Chapter 16

UserForm Basics

In This Chapter

arrow Finding out when to use UserForms

arrow Understanding UserForm objects

arrow Displaying a UserForm

arrow Creating a UserForm that works with a useful macro

A UserForm is useful if your VBA macro needs to pause and get some information from a user. For example, your macro may have some options that can be specified in a UserForm. If only a few pieces of information are required (for example, a Yes/No answer or a text string), one of the techniques I describe in Chapter 15 may do the job. But if you need to obtain more information, you must create a UserForm. In this chapter, I introduce you to UserForms. You’ll be pleased to make their acquaintance.

Knowing When to Use a UserForm

This section describes a situation in which a UserForm is useful. The following macro changes the text in each cell in the selection to uppercase letters. It does this by using the VBA built-in UCase function.

Sub ChangeCase()

    Dim WorkRange As Range

'   Exit if a range is not selected

    If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub

'   Process only text cells, no formulas

    On Error Resume Next

    Set WorkRange = Selection.SpecialCells _

       (xlCellTypeConstants, xlCellTypeConstants)

    For Each cell In WorkRange

         cell.Value = UCase(cell.Value)

    Next cell

End Sub

You can make this macro even more useful. For example, it would be nice if the macro could also change the text in the cells to either lowercase or proper case (capitalizing the first letter in each word). One approach is to create two additional macros — one for lowercase and one for proper case. Another approach is to modify the macro to handle the other options. If you use the second approach, you need some method of asking the user which type of change to make to the cells.

The solution is to display a dialog box like the one shown in Figure 16-1. You create this dialog box on a UserForm in the VBE and display it by using a VBA macro. In the next section, I provide step-by-step instructions for creating this dialog box. Before I get into that, I set the stage with some introductory material.


Figure 16-1: You can get information from the user by displaying a UserForm.

technicalstuff.eps In VBA, the official name for a dialog box is a UserForm. But a UserForm is really an object that contains what’s commonly known as a dialog box. This distinction isn’t important, so I tend to use these terms interchangeably.

Creating UserForms: An Overview

When creating a UserForm, you usually take the following general steps:

1. Determine how the dialog box will be used and at what point it will be displayed in your VBA macro.

2. Press Alt+F11 to activate the VBE and insert a new UserForm object.

A UserForm object holds a single UserForm.

3. Add controls to the UserForm.

Controls include items such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes, and list boxes.

4. Use the Properties window to modify the properties for the controls or for the UserForm itself.

5. Write event-handler procedures for the controls (for example, a macro that executes when the user clicks a button in the dialog box).

These procedures are stored in the Code window for the UserForm object.

6. Write a procedure (stored in a VBA module) that displays the dialog box to the user.

Don’t worry if some of these steps seem foreign. I provide more details in the following sections, along with step-by-step instructions for creating a UserForm.

When you are designing a UserForm, you are creating what developers call the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to your application. GUI also stands for Gaming Under the Influence, but that’s not relevant here.

Take some time to consider what your form should look like and how your users are likely to want to interact with the elements on the UserForm. Try to guide them through the steps they need to take on the form by carefully considering the arrangement and wording of the controls. Like most things VBA-related, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

Working with UserForms

Each dialog box that you create is stored in its own UserForm object — one dialog box per UserForm. You create and access these UserForms in the Visual Basic Editor.

Inserting a new UserForm

Insert a UserForm object with the following steps:

1. Activate the VBE by pressing Alt+F11.

2. Select the workbook in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertUserForm.

The VBE inserts a new UserForm object, which contains an empty dialog box.

Figure 16-2 shows a UserForm — an empty dialog box. Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to add some controls to this UserForm.


Figure 16-2: A new UserForm object.

Adding controls to a UserForm

When you activate a UserForm, the VBE displays the Toolbox in a floating window, as shown in Figure 16-2. You use the tools in the Toolbox to add controls to your UserForm. If, for some reason, the Toolbox doesn’t appear when you activate your UserForm, choose View⇒Toolbox.

To add a control, just click the desired control in the Toolbox and drag it into the dialog box to create the control. After you add a control, you can move and resize it by using standard techniques.

Table 16-1 lists the various tools, as well as their capabilities. To determine which tool is which, hover your mouse pointer over the control and read the small pop-up description.

Table 16-1 Toolbox Controls


What It Does


Shows text.


Allows the user to enter text.


Displays a drop-down list.


Displays a list of items.


Useful for on/off or yes/no options.


Used in groups of two or more; allows the user to select one of several options.


A button that is either on or off.


A container for other controls.


