Introduction to the third edition

This long-established introductory workbook has been extensively revised to meet today’s productional needs. It has +been specially designed to give you an immediate overview of television/video production fundamentals in a concise, easily digested form.

You will find outlined here the proven methods and techniques that underlie persuasive program-making.

You will meet the principles and practices of various crafts, and the contributions they make towards the final presentation.

Whether television/video production is your main-study, or part of a media course, whether you will be working with a single video camera or a multi-camera team, you will find encapsulated here the essentials of effective production techniques. These basics will provide you with a firm foundation for later experience.

Terms vary between organizations, but you will find the commonest included here. More detailed studies of the medium in the author’s other titles are listed at the end of this book.

Where the convention of the masculine gender is more widely understood internationally, it has been used in this text; although, of course, both women and men carry out all the jobs discussed.




The author would like to thank the Director of Engineering of the British Broadcasting Corporation for permission to publish the original book.

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