


Actors and actresses

adapting makeup to, 2930

makeup design and role of, 27

makeup do’s and don’ts for, 257258

Adhesives, for darker skin tones, 264

Aerial perspective, 8

Age, character analysis and, 2123

Aging effects

character analysis and, 2123

cheeks, 107112

chin, 120

eyebrows, 103

face, 129, 394

hands, 122125, 139140, 145146

jaw line, 117, 118

latex for, 139140, 141146

lighting and, 15

lips/mouth, 119120

nasolabial folds, 7, 107112

neck, 121122, 170

stippling for, 140141

teeth, 125126

Airbrush cosmetics, 58

Ancient people

hairstyles of, 328331

makeup used by, 320

Angels, 272

Animals, 272, 273, 274, 275

Apple cheeks, 112113

Appliance makeup, 5658

See also Prosthetics

Asian eyes, 9697, 150151


Backlight, 15

Bald caps, 170172, 173


adapting, 223224

covering, 55

crepe hair, 207212

removing, 222223

shadow, 213

stubble, 212213

ventilated, 214223

Best, Kate, 373379

Birds, 272273

Birth marks, concealing, 55, 391

Black eye, creating, 146

Blindness, 146, 149

Blocking out eyebrows

with plastic film, 101103

with soap, 97, 100

with spirit gum, 100

with wax, 100101


applying and selection of, 254

for darker skin tones, 263

Body paints, 48, 51

Books and videos, 310

Bridges, Beau, 394

Bronzers, 54

Bruises, creating, 149

Brush cleaners, 39


stippling with, 74

types of, 48, 4950, 54, 81

Bullet holes, creating, 394

Burns, creating, 149


Cake makeup, 52, 54, 58


bald, 170172, 173

wig, 235236

Casting for prosthetics, 161168

Cast shadows, 8

Changes, quick, 30

Character analysis, 1725

Character sketches and drawings, 2729


modeling in clay, 5

modeling using highlights and shadows, 105109

structure of, 1, 2

Cheek color

See also Rouge

applying, 254, 257

bronzers, 54

for men, 257

for women, 254


See also Rouge

apple, 112113

corrective makeup for, 67

modeling using highlights and shadows, 105107

planes, 106107

Chiaroscuro. See Light and shade


aging, 120

building up, 133

corrective makeup for, 61

modeling using highlights and shadows, 120

prosthetic, 170

Christensen, Gary, 381

Circles under eyes, concealing, 55, 254

Clay, modeling in, 25, 165

Clowns, 273, 275, 386387

Cold-foam process, 190, 191


characteristics of, 1012

light and, 13

mixing, 12

stippling to add, 7677

Colored chalk, 32

Colored pencils, 32

Color wheel, 10, 11

Concealers, 55, 56, 254, 257, 263

Contouring, for darker skin tones, 263

Contrasts, stippling to reduce, 76

Cornmeal, wheat germ, or bran with latex and spirit gum, 143

Corrective makeup

cheeks, 6769

eyebrows, 6668

eyes, 6166

facial analysis, 60

forehead, 60

foundations, 5960

hair, 72

jaw line and chin, 61

lips, 6971

neck, 7172

nose, 6061

teeth, 72

wrinkles, 61

Costume designers, 27


latex, spirit gum and, 143, 144146

under derma wax, 133, 136137

Creme makeup

applying, 51, 53

foundation, 48, 51

mixing cake makeup with, 58

rouge, 51

Crepe hair, 103, 207212

Crow’s feet, 90

Curved surfaces, 7

Cuts, creating, 149


Darker skin tones, makeup for, 259268

Death, 273274

Demons, 274, 276, 279

Derma wax, 133137

Designing makeup

actor, role of, 27

adapting makeup to actor, 2930

changes, making quick, 30

costume designer, role of, 27

makeup designer, 2627

sketches and drawings, preliminary, 2729

working drawings, 3032, 33

worksheets, 32, 3438

Devils, 274, 275, 276, 279

Dolls, 274275


adapting makeup to actor using, 2930, 31

defined, 27

materials for, 27, 30

preliminary, 2729

working, 3032, 33

Dry makeup, 54



creating, 149150

prosthetic, 170


hard, 7, 79

modeling, 7879

soft, 7, 79

stippling to conceal, 77

Eighteenth century

hairstyles during the, 340343

makeup used during the, 322323

Elephant Man, 143, 144145

Elizabeth I, creating the likeness of queen, 239240, 387

Elves, 275

Environment, character analysis and, 18

Epicanthic fold, 96

Epstein, Alvin, 248, 249


adding, 213

aging, 103

Asian, 97

blocking out, 97103

character analysis and, 2324

corrective makeup for, 6667

crepe-hair, 103

grooming, 255

men’s, 66, 67, 68, 94

painted, 103

removing, 213

ventilated, 103

women’s, 66, 67, 255

Eye color, 54


curling, 64, 66

false, 6466, 67

mascara for, 6364, 65


Asian, 9697, 150151

prosthetic, 169

sagging, 151152, 169


applying, 6263, 255, 256

for men, 256

Eye pouches, 9596, 166, 170


accents, 6263

Asian, 9697, 150151

black eye, creating, 146

character analysis and, 23, 24

circles under, concealing, 55, 254

corrective makeup for, 6166

mascara, applying, 54

men’s, 68, 94

modeling in clay, 5

modeling using highlights and shadows, 9097

planes, 90, 91

sagging, 151152, 169

women’s, 65

wrinkles, 90

Eye shadow

applying, 54, 62, 63, 255

brush-on, 54

corrective makeup, 6162

creme, 61

for darker skin tones, 264

Eye sockets, 2, 5


Face (facial features)

