper syntax.

See Chapter 6 for more information about recording macros.

The Interior property

Here’s yet another example of a property that returns an object. A Range object’s Interior property returns an Interior object (strange name, but that’s what it’s called). This type of object referencing works the same way as the Font property (which I describe in the preceding section).

For example, the following statement changes the Color property of the Interior object contained in the Range object:

Range("A1").Interior.Color = 8421504

In other words, this statement changes the cell’s background to middle gray. What’s that? You didn’t know that 8421504 is middle gray? For some insights into Excel’s wonderful world of color, see the nearby sidebar “A quick and dirty color primer.”

The Formula property

The Formula property represents the formula in a cell. This is a read-write property, so you can access it to either view the formula in a cell or insert a formula into a cell. For example, the following statement enters a SUM formula into cell A13:

Range("A13").Formula = "=SUM(A1:A12)"

Notice that the formula is a text string and is enclosed in quotation marks.

If the formula itself contains quotation marks, things get a bit tricky. For example, let’s say you want to insert this formula by using VBA:

=SUM(A1:A12)&" Stores"

This formula displays a value, followed by the word Stores. To make this formula acceptable, you need to replace every quotation mark in the formula with two quotation marks. Otherwise, VBA will get confused and claim that there’s a syntax error (because there is!). So here’s a statement that will enter a formula that contains quotes:

Range("A13").Formula = "=SUM(A1:A12)&"" Stores"""

By the way, you can access a cell’s Formula property even if the cell doesn’t have a formula. If a cell has no formula, the Formula property returns the same as its Value property.

If you need to know whether a cell has a formula, use the HasFormula property (discussed earlier in this chapter).

remember.eps Be aware that VBA “speaks” U.S. English. This means that in order to put a formula in a cell, you must use the U.S. syntax. If you use a non-English version of Excel, read up on the FormulaLocal property.

The NumberFormat property

The NumberFormat property represents the number format (expressed as a text string) of the Range object. This is a read-write property, so your VBA code can either examine the number format or change it. The following statement changes the number format of column A to a percent with two decimal places:

Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "0.00%"

Follow these steps to see a list of other number formats. Better yet, turn on the macro recorder while you do this:

1. Activate a worksheet.

2. Access the Format Cells dialog box by pressing Ctrl+1.

3. Click the Number tab.

4. Select the Custom category to view and apply some additional number format strings.

Some Useful Range Object Methods

As you know, a VBA method performs an action. A Range object has dozens of methods but, again, you won’t need most of these. In this section, I point out some of the more commonly used Range object methods.

The Select method

Use the Select method to select a range of cells. The following statement selects a range on the active worksheet:


warning_bomb.eps Before selecting a range, it’s often a good idea to use one additional statement to ensure that the correct worksheet is active. For example, if Sheet1 contains the range you want to select, use the following statements to select the range:



Contrary to what you may expect, the following statement generates an error if Sheet1 is not already the active sheet. In other words, you must use two statements rather than just one: one to activate the sheet and another to select the range.


tip.eps If you use the GoTo method of the Application object to select a range, you can forget about selecting the correct worksheet first. This statement activates Sheet1 and then selects the range:

Application.Goto Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C12")

The GoTo method is the VBA equivalent of pressing F5 in Excel, which displays the GoTo dialog box.

The Copy and Paste methods

You can perform copy and paste operations in VBA by using the Copy and Paste methods. Note that two different objects come into play. The Copy method is applicable to the Range object, but the Paste method applies to the Worksheet object. It actually makes sense: You copy a range and paste it to a worksheet.

This short macro (courtesy of the macro recorder) copies range A1:A12 and pastes it to the same worksheet, beginning at cell C1:

Sub CopyRange()





End Sub

tip.eps Notice that in the preceding example, the ActiveSheet object is used with the Paste method. This is a special version of the Worksheet object that refers to the currently active worksheet. Also notice that the macro selects the range before copying it. However, you don’t have to select a range before doing something with it. In fact, the following procedure accomplishes the same task as the preceding example by using a single statement:

Sub CopyRange2()

    Range("A1:A12").Copy Range("C1")

End Sub

This procedure takes advantage of the fact that the Copy method can use an argument that corresponds to the destination range for the copy operation. That’s something that you can find out by checking with the Help system.

The Clear method

The Clear method deletes the contents of a range, plus all the cell formatting. For example, if you want to zap everything in column D, the following statement does the trick:


You should be aware of two related methods. The ClearContents method deletes the contents of the range but leaves the formatting intact. The ClearFormats method deletes the formatting in the range but not the cell contents.

The Delete method

Clearing a range differs from deleting a range. When you delete a range, Excel shifts the remaining cells around to fill up the range you deleted.

The following example uses the Delete method to delete row 6:


When you delete a range that’s not a complete row or column, Excel needs to know how to shift the cells. (To see how this works, experiment with the Excel Home⇒Cells⇒Delete command.)

The following statement deletes a range and then fills the resulting gap by shifting the other cells to the left:

Range("C6:C10").Delete xlToLeft

The Delete method uses an argument that indicates how Excel should shift the remaining cells. In this case, I use a built-in constant (xlToLeft) for the argument. I could also use xlUp, another named constant.

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