A clickable button.


Displays tabs.


A tabbed container for other objects.


A draggable bar.


A clickable button often used for changing a value.


Holds an image.


Allows the user to select a range.

Changing properties for a UserForm control

Every control you add to a UserForm has a number of properties that determine how the control looks or behaves. In addition, the UserForm itself also has its own set of properties. You can change these properties with the aptly named Properties window. Figure 16-3 shows the Properties window when a CommandButton control is selected.

The Properties window appears when you press F4, and the properties shown in this window depend on what is selected. If you select a different control, the properties change to those appropriate for that control. To hide the Properties window and get it out of the way, click the Close button in its title bar. Pressing F4 will always bring it back when you need it.

Properties for controls include the following:

check.png Name

check.png Width

check.png Height

check.png Value

check.png Caption

Each control has its own set of properties (although many controls have some common properties). To change a property using the Properties window:

1. Make sure that the correct control is selected in the UserForm.

2. Make sure the Properties window is visible (press F4 if it’s not).

3. In the Properties window, click on the property that you want to change.

4. Make the change in the right portion of the Properties window.

If you select the UserForm itself (not a control on the UserForm), you can use the Properties window to adjust UserForm properties.


Figure 16-3: Use the Properties windows to change the properties of UserForm controls.

Chapter 17 tells you everything you need to know about working with dialog box controls.

tip.eps Some of the UserForm properties serve as default settings for new controls you drag onto the UserForm. For example, if you change the Font property for the UserForm itself, controls that you add will use that same font. Controls that are already on the UserForm are not affected.

Viewing the UserForm Code window

Every UserForm object has a Code module that holds the VBA code (the event-handler procedures) executed when the user works with the dialog box. To view the Code module, press F7. The Code window is empty until you add some procedures. Press Shift+F7 to return to the dialog box.

Here’s another way to switch between the Code window and the UserForm display: Use the View Code and View Object buttons in the Project window’s title bar. Or right-click the UserForm and choose View Code. If you’re viewing code, double-click the UserForm name in the Project window to return to the UserForm.

Displaying a UserForm

You display a UserForm by using the UserForm’s Show method in a VBA procedure.

remember.eps The macro that displays the dialog box must be in a VBA module — not in the Code window for the UserForm.

The following procedure displays the dialog box named UserForm1:

Sub ShowDialogBox()


'   Other statements can go here

End Sub

When Excel displays the dialog box, the ShowDialogBox macro halts until the user closes the dialog box. Then VBA executes any remaining statements in the procedure. Most of the time, you won’t have any more code in the procedure. As you later see, you put your event-handler procedures in the Code window for the UserForm. These procedures kick in when the user works with the controls on the UserForm.

Using information from a UserForm

The VBE provides a name for each control you add to a UserForm. The control’s name corresponds to its Name property. Use this name to refer to a particular control in your code. For example, if you add a CheckBox control to a UserForm named UserForm1, the CheckBox control is named CheckBox1 by default. You can use the Properties box to make this control appear with a check mark. Or, you can write code to do it:

UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value = True

Most of the time, you write the code for a UserForm in the UserForm’s code module. If that’s the case, you can omit the UserForm object qualifier and write the statement like this:

CheckBox1.Value = True

Your VBA code can also check various properties of the controls and take appropriate actions. The following statement executes a macro named PrintReport if the check box (named CheckBox1) is checked:

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then Call PrintReport

I discuss this topic in detail in Chapter 17.

tip.eps It’s usually a good idea to change the default name the VBE has given to your controls to something more meaningful. You might consider naming the check box I just described “cbxPrintReport.” Note that I precede the name with a three-letter prefix (for “checkbox”), indicating the type of control. It is a matter of taste whether you think doing so is a good practice.

A UserForm Example

This section’s UserForm example is an enhanced version of the ChangeCase macro from the beginning of the chapter. Recall that the original version of this macro changes the text in the selected cells to uppercase. This modified version uses a UserForm to ask the user which type of change to make: uppercase, lowercase, or proper case.

This dialog box needs to obtain one piece of information from the user: the type of change to make to the text. Because the user has three choices, your best bet is a dialog box with three OptionButton controls. The dialog box also needs two more buttons: an OK button and a Cancel button. Clicking the OK button runs the code that does the work. Clicking the Cancel button causes the macro to finish without doing anything.

ontheweb_modern.eps This workbook is available at the book’s website. However, you get more out of this exercise if you follow the steps provided here and create it yourself.

Creating the UserForm

These steps create the UserForm. Start with an empty workbook.

