The Production Team

Executive producer. Overall production head. Controls/coordinates business management, budget, group organization, administration, policies, etc.

Producer, Organizes/oversees specific production.

Director. Interprets and stages production, guiding/coordinating operations.

Assistant/associate director (AD)/production assistant (PA). Aide supervising on director’s behalf (may help cuing, timing, set up shots).

Producer’s assistant (script asst). Checks/timing, performance against script; notes problems; liaison, cues, etc.

Production manager. Aids producer/director, checking budget costings.

Floor manager/floor director (stage manager). Director’s aide in studio, cuing/guiding performers, conveying instructions. General studio organization. (Assisted by assistant floor manager.)

Writer/scriptwriter. Creates/develops script.

Researcher. Fact-finds subject background.

Script editor. Assesses/guides script form.

Talentseen on camera includes: actors, performers/artistes, musicians, singers, dancers, announcers, interviewers, emmcees (MCs), anchors, newscasters, guests, contestants, audience.

Technical director/studio (remote) supervisor/technical coordinator/engineering manager/technical manager. Coordinates/organizes technical facilities.

Camera crew (under senior cameraman),

Camera operators/cameramen, Operate video cameras.

Camera assistant/dolly operators/trackers/grips. Aid camera operators (push dollies, guide cables).

Switcher/vision mixer, Operates production switcher (Switching/mixing between video sources; basic video effects).

Lighting director/lighting designer. Designs, arranges, controls lighting treatment.

Lighting assistant Assists with lighting arrangement and control.

Electricians/sparks under gaffer or chargehand. Set up/adjust lighting equipment; operate lighting effects/cues.

Video operator/vision control operator/shader/video engineer. Adjusts/controls camera equipment for optimum picture quality/matching.

Audio engineer/audio control/sound supervisor/sound mixer. Controls technical/artistic quality of program sound. Assisted by sound crew.

Boom operator, Operates sound boom or fishpole, positioning its microphone for best sound quality.

Audio operator/sound assistant. Arranges and operates audio equipment Imikes, tape recorders, CDs, etc.).

Titling and graphics prepared by graphic artist, character generator operator, computer graphics artist

Video effects designer. Creates and operates electronic video effects.

Set designer/scenic designer. Conceives, designs, organizes scenic treatment.

Draughtsman. Assists, prepares design plans/elevations, etc..

Set construction. By carpenters, painters, etc. constructing/preparing scenery to designer’s scheme.

Properties. Hire/purchase/construction of items to furnish/decorate settings.

Set erection (by set crew). Erect/build settings.

Set dressing (by stage crew). Position properties/furniture/drapes.

Set decoration (by scenic artists). Additional set decoration (e.g. floors).

Floor crew. General aides moving scenery/props, etc., during show. (Called stage hands/facilities men/floor men/scenic operatives.)

Makeup designer. Designs makeup treatment for larger production.

Makeup artist/makeup assistant. Prepares and applies makeup treatment for talent.

Hairdresser/hair stylists. Prepares/arranges hairwork for talent.

Costume designer. Designs/selects/organizes clothing to be worn by actors/performers in larger production.

Wardrobe supervisor. Arranges/organizes clothing in production.

Dresser/wardrobe handler. Aids talent in fitting/dressing.

Special effects designer. Designs and operates mechanical effects (e.g. rain, snow, fire, explosions).

Videotape (VTR) operator, Operates equipment recording/reproducing TV picture/sound on magnetic tape.

VT editor. Selects/arranges videotaped material for optimum effect (‘Off-line’ and ‘on-line’ editing.)

Film channel/telecine operator, Operates equipment reproducing film as TV picture/soynd.

Post-production work Final editing, integration and adjustment of picture and audio sources into final videotape. (Adding music, effects, video effects, titles, ‘Audio sweetening’.) Carried out by video, audio, VTR experts above.

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