Chapter 15

Simple Dialog Boxes

In This Chapter

arrow Saving time by using any of several alternatives to UserForms

arrow Using the InputBox and MsgBox functions to get information from the user

arrow Getting a filename and path from the user

arrow Getting a folder name from the user

arrow Writing VBA code to execute Ribbon commands that display Excel built-in dialog boxes

You can’t use Excel very long without being exposed to dialog boxes. They seem to pop up all the time. Excel — like most Windows programs — uses dialog boxes to obtain information, clarify commands, and display messages. If you develop VBA macros, you can create your own dialog boxes that work just like those built into Excel. Those custom dialog boxes are called UserForms in VBA.

This chapter doesn’t tell you anything about creating UserForms. Rather, it describes some techniques you might be able to use in place of UserForms. Chapters 16 through 18, however, do cover UserForms.

UserForm Alternatives

Some of the VBA macros you create behave the same every time you execute them. For example, you may develop a macro that enters a list of your employees into a worksheet range. This macro always produces the same result and requires no additional user input.

You might develop other macros, however, that behave differently under various circumstances or that offer the user options. In such cases, the macro may benefit from a custom dialog box. A custom dialog box provides a simple means for getting information from the user. Your macro then uses that information to determine what it should do.

UserForms can be quite useful, but creating them takes time. Before I cover the topic of creating UserForms in the next chapter, you need to know about some potentially timesaving alternatives.

VBA lets you display several different types of dialog boxes that you can sometimes use in place of a UserForm. You can customize these built-in dialog boxes in some ways, but they certainly don’t offer the options available in a UserForm. In some cases, however, they’re just what the doctor ordered.

In this chapter, you read about

check.png The MsgBox function

check.png The InputBox function

check.png The GetOpenFilename method

check.png The GetSaveAsFilename method

check.png The FileDialog method

I also describe how to use VBA to display some of the Excel built-in dialog boxes — the dialog boxes that Excel uses to get information from you.

The MsgBox Function

You’re probably already familiar with the VBA MsgBox function — I use it quite a bit in the examples throughout this book. The MsgBox function, which accepts the arguments shown in Table 15-1, is handy for displaying information and getting simple user input. It’s able to get user input because it’s a function. A function, as you recall, returns a value. In the case of the MsgBox function, it uses a dialog box to get the value that it returns. Keep reading to see exactly how it works.

Here’s a simplified version of the syntax for the MsgBox function:

MsgBox(prompt[, buttons][, title])

Table 15-1 MsgBox Function Arguments


What It Affects


The text Excel displays in the message box


A number that specifies which buttons (along with what icon) appear in the message box (optional)


The text that appears in the message box’s title bar (optional)

Displaying a simple message box

You can use the MsgBox function in two ways:

check.png To simply show a message to the user. In this case, you don’t care about the result returned by the function.

check.png To get a response from the user. In this case, you do care about the result returned by the function. The result depends on the button that the user clicks.

If you use the MsgBox function by itself, don’t include parentheses around the arguments. The following example simply displays a message and does not return a result. When the message is displayed, the code stops until the user clicks OK.

Sub MsgBoxDemo()

    MsgBox "Click OK to begin printing."


End Sub

Figure 15-1 shows how this message box looks. In this case, printing commences when the user clicks OK. Notice that there is no way to cancel the printing? The next section describes how to fix that.


Figure 15-1: A simple message box.

Getting a response from a message box

If you display a message box that has more than just an OK button, you’ll probably want to know which button the user clicks. You’re in luck. The MsgBox function can return a value that represents which button is clicked. You can assign the result of the MsgBox function to a variable.

In the following code, I use some built-in constants (which I describe later in Table 15-2) that make it easy to work with the values returned by MsgBox:

Sub GetAnswer()

    Dim Ans As Integer

    Ans = MsgBox("Start printing?", vbYesNo)

    Select Case Ans

        Case vbYes


        Case vbNo

            MsgBox "Printing canceled"

    End Select

End Sub

Figure 15-2 shows how it looks. When you execute this procedure, the Ans variable is assigned a value of either vbYes or vbNo, depending on which button the user clicks. The Select Case statement uses the Ans value to determine which action the code should perform.


Figure 15-2: A simple message box, with two buttons.

You can also use the MsgBox function result without using a variable, as the following example demonstrates:

Sub GetAnswer2()

    If MsgBox("Start printing?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

'       ...[code if Yes is clicked]...


'       ...[code if Yes is not clicked]...

    End If

End Sub

Customizing message boxes

The flexibility of the buttons argument makes it easy to customize your message boxes. You can choose which buttons to display, determine whether an icon appears, and decide which button is the default (the default button is “clicked” if the user presses Enter).

