Chapter 10
Emerging Device-Centric Communications

Smartphones are equipped with multiple radio interfaces that enable them to access different types of wireless networks, including WLANs, Bluetooth and Zigbee, besides cellular networks. Emerging device-centric systems (DCS) such as devices-to-device communications are considered standard components of future mobile networks, where operators/consumers involve their devices in direct communications to improve the cellular system throughput, latency, fairness and energy efficiency. However, the battery life of the mobile devices involved in such communications is crucial for 5G smartphone users to explore the potential of emerging applications in DCS. It is anticipated that the owners of 5G-enabled smartphones will use their devices to talk, text, e-mail and surf the Internet more often than the customers with 4G smartphones and traditional handsets, which puts a significantly higher demand on the battery life. This chapter introduces a new scheme to support emerging features in DCS, where a device-to-device (D2D)-enabled mobile device (sink device or a content requester) aggregates the radio resources of multiple mobile devices (source devices or content providers) to improve the file transfer latency (FTL), energy efficiency and battery life. This scheme is referred to as devices-to-device (Ds2D) communications. In such a networking setting, this chapter discusses a network-controlled algorithm for optimal selection of source devices and their respective radio interfaces to support green Ds2D communications. Ds2D communications ensure an optimal packet split among the source mobile devices to reduce the FTL and hence to prolong the mobile battery life. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed optimal packet split scheme guarantees an improvement in the mobile battery life over a wide range of data rate levels in comparison with the random packet split strategy and the traditional D2D communication paradigm between the sink and source mobile devices.

10.1 Introduction

The recent widespread use of mobile Internet complemented by the advent of many smart applications has led to an explosive growth in mobile data traffic over the last few years. This remarkable growing momentum of the mobile traffic will most likely continue on a similar trajectory, mainly due to the emerging need for connecting people, machines and applications in an ubiquitous manner through the mobile devices. Every new release of an iPhone and Android smartphone spurs new applications and services, with advanced display screens to deliver an exceptional quality of experience to theend user. As a result, the current and projected dramatic growth of mobile data traffic necessitates the development of fifth-generation (5G) mobile communications technology. The 5G communications will provide us with the promise of a mobile broadband experience far beyond the current 4G systems. The 5G technology has a broad vision and envisages design targets that include 10–100c10-math-0001 peak date rate, 1,000c10-math-0002 network capacity, 10c10-math-0003 energy efficiency and 10–30c10-math-0004 lower latency [264]. In order to achieve these expectations, operators and carriers are planning to leverage emerging device-centric systems (DCS) such as device-to-device (D2D) communications, small-cells and nano and elastic cells to improve the user experience and consequently improve the overall network performance. However, the evolution of mobile devices to support the emerging features in DCS comes at a cost that places stringent demands on the mobile device battery life and energy consumption [265]. Hence, there are considerable market interests on the development and deployment of innovative green and smart solutions to support emerging features in DCS in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks.

10.2 Emerging Device-Centric Paradigms

From 2G to 4G, systems are based on network-centric approaches, but 5G systems will drop this assumption and move toward DCS. It is envisioned that the 5G networks will be mostly deployed for data-centric applications rather than voice-centric applications. The main drivers of DCS are the Internet of things (IoT), machine-to-machine communications and BigData applications, which will exploit the intelligence at the mobile device side to support the emerging device-centric communication paradigms and ensure ubiquitous connectivity.

D2D communication is considered a promising technology to complement the 5G DCS. As shown in Figure 10.1, traditional D2D communications take place among two devices, that is, a pair of devices c10-math-0005 and c10-math-0006 such that a direct communication link is established between the two mobile devices without any interaction from the BSs or the core of the cellular network. In [266], the authors have provided a literature review on D2D communications, including new insights concerning existing works and emerging protocols. This study includes a review on the inband (underlay or overlay in cellular spectrum) and outband (unlicensed spectrum) integration of D2D communications. In the literature, outband D2D communication uses a cellular interface to set up the connection and the WiFi interface for data transmission between the two devices involved in the D2D communication. Another form of D2D communication involves a pair of devices communicating over multiple interfaces, that is, a pair of devices c10-math-0007 and c10-math-0008 performing data transmission over both cellular and WiFi interfaces in a D2D set-up (multi-homing D2D pair). Researchers are still formulating the design objectives as optimization problems, but leaving them unsolved due to their NP-hardness. Consequently, most of the proposed algorithms such as the heuristic algorithm [267] and linear/nonlinear/dynamic algorithms [267–269] are subjects open for investigation for new optimal solutions for pairing the devices involved in such communications. D2D communication is also considered as a traffic offloading technology and has received much attention from the operators. However, the feasibility of its large-scale implementation and integration into an ultra-dense heterogeneous communication infrastructure is still an open research problem.