aging, 129

bones of, 12

casting for prosthetics, 161168

direction of light and effects on, 15

eyes, 5

face, 12, 4

head, 25

modeling using highlights and shadows, 7983

mouth, 5

nose, 45

planes of, 4, 84

reshaping, 126128

Face powder

applying, 5152, 53, 253254, 256

for darker skin tones, 263

for men, 256

Facial analysis, 60

Facial hair. See Beards; Mustaches

Fairies, 275276

Falk, Peter, 248, 249

False eyelashes, 6466, 67

False teeth, 190194

Fantasy characters, makeup for, 388390

Fashions, historic

ancient people, 320, 328331

eighteenth century, 322323, 340343

fifteenth century, 334335

in hair, 327371

in makeup, 320326

Middle Ages, 320321, 332333

nineteenth century, 323324, 344346

seventeenth century, 321322, 338339

sixteenth century, 321, 336337

twentieth century, 324326, 347371

Fifteenth century, hairstyles during the, 334335

Fill light, 15

Film, natural makeup for, 252258


aging, 125

fake, 152

Flat surfaces, 7

Foam gelatin, 190

Foam latex

closed molds, 175, 177

foaming latex, 177180

making and attaching, 180189, 395

painting, 189190


corrective makeup for, 60

frontal, 1, 2

modeling using highlights and shadows, 8490

planes, 8485

superciliary, 1, 2

wrinkles, 8590, 170, 171


cake, 52, 54

colors, selecting, 83

corrective, 5960

creme, 48, 51

for darker skin tones, 261263

highlights and shadows, 52

liquid, 48

for men, 256

for natural makeup, 253, 256

for television and film, 253

Freckles, stippling for, 74

Frontal eminence, 1, 2



examples of using, 394

foam, 190

three-dimensional modeling with, 139

wrap-around prosthetics, 196200, 201

Ghosts, 276277

Gnomes, 277, 278

Goblins, 277

Goodwin, 149

Grotesques, 277


Hadobas, Paul, 382


See also Beards; Mustaches; Wigs and hairpieces

coloring, 226

corrective makeup for, 72

crepe, 103, 207212

cutting, 226

graying products, adding, 226227

historic fashions, 327371

restyling, 225226


adding, 231233

receding, 72

Hairpieces. See Wigs and hairpieces


aging, 122125, 139140, 145146

fingernails, 125

modeling using highlights and shadows, 122125

prosthetic, 172174

Hard edges, 7, 79


construction of, 23

modeling in clay, 34


character analysis and, 20

hazards from makeup, 314319

hygiene, makeup, 39, 41, 314319

Heredity, character analysis and, 18

High-definition cameras, 252253

High-definition makeup, 266


cake makeup, 52, 54

colors for, 8384

creating, 8

creme makeup and, 51

for darker skin tones, 263

Historic fashions. See Fashions, historic

Hoffman, Dustin, 180188

Holbrook, Hal, 240247

Hong, James, 394

Hue, defined, 10

Hygiene, makeup, 39, 41, 314319

Hyperpigmentation, 265


Infra-temporal hollows, 2

Intensity, defined, 10


Jaw bones, 1, 2

Jaw line

aging, 117, 118

corrective makeup for, 61

modeling using highlights and shadows, 113118

planes, 118

sagging jowls, 116118


Keloids, 266

Key light, 15



See also Foam latex

aging effects with, 139140, 141146

base for crepe hair, 211212

casts for prosthetic pieces, 16

cornmeal, wheat germ, or bran with spirit gum and, 143

cotton, spirit gum and, 143, 144146

over derma wax, 133, 137

spirit gum, tissue, and, 142143

three-dimensional modeling with, 139140

and tissue, 141142

Light and shade

flat and curved surfaces, 7

hard and soft edges, 7

highlights and shadows, 89

principles of, 67


color and, 13

for darker skin tones, 264265

direction of, and effects on facial features, 15

in makeup rooms, 41, 43, 44

pigment and, 1315

Likenesses, creating, 238250

Lip color

applying, 55, 71, 256

for darker skin tones, 264

for men, 257

types of, 55

for women, 256

Lip pencil, 55


aging, 119120

color, selecting, 118

corrective makeup for, 6971

men’s, 70, 120

reshaping, 71, 119

size of, 118

texture of, 119

women’s, 70

Liquid makeup, 48

Little Big Man, Dustin Hoffman character, 180188