Table 15-2 lists some of the built-in constants you can use for the buttons argument. If you prefer, you can use the value rather than a constant (but I think using the built-in constants is a lot easier).

Table 15-2 Constants Used in the MsgBox Function



What It Does



Displays OK button only.



Displays OK and Cancel buttons.



Displays Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.



Displays Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.



Displays Yes and No buttons.



Displays Retry and Cancel buttons.



Displays Critical Message icon.



Displays Warning Query icon.



Displays Warning Message icon.



Displays Information Message icon.



First button is default.



Second button is default.



Third button is default.



Fourth button is default.

To use more than one of these constants as an argument, just connect them with a + operator. For example, to display a message box with Yes and No buttons and an exclamation icon, use the following expression as the second MsgBox argument:

vbYesNo + vbExclamation

Or, if you prefer to make your code less understandable, use a value of 52 (that is, 4 + 48).

The following example uses a combination of constants to display a message box with a Yes button and a No button (vbYesNo) as well as a question mark icon (vbQuestion). The constant vbDefaultButton2 designates the second button (No) as the default button — that is, the button that is clicked if the user presses Enter. For simplicity, I assign these constants to the Config variable and then use Config as the second argument in the MsgBox function:

Sub GetAnswer3()

    Dim Config As Integer

    Dim Ans As Integer

    Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2

    Ans = MsgBox("Process the monthly report?", Config)

    If Ans = vbYes Then RunReport

End Sub

Figure 15-3 shows the message box Excel displays when you execute the GetAnswer3 procedure. If the user clicks the Yes button, the routine executes the procedure named RunReport (which is not shown). If the user clicks the No button (or presses Enter), the routine ends with no action. Because I omitted the title argument in the MsgBox function, Excel uses the default title, Microsoft Excel.


Figure 15-3: The MsgBox function’s buttons argument determines what appears in the message box.

The following routine provides another example of using the MsgBox function:

Sub GetAnswer4()

    Dim Msg As String, Title As String

    Dim Config As Integer, Ans As Integer

    Msg = "Do you want to process the monthly report?"

    Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

    Msg = Msg & "Processing the monthly report will "

    Msg = Msg & "take approximately 15 minutes. It "

    Msg = Msg & "will generate a 30-page report for "

    Msg = Msg & "all sales offices for the current "

    Msg = Msg & "month."

    Title = "XYZ Marketing Company"

    Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion

    Ans = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)

    If Ans = vbYes Then RunReport

End Sub

This example demonstrates an efficient way to specify a longer message in a message box. I use a variable (Msg) and the concatenation operator (&) to build the message in a series of statements. The vbNewLine constant inserts a line break character that starts a new line (use it twice to insert a blank line). I also use the title argument to display a different title in the message box. Figure 15-4 shows the message box Excel displays when you execute this procedure.


Figure 15-4: This dialog box, displayed by the MsgBox function, displays a title, an icon, and two buttons.

Previous examples have used constants (such as vbYes and vbNo) for the return value of a MsgBox function. Besides these two constants, Table 15-3 lists a few others.

Table 15-3 Constants Used as Return Values for the MsgBox Function



What It Means



User clicked OK.



User clicked Cancel.



User clicked Abort.



User clicked Retry.



User clicked Ignore.



User clicked Yes.



User clicked No.

And that’s pretty much all you need to know about the MsgBox function. Use message boxes with caution, though. There’s usually no reason to display message boxes that serve no purpose. For example, people tend to get annoyed when they see a message box every day that reads, “Good morning, thanks for loading the Budget Projection workbook.”

The InputBox Function

The VBA InputBox function is useful for obtaining a single piece of information typed by the user. That information could be a value, a text string, or even a range address. This is a good alternative to developing a UserForm when you need to get only one value.

InputBox syntax

Here’s a simplified version of the syntax for the InputBox function:

InputBox(prompt[, title][, default])

The InputBox function accepts the arguments listed in Table 15-4.

Table 15-4 InputBox Function Arguments


What It Affects


The text displayed in the input box


The text displayed in the input box’s title bar (optional)


The default value for the user’s input (optional)

An InputBox example

Here’s a statement showing how you can use the InputBox function:

TheName = InputBox("What is your name?", "Greetings")

When you execute this VBA statement, Excel displays the dialog box shown in Figure 15-5. Notice that this example uses only the first two arguments and does not supply a default value. When the user enters a value and clicks OK, the routine assigns the value to the variable TheName.


Figure 15-5: The InputBox function displays this dialog box.

The following example uses the third argument and provides a default value. The default value is the username stored by Excel (the Application object’s UserName property).