Schema for conventional D2D, multihoming D2D and Ds2D communication approaches.

Figure 10.1 Illustration of conventional D2D, multi-homing D2D and Ds2D communication approaches

10.2.1 Device-to-Device Communication Management

Direct D2D communication between cellular equipments is proposed to increase data rate and extend conventional cellular coverage. In an underlay scheme, the D2D communication may generate interference to the neighbouring cells due to the reuse of the same resources. Therefore, in the underlay approach, D2D links may only existif they do not harm the SINR at the BSs (uplink) or at the other devices (downlink) in the conventional communication approach. Researchers have proposed different interference management algorithms to increase network capacity [270 271]. For instance, the authors of [270] proposed that the D2D users monitor the received power of the downlink control signals to control their uplink transmit power below a threshold to avoid high interference to cellular users. If the required transmission power for a D2D link is higher than an interference threshold, then the D2D link is forbidden. One of the proposed solutions for future applications and services in DCS is to reduce the time-average interference power over different networks for both conventional users (communicating through BSs and access points (APs)) and D2D users.

10.2.2 Device-to-Device Communication Architecture

In [272], the authors proposed a new LTE-A-based D2D communication network architecture. They have introduced a new reference point between D2D-enabled devices named ‘Di interface’ using enhanced radio protocols. The following D2D-specific functionalities are supported by many functions of this interface: (i) the D2D scheme should have the ability to measure the distance between two mobile devices to assess the feasibility of direct connection; (ii) the devices in the D2D architecture should be covered by the eNodeBs to maintain control and signalling and (iii) D2D data transmission between the devices should utilize a physical channel similar to the LTE-A uplink/downlink shared channel.

10.2.3 Device-to-Device Communication Challenges

Some challenges to implement and integrate D2D communications into 5G networks are listed below [266]:

  • Interference Management; For the reuse of uplink and downlink resources in D2D communications in a small-cell, the D2D mechanism should be designed in a way not to disrupt the cellular network services.
  • Power/Resource Allocation; The transmission power should be properly regulated so that the D2D transmitter does not interfere with the cellular mobile user communication while maintaining a minimum SINR requirement for the D2D receiver.
  • Channel Measurement/Modulation Format; D2D communicationrequires information about the channel gains between D2D pairs, between D2D transmitter and cellular devices and between cellular transmitter and D2D receiver. As the devices are supposed to communicate with both BSs and other peers, it will be very convenient to maintain a common physical layer signalling waveform such as the OFDM modulation.
  • Energy Consumption; While the energy consumption is a very important issue in D2D communication, it becomes very crucial to propose advanced device discovery, device pairing and D2D communication protocols, which save the battery life of the mobile devices while keeping the required QoS and connectivity.

10.3 Devices-to-Device Communications

The opportunity of enabling multiple radio interfaces including WLANs, Bluetooth and Zigbee, besides cellular networks, is not fully exploited in D2D communications, since the D2D communications take place over a single link between two mobile devices involved in a direct communication. Enabling D2D data transmission between multiple source mobile devices and a sink mobile device over multiple radio interfaces is referred to as devices-to-device (Ds2D) communication. As an example, Figure 10.1 shows that the source mobile devices c10-math-0009, c10-math-0010 and c10-math-0011 are involved in Ds2D communication with a sink mobile c10-math-0012. Ds2D communication can take advantage of the diverse resources available at different radio interfaces (e.g. the supporting bandwidth). Aggregating such radio resources at the sink device allows for an improved system performance in terms of the achieved throughput, latency and energy efficiency.

10.3.1 System Model

Consider a system model with a single-sink mobile device and a set of candidate source mobile devices. The sink mobile device is required to download a file (content), which is cached in the source mobile devices. Let c10-math-0013 denote a set of mobile devices that are in the coverage area of a single cellular network base station (BS). Four communication modes can be distinguished in such a network setting, as shown in Fig. 10.1:

