The world changes every day. Exploring how change might affect your organization is an exciting learning experience—one that may even surprise you!

Many executives spend most of their time dealing with internal issues, never looking beyond what's happening within the organization. Don't be one of them!

The biggest threats and opportunities for your organization can be found in the emergence of new technologies and business models, as well as in changes to the environment beyond your industry as it stands today. All of these elements represent external disruption that may be relevant for the future of your organization over both the short- and long-term. So, let's find them!

This week's assignment sets the foundation for the Core Stream. It will help you gain a strategic overview of the most important technologies that may disrupt your industry either now or in the future. How is your industry already being reshaped? By looking “outside the building” you will gain an understanding of how your organization needs to be reshaped, not only to survive but to leverage existing opportunities.


TASK 1 Learn about exponential technologies

TASK 2 Learn about new business models that can disrupt your industry

TASK 3 Find out about new changes in the context of your organization

TASK 4 Describe your current organization's business model

TEMPLATE for delivery

Exponential Technology Risks Opportunities Timing
Name and/or description here… How it can disrupt your industry… How it can bring new business opportunities… When this exponential technology might impact the industry…
Disruptive Business Model Risks Opportunities Timing
Company name and/or description here… How it can disrupt your industry… How it can bring new business opportunities… When this new business model might disrupt your industry…
Context changes Risks Opportunities
Description here… How it would impact the industry… How industry can benefit

TEMPLATE for delivery (populated with sample entries for the Eco Places example)

Exponential Technology Risks Opportunities Timing
Name and/or description here… How it can disrupt your industry… How it can bring new business opportunities… When this exponential technology might impact the industry…
Internet Enables sharing economy and P2P business models. Enables hotels to better reach clients and develop new business models. Now
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Automate majority of hotel's operations and increase competition. Help hotels better understand clients. Within the next 2 years
Drones Provide new ways of traveling. Provide new ways of traveling. Within the next 5 years
Virtual Reality New technology could reduce desire to travel. Leverage technology for hotels. Within the next 2 years
Disruptive Business Model Risks Opportunities Timing
Company name and/or description here… How it can disrupt your industry… How it can bring new business opportunities… When this new business model might disrupt your industry…
Airbnb (sharing economy leverages assets) Offers customers eco accommodations. Launch a P2P sharing economy platform. Now
Uber (on demand staff) Allows competitors to be more responsive to market needs. Implement the Community attribute. Now
Cratejoy (subscription business model) Lose market share as consumers gravitate to hotels participating in subscription services. Launch a subscription business model. Now

TEMPLATE for delivery

Context changes Risks Opportunities
Description here… How it would impact the industry… How industry can benefit…
New players based on sharing economy. Sharing economy platforms are a huge threat to traditional players. Integrate traditional offering on sharing economy platforms or launch new businesses based on this approach.
Travelers want efficiency and personalization. Established businesses that don't evolve may become obsolete. Personalize products/services.
Travelers need hourly based stays. Industry not adapted for this need. Launch new product/services based on hourly stays.



Business Model Canvas for Eco Places (Parent Organization)



You have at your fingertips the opportunity to (re)invent your organization and make the world a better place.

Every industry sees occasional disruption. However, the frequency of that disruption is accelerating as exponential technologies impact both business models and the environment in general.

As Thomas Edison said, “To have a great idea, have a lot of them.” This week you will generate as many ExO Core Initiative ideas as possible in order to ensure success.

Adapt your current organization to external industry disruption to protect it from the threats disruption poses and to take advantage of the great opportunities continually emerging from that disruption.


TASK 1 Define a (Massive) Transformative Purpose for the organization

TASK 2 Define multiple External Disruption/Internal Reaction pairs for your MTP

TEMPLATE for delivery

MTP ExO Core Initiative Name External Disruption Internal Reaction
Personalized eco experience for everyone Smart Eco Decreased margins due to growth of sharing economy; travelers want more efficiency and personalization. Automate as many processes as possible using AI; robots replace some staff members.
Short eco stays Travelers want option of booking on an hourly basis. Update hotel pricing and technology systems to allow hourly bookings.
Personal room New virtual reality (VR) technologies could reduce desire to travel. Equip hotel with VR technologies that enable those not staying at the property to travel virtually and “meet” with hotel guests.