Long face, 126

Loose face powder, 51, 52

Lowlight, 8


Mad Hatter, 248250

Makeup artists, 26, 257258

Makeup charts, 35, 37

Makeup department, 257

Makeup designer, responsibilities of, 2627

Makeup equipment

kits, 3941, 258

palettes, 41, 42

Makeup kits

basic contents of, 266268, 311313

defined, 39

group, 3941

individual, 39, 40, 258

Makeup materials

hazards from, 314319

list of, 281303

sources of, 304310

Makeup morgue, 4546

Makeup room, 41, 4344

Makeup schools, 309310

Makeup workshop, 4445

Mandible, 1, 2


applying, 54, 6364, 65, 255256

removing, 64

types of, 54

Maxilla, 1, 2


cheek color for, 257

concealer for, 257

eyebrows, 66, 67, 68, 94

eyeliner for, 256

eyes, 68, 94

face powder for, 256

foundations for, 256

lips/lip color for, 70, 120, 257

natural makeup for, 256257

noses, 134135

skin texture and wrinkles, 147, 148

Middle age, character analysis and, 2223

Middle Ages

hairstyles during the, 332333

makeup used during the, 320321


See also Three-dimensional makeup

in clay, 25


casting for prosthetics, 161168

wrap-around/sculpting prosthetics, 194200, 201

Moles, creating, 152154

Monsters, 277, 382, 392393


aging, 120

character analysis and, 24, 25

modeling in clay, 5

modeling using highlights and shadows, 118120

Mungle, Matthew W., 202, 392

Musicals, makeup for, 373374


crepe hair, 207212

removing, 222223

ventilated, 214223


Nasal bone, 12

Nasolabial folds, 7, 107112

Natural makeup

foundation, selecting, 253

makeup artist, working with, 257258

for men, 256257

for television and film, 252258

for women, 253256


aging, 121122, 170

corrective makeup for, 7172

modeling using highlights and shadows, 7983, 121122

Neutralizers, 55, 56, 263

Nineteenth century

hairstyles during the, 344346

makeup used during the, 323324

Nonrealistic styles

characters, 272280, 382, 396

relating makeup to audience, 269271

stylization, 269


building up, 131135

character analysis and, 24

corrective makeup for, 6061

men’s, 134135

modeling in clay, 45

modeling using highlights and shadows, 103105

planes, 103105

prosthetic, 167, 168169, 176177, 191

putty, 131133

women’s, 134135


Ogres, 277

Old age

See also Aging effects

character analysis and, 23

Orbital hollows, 2

Oval face, 126


Painted eyebrows, 103

Painting method, latex cast, 168

Palettes, makeup, 41, 42

Pan, 277

PAX paint, 58, 189190

Performers, makeup do’s and don’ts for, 257258

Perspiration, 154


adapting makeup to actor using, 2930, 31

in makeup morgue, 45

Physiognomy, 2325

Pierrot/Pierrette, 277


color in, 1012

lighting and effects on, 1315

Pimples, creating, 154


cheeks, 106107

eyes, 90, 91

face, 4, 84

forehead, 8485

jaw line, 118

nose, 103105

Plaster casts, 164168

Plastic film

blocking out eyebrows with, 101103

liquid, 140

Polyurethane foam, 190, 191

Pressed face powder, 51

Primary colors, 12


application of, 174175

bald caps, 170172, 173

casting for, 161168

chins, 170

cold-foam process, 190, 191

ears, 170

eyelids, 169

eye pouches, 166, 170

foam gelatin, 190

foam latex, 175, 177190

forehead, wrinkled, 170, 171

gelatin wrap-around, 196200, 201

hands, 172174

necks, 170

negative mold making, 195196

noses, 167, 168169, 176177, 191

sculpting, 194195

silicone foam, 190

silicones, 200, 202206

teeth, 190194

transfer, 379380

wrap-around, 194, 196200, 201

Pseudofolliculitis, 265266


nose, 131133

silicone, 138

wax, 137138


Quick changes, 30


Race, character analysis and, 18


beards and mustaches, 222223

beard stubble, 213

body paints, 48, 51

crepe hair, 211, 212

derma wax, 137

eyebrows, 213

latex prosthetics, 175

mascara, 64

nose putty, 133

putty-wax, 138

wigs, 237

Rivera, Chita, 374


colors for, 68

creme, 51, 68

dry, applying, 54, 68

placement of, 6869

Round face, 126127

Rubber-mask greasepaint (RMGP), 5657, 189