  • Cellular communications, in which the sink device receives its required file from the cellular BS, as shown in Figure 10.1 for c10-math-0014.
  • Conventional D2D communications, in which the sink device receives its required file from a single source device c10-math-0015 over a single radio interface c10-math-0016, as shown in Figure 10.1 between c10-math-0017 and c10-math-0018.
  • Multi-homing D2D communications, in which the sink device receives its required file from a single source device over multiple radio interfaces, as shown in Figure 10.1 between the source device c10-math-0019 and the sink device c10-math-0020. For the sake of illustration, assume that c10-math-0021 requests a file that consists of 2 packets from c10-math-0022. Two data communication links are established between c10-math-0023 and c10-math-0024, which can take place over the LTE-direct and WiFi-direct radio interfaces of the two devices (besides a third cellular link that is established for coordination). On the basis of the achieved data rate over each link (radio interface), different number of packets can be transmitted from c10-math-0025 to c10-math-0026 on each link. For instance, one data packet is transmitted over the first link and another data packet is transmitted over the second link, as shown in Figure 10.1, assuming equal achieved data rates on each link. Eventually, the sink device c10-math-0027 aggregates the received 2 packets to reconstruct the required file.
  • Ds2D communications, in which the sink device receives its required (popular) file from multiple source devices over multiple radio interfaces, as shown in Figure 10.1 between the source devices c10-math-0028 and c10-math-0029, and the sink device c10-math-0030. Data communication links are established between each source device and the sink device over different radio interfaces. For instance, data communication can take place between c10-math-0031 and c10-math-0032 over the LTE-direct radio interface and between c10-math-0033 and c10-math-0034 over the WiFi-direct radio interface (besides a second cellular link that is established between each source device and the sink device for coordination). Again, on the basis of the achieved data rate over each link (radio interface), different number of packets can be transmitted from each source device c10-math-0035 and c10-math-0036 to c10-math-0037. In Fig. 10.1, one data packet is transmitted from c10-math-0038 and another data packet is transmitted from c10-math-0039 and the sink device c10-math-0040 aggregates the received 2 packets to reconstruct the required file.

A network-controlled Ds2D communications approach is considered. Hence, in Ds2D communications, the sink mobile device requests a given (popular) file from the BS and indicates that it can operate in a Ds2D communication mode. The BS broadcasts the file request message to the mobile devices within the sink device proximity. On the basis of the mobile devices feedback, the BS defines a set of candidate source devices that (i) are within the proximity of the sink device, (ii) have a copy of the (popular) file required by the sink device and (iii) are willing to contribute in such a Ds2D communication. Then, the BS selects (from the available candidate source devices) the optimal source devices and their respective radio interfaces that deliver the required file to thesink device in the most energy-efficient manner. After optimal selection of source devices and their respective radio interfaces, the BS coordinates which source device transmits which chunk of the required file. The sink device aggregates the data chunks transmitted by different source devices. This approach can support data hungry applications such as file download or video streaming.

As a first step of research, we consider a system model with a single sink device and a set of candidate source devices. Let c10-math-0041 with c10-math-0042 representing the sink device and c10-math-0043 representing the candidate source devices. Each mobile device c10-math-0044 has a set of distinct radio interfaces c10-math-0045. Radio interface c10-math-0046 in all mobile devices c10-math-0047 employs the same access technology. For instance, c10-math-0048 represents cellular radio interface in all mobile devices, c10-math-0049 represents an LTE direct radio interface, c10-math-0050 represents a WiFi direct radio interface and so on. Let c10-math-0051 be a binary variable that indicates if the sink device c10-math-0052 communicates with source device c10-math-0053 over radio interface c10-math-0054 for data transfer.

The transmission bandwidth that can be supported at radio interface c10-math-0055 for c10-math-0056 is denoted by c10-math-0057. Each source device c10-math-0058 communicates with the sink device c10-math-0059 over radio interface c10-math-0060 using transmission power c10-math-0061. Let c10-math-0062 represent the power amplifier efficiency for each source device. The circuit power consumption c10-math-0063 for source device c10-math-0064 and radio interface c10-math-0065 scales with the transmission data rate c10-math-0066 via [273]:

10.1 equation

where c10-math-0068 and c10-math-0069 are two constants, measured in watts and watts per bit per second (bps). The total power consumption for source device c10-math-0070 to communicate over its radio interface c10-math-0071 is given by

10.2 equation

Let c10-math-0073 and c10-math-0074 represent the distance and path-loss exponent between the sink device and source device c10-math-0075, respectively. Denote by c10-math-0076 the Rayleigh random variable associated with the channel between the sink device and radio interface c10-math-0077 of source device c10-math-0078. The channel power gain is given by

10.3 equation

The average channel power gain between the sink device and radio interface c10-math-0080 of source device c10-math-0081 is denoted by c10-math-0082.

Each radio interface c10-math-0083 of the sink device suffers from interference imposed by other mobile devices communicating over that specific band. Let c10-math-0084 denote the set of mobile devices interfering with the sink device file reception over radio interface c10-math-0085. The distance between the sink device and the source of interference c10-math-0086 is denoted by c10-math-0087 and c10-math-0088 denotes the path-loss exponent. Let c10-math-0089 denote the transmission power of interferer c10-math-0090 over radio interface c10-math-0091. The interference power over radio interface c10-math-0092 of the sink device is approximated by a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance c10-math-0093. The one-sided noise power spectral density is represented by c10-math-0094.

10.4 Optimal Selection of Source Devices and Radio Interfaces

In this section, the problem of optimal selection of source devices and radio interfaces is formulated and an algorithm is presented to solve it.

