Loading Sequence: Quick Start

Summary: Opening projects and maps, bookmarks, looking and moving around in the game environment, finding in-game Actors and swapping out their sounds using the ifig0007.jpg Content Browser

Project: DemoCh00Shooter01 Level: Shooter01

Setting up the Demo Projects

Summary: Getting started with the tutorial projects

Install UE4 from www.unrealengine.com.

Now go to www.gameaudioimplementation.com and firstly download and install the GABInstaller files, following the instructions on the website. This contains files that are needed for the demo and exercise levels. As you start each chapter you’ll also want to download and install the appropriate chapter demo levels, so for this chapter download DemoCh00Shooter01 and follow the instructions for installing this to your working folder. Your working folder will be:

  • PC: C:UsersUserNameDocumentsUnreal Projects
  • Mac: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/

You should always work with your project folder stored at this location, not an external drive or anywhere else. When you need to switch computer (from work to home, etc.) just copy your project folder and put it in the same location and all the references should remain intact.

The GABInstaller also puts some other files that we’ll be referring to later on in the Engine Folder:

  • PC: C:Program FilesEpic GamesEngine Version
  • Mac: /Users/Shared/Epic Games/Engine Version

Navigation of the Game World

Summary: The Level Editor interface, version control, bookmarks, moving around, in-game Actors

From the Epic Games launcher:

  • PC: Start Menu/Epic Games Launcher
  • Mac: Applications folderEpic Games Launcher

Choose Library/DemoCh00Shooter01.

If you can’t see it in the library, you may need to relaunch Unreal or check that you’ve put the project in the correct place.

Once the project is opened, you’ll see the main level editor workspace. From the File menu, choose Open Level and select the level called Shooter01.

Now play the map by clicking on the very appropriately named Play icon on the top toolbar.


Shoot some stuffusing the arrow keys to move your ship and spacebar to fire. You can toggle a full screen view using F11 (or Mac Function + F11). Press the Esc key to return to the level editor window.


Version Control and Auto-saves

It’s good to mess around and try things, so we’d encourage you to start playing around with the game itself as soon as possible—just make sure it’s easy to get back to a working version first. Let’s start by saving your own new version of the level. That way you can always easily go back to the original.

If you find yourself working on a commercial game you’ll have to quickly get used to the idea of version control. Obviously in a multimillion-dollar business, you can’t rely on the “I think Johnny had a copy of it on his pen drive” approach to file management. Version control software such as SVN or Perforce provides a networked system for backing up and tracking changes of all the game and development data, but even if you’re working by yourself or in a small team, it is no less important to get into good habits so you don’t lose hours of work.

Incremental File Naming

Don’t call your map “MyLevel” and then keep saving your work over the previous version. If something goes wrong or this file becomes corrupt, you’ll have nothing, and those hot salty tears of regret won’t help. Every time you save a level (which should be often) use the date and an incremented file name:

  • MyMap_2021_12_25_V001

Fifteen minutes later…

  • MyMap_2021_12_25_V002

You’ll notice that we’re using Year_Month_Date_, as this makes it easy to sort by filename to see a historical record of your versions in order of date. Do the same with your audio files and DAW sessions. Adopting this approach means that when it all goes horribly wrong, you’ve only lost 15 minutes of work, not 15 hours. You’ll also notice that we’ve used underscores (_) instead of spaces. You should get into the habit of doing this with all your files when working in game development, including your audio files. The general rule is that game development software doesn’t like spaces!


Once a day back up your work to several locations. As well as using different hard drives, this includes different physical locations. Offices or homes do occasionally burn down or get flooded, so keep a copy in more than one place. This may seem like an impossibly dull way to start your adventures into game audio—and it is, but you’ll thank us later!


As you can get absorbed in work and forget to save regularly, the Unreal Engine has an auto-save feature. The default setting is to auto-save your maps and content every 10 minutes, but you can change these settings via the Edit/Editor Preferences/Loading & Saving menu.

The auto-save files are saved here:

  • PC: C:UsersUserNameDocumentsUnreal ProjectsProject NameSavedAutosaves
  • Mac: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/Project Name/Saved/Autosaves

If the worst does happen, then you can copy the auto-saved map back into your project maps folder:

Project NameContentMaps (see also Appendix C/Testing, Troubleshooting, and Good Practice/Auto-Save Recovery)

Although this can be useful in an emergency, we would not advise relying on this too much, so get into the habit of making your own regular saves.

