
Change has never been as intense and fast as it today. Through rapid advances in exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology, we are dematerializing, demonetizing, and democratizing energy, food, healthcare, and education to the point where each will soon be accessible to every man, woman, and child anywhere at near-zero cost. The concept is called abundance, and its ultimate impact on society cannot be underestimated.

The speed at which these changes are now happening is hard to fathom, yet we see the effects all around us as traditional companies falter and fail, replaced by a new and nimble generation of businesses. “Life Comes at You Fast,” as the saying goes, and technology is making fast even faster. We need new rules in order to adapt, and that's never been so true for business.

Technology is that force that takes things that were once scarce and makes them abundant. What will you do with the abundance being unlocked by emerging technologies? How will you handle the disruption to all of the usual norms in your industry as scarce resources become abundant?

A new breed of company has emerged that knows exactly how to respond. Exponential Organizations (ExOs)—so named for their ability to grow 10 times (10x) as fast as established organizational structures—are not just built to survive the impact of accelerating technologies, they thrive because of them. ExOs succeed by harnessing and managing what traditional companies find chaotic.

I often speak about my 6Ds framework—a lens through which I contextualize all technological change and opportunities. Exponential Transformation provides a roadmap for grasping these opportunities and guides you in leading your organization on a company-wide transformation essential for both survival and success.

If you are ready to embark on a journey of creating a new ExO or transforming your existing organization into an ExO, I recommend following the blueprint expertly presented in this book. It offers proven strategies and tactics for changing your organization into an ExO through an intensive 10-week process called the ExO Sprint. You'll be in good company. Some of the world's most admired brands have taken this journey: Visa, Stanley Black & Decker, and Procter & Gamble have all conducted ExO Sprints to create new companies or dramatically transform existing lines of business.

Transforming an existing organization or creating a new ExO requires knowing two things: what ingredients are needed and how to combine those ingredients successfully. The ExO attributes described in this book are your ingredients and the ExO Sprint is your recipe. What you do with them is up to you!

Exponential Transformation was written by amazing doers who have been commited for decades to working with companies to make a positive difference. Their strategies and tactics have been perfected building innovation labs and running world-class acceleration programs.

Francisco and Salim co-founded ExO Works to test and improve the ExO Sprint methodology. As COO of ExO Works, Michelle oversaw the ExO Sprint in practice with early adopters to find out what was working well and what needed to be better.

Waiting to “get it right”—the right timing or the right offering—won't work. Today, threats are often not perceived until it is too late to act. In exponential times, acting early, experimenting, becoming a data-driven organization that is getting feedback from your customers, and then iterating rapidly is the new mechanism for success.

In writing this book, Francisco, Michelle, and Salim have open-sourced the ExO Sprint methodology to anyone interested in making radical organizational changes that unlock massive potential. It's an extrodinary gesture, governed by the belief that having the best technology is simply not enough if you're not also bringing value to society.

These are the most extraordinary of times, offering the most extraordinary of opportunties. We will create more wealth in the next decade than we have the past century. A total restructuring of the institutions and processes under which we've previously operated is needed. With your commitment to lead your organization through to positive change, the future is even more exciting than the present.

Peter H. Diamandis, MD

Founder, Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE Foundation

Executive Founder, Singularity University

New York Times Bestselling Author of Abundance and Bold

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