Experimentation is crucial to any innovative project.

By definition, any innovative idea under consideration is a hypothesis (or a set of hypotheses), which means it (or they) will need to be tested prior to development. The first set of hypotheses to evaluate should be the external disruption/internal reaction pairs defined last week.

Of the 10 ExO attributes that the ExO framework defines, Experimentation is the one that must always be included.

This week you will focus on running experiments to evaluate your hypotheses. There is no better place to start than by asking the people involved in the ExO Core Initiatives what they think about them.


TASK 1 Define key hypotheses and run experiments

TASK 2 Run experiments to evaluate your ExO initiatives

TEMPLATE for delivery


Define and run experiments

ExO Initiative Name Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Results Key Learnings
Smart Eco Eco travelers desire increased efficiency and personalization. Interview 10 eco travelers using the Customer Development interview template. At least 60% of potential clients should validate hypothesis. 90% of potential clients validated hypothesis. Hypothesis Validated
Clients would like to personalize room features (e.g., room temperature, specific requests).
Eco travelers like the idea of robots supplementing human staff. Interview 10 eco travelers using the Customer Development interview template. At least 60% of potential clients should validate hypothesis. Only 20% of potential clients validated hypothesis. Hypothesis Invalidated
Eco travelers like the idea of robots but only for specific services.


It's time to select your top ExO Core Initiatives and take them to the next level.

Next week you will present your ExO initiatives at the Disruption Session and receive feedback that will help you improve your projects.

This week's assignment is to work on the presentations for the upcoming Disruption Session, which entails a five-minute pitch for each of four initiatives. You will present your project to the company's leadership team, the other members of the ExO Sprint, and a select panel of ExO Disruptors.


TASK 1 Select the four most promising ideas

TASK 2 Design the ExO Canvas

TASK 3 Create an extended elevator pitch for each ExO Core Initiative

TASK 4 Create a presentation to support the pitch

TASK 5 Practice your pitch!



ExO Canvas for Smart Eco



Your template should include the following slides or sections:



It's imperative that you begin the presentation with the MTP/TP.

Note that all ExO Core Initiatives will share the same MTP.

In general, use just one slide to introduce the MTP.



Discuss the external disruption, which is the main driver of the ExO Core Initiative.

Once the nature of the disruption is clear, introduce the internal reaction that will either prevent the fallout from the disruption or leverage the opportunities it can bring.


ExO Attributes

Show how you will reach abundance (using the SCALE attributes) and how you will manage that abundance (using the IDEAS attributes).

You may want to Include the ExO Canvas and explain how each of the key ExO attributes applies to the ExO Core Initiative.


It's time to disrupt your company before someone else beats you to it!

This week's assignment provides an opportunity to present your most promising ExO initiatives to a group of disruptors, who will then provide feedback on how to improve them.

Remember: Failure is part of the process. If some ExO initiatives are rejected post-presentation, don't take it personally. It's better to fail fast and cheap now than to fail later after having invested a lot of time and money.

Based on the feedback you receive, you may end up killing some of your ExO Core Initiatives. On the flipside, you may create new ones that will complement your portfolio. Always keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities!


TASK 1 Prepare the scenario and logistics

TASK 2 Present!