Sub GetName()

    Dim TheName As String

    TheName = InputBox("What is your name?", _

       "Greetings", Application.UserName)

End Sub

The InputBox always displays a Cancel button. If the user clicks Cancel, the InputBox function returns an empty string.

remember.eps VBA’s InputBox function always returns a string, so if you need to get a value, your code will need to do some additional checking. The following example uses the InputBox function to get a number. It uses the IsNumeric function to check whether the string is a number. If the string does contain a number, all is fine. If the user’s entry cannot be interpreted as a number, the code displays a message box.

Sub AddSheets()

    Dim Prompt As String

    Dim Caption As String

    Dim DefValue As Integer

    Dim NumSheets As String

    Prompt = "How many sheets do you want to add?"

    Caption = "Tell me..."

    DefValue = 1

    NumSheets = InputBox(Prompt, Caption, DefValue)

    If NumSheets = "" Then Exit Sub 'Canceled

    If IsNumeric(NumSheets) Then

        If NumSheets > 0 Then Sheets.Add Count:=NumSheets


        MsgBox "Invalid number"

    End If

End Sub

Figure 15-6 shows the dialog box that this routine produces.


Figure 15-6: Another example of using the InputBox function.

Another type of InputBox

The information presented in this section applies to VBA’s InputBox function. In addition, you have access to the InputBox method, which is a method of the Application object.

One big advantage of using the Application InputBox method is that your code can prompt for a range selection. The user can then select the range in the worksheet by highlighting the cells. Here’s a quick example that prompts the user to select a range:

Sub GetRange()

    Dim Rng As Range

    On Error Resume Next

    Set Rng = Application.InputBox _

      (prompt:="Specify a range:", Type:=8)

    If Rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    MsgBox "You selected range " & Rng.Address

End Sub

Figure 15-7 shows how it looks.


Figure 15-7: Using the Application InputBox method to get a range.

In this simple example, the code tells the user the address of the range that was selected. In real life, your code would actually do something useful with the selected range. A nice thing about this example is that Excel takes care of the error handling. If you enter something that’s not a range, Excel tells you about it and lets you try again.

The Application.InputBox method is similar to VBA’s InputBox function, but it also has some differences. Check the Help system for complete details.

The GetOpenFilename Method

If your VBA procedure needs to ask the user for a filename, you could use the InputBox function and let the user do some typing. An input box usually isn’t the best tool for this job, however, because most users find it difficult to remember paths, backslashes, filenames, and file extensions. In other words, it’s far too easy to make a typographical error when typing a filename.

For a better solution to this problem, use the GetOpenFilename method of the Application object, which ensures that your code gets its hands on a valid filename, including its complete path. The GetOpenFilename method displays the familiar Open dialog box (a dead ringer for the dialog box Excel displays when you choose File⇒Open).

remember.eps The GetOpenFilename method doesn’t actually open the specified file. This method simply returns the user-selected filename as a string. Then you can write code to do whatever you want with the filename.

The syntax for the GetOpenFilename method

The official syntax for the GetOpenFilename method is as follows:

object.GetOpenFilename ([fileFilter], [filterIndex],

   [title],[buttonText], [multiSelect])

The GetOpenFilename method takes the optional arguments shown in Table 15-5.

Table 15-5 GetOpenFilename Method Arguments


What It Does


Determines the types of files that appear in the dialog box (for example, *.TXT). You can specify several different filters from which the user can choose.


Determines which of the file filters the dialog box displays by default.


Specifies the caption for the dialog box’s title bar.


Ignored (used only for the Macintosh version of Excel).


If True, the user can select multiple files.

A GetOpenFilename example

The fileFilter argument determines what appears in the dialog box’s Files of Type drop-down list. This argument consists of pairs of file filter strings followed by the wild card file filter specification, with commas separating each part and pair. If omitted, this argument defaults to the following:

All Files (*.*), *.*

Notice that this string consists of two parts, separated by a comma:

All Files (*.*)



The first part of this string is the text displayed in the Files of Type drop-down list. The second part determines which files the dialog box displays. For example, *.* means all files.

The code in the following example brings up a dialog box that asks the user for a filename. The procedure defines five file filters. Notice that I use the VBA line continuation sequence to set up the Filter variable; doing so helps simplify this rather complicated argument.

Sub GetImportFileName ()

    Dim Finfo As String

    Dim FilterIndex As Integer

    Dim Title As String

    Dim FileName As Variant

'   Set up list of file filters

    FInfo = "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt," & _

            "Lotus Files (*.prn),*.prn," & _

            "Comma Separated Files (*.csv),*.csv," & _

            "ASCII Files (*.asc),*.asc," & _

            "All Files (*.*),*.*"

'   Display *.* by default

    FilterIndex = 5

'   Set the dialog box caption

    Title = "Select a File to Import"

'   Get the filename

    FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename (FInfo, _

       FilterIndex, Title)

'   Handle return info from dialog box

    If FileName = False Then

        MsgBox "No file was selected."