1. Press Alt+F11 to activate the VBE.

2. If multiple projects are in the Project window, select the project that corresponds to the workbook you’re using.

3. Choose InsertUserForm.

The VBE inserts a new UserForm object with an empty dialog box.

4. Press F4 to display the Properties window.

5. In the Properties window, change the dialog box’s Caption property to Change Case.

6. The dialog box is a bit too large, so you may want to click it and use the handles (on the right and bottom sides) to make it smaller.

Step 6 can also be done after you position all the controls in the dialog box.

Adding the CommandButtons

Ready to add two CommandButtons — OK and Cancel — to the dialog box? Follow along:

1. Make sure that the Toolbox is displayed; if it isn’t, choose ViewToolbox.

2. If the Properties window isn’t visible, press F4 to display it.

3. In the Toolbox, drag a CommandButton into the dialog box to create a button.

As you see in the Properties box, the button has a default name and caption: CommandButton1.

4. Make sure that the CommandButton is selected; then activate the Properties window and change the following properties:


Change To







5. Add a second CommandButton object to the UserForm and change the following properties:


Change To







6. Adjust the size and position of the controls so your dialog box looks something like Figure 16-4.


Figure 16-4: The UserForm with two CommandButton controls.

Adding the OptionButtons

In this section, you add three OptionButtons to the dialog box. Before adding the OptionButtons, you add a Frame object that contains the OptionButtons. The Frame isn’t necessary, but it makes the dialog box look more professional.

1. In the Toolbox, click the Frame tool and drag it into the dialog box.

This step creates a frame to hold the options buttons.

2. Use the Properties window to change the frame’s caption to Options.

3. In the Toolbox, click the OptionButton tool and drag it into the dialog box (within the Frame).

Doing this creates an OptionButton control.

4. Select the OptionButton and use the Properties window to change the following properties:


Change To




Upper Case





Setting the Value property to True makes this OptionButton the default.

5. Add another OptionButton and use the Properties window to change the following properties:


Change To




Lower Case



6. Add a third OptionButton and use the Properties window to change the following properties:


Change To




Proper Case



7. Adjust the size and position of the OptionButtons, Frame, and dialog box.

Your UserForm should look something like Figure 16-5.

If you’d like a sneak preview to see what the UserForm looks like when it’s displayed, press F5. None of the controls are working yet, so you need to click the red “X” in the title bar to close the dialog box.


Figure 16-5: This is the UserForm after adding three OptionButton controls inside a Frame control.

The Accelerator property determines which letter in the caption is underlined — and more importantly, it determines what Alt-key combination selects that control. For example, you can select the Lower Case option by pressing Alt+L because the L is underlined. Accelerator keys are optional, but some users prefer to use the keyboard to navigate dialog boxes.

You may wonder why the OptionButtons have accelerator keys but the CommandButtons go without. Generally, OK and Cancel buttons never have accelerator keys because they can be accessed from the keyboard. Pressing Enter is equivalent to clicking OK because the control’s Default property is True. Pressing Esc is equivalent to clicking Cancel because the control’s Cancel property is True.

Adding event-handler procedures

Now it’s time to make the UserForm actually do something. Here’s how to add an event-handler procedure for the Cancel and OK buttons:

1. Double-click the Cancel button.

VBE activates the Code window for the UserForm and inserts an empty procedure:

Private Sub CancelButton_Click()

End Sub

The procedure named CancelButton_Click is executed when the Cancel button is clicked, but only when the dialog box is displayed. In other words, clicking the Cancel button when you’re designing the dialog box won’t execute the procedure. Because the Cancel button’s Cancel property is set to True, pressing Esc also triggers the CancelButton_Click procedure.

2. Insert the following statement inside the procedure (before the End Sub statement):

Unload UserForm1

This statement closes the UserForm (and removes it from memory) when the Cancel button is clicked.

3. Press Shift+F7 to return to the UserForm.

4. Double-click the OK button.

VBE activates the code window for the UserForm and inserts an empty Sub procedure called OKButton_Click.

When the UserForm is displayed, clicking OK executes this procedure. Because this button has its Default property set to True, pressing Enter also executes the OKButton_Click procedure.

