The world changes every day. Exploring it can be an exciting learning experience—one that may even surprise you!

Many executives spend most of their time dealing with internal issues and never look at what's happening beyond the organization. Don't be one of them!

The biggest opportunities can be found at the intersection of global challenges [problems that need to be solved), exponential technologies [which can solve those problems], and business models [which monetize and grow your organization).

This week's assignment sets the foundation for the Edge Stream. It helps you gain a strategic overview of the world's greatest challenges along with the most important technologies that may disrupt your industry, either now or in the future. How is your industry already being reshaped? By looking “outside the building” you will gain an understanding of nontraditional and disruptive business models coming into use.


TASK 1 Explore global challenges

TASK 2 Learn about exponential technologies

TASK 3 Learn about disruptive startups

TEMPLATES for delivery

Global Challenges Risks Opportunities Timing
Description here… How the industry would be impacted… What the world would look like if this problem were solved… When the impact of the trend will manifest…
Exponential Technology Risks Opportunities Timing
Name and/or description here… How this exponential technology can disrupt your industry… How this exponential technology can bring new business opportunities… When this exponential technology may impact the industry…
Disruptive Startups and Business Models Risks Opportunities Timing
Company name and business model description… How it can disrupt your industry… How to implement this business model in your industry… When this new business model might disrupt your industry…

TEMPLATES for delivery (populated with sample entries for the Eco Places example)

Global Challenges Risks Opportunities Timing
Description here… How the industry would be impacted… What the world would look like if this problem were solved… When the impact of the trend will manifest…
Many people can't afford to travel Market limited due to the financial constraints of many consumers. Hotels achieve abundance. Now
Consumers want personalized services Consumers looking for nontraditional hotel options. A world with a higher level of personalization. Now
Sharing economy Owners rent available space. Better use of resources. Now
Eco trend Trend has a limited lifetime. Existing eco communities can be leveraged. Now
Many consumers unfamiliar with eco products/services Some consumers perceive eco as a lower quality industry. Offer promotions to encourage consumers to choose eco travel. Now
Exponential Technology Risks Opportunities Timing
Name and/or description here… How this exponential technology can disrupt your industry… How this exponential technology can bring new business opportunities… When this exponential technology may impact the industry…
Internet Allows sharing economy and P2P business models. Allows hotels to better reach clients and develop new business models. Now
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Automate majority of hotel's operations and increase competition. Help hotels better understand clients and personalize services. Within next 2 years
Drones Market reduction due to new types of hotels. Provide new ways of traveling. Within next 5 years
Disruptive Startups and Business Models Risks Opportunities Timing
Company name and business model description… How it can disrupt your industry… How to implement this business model in your industry… When this new business model might disrupt your industry…
Airbnb [sharing economy leverages assets] Airbnb [or any other similar startup] could offer customers eco-type accommodations. Launch a sharing economy P2P platform. Now
Uber [on-demand staff] Staff on demand could allow competitors to be more responsive to market needs. Implement the Staff on Demand attribute. Now
Cratejoy [subscription business model] Market reduction if other hotel chains launch a subscription model. Launch subscription business model. Now


You have at your fingertips the opportunity to invent the future and make the world a better place.

Exponential technologies allow us to generate an abundance of anything. At the same time, there are countless global challenges that need to be addressed. In fact, the biggest business opportunities are usually related to the biggest problems the world faces.

As Thomas Edison said, “To have a great idea, have a lot of them.” So, this week you will generate as many ExO Edge Initiative ideas as possible in order to ensure success.

Imagine the next generation of Exponential Organizations leading a variety of industries and making the world a better place, all by leveraging exponential technologies and implementing disruptive business models.

This week's assignment allows you to unleash your creativity. It's time to dive into the future and define the most disruptive ideas for your industry and organization. Let those billion-dollar ideas flow! Starting with an expansive list of ideas will provide both inspiration and a wealth of options as you move forward.


TASK 1 Define multiple Massive Transformative Purposes (MTPs)

TASK 2 Define problem/solution pairs for each MTP

TEMPLATE for delivery

MTP ExO Edge Initiative Name Problem Solution
Unlock Eco AirEco Eco-friendly travelers desire a variety of eco experiences. In addition, many privately held eco properties are going unused. Build a platform to connect eco homeowners with eco travelers. Leverage unused eco properties and follow a sharing-economy approach to rent them.
Democratize Eco LocalEco Many people can't afford to stay in hotels when they travel. Build regional communities to provide eco hotel guests with local experiences. In exchange, offer free accommodation nights to participating community members, which will increase accessibility to the service.
Eco Always Eco Places as a Service Eco travelers appreciate suggestions on new places to stay. They also want discounts. Monthly subscription service that offers customers a 2-night stay at a variety of eco hotels at a reduced rate.