Looking and Moving

If you haven’t used a game editor before, simply navigating your way around is probably going to be one of the steepest learning curves.



The interface is set up as a number of ifig0006.jpg Panels and the whole area is drag-and-drop configurable to suit your working habits. You can select which panels are visible from the Window menu (and if you make a mess of things, you can use the Window/Layout/Reset Layout option).

Menu: This area has the File/Open, Edit, Window, and Help menus.

Toolbar: This area has Play and Build and open Blueprints and settings.

  • ifig0006.jpg Modes: This panel has five sub-tabs: Place, Paint, Landscape, Foliage, and Geometry. We will be mostly using Place to find Actors that we can drag and drop into our level.
  • ifig0006.jpg Viewport: This is where we see the game level itself.
  • ifig0006.jpg World Outliner: We can search this to find Actors located in the game world.
  • ifig0006.jpg Details: This shows us the settings for the currently selected Actor.
  • ifig0006.jpg Content Browser: This is where all of our game assets are viewed.

Note that each ifig0006.jpg Panel has an icon, and it’s worth getting to know some of these in order to more quickly locate the ifig0006.jpg Panel you are after when you have multiple panels opened as separate Tabs. You can use Ctrl + Tab to quickly switch between open tabs.


In the ifig0006.jpg Viewport panel, there are a few options for changing the views that may come in handy in the future.


Try some of these now. For instance, try changing (1) to a top-down view (Alt + J). Now look at the level in wireframe mode (2) (Alt + 2). Also try changing from lit mode to unlit. This isn’t as pretty but makes the editor run a lot smoother! We’ll be spending most of our time in perspective view (Alt + G) and lit mode (Alt + 4), so return to these settings for now.

If at this point you are getting frustrated because Unreal seems to be running slowly, then look ahead to Appendix C: Testing, Troubleshooting, and Good Practice/Tips for Slow Running. The other thing you’ll want to try is muting and unmuting the Real Time Audio from the Settings/Real Time Audio menu. For now you should hear the game music, which you may want to mute again so it doesn’t drive you crazy. You’ll want to use this Real Time Audio a lot when auditioning ambient sounds.


In this first map, we’ve put some basic navigation points. Click the mouse in the ifig0006.jpg Viewport window to make sure it’s selected and then try jumping between these points by pressing keyboard keys 1, 2, 3, and 4. You can override these or create your own by pressing Ctrl + a number key (e.g., Ctrl + 1) to set them up. It’s a real time saver to set up these kinds of geographical bookmarks when working on your own levels. For now press 1 to return to the first bookmark.


Most level editors use a combination of mouse buttons to enable you (or what is sometimes referred to as the camera) to move around the X/Y/Z axis in the 3D space. Some (like Unreal) also allow you to use first person shooter type keys for navigation. Hold your right mouse button (RMB) down, and try using the following keys to move around:

W/S (forward/back along the X-/Y-axis)

A/D (left/right along the X-/Y-axis)

E/Q (up/down along the Z-axis)

Now try holding your left mouse button (LMB) and moving the mouse, using the mouse wheel and holding both mouse buttons together to start seeing how you can also use these to navigate in different ways.

LMB (left mouse button): Rotate camera left/right and move forward/back

RMB (right mouse button): Mouse look

LMB + RMB: Move left/right and move up/down

Mouse Wheel: Move forward/back

In-game Actors: Finding and Changing Your First Sound

As you fly around the level, you’ll notice lots of icons that are not visible when you actually play the game. These are called [Actors], and you can press G to toggle their visibility in the editor. You can of course move around the level to find and select any [Actor] you’re looking for, but it’s often quicker to use the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner that is usually found in the top right-hand corner of the editor window.

Go to the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner now and find [AmbientSound01] either by scrolling through the list or by typing the name in the search box (this is usually quicker).


This is an [Ambient Sound], an Actor which is typically used to place sound at specific locations in the game. In this case, however, it is playing a stereo music file and so is not actually spatialized.

Double-click on [AmbientSound01] in the list or press F with it selected to focus on it. This will shift your Viewport to look at the Actor. Now look at the ifig0006.jpg Details panel, and you can see the sound that’s currently attached to this Actor, {Musicloop}. Selecting a distant Actor in the ifig0006.jpg Viewport and pressing F is also very useful for quickly navigating your way around.


Try selecting a different sound from the drop-down menu, {MusicLoop_Alt} for instance, and then play the game again (Alt + P). You’ve just implemented your first game audio—easy!