10.4.1 Device Selection Criteria

The selection criterion of a given radio interface c10-math-0095 of source device c10-math-0096 is the average achieved energy efficiency c10-math-0097, which is a ratio between the average achieved data rate and the average power consumption. Using Shannon's formula, the achieved data rate over radio interface c10-math-0098 of source device c10-math-0099 is given by

10.4 equation

The average achieved data rate on the link between the sink device c10-math-0101 and source device c10-math-0102 over radio interface c10-math-0103 is given by [224]

10.5 equation

where c10-math-0105 denotes the expectation and c10-math-0106 denotes the exponential integral. From Lemma 2.1 in [224], a lower bound of the average achieved data rate is given by

10.6 equation

Hence, the average achieved energy efficiency on the link between sink device c10-math-0108 and source device c10-math-0109 over radio interface c10-math-0110 is given by

10.7 equation

The objective is to select the source devices and their respective radio interfaces that maximize the total energy efficiency, that is,

10.8 equation

The total number of links used for data transmission is upper bounded by the maximum number of available radio interfaces c10-math-0113, excluding the cellular radio interface that is used for coordination, that is,

Furthermore, only one source device is allowed to communicate with a given radio interface c10-math-0115 of the sink device, that is,

10.10 equation

For Ds2D communications, each source device employs only a single radio interface for data transmission; thus, we have

The summation over c10-math-0118 in (10.11) excludes the cellular radio interface, which is used for coordination.

Hence, the optimal selection of source devices and radio interfaces for green Ds2D communications is obtained by solving the optimization problem

10.4.2 Ascending Proxy Auction for Device Selection

One way to solve (10.12) for Ds2D communications is based on the ascending proxy auctions [274]. In this context, each source device c10-math-0120 defines a set c10-math-0121 that includes pairs of candidate radio interface and the achieved average energy efficiency over that interface, that is, c10-math-0122, which excludes the cellular radio interface that is used for coordination. Define one element of c10-math-0123 by c10-math-0124, for example, c10-math-0125 and a selection c10-math-0126 is given by c10-math-0127, that is, c10-math-0128. Each source device ranks c10-math-0129 based on c10-math-0130. Let c10-math-0131 denote a strict preferenceordering over c10-math-0132 based on c10-math-0133. All candidate source devices report such a preference order over the cellular radio interface to the cellular BS, which will be in charge of selecting the optimal combination of source devices and radio interfaces.

Let set c10-math-0134 denote a feasible selection set of source devices and their respective radio interfaces that satisfies the constraints in (10.9)–(10.11). The BS can form the feasible selection set c10-math-0135 by considering possible combinations of c10-math-0136 elements for all c10-math-0137 (c10-math-0138) and eliminating those combinations that do not follow the constraints in (10.9)–(10.11). For a given source device, if c10-math-0139, then device c10-math-0140 is not selected to contribute to the Ds2D communication session (i.e. c10-math-0141 for that device c10-math-0142). Furthermore, c10-math-0143 means that no source device contributes to the Ds2D communication session and the sink device receives the requested file from the cellular BS via cellular communication. The cellular BS specifies a preference ordering c10-math-0144 over the set of feasible selection profile c10-math-0145 based on the total average energy efficiency (i.e. c10-math-0146).

The ascending proxy auction works over iterations (c10-math-0147) until the optimal selection of source devices and their respected radio interfaces is obtained. Define a bid as the proposed c10-math-0148 element from devices c10-math-0149 at iteration c10-math-0150, i.e., c10-math-0151 and c10-math-0152. Define c10-math-0153 as the set of bids (radio interfaces and average energy efficiencies) offered by source device c10-math-0154 till iteration c10-math-0155, that is, c10-math-0156. Let c10-math-0157 c10-math-0158. The set of available new bids by device c10-math-0159 is denoted by c10-math-0160, that is, feasible radio interface and corresponding energy efficiency that have not been offered till iteration c10-math-0161. The optimal selection of source devices and their respective radio interfaces for Ds2D green communication is described by Algorithm 10.4.16, which is executed by the cellular BS. From Theorem 1 in [274], the selection made by Algorithm 10.4.16 is a stable (NTU-core) selection with respect to the reported preferences. nfgz001

In Algorithm 10.4.16, each source device first updates its new available bids that can be offered in iteration c10-math-0162. If there exists a source device with c10-math-0163 and still has new bids to offer (i.e. c10-math-0164), the source device will offer the most preferred radio interface to participate in the Ds2D communication (the preference order here is based on the source device most energy-efficient radio interface). The source device also updates the set of bids offered until iteration c10-math-0165 (c10-math-0166). All other devices make no new bid at this iteration. The BS updates the set of feasible bids at the current iteration c10-math-0167 (c10-math-0168) and then selects the most energy-efficient set of source devices and radio interfaces (the selection here is made based on the total average energy efficiency c10-math-0169).