TASK 3 Gather feedback

TASK 4 Debrief with the leadership team

TASK 5 Narrow the number of initiatives down to three

TASK 6 Improve the selected initiatives based on the feedback received


Feedback Form
  General Feedback Alignment with Leadership Objectives?
Smart Hotel Leadership team liked this business objective! Yes
MTP Leadership team chose this MTP for the organization.
External Disruption Leadership team and ExO Disruptors agree that the concept will be disruptive to the industry.
Internal Reaction ExO Disruptors suggested improvements to the business model (e.g., storing customer data as a resource).
ExO Attributes ExO Disruptors suggested improvements to the ExO attributes (e.g., build a smartphone app featuring an intelligent assistant to complement personalization services and robot assistance).
(Initiative Name Here)  
External Disruption  
Internal Reaction  
ExO Attributes  
ExO Edge Initiatives that Led to New ExO Core Initiatives AirEco will increase competition in the marketplace as a result of decreased staffing needs and margins. An internal reaction to this ExO Edge Initiative could be to launch an ExO Core Initiative to provide hotel staff services to AirEco. This would allow AirEco to offer guest services using professional hotel staff. It also creates an opportunity for the existing organization.  
Other Feedback (General, Other Projects, etc.)    
Final MTP/TP for the Organization Personalized eco experiences for everyone.


It's time to take your ExO initiatives to the next level!

This week's assignment is to formally define the assumptions underlying your ideas and prepare to test them further.

Start by defining your ExO Core Initiative in greater detail so that you can identify the key hypotheses to test.

Next on the agenda is to begin building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that facilitates learning more about your ExO Core Initiative and how to improve it.

Are you worried you won't be able to accomplish all this in only one week? You can!


TASK 1 Further define your ExO Core Initiatives

TASK 2 Frame your ExO Core Initiatives within your organization's business model

TASK 3 Identify the key hypotheses you want to evaluate with your MVP

TASK 4 Define your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

TASK 5 Build your MVP!

TEMPLATE for delivery


Business Model Canvas for Eco Places (Parent Organization)


ExO Canvas for Smart Eco


Template to identify and evaluate key hypotheses

ExO Initiative Name Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Results Key Learnings
Smart Eco Customers are willing to book a room in a hotel with AI-based personalization services, assistants, and robots. A/B testing with two landing pages (one with current offering and another with Smart Eco initiative) to determine which receives more bookings. At least 60% of visitors prefer the AI-based approach.    
Building AI-based services, assistants, and robots is feasible. Talk to AI companies to evaluate whether it's possible to build AI-based personalization services. Find AI providers able to build AI-based personalization services.    
AI-based services provide value. Build a prototype to test hypothesis. More than 60% of customers should be happy with the experience.    

Designing the MVP

Landing page 1 2 2 5
First prototype of AI-based personalization service for controlling room temperature 1 1 1 3
First prototype of AI-based assistant 2 0 0 2
First prototype of AI-based robot 2 0 0 2
Simulation of AI-based assistant backed by a human 2 2 1 5

Conclusions about the MVP

After analyzing the different features and options, we decided to design a simple online landing page offering two versions of the MVP. Next up: Conduct A/B testing to determine whether customers preferred our value proposition over the existing one.

In the end, we opted to build a simulation of the AI-based assistant that features a smartphone-based app with a simple, human-backed interface. The goal: to ascertain what kinds of interactions customers like best and embed those interactions within the final, automated version of the app.


It's time for the truth!

Over the past week, you have been building initial versions of your MVPs, which will allow you to learn more about and improve your ExO Core Initiatives.

This week's assignment provides experience exercising the Experimentation attribute at a deeper level. The goal is to test your MVPs so that you can determine if your value proposition is the right one.

Using Experimentation to build and test your MVP enables you to evaluate the key hypotheses to determine whether the ExO Core Initiative you are developing will help adapt your organization to external disruption.

If any of your ExO Core Initiatives entail developing a new product or service, you may be able to attract clients. Getting your first client is one of the most exciting milestones for any new organization, so let's do it!


TASK 1 Find your Early Adopters!