You can add sounds to [Ambient Sound] Actors by using this drop-down list (which lists all suitable assets in your project folder) but another method we’ll be using a lot is via the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser.

Navigating the Assets and the Content Browser

Summary: Browsing for assets, folder structures, searching, and filtering results

When you create a new project, a set of folders is generated.


These are where your assets for the project are stored, and you access them through the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser.

  • PC: C:UsersUserNameDocumentsUnreal Projects
  • Mac: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/

The ifig0006.jpg Content Browser is also where you can create new assets of different types via the Add New menu.


Filtering Results

Looking at the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser you can see the project folder structure is replicated down the left-hand side. As you select a folder, the file path is shown along the top, and you can also use this to navigate the folders.

You can search through these folders in the same way you would in your computer’s Finder/Explorer, but there are a number of utilities that you can use that will make your searching and navigation a lot faster. After selecting the parent folder Content, use the Filters drop-down menu to choose to see only the files of type: Sounds/Sound Wave. You will now see only the Sound Waves, and you will see all of them for the entire project, including any subfolders. Having made a filter selection, this becomes a button underneath the Filters menu that you can then switch on/off when required.

In the top box, you can start typing the name of a wave you are looking for (e.g. TurretShooting) and it will again filter your results by name. A combination of typing the name in the search box and filtering by type means it’s very quick to find the asset you are after.

The View Options menu in the bottom right-hand side of the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser also allows you to see your assets in a list or in columns which provides some useful additional information we’ll be looking at later.


Let’s use the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser now to find a sound to swap out for the turrets in the game.

Use the Sound Wave filter and search for “Turret” to find the {TurretLoop_Alt} sound asset. Click on this to select it.

Now in the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner, search for the ambient sound [Turret_01]. With this selected you can now use its ifig0006.jpg Details panel to click on the arrow alongside the Sound row to assign the item you have selected in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser to this [Ambient Sound].


This idea of selecting an asset in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser and then using the arrow key to assign it to an [Actor] is a key technique in the Unreal Engine. The magnifying glass icon next to it is equally useful, as this will find and focus on the currently assigned asset in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser.

Play the game again (Play icon in the ifig0006.jpg Toolbar), and you should now hear that the first turret has a new sound. (Ordinarily we might combine the Turret graphics and the Turret sound into a re-usable Blueprint—we’ll be looking at this in the next Chapter.)

There are 9 other turrets that need changing, but this need not be laborious. If you select multiple Actors at the same time, you can access and change their ifig0006.jpg Details simultaneously. Use the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner again to find “Turret_”, and you should see the other 9 Actors. Select them all then assign the sound using the arrow button as you did before (make sure your asset is still selected in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser).

We’ve looked at using the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner to find Actors placed in our game, and the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser to find assets. The rest of the sounds for this level are controlled deeper within the system of the game, so we will now plunge straight away into the wonderful world of Blueprints.

Navigating the Game System: Blueprints

Summary: Blueprints, navigating Blueprints, and swapping out assets in Blueprints

Blueprints are Unreal’s node-based visual scripting system used for creating gameplay. To put it another way, there are a bunch of boxes (nodes) that do certain things, and we create gameplay by stringing them together in different ways! There is more on Blueprints in Appendix B: Blueprint Primer.

Open the [Level Blueprint] by selecting Blueprints/Open Level Blueprint from the top ifig0006.jpg Toolbar.

You will be presented with the Blueprint ifig0006.jpg Event Graph. This will look pretty intimidating at first but move around the screen by holding down the RMB (right mouse button) to grab and drag the screen and the middle mouse wheel to zoom. (See Appendix B: Blueprint Primer/Navigating, Creating and Connecting for more.)


Find the section labeled “Turrets—Stop AmbientSounds”.


Here’s a simple example where the Blueprint is set up to stop the appropriate [Ambient Sound] in the level if the player shoots and destroys the turret. We’ll go more into Blueprints as we work our way through the book, but for the moment we just need to open and navigate around them in order to find and swap out the other sounds in the game.

Use the search box in the [Level Blueprint] (Ctrl + F) to search for ShieldActive, then double-click on the result. This will find it and focus the view on a node called <Play Sound Attached> in the Shield Logic section of the Blueprint. This triggers and stops the ShieldActive sound that plays when you get a shield pickup in the game.