10.4.3 Discussions on Device and Radio Interface Selection

This section presents comparative simulation results for green Ds2D, multi-homing D2D and conventional D2D communications. The optimal selection of source devices and their respected radio interfaces for the Ds2D is implemented using Algorithm 10.4.16. For conventional D2D communications, only the source device and radio interface offering the maximum energy efficiency c10-math-0170 are selected for data transfer. For multi-homing D2D, the source device achieving maximum total (sum) energy efficiency across all its radio interfaces is selected for data transfer. All mobile devices have two radio interfaces besides the cellular radio interface (i.e. c10-math-0171). In all three modes, coordination is established over the cellular radio interface (c10-math-0172) and data transfer can take place over the other radio interfaces (c10-math-0173). The candidate source devices are uniformly distributed within the proximity of [50,100] m away from the sink device. The supporting bandwidth for the radio interfaces used for data transmission are c10-math-0174 MHz and c10-math-0175 MHz. Each radio interface of the sink device is subject to a random numberof interferers uniformly distributed in the range [5,10]. The interferers are assumed to be close to the sink device (for a worst-case scenario), that is, uniformly distributed within the proximity of [50, 60] m away from the sink device. The transmission power is 100 mW for c10-math-0176 and c10-math-0177. The power amplifier drain efficiency is c10-math-0178. The circuit power constants are c10-math-0179 mW, c10-math-0180 mW, c10-math-0181 W/bps and c10-math-0182 W/bps. The path-loss exponent equals 4 for c10-math-0183 and c10-math-0184, and c10-math-0185 dBm/Hz.

Graph for Achieved average energy efficiency versus the number of candidate source devices.

Figure 10.2 Achieved average energy efficiency versus the number of candidate source devices

Graph for Energy consumption per source device to transfer a 1-Mbit file versus the number of candidate source devices.

Figure 10.3 Energy consumption per source device to transfer a 1-Mbit file versus the number of candidate source devices

Fig. 10.1 shows the achieved average energy efficiency versus the number of candidate source devices. With more candidate source devices, a better energy efficiency can be achieved due to the diverse channel conditions among the candidate source devices and the sink device. Both Ds2D and multi-homing D2D communications exhibit an improved energy efficiency performance compared with the conventional D2D communication (up to c10-math-0186 improvement in energy efficiency). This is mainly due to the aggregated resources at the sink device from multiple radio interfaces, which allows for higher achieved throughput and hence improved energy efficiency. Such an improvement is also due to spatial diversity as some differences are expected in the channel conditions among the sink device and different source devices for Ds2D communications. As shown in Fig. 10.1, Ds2D communications exhibit a closer performance to multi-homing D2D communications as the number of candidate source devices increases. This is due to the higher probability of having more than one source device with good channel conditions with the sink device. While Fig. 10.1 shows a slightly improved performance for multi-homing D2D over Ds2D communications in terms of the total energy efficiency, the next result shows that Ds2D communications is an attractive alternative as it exhibits a much lower energy consumption per source device. Such an option motivates source devices to contribute to D2D communications.

Fig. 10.2 shows the average energy consumption performance per source device to transfer a 1 Mbit-file to the sink device versus the number of candidate source devices. The worst energy consumption performance per source device is for the conventional D2D communications approach, since only one radio interface is used for data transfer, which results in a longer latency to transfer the file to the sink device, and that results in a higher energy consumption. On the contrary, Ds2D communications exhibit the least energy consumption per source device (up to c10-math-0187 compared with the conventional D2D communications and up to c10-math-0188 compared with the multi-homing D2D communications). This is mainly because Ds2D communications split the total energy consumption burden over different source devices contributing to the file transfer, while multi-homing D2D communications relies on a single source device for file transfer, which incurs a higher energy consumption to activate all radio interfaces and transmit across them. With more available radio interfaces at the sink device, additional energy saving is expected per source device when compared with multi-homing D2D, as more source devices will be involved in the file transfer.

10.5 Optimal Packet Split among Devices

After optimal selection of source mobile devices and their respective radio interfaces, the BS coordinates with the source mobile devices to transfer the desired data packets to the sink mobile device in a distributed manner. The sink mobile device aggregates the data packets transmitted by different source mobiledevices to reconstruct the required file. This approach can support data hungry applications such as file download or video streaming of a popular content.