Experimentation is crucial to any innovative project.

Steve Blank got it right when he said, “No business plan survives first contact with customers.” Any innovative business plan is just a set of hypotheses, so instead of immediately executing them, you must first evaluate them. Innovative business plans start by defining the problem you want to solve and then move on to the solution you intend to build for that problem. So, the first set of hypotheses to evaluate are the problem/solution pairs defined last week. This is what is called the Problem/Solution Fit.

This week, you will focus on running experiments to evaluate your hypotheses—the ExO equivalent of Steve Blank's “Get out of the building!”—which will allow you to gain experience using the Experimentation attribute.

Based on what you learn, your team will select the four most promising ideas to develop further in the coming weeks.


TASK 1 Define key hypotheses and design experiments

TASK 2 Run experiments to evaluate the ExO initiatives

TEMPLATE for delivery


Define and run experiments (Problem/Solution Fit)

ExO Initiative
Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Result Key Learnings
AirEco Eco travelers desire a variety of destinations and experiences. Interview 10 potential clients using an interview template based on Customer Development. At least 60% of potential clients should validate our hypotheses. 80% of potential clients validated our hypotheses. Hypothesis Validated

Most potential clients validated the hypotheses. We also discovered that the majority of the respondents are young eco travelers. Conclusion: Young eco travelers are our customer segment.
Owners of eco properties are willing to rent to eco travelers. Interview 10 potential owners of rental properties using an interview template based on Customer Development. The responses of at least 60% of potential owners of rental properties should validate our hypothesis. Only 30% of potential owners of rental properties indicated they would rent their properties. Hypothesis Invalidated

Even though the hypothesis was invalidated, more than 70% responded that they were willing to rent their properties if we provided staff to take care of the rental process.


Up until now, you have been working on several ExO Edge Initiatives in order to explore as many opportunities as possible. It's now time to begin selecting the best ones based on the experiments you ran and what you learned from them.

Take into account that next week you will present your best ideas to a panel that will include ExO Disruptors [people from outside the organization who have experience either in your industry or with innovation in general] for feedback on the work you've done so far.

This week's primary assignment is to work on the presentations for the upcoming Disruption Session, which entails a five-minute pitch for each of the four initiatives. You will present your project to your company's leadership team, the other members of the ExO Sprint, and a select panel of ExO Disruptors, who will provide feedback.


TASK 1 Select the four most promising ideas

TASK 2 Design the ExO Canvas

TASK 3 Define your business model [optional]

TASK 4 Create an extended elevator pitch for each ExO Edge Initiative

TASK 5 Create a presentation in support of the pitch

TASK 6 Practice your pitch!



ExO Canvas for AirEco


Business Model Canvas for AirEco



Your template should include the following slides or sections:



Every ExO Edge Initiative must open with an MTP presentation.

Note that you may have several ExO Edge Initiatives sharing the same MTP. If so, explain the MTP first, followed by each of the ExO Edge Initiatives.

In general, use just one slide to introduce the MTP.


Introduce the problem before the solution.

Dnce the problem has been outlined, introduce the solution in an innovative way. A sample use case can be an effective way to illustrate your solution.

Use one slide for both the problem and the solution, or a different slide for each.

ExO Attributes

Since you are building new ExDs, you must show how you plan to reach abundance [using the SCALE attributes] and how you will manage it [using the IDEAS attributes].

You may also want to present the ExO Canvas and explain something about each of the ExO attributes as they are applied to the ExO Edge Initiative.

Business Model

You need to show not only how you will create value for users [although this may already be clear from the previous sections], but also how you plan to retain this value.

Include the Business Model Canvas on one slide or (perhaps even better] use a couple of slides to explain the foundation of the business model.


It's time to disrupt the industry before someone else beats you to it!

This week's assignment provides an opportunity to present your most promising ExO initiatives to a group of disruptors, who will then provide feedback on how to improve them.

Remember: Failure is part of the process. If some ExO initiatives are rejected post-presentation, don't take it personally. It's better to fail fast and cheap now than to fail later after having invested a lot of time and money.