You’ll see that this node <Play Sound Attached> has the familiar arrow and magnifying glass icons for assigning a sound from the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser and finding sounds in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser. You can swap out the ShieldActive sound by selecting your chosen asset in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser (e.g., {ShieldActive_Alt}) and clicking the arrow to assign it. While you’re here, if you look a little to the right in the ifig0006.jpg Event Graph, you’ll see the <Play Sound Attached> node used for the shield deactivated sound (when the shield runs out). You can swap this out for an alternative sound in the same way (e.g., {ShieldDeactivated_Alt}).

That’s all good fun, but by now we expect you’re itching to bring in some of your own sounds—read on!

Preparing Assets for Import

Summary: Editing, bit depth, sample rate, and looping considerations prior to sound file importing

Before you can implement your own sounds in the game, you’ll want to make sure that they are nicely edited and in the correct format. This will save you a lot of headaches later on, and it’s worth getting into best practices from the start. If you’re already happy with the need to edit the sounds well, use appropriate sample rates, and how to loop sounds nicely, then you can jump right ahead to Importing Assets below if you like, but it’s probably worth having a quick recap anyway.


Sound and music editing takes place outside of the Unreal Engine in your preferred DAW. We’re fans of REAPER since it’s cheap (always important!) and has a number of features that are good for batch processing audio files, something particularly useful for game audio.

So you’ve got a nice sound, let’s say for traditions sake it’s a beep, and you’re about to import it into your game.


As we’ll explore in Chapter 02, a key challenge in audio for games is that your audio needs to fit onto a gaming platform’s memory or within various download restrictions. The first thing you’ll want to do is edit it nicely, since the silent parts of a sound file actually take up exactly the same amount of memory per second as the parts with sound!


Before editing: Beep_01_32_96 = 746kB,

After editing: Beep_01_32_96_Edited = 113kB

Sample Rates and File Formats

Next you’ll want to consider the sample rate and bit depth of your sound. You may have recorded it at 96kHz and 32bits for the best fidelity of information when manipulating the audio, but for playback Unreal will only accept files of 16bit format, and 96kHz is unnecessary.

Stereo 32bit, 96 kHz: Beep_01_32_96_Edited = 113kB

Stereo 16bit, 44.1kHz: Beep_01_16_44_Edited = 26kB

What about if we took it down to 22kHz—does it really make a difference? Depending on the frequency content of this file, it may indeed make a significant difference to the sound. Use your ears (and the Nyquist-Shannon theorem) to decide. In the case of our Beep, it still sounds fine. If you have amazing quality files for all your basics, you may find yourself needing to compromise on important stufflater on (especially if you’re working on a downloadable or mobile game where file size is particularly limited).

Stereo 16bit, 44.1kHz: Beep_01_16_44_Edited = 26kB

Stereo 16bit, 22kHz: Beep_01_16_22_Edited = 14kB

Lastly we know that this Beep will actually be played from a specific spatialized location in the game, so we don’t actually need or want a stereo file.

Stereo 16bit, 22kHz: Beep_01_16_22_Edited = 14kB

Mono 16bit, 22kHz: Beep_01_16_22_Edited_Mono = 7kB

So we’ve made the sound more than 100 times smaller, and in-game it will sound exactly the same.

File Importing Checklist

Filename without spaces in it?
Appropriate sample rate?

Exercise 00_01: Preparing Assets for Import

In the folder below, we’ve provided you with some audio files.

  • PC: C:UsersUserNameDocumentsUnreal ProjectsDemoCh00Shooter01Prep
  • Mac: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/DemoCh00Shooter01/Prep
  1. Using the advice offered above regarding editing, bit depth, and sample rates, see how small you can make them without significantly affecting their sound quality.


To swap out the shield sound and music for your own, you’ll need to edit these so that they loop well. Getting a nice loop can be tricky. Unless you get lucky, your initial selection from a sound will probably loop around with some kind of audible click. We’ll look in more detail at issues around looping music in Chapter 03, but for the moment we will look at some basic looping concepts.

Usually when creating a loop, you’re either after something that definitely sounds repetitive, like a mechanical or electronic sound, or you want something that sounds seamless so it doesn’t feel like a loop at all. The key to both loopy loops and invisible loops is to combine careful listening with a close look at the waveform of the sound itself. If you want a more seamless tone, then your first aim is to find a part of the file that is fairly constant. If there is too much change or any characteristic sounds are popping out, then as it loops around these will become rhythmic and predictable, giving it a looping feel that we want to avoid in this case. For both kinds of loop, you want to find a start and end point where there isn’t too much of a jump in volume—this is what causes clicks. After making your selection, it’s often a good idea to look away from the screen when previewing your loops so you can concentrate on hearing whether it feels loopy or clicky and not be distracted by the waveform view.