The optimal packet split algorithm should specify the packet distribution ratio among the source devices based on the achieved data rates over their respective radio interfaces. Consider that the desired file has c10-math-0189 long data packets, which should be transmitted from the source mobile devices (e.g. c10-math-0190 and c10-math-0191 as shown in Figure 10.1) to the sink mobile device (c10-math-0192) over a set of two different radio interfaces c10-math-0193, as shown in Figure 10.1. Let c10-math-0194 denote the optimal packet split ratio (OPSR) that splits the requested file into two sets of data packets based on the achieved data rate for each selected source device. Set 1 of data packets contains c10-math-0195 data packets that are transmitted by source mobile device c10-math-0196 through radio interface c10-math-0197. Similarly, set 2 of data packets contains c10-math-0198 data packets that are transmitted by the source mobile device c10-math-0199 through radio interface c10-math-0200. The sink mobile device receives the packets from both source mobile devices simultaneously over two different radio interfaces (c10-math-0201) and combines them to restore the requested file.

The two source mobile devices c10-math-0202 and c10-math-0203 transmit with different data rates c10-math-0204 and c10-math-0205, respectively, depending on the SINR of each source mobile device at the corresponding radio interface.1 The file transfer latency c10-math-0206 at the sink mobile device is defined as the duration required to transfer the desired data packets from all source mobile devices to the sink mobile device by aggregating the multiple radio resources, and is given by

where c10-math-0208 denotes the number of data packets transmitted over the c10-math-0209 radio interface (using c10-math-0210, we have c10-math-0211 and c10-math-0212), c10-math-0213 denotes the data rate over the c10-math-0214 radio interface and c10-math-0215 denotes the number of bits per data packet. It is assumed that each data packet contains 1,500 bytes. From (10.13), the file transfer latency is minimum if all source devices complete their data transmissions at the same time. Hence, the main rationale behind the search of c10-math-0216 is to ensure that the source devices involved in Ds2D communications complete the file transfer at the same time such that the sink mobile device does not have to wait for one source mobile device to complete the transmission of its assigned data packets, which elongates the communication session and leads to a higher energy consumption. Thus, c10-math-0217 can be found by solving c10-math-0218.

Graphical display of Optimal packet split over two interfaces of two source mobile devices vs. range of data rate levels.

Figure 10.4 Optimal packet split over two interfaces of two source mobile devices vs. range of data rate levels

Graphical display of Latency of transferring the requested file to the sink mobile device over two radio interfaces of two source mobile devices by exploiting the optimal packet split.

Figure 10.5 Latency of transferring the requested file to the sink mobile device over two radio interfaces of two source mobile devices by exploiting the optimal packet split

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal packet split strategy over the two radio interfaces of two source mobile devices, we consider an average monthly data usage capability for each mobile subscriber of about 2.5 GB with the daily download capability of 80 MB. Given the fact that each data packet has 1,500 bytes, the file (requested content) has c10-math-0219K data packets. The average data rate achieved for the second source mobile device (c10-math-0220) over radio interface c10-math-0221 is assumed to be 1.646 Mbps. Moreover, the average achieved data rate for the first source device (c10-math-0222) over radio interface (c10-math-0223) is varied for performance evaluation. Figure 10.3 shows the optimal packet split between a pair of source devices (c10-math-0224) over two radio interfaces c10-math-0225 for different data rates achieved by c10-math-0226. The optimal packet split algorithm divides the data packets among the two source mobile devices based on the achieved data rate for each source mobile device. This is mainly because the optimal packet split algorithm ensures the same FTL at each source mobile device, as shown in Figure 10.4. It turns out that the FTL is dominated by the device suffering from the maximum FTL.

Graph for Relative gain in file transfer latency (FTL) over Ds2D communication with optimal packet split and random packet split in comparison with direct D2D communication.

Figure 10.6 Relative gain in file transfer latency (FTL) over Ds2D communication with optimal packet split and random packet split in comparison with direct D2D communication

Another performance evaluation criterion is the relative percentage reduction in FTL (i.e. relative gain) as compared with the transmission over the conventional D2D communication paradigm, where only one source mobile device transmits the complete file to the sink mobile device, that is, direct D2D communication between a pair of devices (c10-math-0227 and c10-math-0228). The performance of the optimal packet split algorithm is evaluated against a random packet split benchmark. The random packet split benchmark algorithm randomly divides the file among the two source mobile devices and each source mobile device transfers the packets to the sink mobile device that combines both sets to restore the requested file. It can been seen clearly from Figure 10.5 that Ds2D transmission with optimal packet split has a lower transmission FTL than the conventional D2D paradigm (there is always a gain, which ranges from c10-math-0229 to c10-math-0230 FTL reduction). Moreover, the optimal packet split is necessary for performance improvement in the Ds2D paradigm, as the random packet split can have an FTL performance worse than the conventional D2D paradigm (gain is below c10-math-0231 for the data rate levels contained in the range 8–15). Furthermore, as shown in Figure 10.5, with the increase in the data rate level for c10-math-0232, the achieved gain is reduced. This is mainly because with high data rates achieved for c10-math-0233, a single transmission link (between c10-math-0234 and c10-math-0235) is already sufficient to achieve a lower FTL than the Ds2D communications (among c10-math-0236, c10-math-0237 and c10-math-0238).