5. Enter the following code so the procedure looks like this:

Private Sub OKButton_Click()

    Dim WorkRange As Range

    Dim cell As Range

'   Process only text cells, no formulas

    On Error Resume Next

    Set WorkRange = Selection.SpecialCells _

       (xlCellTypeConstants, xlCellTypeConstants)

'   Upper case

    If OptionUpper Then

        For Each cell In WorkRange

            cell.Value = UCase(cell.Value)

        Next cell

    End If

'   Lower case

    If OptionLower Then

        For Each cell In WorkRange

            cell.Value = LCase(cell.Value)

        Next cell

    End If

'   Proper case

    If OptionProper Then

        For Each cell In WorkRange

            cell.Value = Application. _


        Next cell

    End If

    Unload UserForm1

End Sub

The preceding code is an enhanced version of the original ChangeCase macro that I present at the beginning of the chapter. The macro consists of three separate blocks of code. This code uses three If-Then structures; each one has a For Each-Next loop. Only one block is executed, determined by which OptionButton the user selects. The last statement unloads (closes) the dialog box after the work is finished.

Here’s something kind of odd. Notice that VBA has a UCase function and an LCase function, but it doesn’t have a function to convert text to proper case. Therefore, I use Excel’s PROPER worksheet function (preceded by Application.WorksheetFunction) to do the proper case conversion.

Another option is to use the VBA StrConv function, with a second argument of vbProperCase. (See the Help system for details.) The StrConv function is not available in all Excel versions, so I use the PROPER worksheet function instead. It’s worth noting that the StrConv beats the PROPER function at converting to proper case. Excel’s PROPER function always capitalizes the letter that follows an apostrophe. So the word can’t becomes Can’T. StrConv doesn’t do that.

Creating a macro to display the dialog box

We’re almost finished with this project. The only thing missing is a way to display the dialog box. Follow these steps to create the procedure that makes the dialog box appear:

1. In the VBE window, choose InsertModule.

The VBE adds an empty VBA module (named Module1) to the project.

2. Enter the following code:

Sub ChangeCase()

    If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then



        MsgBox "Select a range.", vbCritical

    End If

End Sub

This procedure is simple. It checks to make sure that a range is selected. If so, the dialog box is displayed (using the Show method). The user then interacts with the dialog box, and the code stored in the UserForm’s Code pane is executed. If a range is not selected, the user sees a MsgBox with the text “Select a range.”

Making the macro available

At this point, everything should be working properly. But you still need an easy way to execute the macro. Assign a shortcut key (Ctrl+Shift+C) that executes the ChangeCase macro:

1. Activate the Excel window via Alt+F11.

2. Choose DeveloperCodeMacros or press Alt+F8.

3. In the Macros dialog box, select the ChangeCase macro.

4. Click the Options button.

Excel displays its Macro Options dialog box.

5. Enter an uppercase C for the Shortcut key.

See Figure 16-6.

6. Enter a description of the macro in the Description field.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Cancel when you return to the Macro dialog box.


Figure 16-6: Assign a shortcut key to execute the ChangeCase macro.

After you perform this operation, pressing Ctrl+Shift+C executes the ChangeCase macro, which displays the UserForm if a range is selected.

You can also make this macro available from the Quick Access toolbar. Right-click the Quick Access toolbar and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar. The Excel Options dialog box appears, and you’ll find the ChangeCase macro listed under Macros (see Figure 16-7).


Figure 16-7: Adding the ChangeChase macro to the Quick Access toolbar.

Testing the macro

Finally, you need to test the macro and dialog box to make sure they work properly:

1. Activate a worksheet (any worksheet in any workbook).

2. Select some cells that contain text.

You can even select entire rows or columns.

3. Press Ctrl+Shift+C.

The UserForm appears. Figure 16-8 shows how it should look.

4. Make your choice and click OK.

If you did everything correctly, the macro makes the specified change to the text in the selected cells.

If you test this procedure when only one cell is selected, you’ll find that all the cells on the worksheet are processed. That behavior is a byproduct of using the SpecialCells method. If you’d prefer to be able to process just one cell, change the first block of code to this:

If Selection.Count = 1 Then

    Set WorkRange = Selection


    Set WorkRange = Selection.SpecialCells _

     (xlCellTypeConstants, xlCellTypeConstants)

End If

Figure 16-9 shows the worksheet after converting the text to uppercase. Notice that the formula in cell B15 and the date in cell B16 were not changed. The macro, as you recall, works only with cells that contain text.

As long as the workbook is open, you can execute the macro from any other workbook. If you close the workbook that contains your macro, Ctrl+Shift+C no longer has any function.

If the macro doesn’t work properly, double-check the preceding steps to locate and correct the error. Don’t be alarmed; debugging is a normal part of developing macros. As a last resort, download the completed workbook from this book’s website and try to figure out where you went wrong.


Figure 16-8: The UserForm is in action.


Figure 16-9: The text has been converted to uppercase.

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