For your shields you might want to start with an electronic alarm sound and find a section of it to loop for when the ships shields are on.


You may get lucky and your initial selection may sound fine, in which case just trim/crop the sound and export, and you’re done! More likely you’ll find that every time it loops around you have an audible click.


This is because there’s a very sudden change in volume when it jumps from the end of the file back to the start. You can see this from the zoomed in waveforms below.

End of loop:


Start of loop:


Zero Crossings

The answer to this jump in volume is to find the nearest zero crossing points (see your DAW manual for how to do this) so that both the start and end of your loop will be on the zero line—hence no jump in volume, hence no click!


Mono files are a lot easier to loop nicely since with a stereo file you’re looking for the coincidence of the left and right channel both having a zero crossing at the same point—which is very rare and may not be at the point where you want to loop.


Simply starting and ending your loop at zero crossing points won’t always work, so another trick to try is to zoom right into the waveform and create a very short fade in at the start and short fade out at the end. Again, this helps to ease any rapid changes in volume that can cause clicks. If you experiment with different length fades, then you can often create fades that are quick enough not to be audible but still get rid of the click.


Split and Crossfade

If you’re getting nowhere with the zero crossings or short fades, then you could try the following: Find a zero crossing point around the center of your file, and split your file at this point.


Now drag the final section to be in front of the first section, and create a little overlap. In some DAWs this will automatically create a crossfade where they overlap, but in others you’ll need to do it manually. We know that our split point was at a zero crossing, and now our split point has been moved to the very start and at the very end of the file, so in theory it should loop well, and the middle section shouldn’t click, as we’ve created a crossfade to ease the transition.


Note for some platforms your loops will need to be working in sample lengths that are divisible by a given number of samples (e.g., multiples of 64 or 28). Most tools that convert the audio for the platform will handle this automatically, but if your loop is working perfectly in your editor but not in game, it may be worth investigating this with your programmer. Looping MP3s can be particularly problematic, but there are some tools to help—See the Further Reading section of the website.

Exercise 00_02: Looping

In the folder below we’ve provided you with some audio files.

  • PC: C:UsersUserNameDocumentsUnreal ProjectsDemoCh00Shooter01Loops
  • Mac: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/DemoCh00Shooter01/Loops
  1. Try some of the techniques outlined above to find some nice looping sections that you can import for your own turret sounds in a moment.

Importing Assets

Summary: Browsing for assets, folder structures, searching and filtering results

So after all that prep, we’re finally ready to import our sounds. How tricky is this going to be? Not at all! Just drag and drop your sound files into a folder in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser (if you really want to, you can also use the Import button in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser).


You can often drag and drop into the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser directly from your DAW browser, which is very useful! Should you want to swap out assets at a later stage you can also right click and Reimport—which is very useful too!

Folder Structures and Naming Conventions

Before you get too carried away with adding loads of sound and music files to your project, it’s worth taking a moment to think about how you’re going to organize them. Considering that the average game contains many thousands of audio assets, a little thought and planning now will prevent problems later on.

Useful folder structures are a good start, as illustrated in the following example:

ifig0006.jpg Content Browser

Game/Audio folder:


Generic (used in multiple levels)

Level_01 (Specific to level 01)

Level_02 (Specific to level 02)


Generic (used in multiple levels)

Level_01 (Specific to level 01)

Level_02 (Specific to level 02)


Generic (used in multiple levels)

Level_01 (Specific to level 01)

Level_02 (Specific to level 02)

You also need to think about your file names, even if you’re not working in a team (where an established naming convention is essential). It’s unlikely you’ll remember what Grt_Brd_Crash_Tk12_va.wav actually is in one month’s time. Many platforms have a limit on the number of characters you can have in a filename, so you’ll need to come up with a list of meaningful abbreviations. Here are some examples:


 Location: Jungle/Desert/Mountains

  Type: Loop/OneShot,

   Source: Birds/Insect/Animal

   Specific: BU01

AmJuLoBiBu01.wav = Ambience Jungle Loop Birds Budgies 01


 Character: Player/Squad/Fairies

  Type: Footsteps/Cloth/Equipment

  Surface: NA/Wood/Metal/Concrete

FoFaFoWo01.wav = Foley Fairies Footsteps Wood 01


 Character: Player/Sage/Wizard Good/Wizard Bad

  Type: OneShot/Looped

   Spell type: Fire/Ice/Donut

MaWBLoFi01.wav = Magic Wizard Bad Looped Fire 01

UI, Vehicle, VO (Type: Barks/Cinematic/Scripted), We apon, etc.