Graph illustration of Power consumption (W h) of source devices versus range of achieved data rate.

Figure 10.7 Power consumption (Wh) of source devices versus range of achieved data rate

10.6 Green Analysis of Mobile Devices

In this subsection, we present simulation results to show the performance of the proposed Ds2D communication under optimal packet split and random packet split schemes. The energy consumption of Ds2D communication is compared with the D2D communication scenario when the sink mobile device receives the complete file from only one of the source mobile devices over the direct communication link. As an example, consider a source mobile device such that its battery holds a charge of c10-math-0239 mAh with c10-math-0240 Wh [265].

10.6.1 Energy Consumption of Mobile Devices

Energy consumption of the source mobile device for transferring a file to a sink mobile device can be determined as follows:

10.14 equation

where c10-math-0242 is the FTL per source mobile device measured in seconds to transfer the desired content to the sink mobile device. Figure 10.6 shows the energy consumption per source device involved in transferring optimally the assigned data packets out of the file of size 80 MB (or equivalently c10-math-0243K data packets) to a sink device over the range of date rate levels. Compared with the direct D2D communication between a pair of devices, the proposed Ds2D communication offers reduced energy consumption per source mobile device, since each source device only transmits a fraction of packets of the requested file. However, the energy consumption of the source mobile devices involved in Ds2D communication with an optimal packet split scheme outperforms the energy consumption of the source mobile devices that adapt the random packet split scheme. Moreover, at lower date rate levels, the energy consumption of source mobile devices involved in Ds2D with an optimal packet split scheme is significantly reduced in comparison with the energy consumption of the source mobile devices involved in Ds2D communication with a random packet split scheme and traditional D2D communications. The improvement is due to the fact that the source mobile device is engaged with the sink mobile device for a relatively longer duration at a lower data rate level to complete the transfer of the required file under direct D2D communications in comparison with the source mobile devices involved in Ds2D communication. As an example, at a rate level 2, that is, c10-math-0244 kbs, the source devices can achieve c10-math-0245 reductionin energy consumption under the optimal packet split scheme and c10-math-0246 reduction under the random packet split scheme in comparison with the source device involved in D2D communications. As shown in Figure 10.6, Ds2D communications with optimally assigned data packets exhibit a closer performance to D2D communications at higher data rate levels. This is due to the fact that with the high data rates exhibited by the source mobile device, a single transmission link (e.g. between c10-math-0247 and c10-math-0248) is already sufficient to achieve low FTL as compared with the Ds2D communications.

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Figure 10.8 Monthly electricity cost for an average download of a file with a size of 80 MB over Ds2D communications with optimal and random packet split schemes and traditional D2D communication for the range of achieved data rate levels

10.6.2 Electricity Cost for Mobile Charging

Reducing energy consumption of mobile devices lowers the electricity cost for charging devices, and thereby, results in financial cost savings to the consumers if the energy savings offset any additional costs for implementing an energy-efficient framework. The monthly cost of electricity that is associated with the implementation of Ds2D communications is calculated by assuming 1 kWh = 12 cents and it assumes the expression

10.15 equation

Figure 10.7 shows the monthly electricity cost associated with the energy savings achieved per source mobile device for the transfer of a 80-MB file over the considered device-centric framework. It can be seen clearly that at an average price of 12 cent/kWh, the mobile device costs approximately 150 USD in addition to the monthly electricity bill of the consumers who assume a pair of devices that are involved in D2D communications with an average daily data usage or file/content transfer of size 80 MB. On the contrary, the electricity cost decreased to 70 and 19 USD, when the devices are involved in Ds2D communication with random packet split and optimal packet split schemes, respectively, assuming the same amount of daily data transfer. In the presence of high data rates achieved by the source mobile devices, a single transmission link (e.g. between c10-math-0250 and c10-math-0251) is sufficient to achieve low FTL as compared with the Ds2D communications. This fact explains the close performance of Ds2D and D2D communications at high data rate levels.