Based on the feedback you receive, you may end up killing some of your ExO Edge Initiatives. On the flipside, you may well create new ones that will complement your portfolio. Always keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities!


TASK 1 Prepare the scenario and logistics

TASK 2 Present

TASK 3 Gather feedback

TASK 4 Debrief with the leadership team

TASK 5 Narrow the number of initiatives down to three

TASK 6 Improve the selected initiatives based on the feedback received


Feedback Form
  General Feedback Alignment with Leadership Objectives?
AirEco Initiative well received; suggestions offered. Yes
MTP People love it!
Problem Disruptors and leadership team agree that rates are unaffordable for some travelers.
Solution Disruptors suggest increasing the market by creating a means of access for those who cannot typically afford the rooms.
ExO Attributes Disruptors suggest leveraging the Community attribute.
Business Model Universal agreement that solution is feasible; suggestion made to increase market reach (Key Partners).
(Initiative Name Here)    
ExO Attributes    
Business Model    
Other Feedback (General, Other Projects, etc.) Leadership didn't like all initiatives; some are killed.  


It's time to take your ExO initiatives to the next level!

This week's assignment is to formally define the assumptions underlying your ideas and prepare to test them further.

If you don't already have one, start by defining your ExO Edge Initiative business model so that you can build something that both generates value and retains it.

Next on the agenda is to begin building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that will facilitate learning more about your value proposition.

Are you worried you won't be able to accomplish all this in only one week? You can!


TASK 1 Define your business model

TASK 2 Identify the key hypotheses you want to evaluate with your MVP

TASK 3 Define your Minimum Viable Product (MVP]

TASK 4 Build Your MVP!

TEMPLATE for delivery


Business Model Canvas for AirEco


ExO Canvas for AirEco


TEMPLATE for delivery


Template to identify and evaluate key hypotheses

ExO Initiative Name Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Result Key Learnings
AirEco The market is big enough. Find statistics to determine if the number of potential clients is large enough. We can sell 50 million nights per year.    
Potential customers are willing to book a stay at a privately owned eco property.
  • Landing page to test whether potential clients sign up; promote with Google AdWords.
  • Presentation detailing the service to encourage potential clients to book a stay.
  • At least 5% of visitors sign up.
  • At least 25% of potential customers interviewed book a stay.
  Potential owners really are willing to share their properties.
  • Landing page to test whether potential owners sign up; promote with Google AdWords.
  • Presentation detailing the service to encourage potential owners to rent their properties.
  • At least 5% of visitors sign up.
  • At least 25% of potential customers interviewed book a stay.

Designing the MVP

Sign-up landing pages for owners and travelers 2 2 2 6
Search engine for booking 2 1 3
Booking process through website 1 1 2
Presentation detailing service—potential property owners 2 2 2 6
Presentation detailing service—potential travelers 2 2 2 6

MVP Conclusions

After analyzing the different features and options for the MVP, we decided that rather than building a prototype of the entire platform—which would be time-consuming and expensive—we would launch a simple website designed to attract potential owners and customers.

We created two in-person presentations. The first introduced the AirEco platform to property owners, with a goal of having them sign a contract that would allow us to rent their properties to eco-minded vacationers. The second introduced the AirEco platform to potential customers and encouraged them to book a property for their next trip.


It's time for the truth!

Over the past week, you have been building prototypes of your MVPs, which will allow you to learn more about and improve your ExO Edge Initiatives.

This week's assignment provides experience exercising the Experimentation attribute at a deeper level by engaging early adopters with a concept they can respond to. The goal is to sell your MVPs to early adopters in order to validate that your value proposition for the market is the right one.

The experiment of building your MVP and selling to early adopters will help you evaluate the hypotheses related to the value proposition and the business model. This is what is called the product/market fit. In addition, you will also evaluate the hypotheses as they relate to the ExO attributes, which are key to building a truly Exponential Organization.

Getting your first client is one of the most exciting milestones for any new organization. Let's do it!