You might also want to indicate in the filename whether the asset is Mono (_Mo), Stereo (_St), or Multichannel (_Mt).

How you choose to do this will depend of the type of game you’re working on. If you have loads of vehicles for example, then this aspect will need some more definitions. Even a clumsy naming convention that people stick to is far better than no naming convention at all.

Exercise 00_03: MyShooter

Replace all the sounds in the game with your own original assets. Have fun and be brilliant, original, or brilliantly original!

  1. Import your sounds and music (either by using the Import button in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser or by dragging and dropping the wavs into a folder in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser) then find the following references to sounds and replace them with your own.
  2. Ambient Sounds

    These are in the game as [Ambient Sound] Actors, so find them using the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner.

    Select the [Ambient Sound], then swap out the sound in the ifig0006.jpg Details panel. Remember to select the asset you want in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser then use the arrow in the ifig0006.jpg Details panel to assign it to the [Ambient Sound].

    Music (loop): [AmbientSound01]

    Turrets (loop): [Turret_01] (and others up to 10)

    Don’t forget that if you want your sounds to loop, you need to double-click on the Sound Wave to open the ifig0006.jpg Generic Asset Editor and check the Looping option.

  3. Level Blueprint

    Open the [Level Blueprint] using the Blueprints icon in the ifig0006.jpg Toolbar to see the ifig0006.jpg Event Graph, and then search (Ctrl + F) to find the relevant sound nodes (a search for “attached” will find the <Play Sound Attached> nodes).

    ShieldActive—<Play Sound Attached>

    ShieldDeactivated—<Play Sound Attached>

  4. Actor Blueprints

    Find these Actor Blueprints by selecting the Blueprints folder in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser, and then double-click to open the Blueprints and search (Ctrl + F) to find the sound nodes.

    For example, open the Blueprint from the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser: [GAB_SpaceShooterPawn]

    Then find and replace:

    Player ship shooting—

    Search “playershootingnormal” then replace the reference in the <Play Sound At Location> node.

    Impacts on player ship—

    Search “playerimpact” then replace the reference in the <Play Sound At Location> node.

    Player ship destroyed—

    Search “playerdestroyed” then replace the reference in the <Play Sound At Location> node.

  5. Below is a list of the rest of the sounds:

    Blueprint Name Sound Function Sound Name
    GAB_SpaceShooterEnemy_Large Large enemy shooting EnemyLargeShooting
    Large enemy impact EnemyLargelmpact
    Large enemy destroyed EnemylargeDestroyed
    GAB_SpaceShooterEnemy_Small Small enemies shooting EnemySmallShooting
    Small enemies destroyed EnemySmallDestroyed
    GAB_SpaceShooterTurret Turret shooting TurretShooting
    Turret impact Turretlmpact
    Turret destroyed TurretDestroyed
    GAB_SpaceshooterHealth Health pickup HeathPickupCollected
    GAB_SpaceShooterShieldPickup Shield pickup ShieldPickupCollected
    GAB_SpaceShooterAmmo01 Ammo 01 pickup WeaponPowerupCollected
    GAB_SpaceShooterAmmo02 Ammo 02 pickup WeaponPowerupCollected
    GAB_SpaceShooterAmmo03 Ammo 03 pickup WeaponPowerupCollected


We’ve covered quite a lot in this section, but it means you’ve come a long way and now know how to navigate your way around the interface and the game world, as well as how to import assets and add them to existing objects (whether in-game [Ambient Sounds] or in Blueprint <Nodes>).

For further reading there is a wealth of material out there about UE4. The documentation on the Unreal Engine website is a good place to start, along with their video tutorials. Visit www.unrealengine.com.


After working through this chapter you should now be able to:

  • Prepare assets through editing (including editing for loops if required) and modifying bit depth and sample rates;
  • Import assets by dragging and dropping audio files from your Explorer or Finder window into the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser;
  • Find assets by using filter by type and search by name in the ifig0006.jpg Content Browser;
  • Find in-game [Actors] by using the ifig0006.jpg World Outliner panel to search by name or type;
  • Assign assets to [Ambient Sound] Actors and Blueprint nodes.

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