ExO Canvas

Having read the previous pages, you should now be familiar with the different ExO attributes that Exponential Organizations implement in order to reach and manage abundance. Next up, we present the ExO Canvas, a simple, one-page tool that will help you easily design—and improve—your Exponential Organization.

The ExO Canvas is a management template that helps visionaries, innovators, top executives, and entrepreneurs design agile organizations by leveraging exponentially accelerating technologies. Use the ExO Canvas to design a new ExO or to implement the ExO framework within an existing organization.

How flexible or agile is your organization? Is it an ExO? These are the questions the ExO Canvas was designed to help you answer. It will guide you toward becoming an ExO, one that is both flexible and agile.

The ExO Canvas provides a one-page overview of all of the attributes that make up the ExO model. In addition to establishing a simple and clear foundation for either designing a new ExO or creating ExO initiatives within an existing organization, the ExO Canvas helps ensure that the full scope of an ExO is considered. It provides an opportunity to think through not only which attributes you will employ but also—more specifically—how each attribute will be implemented.

We have found the ExO Canvas to be an effective tool to take a business model as expressed by a Business Model Canvas and facilitate its transformation Into an Exponential Organization business model. In addition, when used in the early stages of ideation, it can be a key driver for learning about the potential applications of exponential technologies relevant to your organization.

The ExO Canvas was co-created by a group of over 100 ExO practitioners from around the world. A full list of the creators is available at www.exocanvas.com. There you will also find a downloadable version of the ExO Canvas.

Moving from left to right across the ExO Canvas, you'll first use the SCALE attributes to connect with a world of abundance. Next, as you move on to the IDEAS attributes, you'll put that abundance to work through experimentation and implementation. Through these methods, you now have the potential to create your own new abundance. Keep in mind that this process is guided by an overarching MTP that defines the core purpose of the organization's existence.


When you download the ExO Canvas, it will look like this:



If you're working with the ExO Canvas in a group, print blank copies of the ExO Canvas on as large a scale as is practical. You'll find that a wall-sized version is great to work with when brainstorming with larger groups. For smaller groups, A0 paper size is best; just make sure there's enough room to populate each of the sections on the ExO Canvas with sticky notes.

Each section of the ExO Canvas will eventually be covered with sticky notes, so have plenty of markers available for all members of the group. Before you begin, remind everyone to keep the entries short enough to fit on the notes.

For easy reference, give everyone a copy of the ExO Canvas, which should be pre-populated with prompting questions for each attribute (as available on the www.exocanvas.com website). Having ideas to work with will stimulate the thinking process.

At the top of the ExO Canvas, write out the MTP that you're currently considering. All subsequent entries will be in support of this particular MTP.

Next, think about where and how to access the untapped abundance in the world that will help you achieve your MTP. (For example, Airbnb used an abundance of unused rooms.) As outlined earlier, the five attributes listed on the left-hand side of the ExO Canvas (acronym: SCALE) are different ways of accessing that abundance.

Think about the sources of information or data that enable you to connect your SCALE attributes to abundance. That's the block you will find on the left of the ExO Canvas, next to the SCALE attributes. Consider what information or data you have, what you need, where it will come from, and how you will collect it.

Once you've identified sources of abundance, turn your attention to the five attributes on the right-hand side of the ExO Canvas (acronym: IDEAS), which offer different approaches to managing the abundance. Think about the dependencies between the attributes and the order in which you want to implement them. For example, once the Community & Crowd attribute is defined, move on to Engagement.

Finally, consider what key milestones and tasks are needed to move forward with either implementing the ExO attributes within your current organization or building a new ExO. These steps should be discrete and measurable. Use the Implementation block on the right-hand side of the ExO Canvas to capture the steps.

The ExO Canvas you create for each MTP will go through many cycles of development as you proceed through an ExO Sprint. Quick iterations of ideas and the rapid development of the ExO Canvases are important. Remember that this is the early stage only; nothing needs to be polished.

Save early versions of your ExO Canvases. You may end up using components of them down the road.



An MTP is mandatory for any Exponential Organization and serves as your starting point.


Begin by thinking about how to reach abundance (SCALE attributes) and then how to manage it (IDEAS attributes).


Remember to balance the number of SCALE and IDEAS attributes. Due to the overlapping relationship between SCALE and IDEAS, you will need attributes from each set, and you may want to aim for a similar number.


Think about the dependencies between attributes. For example, if you want to use the Staff on Demand attribute from the SCALE set, you will likely require Interfaces and Dashboards from the IDEAS side of the page. Similarly, Autonomy points to a need for Dashboards and Social Technologies, and so on.


Experimentation is a given, at least during the early stages of your ExO. This attribute is fundamental to achieving a mindset of ongoing learning.


You don't need to implement all of the ExO attributes, but a minimum of four are required to build a true ExO.


There is a tendency to use the ExO attributes as a simple checklist. (Community? Check! Interfaces? Check!) Instead, use the ExO Canvas as a tool to move beyond casual use and to define specifically how each attribute will be implemented.


Now that you understand the components and interdependencies of the ExO model—the MTP, the five SCALE attributes that enable you to access global abundance externally, and the five IDEAS attributes to help you manage that abundance internally—what's next?

The ExO Sprint is a 10-week process that allows you to put the ExO model to work for you. Consider the ExO attributes as the ingredients for transformation and the ExO Sprint your recipe. The next section of the book will guide you through the ExO Sprint by providing a series of assignments, direction, and support for defining your ExO initiatives and achieving your exponential transformation.

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