Safety issues, 314319

Sagging eyelids, 151152, 169

Sagging jowls, 116118

Satyr, 382

Scabs, creating, 154


concealing, 55

creating, 154157, 158159

Schools, 309310

Sculpting, 194195

Secondary colors, 12

Seventeenth century

hairstyles during the, 338339

makeup used during the, 321322

Shade. See Light and shade

Shades, defined, 11


See also Eye shadow

beard, 213

cake makeup, 52, 54

colors for, 84

creating, 89

creme makeup and, 51

dry rouge and, 54

Silicone foam, 190

Silicone putty, 138

Silicones, 200, 202206, 394

Sixteenth century

hairstyles during the, 336337

makeup used during the, 321


defined, 27

materials for, 27, 30

preliminary, 2729

Skin conditions, 265266, 315316

Skin texture and wrinkles, 147, 148

Skin tones, makeup for darker, 259268

Skin types, 265

Slush method, latex cast, 168

Smith, Dick, 140, 179188, 189, 395

Soap, blocking out eyebrows with, 97, 100

Soft edges, 7, 79

Spacek, Sissy, 394

Spirit gum

blocking out eyebrows with, 100

cornmeal, wheat germ, or bran with latex and, 143

latex, cotton, and, 143, 144146

tissue, latex and, 142143

Sponge applicators, 48

Sponges, stippling with, 7374

Square face, 126

Stalin, Peter Falk as, 248, 249

Statuary, 278


to add color, 7677

for aging, 140141

with brushes, 74

to conceal edges, 77

defined, 73

modeling using highlights and shadows, 83

prosthetics, 175

to reduce contrasts, 76

with sponges, 7374

for texture, 7476

Stubble, bread, 212213

Stylization, 269

Superciliary arch, 1, 2



applying, 5556, 57

concealing, 55, 391

Tears, 154


aging, 125126

corrective makeup for, 72

prosthetic/false, 190194

Television, natural makeup for, 252258

Temperament, character analysis and, 1920

Temples, 2


lip, 119

stippling for, 7476

Theater productions, makeup for, 375378, 381, 383385

Three-dimensional makeup

black eye, 146

blindness, 146, 149

bruises, 149

burns, 149

cornmeal, wheat germ, or bran with latex and spirit gum, 143

cuts, 149

derma wax, 133137

ears, 149150

eyelids, Asian, 150151

eyelids, sagging, 151152

fingernails, 152

gelatin, 139

latex, 139140

latex, cotton, and spirit gum, 143, 144146

latex and tissue, 141142

moles, 152154

nose putty, 131133

perspiration and tears, 154

pimples, 154

plastic film, 140

putty-wax, 137138

scabs, 154

scars, 154157, 158159

silicone putty, 138

spirit gum, tissue, and latex, 142143

stippling for aging, 140141

warts, 157

welts, 157

wens, 157

wounds, open, 157, 160

wrinkles, 147, 148

Tinsley, Christien, 379380

Tints, 11


latex and, 141142

spirit gum, latex and, 142143

Tones, 10

Toys, 278

Trolls, 278279

Trotsky, Alvin Epstein as, 248, 249

Twain, Hal Holbrook as, 240247

Twentieth century

hairstyles during the, 347371

makeup used during the, 324326


Undertones, 260261


Value, defined, 1012

Vampires, 279

Ventilated pieces, 103, 214223

Vitiligo, 266


Warts, creating, 157

Water colors, 32


blocking out eyebrows with, 100101

derma, 133137

putty, 137138

Websites, list of makeup, 268

Wens, 157

Wide face, 126

Wig cap, 235236

Wigs and hairpieces, 72, 394

cleaning, 231

falls and chignons, 230231

hairlines, adding, 231233

measuring for, 229230

parts of, 227

putting on and securing, 233237

removing, 237

resources for, 308309

styling, 230

Williams, Vanessa, 373

Witches, 279280, 382


eyebrows, 66, 67, 255

eyes, 65

lips and lip color, 70, 256

natural makeup for, 253256

noses, 134135

skin texture and wrinkles, 147, 148

Working drawings, 3032, 33

Worksheets, 32, 3438

Wounds, creating open, 157, 160

Wrap-around prosthetics, 194, 196200, 201


corrective makeup for, 61

creating, 147, 148

eyes, 90

forehead, 8590, 170, 171


Youth, character analysis and, 2122


Zombies, 279, 382

Zygomatic arch. See Cheekbones

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