TASK 1 Find, reach, and sell to early adopters

TASK 2 Measure results and learn

TEMPLATE to identify and evaluate key hypotheses

Exo Initiative Name Key Hypotheses Experiment Description Evaluation
Experiment Result Key Learnings
AirEco The market is big enough to launch this business. Use statistics to determine if the number of potential clients is big enough. We can sell 50 million nights per year. The potential market is more than 80 million nights per year. Hypothesis Validated
There is an abundance of potential customers.
Potential customers are willing to book a stay at a privately owned eco property.
  • Landing page to test whether potential clients sign up; promote with Google AdWords.
  • Presentation detailing the service to encourage potential clients to rent eco properties.
Potential customers are willing to book a stay at a privately owned eco property.
  • Results show that 7% of visitors signed up.
  • More than 35% of potential customers interviewed booked a stay, although some requested more information than was covered in the presentations.
Hypothesis Validated
We learned that potential customers are demanding; property profiles that appear on the platform must be comprehensive.
Potential owners are willing to share their properties.
  • Landing page to test whether potential owners sign up; promote with Google AdWords.
  • Presentation detailing the service for potential owners interested in renting their properties.
Potential owners are willing to share their properties.
  • Just 2% of visitors signed up.
  • Only 20% of owners interviewed were willing to rent their property to guests, but more than 40% indicated they'd be willing to rent their properties if they had the opportunity to screen potential guests.
Hypothesis Invalidated We learned that potential owners want background information on guests who will be renting their properties, so we need to offer a guest qualification process.


Last week you should have learned a great deal about your business model and the ExO attributes by testing your MVPs with real clients. This week, you will continue to develop your MVPs by running experiments.

At some point during the week when you have enough data, it will be time to face reality and make the necessary changes to your ExO Edge Initiatives to maximize your opportunities for success.

Modify or even pivot your ExO Edge Initiatives to ensure they are well positioned for success.


TASK 1 Further develop your ExO Edge Initiatives

TASK 2 Pivot, iterate, or proceed!

TEMPLATE for delivery


ExO Canvas for AirEco


Business Model Canvas for AirEco



Time to prepare for the final presentation!

Next week you will present your best ideas to the leadership team. The goal is to elicit additional feedback and, most important, secure the funding needed to further develop the chosen ExO Edge Initiatives.

This week's assignment is to have your team assemble the components of your ExO Edge Initiative and create a comprehensive presentation showcasing the amazing work you've done throughout the ExO Sprint.


TASK 1 If possible, narrow the number of initiatives to be presented down to two

TASK 2 Extend your ExO Edge Initiatives with key milestones and a budget

TASK 3 Build a final presentation for the ExO Edge Initiatives


Each presentation should include the following slides/sections:



It's imperative to start each ExO Edge Initiative presentation with an MTP.

Note that you may have several ExO Edge Initiatives sharing the same MTP. If so, explain the MTP first, followed by each of the initiatives.

In general, use just one slide to introduce each MTP.



Introduce the problem before the solution.

Onee the problem has been outlined, introduce the solution in an innovative way.

Present both the problem and the solution, either together or separately, using a single slide or set of slides.


Case Study

When communicating new ideas, it's helpful to use storytelling techniques.

One option is to invent a story and illustrate it with pictures and diagrams that explain the problem and how your solution solves it.

We recommend using case studies if you are presenting six or fewer initiatives. Count on five minutes to present each initiative.


Business Model

Be prepared to show not only how you will create value for users [this may already be clear from previous sections], but also how you plan to retain this value.

Show the Business Model Canvas on one slide or use a couple of slides to outline your business model's foundation.


ExO Attributes

Since you are building new ExOs, you must show how you plan to reach abundance [using the SCALE attributes] and how you will manage that abundance [using the IDEAS attributes].

You may also want to present the ExO Canvas and explain something about each of the key ExO attributes as they are applied to the ExO Edge Initiative.


Scaling Stages

Using an exponential curve, show how the ExO Edge Initiative will, over time, have a global impact.

Include key points that address short-, mid-, and long-term outlooks.

Maintain an exponential mindset!


Key Milestones

Outline important milestones for the next few months.

Describe long-term milestones, applying exponential thinking and summarizing how you plan to achieve your MTP.



Estimate the budget needed to achieve the short-term milestones previously defined.


The big day is here!

This week you will present your ExO Edge Initiatives to the company's leadership team and selected advisors, who will then make a final decision about which initiatives to fund and develop.

The selection process is not the end—far from it, in fact. The development of your ExO Edge Initiatives marks the beginning of an industry revolution!


TASK 1 Prepare the scenario and logistics

TASK 2 Presentations and discussion

TASK 3 Final evaluation

TASK 4 Announcements



TEMPLATE for delivery

ExO Edge Initiative Is It Aligned with ExO Sprint Scope? Is It Disruptive? Is It Scalable? Is It Viable? Selected? Funding Allocated
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