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Figure 10.9 Average improvement in battery life of source devices over Ds2D communications with optimal and random packet split and traditional D2D communications for a range of data rate levels

10.6.3 Battery Life of Mobile Devices

Energy efficiency has been recently marked as one of the alarming bottlenecks in the telecommunications growth paradigm mainly due to two major reasons, namely (i) slowly progressing battery technology [276] and (ii) dramatically varying global climate [9]. A recent survey reports that up to 60% of the mobile users in China complained that the battery consumption is the greatest hurdle while using 4G services [277]. Emerging device-centric frameworks can offer a longer battery life, while consumers can enjoy high data rate 5G services and applications. The battery life or battery capacity can be calculated from the input current rating of the battery and the load current of the battery charging circuit [265]. Battery life will be high when the load current is low and vice versa. The capacity of battery is given by DigiKey Electronics [278]

10.16 equation

where c10-math-0253 is the battery capacity in mAh, and c10-math-0254 is the load current drawn by the source mobile device for transferring the file to the sink mobile device. Here, the factor 0.70 represents external factors that can affect the mobile device battery life [278]. Figure 10.8 shows the mobile battery life (h) over the range of data rate levels for a mobile device involved in D2D and Ds2D communications. Overall, as the data rate level increases, the FTL is decreased, and hence the battery life is prolonged. However, it can be seen clearly that the battery life of a mobile device involved in Ds2D communications with an optimal packet split scheme is significantly higher than the battery life of a mobile device involved in Ds2D communication via a random packet split scheme and traditional D2D communication. Moreover, the battery life of the mobile device involved in Ds2D communication and that assumes the random packet split scheme degrades at high data rate levels, since the FTL performance of the random packet split scheme is worse than that of the traditional D2D communications (as can be seen from Figure 10.4).

10.7 Some Challenges and Future Directions

In general, Ds2D communications can be established among any sink mobile device and multiple source mobile devices over c10-math-0255 multiple radio interfaces. Selection of source mobile devices is highly dependent on the availability of the file orcontent and its close proximity with the sink mobile device. As discussed earlier, coordination among the involved mobile devices is required for the successful implementation of Ds2D communication and optimal distribution of the desired content (data packets) among the source mobile devices. There are two possible implementation approaches to achieve the coordination among the mobile devices and set up Ds2D communications, as described below.

10.7.1 Centralized Ds2D Set-up

Under the centralized Ds2D set-up, cloud radio access networks (CRAN) perform source mobile device selection, Ds2D link establishment and data packet distribution among the source devices with a limited or full supervision of cellular network. Devices involved in Ds2D communication perform full or limited information exchange and signalling with the cellular network using the LTE–Uu interface (i.e. cellular link). Since the cellular interface for all devices is reserved for information exchange and signalling, data transmission can be established between a sink mobile device and source devices over c10-math-0256 radio interfaces. Therefore, the devices have at least two active interfaces (cellular interface for control and an additional radio interface for data transmission). Mobility of the devices involved in Ds2D communication, interference management and content availability is considered as an advantage to integrate Ds2D communications under the centralized CRAN-enabled cellular system. Inter-network caching plays an important role to efficiently exploit the benefits of Ds2D communications. However, the centralized approach imposes additional challenges to the fronthaul requirements such as high data rate and latency due to the information exchange and signalling overheads between the devices involved in Ds2D communications. Moreover, devices cannot establish Ds2D communication links without full or limited intervention and approval of the request by the cellular BS.

10.7.2 Decentralized Ds2D Set-up

Under the decentralized Ds2D set-up, devices involved in Ds2D communications can exchange control signalling for selection of source mobile devices, Ds2D communication establishment and content distribution among the devices without any intervention from the cellular BS. Therefore, devices can establish Ds2D communications over a relatively short time period under a decentralized system in comparison with the time required to set up Ds2D links in a centralized manner. The cellular network does not have any supervision over the functionalities used by the devices involved in Ds2D communications, such as resource allocation and interference management. Devices can use the PC5 interface, which is allocated by the LTE standard for device discovery and Ds2D communication between users.Moreover, the fronthaul requirements can be relaxed due to the reduced signalling information exchange between the devices and access network. Long-term availability of the desired content due to sustainability of connection and mobility is one of the challenges to integrate Ds2D communications in a decentralized manner.

10.8 Summary

Smartphones will play an important role to enable device-centric communication paradigms in 5G networks, such as D2D communications. This chapter focused on the implementation perspectives of such a device centric architecture, including energy consumption and battery life aspects of the devices involved in communication. A new device-centric scheme, Ds2D communication was discussed, and it incorporates several source devices and multiple radio interfaces for data transfer to the sink device. An optimal algorithm for source device and radio interface selection was presented based on the ascending proxy auctions mechanism. The proposed mechanism achieves a higher energy efficiency compared with the conventional D2D communications approach and a lower energy consumption per source device compared with the multi-homing D2D communications approach. The proposed Ds2D communication scheme guarantees an optimal data packet distribution among the source mobile devices and it ensures improvements in the file transfer latency, energy consumption and battery life of the source mobile devices involved in communication. Simulation results evaluated the quantitative gains as exhibited by the traditional D2D and Ds2D communications via random data packet distributions. It illustrated that performance metrics associated with the source mobile devices such as file transfer latency, energy consumption and battery life can be effectively optimized through an optimal packet split strategy among the source mobile devices and their respective radio interfaces involved in Ds2D communications in DCS.

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