        MsgBox "You selected " & FileName

    End If

End Sub

Figure 15-8 shows the dialog box Excel displays when you execute this procedure. The appearance may vary, depending on the version of Windows you use.

In a real application, you would do something more meaningful with the filename. For example, you might want to open it by using a statement such as this:

Workbooks.Open FileName

technicalstuff.eps Notice that the FileName variable is declared as a Variant data type. If the user clicks Cancel, that variable contains a Boolean value (False). Otherwise, FileName is a string. Therefore, using a Variant data type handles both possibilities.

By the way, the dialog box may look different, depending on which version of Windows you use.


Figure 15-8: The GetOpenFilename method displays a customizable dialog box and returns the selected file’s path and name. It does not open the file.

The GetSaveAsFilename Method

The Excel GetSaveAsFilename method works just like the GetOpenFilename method, but it displays the Excel Save As dialog box rather than its Open dialog box. The GetSaveAsFilename method gets a path and filename from the user but doesn’t do anything with that information. It’s up to you to write code that actually saves the file.

The syntax for this method follows:

object.GetSaveAsFilename ([InitialFilename], [FileFilter], [FilterIndex], [Title], [ButtonText])

The GetSaveAsFilename method takes Table 15-6’s arguments, all of which are optional.

Table 15-6 GetSaveAsFilename Method Arguments


What It Does


Specifies a default filename that appears in the File Name box.


Determines the types of files Excel displays in the dialog box (for example, *.TXT). You can specify several different filters from which the user can choose.


Determines which of the file filters Excel displays by default.


Defines a caption for the dialog box’s title bar.

Getting a Folder Name

Sometimes, you don’t need to get a filename; you just need to get a folder name. If that’s the case, the FileDialog object is just what the doctor ordered.

The following procedure displays a dialog box that allows the user to select a directory. The selected directory name (or “Canceled”) is then displayed by using the MsgBox function.

Sub GetAFolder()

   With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

     .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & ""

     .Title = "Please select a location for the backup"


     If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then

        MsgBox "Canceled"


        MsgBox .SelectedItems(1)

      End If

   End With

End Sub

The FileDialog object lets you specify the starting directory by specifying a value for the InitialFileName property. In this case, the code uses Excel’s default file path as the starting directory.

Displaying Excel’s Built-in Dialog Boxes

One way to look at VBA is that it’s a tool that lets you mimic Excel commands. For example, consider this VBA statement:

Range("A1:A12").Name = "MonthNames"

Executing this VBA statement has the same effect as choosing Formulas⇒Defined Names⇒Define Name to display the New Name dialog box, then typing MonthNames in the Name box and A1:A12 in the Refers to box, and clicking OK.

When you execute the VBA statement, the New Name dialog box does not appear. This is almost always what you want to happen; you don’t want dialog boxes flashing across the screen while your macro executes.

In some cases, however, you may want your code to display one of Excel’s many built-in dialog boxes and let the user make the choices in the dialog box. You can do this by using VBA to execute a Ribbon command. Here’s an example that displays the New Name dialog box. The address in the Refers to box represents the range that’s selected when the command is executed (see Figure 15-9).

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "NameDefine"

remember.eps Your VBA code can’t get any information from the dialog box. For example, if you execute the code to display the New Name dialog box, your code can’t get the name entered by the user, or the range that’s being named.


Figure 15-9: Displaying one of Excel’s dialog boxes by using VBA.

The ExecuteMso is a method of the CommandBars object and accepts one argument, an idMso parameter that represents a Ribbon control. Unfortunately, these parameters are not listed in the Help system. And because the Ribbon hasn’t been around forever, code that uses the ExecuteMso method is not compatible with versions prior to Excel 2007.

Here’s another example of using the ExecuteMso method. This statement, when executed, displays the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box:

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "FormatCellsFontDialog"

If you try to display a built-in dialog box in an incorrect context, Excel displays an error message. For example, here’s a statement that displays the Format Number dialog box:

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "NumberFormatsDialog"

If you execute this statement when it’s not appropriate (for example, a Shape is selected), Excel displays an error message because that dialog box is appropriate only for worksheet cells.

Excel has thousands of commands. How can you find the name of the one you need? One way is to use the Customize Ribbon tab of the Excel Options dialog box. The quick way to get there is to right-click on any Ribbon control and choose Customize The Ribbon from the shortcut menu. Virtually every command available in Excel is listed in the left panel. Find the command you need, hover your mouse over it, and you’ll see its secret command name in the tooltip (it’s the part in parenthesis). Figure 15-10 shows an example.


Figure 15-10: Using the Customize Ribbon panel to identify a command name.

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