TASK 2 Measure results and learn

TEMPLATE for delivery


Template to identify and evaluate key hypotheses

ExO Initiative Name Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Result Key Learnings
Smart Eco Customers are willing to book a room in a hotel with AI-based personalization services, assistants, and robots. A/B testing with two landing pages (one with current offering and another with the Smart Eco initiative) to determine which receives more bookings. At least 60% of visitors prefer AI-based approach. Landing page featuring the AI-based approach resulted in 50% more sign-ups. Hypothesis Validated
Building AI-based services, assistants and robots is feasible. Talk to AI companies to evaluate whether it's possible to build AI-based personalization services. Find AI providers able to build AI-based personalization services. Unable to find an AI provider to meet all our requirements. Most requirements, however, can be met with some restrictions. For example, due to technical limitations, AI providers recommend limiting use of robots to room delivery for now. They also note that technical capabilities will significantly improve over the next couple of years. Hypothesis Partially Validated
We learned that we can't develop everything we want, but if we limit robot functionality to room delivery for now, we can launch a first version that can be improved over the next couple of years.
AI-based services provide value. Build a prototype to test hypothesis. More than 60% of customers will be happy with their AI experience. As many as 80% of customers love AI-based personalization services. Hypothesis Validated
We found that customers most frequently request that meals be delivered to their rooms. They love that the intelligent assistant remembers their preferences, especially when they arrive at a new hotel within the chain.


Last week you should have learned a great deal about your ExO Core Initiatives as a result of testing your MVPs. This week, you will continue to develop your MVPs by running experiments.

At some point during the week, when you have enough data, it will be time to face reality and make the necessary changes to your ExO Core Initiatives to maximize your opportunities for success.

Refine your ExO Core Initiatives!


TASK 1 Further develop your ExO Core Initiatives

TASK 2 Improve and proceed!

TEMPLATE for delivery


ExO Canvas for Smart Eco


Business Model Canvas for Eco Places (Parent Organization)



Time to prepare for the final presentation!

Next week you will present your best ideas to the leadership team. The goal is to elicit additional feedback and, most important, secure the funding needed to further develop the chosen ExO Core Initiatives.

This week is dedicated to creating a comprehensive presentation to showcase the awesome work you've done throughout the ExO Sprint.


TASK 1 Narrow the number of initiatives down to two

TASK 2 Extend your ExO Core Initiatives with key milestones and a budget

TASK 3 Build a final presentation for the ExO Core Initiatives


Each presentation should include the following slides/sections:



In order to frame the ExO Core Initiative, it's imperative to begin each presentation with an MTP.

In general, use just one slide to introduce the MTP.



It's also important to explain the external disruption, which is the main driver of the ExO Core Initiative. If the disruption comes from an ExO Edge Initiative, don't forget to mention that.

Once the external disruption is made clear, introduce the internal reaction that will either enable you to avoid the threat coming from external disruption or leverage the opportunities that threat can bring.


Case Study

When communicating new ideas, it's helpful to use storytelling techniques.

One option is to invent a story and illustrate it with pictures and diagrams that explain the problem and how your solution solves it.

We recommend using case studies if you are presenting six or fewer initiatives. Count on five minutes to present each initiative.


Business Model

It's a good idea to show how your ExO Core Initiative fits within your organization's current business model.

You'll want to illustrate how you are improving and adapting your business model to external industry disruption (as opposed to changing it).


ExO Attributes

Since you are both adapting the organization to external industry disruption and connecting it to external abundance, it is important to illustrate how you plan to reach that abundance (using the SCALE attributes) and how you will manage it (using the IDEAS attributes).

Present the ExO Canvas and explain how the ExO attributes apply to the ExO Core Initiative.


Key Milestones

Outline important milestones for the next few months.

You'll also need to describe long-term milestones, applying exponential thinking and summarizing how you plan to achieve your MTP.



Estimate the budget needed to achieve short-term milestones.


The big day is here!

This week you will present your ExO Core Initiatives to the company's leadership team and selected advisors, who will then make a final decision about which initiatives to fund and further develop.

The selection process is not the end—far from it, in fact. The development of your ExO Core Initiatives marks the beginning of your organization's transformation process!


TASK 1 Prepare the setting and logistics

TASK 2 Presentations and discussion

TASK 3 Final evaluation

TASK 4 Announcements



Final day presentations agenda template


TEMPLATE for delivery

ExO Edge Initiative Is Initiative Aligned With ExO Sprint Scope? Does Initiative Adapt Existing Organization to Industry Disruption? Does Initiative Make Existing Organization More Scalable? Is Initiative Viable? Selected? Funding Allocated
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