The Floor Manager

The floor manager (FM) is the director’s contact on the studio floor. He/she often joins the production when it reaches the studio. For larger shows, the FM may be involved from its earliest stages.

Rehearsal preparations

While the studio prepares for rehearsal (erecting/dressing sets, positioning lamps, cameras, sound equipment, etc.), the FM checks ail non-technical aspects of the show.

• Will the various jobs be completed before scheduled rehearsal?

• Are there any problems (e.g. doors that stick)?

• Have action props, demonstration apparatus etc. arrived? Do they work?

• Have graphics, title cards etc. arrived?

• Are fire/safety regulations being complied with?

• Have performers arrived and been accommodated? Do they know where to go, when they are wanted, etc.?

The director’s assistant gives out scripts to the studio crew, together with camera cards, running orders, etc., and checks the accuracy of all titling (cast lists, etc.).

Rehearsals begin

The studio crew (including cameras, sound) hear the director’s production intercom (talkback) instructions over their headsets (earphones, earpieces) – unheard by the studio mikes or the performers. The FM may have a mini radio transmitter/receiver, or a long lead plugged into the intercom circuit.

• During rehearsals, the FM guides and cues performers, smoothing difficulties, and diplomatically relaying the director’s messages.

• Only the FM will normally stop the rehearsal (on the director’s behalf), to rearrange action or grouping, improve furniture positions, re-run action.

• The FM maintains general studio discipline (i,e. checks unnecessary noise).

• The FM investigates any disruptions or delays.

• The FM may speak to the director over radio intercom (reverse talkback), or one of the studio mikes. Often a hand gesture in front of a preview camera will suffice! Where the director needs to be shown a problem situation (e.g. an obstacle preventing a camera move), another camera may turn to reveal the difficulty.

• The FM announces all studio breaks, and recommencing times.

• At the end of a rehearsal, the FM checks the ‘turn round’; i.e. ensures that scenes are readied for next time (e.g. a vase broken during action replaced).


• To begin recording, the FM readies the studio crew, counts down to the start, and hand cues action to begin. (During performance, the FM cues people when to enter, move, start a process, and when to stop.)

• At the end of recording, the FM holds the studio while the videotape is checked, then announces and prepares for any retakes.

• Finally, the FM releases the studio, talent disperses, sets and lighting are dismantled, equipment is stored. He/she checks out any special items (e.g. jewelry) to be collected, and logs a report.

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